Ron Cummings Arrested 2009.08.06 RE: Battery involving brother-in-law #2

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Keep your posts on the Topic of RC's arrest and what has been reported thus far in the Media regarding this event.

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IMO RC was arrested on the 2 charges, and held without bail because I feel deep down that LE are going to squeeze him for some info on his daughter, Haleigh.

I feel that LE has an "idea" of who did this to her, but do not have enough proof to charge any perp and have a solid case. My gut has always told me that this was an "inside" abduction of Haleigh.

What better "method" is available. Locking RC up will make him go stir crazy, and hopefully they may trick him into spilling his gut !
robbie11 said:
well if this is true, I think that's the saddest thing....her family has been behind her through this whole thing and now she is gonna get a restraining order on her brother.

titanfan said:
If it holds up, and I don't think it will, whoever convinced her to do this, is determined to separate her from her family, and control.

Well you know what they say, "The best defense..."

I hope the Croslins don't back down. Hank Sr has before with matters concerning RC.

They need both Hank SR and his wife to testify. W/O them, he bolts.
I don't think any of them could make heads or tails of what all's being said, but I wonder why Ron whooped his brother in law..
Men of the family don't normally load up and go over to the young women's homes unless threats and hitting is involved. Controllers get all bent out of shape when men of the family show up and brothers will usually be willing to fight it out. Some young women are also troublemaking drama queens who love this sort of stuff and will never leave. Misti could have called a girlfriend complaining who called her family.
I'm curious, why didn't Misty take out a TRO on her father as well. Supposedly, her father hit her on the face as did her brother when she came between them fighting.

Additionally, if I am not mistaken Ron alleged that Hank Sr held him so that Hank Jr could punch him.

I can't wait to see if a permanant injunction is ordered in a couple weeks.
I can understand the SPECULATION Ron abused Misty, but as of yet there is not a shred of fact to support it. Hank Jr. and his mom both gave statements to LE stating Misty called saying she didn't want to be at the residence anymore and to come get her. While they said she was screaming and crying, neither of them claim she stated Ron had abused her. Misty's statement to LE contains no allegations of being abused by Ron. Ron's grandmother's statement has nothing alluding to any abuse before the Croslins showed up. The officers on the scene arrested Ron for assault of his BIL, but not for any assault on Misty. Officers can arrest someone they suspect of domestic abuse whether the victim alleges it or not. There is not even anything in the officer's report alleging even a suspicion Ron abused Misty in any way.
And just for the record, there are a lot of cases of women being in abusive relationships who can and do leave, very easily. It just doesn't have the drama of those who stay for years and years, so it doesn't get much attention. "I got involved with this guy, he was very sweet, then one day he got mad and beat the carp out of me. I kicked his @ss to the curb and never looked back." End of story, and not very interesting.
The abuse doesn't have to be physical, it could have been something as simple as RC calling MC names or talking to her in a demeaning manner. (i do agree, that no where on any of the police report or the statement does it say anything about RC abusing MC, to me it just makes sense, that SOMETHING transpired between MC & RC for her to pick up the phone and call upon her family) and as far as AS, she didn't see anything according to her own statement, She was sleeping and was awoken by commotion and went to see what it was all about. She saw what was already transpiring, not who started it.

I am choosing not to believe MC, yet again, I am not calling her a liar, but i don't think the whole truth is being told. I think it is being fabricated to make herself and RC look like the victims here. Granted, Croslin clan came over to the As's home. But something or someone, had to make them believe that there was cause for them to go over there. Like i said on the other thread, "For every action, there is a reaction"

RC was wrong, regardless if HC was coming at him in an aggressive manner, like he claims, RC put his hands on HC first. Then when AS came out and told him to go inside, he should have stayed inside and called the police. If that had been done, i don't think RC would have been arrested.

I really don't think that the Croslins went over there to start trouble. They could have done that months ago. Something prompted that phone to call to the Croslin clan.
I think when it all comes out about why the Croslins went over there in the first place (imo, it wasn't to save Misty) then we will get a better look at this scenario. I also believe it will play into the bigger picture of Haleigh being missing. This is what I think we have all been missing for the past few months.

