Ron Cummings Arrested 2009.08.06 RE: Battery involving brother-in-law

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2-4 am would actually be in the early morning hours, hence the AM.

I want to know why it took so long for the Croslins to call LE. If the incident happened before 11, he wasn't arrested till 1.

Here we go round the mulberry bush, again. HaLeigh disappears from her father & father's gf's home in Satsuma AND you all want to know what took Crystal so long to get to Satsuma . . . Now this and you all want to know what took the Croslins so long to call the police - GMAB!

Your wrong cajun and before you shoot and kill someone you should familiarize yourself with the law completely. There are several considerations involved, such as "duty to retreat" being one of them . . .
Here is a simplistic overview of those considerations;

In general, one (sometimes more) of a variety of conditions must be met before a person can legally use the Castle Doctrine;

An intruder must be making (or have made) an attempt to unlawfully and/or forcibly enter an occupied home, business or car.

The intruder must be acting illegally—e.g. the Castle Doctrine does not give the right to attack officers of the law acting in the course of their legal duties.

The occupant(s) of the home must reasonably believe that the intruder intends to inflict serious bodily harm or death upon an occupant of the home.

The occupant(s) of the home must reasonably believe that the intruder intends to commit some other felony, such as arson or burglary.

The occupant(s) of the home must not have provoked or instigated an intrusion, or provoked or instigated an intruder to threaten or use deadly force.

The occupant(s) of the home may be required to attempt to exit the house or otherwise retreat (this is called the "Duty to retreat" and most self-defense statutes referred to as examples of "Castle Doctrine" expressly state that the homeowner has no such duty).


Florida does not require duty to retreat.
Jeb Bush changed those laws.
You are still suppose to under the belief that you or someone else is in danger. Shooting someone sitting in your driveway who is just sitting in their car is not going to fly. But had Ron had a *ahem* registered weapon and a carrying permit and was attacked by the brother he could have shot him in defense of self and home.
Misty and Hank are very close. She lived with him after that one guy and her got into it and he went to prison.

The Croslins and the Cummings are drifters. They don't let much grass grow under their feet. Move in, cause trouble, move on. In fact M & R have lived longer at granny's than anywhere else. It must be getting old. They have been there 5 months! Must have some money saved. Maybe it is time for the newlyweds to get a place of their own......but RC needs to be hidden and protected so that will be difficult. Granny is a good gate-keeper.
Here we go round the mulberry bush, again. HaLeigh disappears from her father & father's gf's home in Satsuma AND you all want to know what took Crystal so long to get to Satsuma . . . Now this and you all want to know what took the Croslins so long to call the police - GMAB!


And my understanding is they arrived at GM's house shortly after 11, called the police from the store lot, waited for their arrival gave their statements, after 12 am the police went to Ron's place, spent time interviewing witnesses, arrived at the jail for booking just after 1am. I am not seeing the time line problem personally.
Seems to me that the time to be worried about Misty was BEFORE she married RC. Misty's mother seemed awful supportive of Ronald at the courthouse when she was signing her papers to allow an underage child to get married.
Your wrong cajun and before you shoot and kill someone you should familiarize yourself with the law completely. There are several considerations involved, such as "duty to retreat" being one of them . . .
Here is a simplistic overview of those considerations;

In general, one (sometimes more) of a variety of conditions must be met before a person can legally use the Castle Doctrine;

An intruder must be making (or have made) an attempt to unlawfully and/or forcibly enter an occupied home, business or car.

The intruder must be acting illegally—e.g. the Castle Doctrine does not give the right to attack officers of the law acting in the course of their legal duties.

The occupant(s) of the home must reasonably believe that the intruder intends to inflict serious bodily harm or death upon an occupant of the home.

The occupant(s) of the home must reasonably believe that the intruder intends to commit some other felony, such as arson or burglary.

The occupant(s) of the home must not have provoked or instigated an intrusion, or provoked or instigated an intruder to threaten or use deadly force.

The occupant(s) of the home may be required to attempt to exit the house or otherwise retreat (this is called the "Duty to retreat" and most self-defense statutes referred to as examples of "Castle Doctrine" expressly state that the homeowner has no such duty).


