Ron C's other children ~ Fact, or Rumor?

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So that would go hand in hand with Misty saying she met RC and started talking to him and they began dating and a month later they were living together. Hmm...that's quick for a 17 yr old doncha think?

ETA: MC wasn't 17 until after she started living with RC. She was 16 when she moved in.

Just because she may have met Amber in April does not mean that she had to have met Ron at that time too. Maybe she met him much later on, like Oct. And no I dont think its out of the realm of possibility that she met Ron and moved in a month later or even sooner.
Just because she may have met Amber in April does not mean that she had to have met Ron at that time too. Maybe she met him much later on, like Oct. And no I dont think its out of the realm of possibility that she met Ron and moved in a month later or even sooner.

Oh yes I agree Jaimie. I think may have known A before she met RC. I was just saying that MC doesn't seem so sweet, shy and innocent as she did at first because she moved right on into RCs house fairly soon after she met him at such a young age. I haven't formed any opinions about what may or may not have happened to Haleigh yet. Heck, the players in this case are confusing enough to me :)
Oh yes I agree Jaimie. I think may have known A before she met RC. I was just saying that MC doesn't seem so sweet, shy and innocent as she did at first because she moved right on into RCs house fairly soon after she met him at such a young age. I haven't formed any opinions about what may or may not have happened to Haleigh yet. Heck, the players in this case are confusing enough to me :)

ITA! Im thinking I should have started a book of notes early on to keep this hot mess straight!
I think that Misty created that Myspace page for Amber and either Amber doesn't know about it at all, or just can't change anything due to not knowing the email and password.
I can't see someone leaving that up under that picture. Besides, Misty and Tom are her only friends..

I thought that was a bit strange. Maybe Misty did create the Myspace page.
It has been a long time since I was that age, so I can't remember how a seventeen year old's mind works.

Very rude, if she did.
At this point there is no reliable proof of who this young woman is. Taking everything for fact that you find on MySpace pages is NOT always a good thing. We don't want to involve innocent parties unless it has been confirmed.
Wow. Just WOW. :confused:
In FL, do you have to establish paternity to get Medicaid, welfare, etc? Some states go after the dad for child support automatically...

Yes. Every time I go for lab work here in Palatka [in same county as Haleigh's home], the sign in sheet is just FULL of people who have come in for paternity testing.

And if there isn't a match, they make you keep on turning over names.
Even if there aren't birth announcements, sometime they post it in the paper - with permission from the parents. We didn't have a formal, fancy birth announcement and it was still in the paper.

They require you to fill out form AND provide photo ID. [lol - I can just imagine why they implemented that rule.]
Yes. Every time I go for lab work here in Palatka [in same county as Haleigh's home], the sign in sheet is just FULL of people who have come in for paternity testing.

And if there isn't a match, they make you keep on turning over names.

Thanks for answering my question. FWIW, I think that's a good policy.
So...I guess we can assume one of two things:
1) A has never tried to get public assistance.
2) She just hasn't turned R's name over for elimination yet.

IMO, she may just be a smart girl who knows better than to go after anything lest she get involved in the crazy family dynamic the C's seem to have...I've been there. :)
Well if MC is right about watching this baby as she said babysitter then she must be working and don't need any help from the state! Not all young mothers need that kind of help.

Until there is proof that this is RC Child and this is the right momma. I believe you should not post there name. After the GR show last night these family are not safe!!!!!!! Plus they might want to stay out of this mess and I can't blame her!
At this point there is no reliable proof of who this young woman is. Taking everything for fact that you find on MySpace pages is NOT always a good thing. We don't want to involve innocent parties unless it has been confirmed.

Very true.
Would someone who is familiar with the area and towns take a look at this link:,ftc,2,fid,289388,n,putnam memorial hospital.cfm

There are also mobile homes mentioned as well...

Putnam Memorial Hospital
The one on that map closed when I was a kid. It's now a nursing home. [And it seems like it was Palatka Memorial Hospital; not sure. Run by 7th Day Adventists.]

Babies would be born at Putnam Community Hospital in Palatka, Florida, or Shands [UF Teaching] Hospital in Gainesville for medicaid babies - for my side of county. Not positive about south Putnam medicaid babies. Could be Halifax Hospital in Daytona for them. If they have insurance, then I'd say Flagler Hospital in St. Augustine.

lol - I live on that map for Putnam Memorial, and not too far away.
Well if MC is right about watching this baby as she said babysitter then she must be working and don't need any help from the state! Not all young mothers need that kind of help.

Until there is proof that this is RC Child and this is the right momma. I believe you should not post there name. After the GR show last night these family are not safe!!!!!!! Plus they might want to stay out of this mess and I can't blame her!

Just a thought...

Haven't I heard Teresa Neves say that Ron has only been working nights for a few months? Maybe he's only been WORKING for a few months, too.

Can't get blood out of a turnip.
IMO, she may just be a smart girl who knows better than to go after anything lest she get involved in the crazy family dynamic the C's seem to have...I've been there. :)

ITA and here's why...