People are overjoyed that Ronald was arrested and went to jail. I understand some obviously hate him, but for the life of me I cannot understand why the same people who were ready to hang Misty are now rushing to her defense. I am baffled. :confused: Is the hatred for Ronald so strong that she has now become this poor and defenseless girl who needs to be rescued?
Keep your posts on the Topic of RC's arrest and what has been reported thus far in the Media regarding this event.

Posts that drift Off Topic into discussion of other events or Snarky & Rude posts will be deleted.

Bumping Up!

This is all about the ARREST, not about abuse, not about people defending one player now when they didn't defend the player before.
Jeez, I had a long post typed out, and I accidentally deleted it. Anyway, to cut to the chase, the Croslins were interviewed by LE, and they did not once state Misty had claimed any abuse whatsoever. People seem to be turning this into a he said/she said, but the bottom line is nobody said, not even the would-be rescuers.
Going by what is actually in the documents, IMO, Ron was justifiably arrested, and had he not chosen to clam up at the scene, Hank Jr. and maybe even Hank Sr. could have been justifiably arrested, too. It makes no sense to me whatsoever, regardless of who is telling the truth, if any, of why this escalated the way it did, and as far as I am concerned, they are all in the wrong.
Past records have nothing to do with this event
The abuse doesn't have to be physical, it could have been something as simple as RC calling MC names or talking to her in a demeaning manner. (i do agree, that no where on any of the police report or the statement does it say anything about RC abusing MC, to me it just makes sense, that SOMETHING transpired between MC & RC for her to pick up the phone and call upon her family) and as far as AS, she didn't see anything according to her own statement, She was sleeping and was awoken by commotion and went to see what it was all about. She saw what was already transpiring, not who started it.

I am choosing not to believe MC, yet again, I am not calling her a liar, but i don't think the whole truth is being told. I think it is being fabricated to make herself and RC look like the victims here. Granted, Croslin clan came over to the As's home. But something or someone, had to make them believe that there was cause for them to go over there. Like i said on the other thread, "For every action, there is a reaction"

RC was wrong, regardless if HC was coming at him in an aggressive manner, like he claims, RC put his hands on HC first. Then when AS came out and told him to go inside, he should have stayed inside and called the police. If that had been done, i don't think RC would have been arrested.

I really don't think that the Croslins went over there to start trouble. They could have done that months ago. Something prompted that phone to call to the Croslin clan.

ITA. It's pretty natural for a father or a brother to want to come to the defense of their daughter/sister. Mine certainly did. I see no reason to charge them with trespassing, even if it's true that Misty told them not to come. How could anyone stay away if their daughter called them crying and upset, saying she wanted them to come and get her?

I seriously doubt Ron's statement that Hank Sr. held Ron so that Jr. could punch him. If he was attempting to hold him, it was to keep Ron from hitting Jr., more likely. Interesting that all the Croslin's statements are very similar, yet Misty's and Ron's vary considerably, as does Gma's.

I don't see how anyone could not see the implications here. Ron is a ticking time bomb, it's going to be a matter of time before he explodes and seriously hurts or kills somebody because of his temper. Using the excuse that he is under stress because it's Haleigh's birthday and she's not here is unfair, because if he was concentrating on his daughter, he would be out trying to find her or find out what happened to her, rather than engaging in fisticuffs with his in-laws. JMO.
On HLN I just say a silent video of Misty and Ron leaving the jail?
She was in charge walking ahead of him, car keys in her hand.......
Looks like she handles herself well now! Full of confidence.......I was shocked. IMO
not sure Shaymus, but that is a good question. hmmmmmmm.......
Jeez, I had a long post typed out, and I accidentally deleted it. Anyway, to cut to the chase, the Croslins were interviewed by LE, and they did not once state Misty had claimed any abuse whatsoever. .

I hear you. But by the same token, what in the world was Misty "screaming and crying" about to her parents having to do with wanting to leave Ron? Did Ron not fix the right brand of Macaroni and Cheese for dinner? It is not illogical to assume it was something rather serious to result in screaming and crying.
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