I don't have to retreat. Florida also has no retreat laws. I am more than familiar with the gun laws as I am a 2nd A absolutist.

"Jeb Bush just signed into law the Florida no-retreat bill, which provides that a person need not retreat from an attack, may "stand his ground" and use deadly force if he reasonably believes he or another person is threatened by death or serious physical injury. (The retreat requirement imposes a restriction on self-defense: in addition to a threat of death or serious injury, the defender had to show they had tried to retreat, or that retreat exposed them to greater danger. Court decisions had already removed that requirement within the defender's home or business)."

What is the formula of no retreat law and who signed it?
Not Good enough Impatient.

The only thing that will quiet the storm is for RC to be exonerated of all charges...ASAP.
IMO....just an observation, but why does everyone have to keep making excuses for Ron you think its a conspiracy or something sinister?
I don't have to retreat. Florida also has no retreat laws. I am more than familiar with the gun laws as I am a 2nd A absolutist.

"Jeb Bush just signed into law the Florida no-retreat bill, which provides that a person need not retreat from an attack, may "stand his ground" and use deadly force if he reasonably believes he or another person is threatened by death or serious physical injury. (The retreat requirement imposes a restriction on self-defense: in addition to a threat of death or serious injury, the defender had to show they had tried to retreat, or that retreat exposed them to greater danger. Court decisions had already removed that requirement within the defender's home or business)."

What is the formula of no retreat law and who signed it?

Are they now calling for Granny or RC to have shot the Croslins....OMG!..what next?
Seems to me that the time to be worried about Misty was BEFORE she married RC. Misty's mother seemed awful supportive of Ronald at the courthouse when she was signing her papers to allow an underage child to get married.

On this, we can agree. Lisa Croslin was gleeful in the parking lot to sign those papers. Her argument for this was that people were talking bad stuff about 'em and she just figured, what the heck, let 'em get married.

I worried that day; I worry today.
Maybe Crystal can use this latest incident to keep him longer than the 6 weeks....I sure hope little one needs to be in the middle of this mess...this is my opinion...
Maybe it was a fight between brother and sister that was going on all day..nah, that would be too simple.

Well for one thing, there isn't any mention or reference to what you suggest so no and I for one do not "simply" buy into information that is "simply" pulled out of a hat. (comes from nowhere . . .) That would indicate that one is "simple" to unquestioningly accept an explanation that has no realistic basis . . . JMO
If Misty is so "afraid of Ron". Her family was there to "save" her. She could have left but she defended her husband. Ron hitting or fighting with Misty is not Fact.

It may not be "fact" but it's a behavior pattern that's prevalent with battered women. According to HC junior, his parents received a call from MC asking that they come get her, that she didn't want to remain there. This is evidently what motivated the Croslin family to go to the home of GMS at such a late hour. They were responding to MC's call for help.

Any police officer will tell you that they often are called to the scene of domestic violence and upon arrival and speaking with both parties, one spouse is reluctant to file charges against the other spouse. The officers have no recourse but to leave. But, they leave knowing that they'll likely be called back to the same residence over and over again until one time they respond to find a seriously injured or dead victim.

California enacted a law several years ago that allows for anyone, not just the victim, to file charges against an abusive spouse. Now, police can respond to a domestic violence situation and they can file charges even if the victim is reluctant to do so. Or, anyone who witnessed the domestic violence can file charges.

Many feel this prevents domestic violence from escalating with each episode until the victim is seriously hurt or dead.

That rationalization for the marriage was a humdinger!
Cam, I think Butterbean is with Crystal..I pray he is anyway.
Although some seem to be enjoying discussing this current event, it has nothing to do with Haleigh's disappearance.

Keep your posts on the Topic of RC's unrelated case arrest and stop dragging up old O/T re-hashed 'stuff' or rumor posts that have nothing to do with what has been reported thus far in the Media regarding this event.

well I am glad we can agree on something! lol....I am curious if the Croslins are still married does anyone know?
well I am glad we can agree on something! lol....I am curious if the Croslins are still married does anyone know?

Which ones? LOL. Yea, I think everyone is with their respective spouses.
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