IF this baby is Ron's and she wanted child support, all she'd have to do is file papers with FL DOR-CSE (Dept of Revenue-Child Support Enforcement). If you go through them, they take care of everything including paternity testing. They even assign a lawyer to your case. It costs you (the person filing) nothing. In my case, we didn't need a paternity test since the father's name was/is listed on the birth certificate AND he never claimed that he wasn't the father. When he ran from the payments, they are the ones who filed the paperwork to suspend his DL and a warrant out for his arrest. I did nothing. I will say that the paperwork they give you to fill out initially is like a book and takes forever to fill out...other than that, it's a very simple process.
ITA and here's why...

IF this baby is Ron's and she wanted child support, all she'd have to do is file papers with FL DOR-CSE (Dept of Revenue-Child Support Enforcement). If you go through them, they take care of everything including paternity testing. They even assign a lawyer to your case. It costs you (the person filing) nothing. In my case, we didn't need a paternity test since the father's name was/is listed on the birth certificate AND he never claimed that he wasn't the father. When he ran from the payments, they are the ones who filed the paperwork to suspend his DL and a warrant out for his arrest. I did nothing. I will say that the paperwork they give you to fill out initially is like a book and takes forever to fill out...other than that, it's a very simple process.

I don't know about paternity, because we didn't have to "go there", but other than that it's that way in SC, too. (that's where I lived when I had my oldest). Once I realized that child support and custody are 2 totally different issues and that her father would never have the motivation to take me to court for joint custody, I filed. She was 3 by the time I got up the nerve. OTOH, if child support=visitation, there's no way I would have asked for a dime. JMO, of course. :)
The only way to see about a birth is an announcement in the paper. I fas as I know you can not get access to birth record unless you are the mother or the father or a legal with papers from a judge gardian. Dosen't mean someone can't sweat talk the local clerk into gossiping though.
Sometimes church records are good but you would have to know which church and then send for a babtism certificate. The church clerk would be asking for some information from you as to what are the names of the parents since this would not have been more than a year or so ago. Can't play the game of it's my elderly Aunt by marriage daughter's child and I don't know what the babies name would have been but his daddy would be Ron C., I' m just working on my family tree routine.

Maybe someone local would know if an order for support would be public record in Florida.
Where I am it is not.

I would be willing to bet this family has never been in church much lesss having a child baptized.
hmmm....seems Ron likes his "women" mom was 14 when she hooked up with him....Misty was 16.

I think biomom was 17 when they hooked up or at least when Haleigh was born, not 14. She is now 23 and Haleigh is 5
I don't know about paternity, because we didn't have to "go there", but other than that it's that way in SC, too. (that's where I lived when I had my oldest). Once I realized that child support and custody are 2 totally different issues and that her father would never have the motivation to take me to court for joint custody, I filed. She was 3 by the time I got up the nerve. OTOH, if child support=visitation, there's no way I would have asked for a dime. JMO, of course. :)

Same with me. The 'father' even asked the judge about visitation during the CS hearing. Judge said..."this hearing is to determine child support only. Visitation and support are 2 different things. Take HER to court if you want visitation" I knew there was no way that he'd EVER pay a lawyer to take me to court for visitation...he didn't care that much. And here we are 8 years later and he has done NOTHING for visitation...heck, he's never called my child or sent one birthday card during those 8 years.
I was wondering the same thing. I can't believe how many of these young 20s girls have multiple kids, and how many 20s guys have multiple kids by multiple women. For instance, there is a "Chelsea" who is apparently Misti's SIL. She has posted on several of these kids' myspace pages. She is proud that she just turned 21 and is pregnant with her third child. Her oldest appears to be 3 or 4 years old. Oh, and she also refers to herself as a "MILF." I don't know how to say this without sounding mean, but none of these folks seem especially well-off. I'd think being a young parent with 3 or more kids would be extremely financially difficult, not to mention exhausting.

Um, these are those "welfare cases" everyone hears about. These young girls have no self esteeem, to start off with. They quit school early, move in with or have a man move in with them, get pregnant and then bilk the welfare system for food stamps, welfare, and anything else they can get. They will most likely be on government issued health insurance. All of which, we the taxpayers are paying for. I live in the south (rural area) and this happens ALL the time. I even have several family members like this (sad to say). I have a cousin who had her first child at 17 , then proceeded to have 3 more all before she was 24. SHe has only ever held down one job, who she claims was responsible for her hurting her back. So she sued them and won not one but 3 settlements from this company. Along with health insurance that they had to provide for 3 years. All this, and this woman has ALWAYS lived on food stamps and welfare payments ALL her life. Now her kids are repeating this cycle. Her youngest was allowed to quit school at age 10. He failed Kindergarten due to her not sending him to school, and then a snother grade. Not to get off on a tangent here, but these families tend to repeat themselves. I am willing to bet these families of Misty, Ron and Crystal all have lived on welfare as well as their parents did and so on. ALso these men like YOUNG girls because they can control them.

It is a sad sad cycle. I also see I was wrong earlier when I thought Crystal was NOt 14 when she and Ron got together. I apologize for saying otherwise.
I would be willing to bet this family has never been in church much lesss having a child baptized.

I'm not sure what family you mean, but the Pastor at the church where the vigil was held mentioned that Haleigh was part of their church (I can't remember the terms he used... ) youth ministry or youth something...
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