Ron & Misty Married 2009.3.12 ~ appeared on the "Today Show" 2009.03.13

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I'm so glad you posted this, kamky. I've been looking for a jumping-off point...

Everybody in town tried to discourage them from getting married: the church, the pastor, LE, even the funeral home director.

So WHY did TN endorse and encourage this marriage so much? That is really bugging me. The proposal happened during TN's birthday dinner, btw.

I've been thinking about this all morning.

It's my own feeling that I get from seeing Ron, his body language, that makes me feel like he really didn't want to do the wedding.

If my feeling is right, is it because she's pregnant? Or has Misty manipulated this for her silence?

If she's pregnant, then I can see why it seems all of the family members on both sides supported the wedding.

Just talking out loud, of course.

I still am leaning towards Misty not being home and someone else taking Haleigh.
They were both uncomfortable in the interview and Meredith didn't even ask the hard questions. They knew that the interview would only be a few minutes longs and it would be worth it for A FREE HONEYMOON TO NYC!
The timing of the C family supported wedding following MC's walk out of the police interview is bugging me. When did RC, TN and AS learn that MC had walked out ?

I know the media reported that both Ron and Misty were questioned again by LE. I wonder if they were there @ the same time. I don't think being questioned together but together @ the office.
I think poor Ron is in love with Misty, so he can't see past parts of her. Normally someone would question the inconsistancies in her stories, he seems to just accept them. If he is in love with her trully, that would explain that.
In the video it was said that LE is satisfied that Ron does not know what happened. I agree with that at this point.
Misty ran out of interrogation since she said the investigator was a "new guy that was new to the case" (possibly FBI profiler?) and he was being "very rude" to her.
Yelling and accusing Misty of lying. This sounds to me like a profiling tactic and obviously Misty wasn't used to that kind of interrogation. It also speaks volumes about Misty to run out of that since she couldn't handle it.
For Misty to actually run out of there is very telling. It's a defensive move on her own part. Sometimes when suspects are accused like Misty described the "new guy" accused her, yelling; the one being suspected or questioned will get extremely angry themselves, yell back.
I've been thinking about this all morning.

It's my own feeling that I get from seeing Ron, his body language, that makes me feel like he really didn't want to do the wedding.

If my feeling is right, is it because she's pregnant? Or has Misty manipulated this for her silence?

If she's pregnant, then I can see why it seems all of the family members on both sides supported the wedding.

Just talking out loud, of course.

I still am leaning towards Misty not being home and someone else taking Haleigh.

lol - sorry, but around here, pregnancy is not an excuse for marriage.

He never married CS, so I don't know what to think.
IMO, the statement about not approving of the union says a lot about how the pastor felt. I also believe the pastor and the church received disapproving calls and emails about this marriage.

I'm sure the pastor doesn't want to bring any negative attention to him or his chruch.
I definitely believe it was all about the church's "reputation" and the angry phone calls he got from members. (I could say things about the way I perceive actions of certain religious organizations during other times of crisis, but I won't. Suffice it to say I disagree with their reasoning.)

I do feel it was incredibly tacky for the church to make ANY statement at all regarding reasons not to perform the ceremony. It was unneccessary and the church would have been better served not to say a word.
I think Tn has LONG protected her son. MOO I think love for Haleigh, who is limited in protecting herself should trump love for an adult child. MOO

I agree....but what we think and feel is not what she might think and feel. I am not saying she doesn't have amazingly pure love for Haleigh, I know she does, but we have the good fortune of being seperate from this family and able to form an opinion based on fact not clouded by the emotion of love. I think the major players in this case are all in need of support and are not making good decisions because they are so deeply involved. I do not envy any one of them and I will continue to keep them in my prayers.
I am of the belief that Ron is being manipulated in his time of grief. If Misty truly loved Ron, when he proposed...she would have accepted and stated let's plan a wedding when it is more appropriate or when Hayleigh gets home. If she's so anxious to do this so soon, maybe she knows Hayleigh isn't coming home (I hate to say that). OR there are ulterior motives here. There just is NO reason to do this NOW

But Ron is the one who surprised Misty with the proposal. Doesn't that mean he initiated this wedding? TN recently said that RC couldn't marry Misty before because he "didn't have the time" and he was "always working." According to her, they chose this time because now he has the time.
I'm so glad you posted this, kamky. I've been looking for a jumping-off point...

Everybody in town tried to discourage them from getting married: the church, the pastor, LE, even the funeral home director.

So WHY did TN endorse and encourage this marriage so much? That is really bugging me. The proposal happened during TN's birthday dinner, btw.
I know, LFlorida, me too. TN usually seems to have a pretty good head on her shoulders. It may be that she is so upset about how devastated her son is that she will go along with anything that she thinks may give him a little strength. Her good sense taking a back seat to her emotions. Or, maybe she's the type of lady who supports what her kids do no matter what. She seems to like MC. Maybe there is a bad history between TN and CS & her family, so from a TN view, MC is a better fit for for RC. Hard to say without really knowing these folks.
Thanks, PattyG~ (I heard those chimes again! LOL Better warn Lance! ;))

After watching this, I felt they both did a very good job on the show. They were subdued and they did turn this back to Haleigh. I did not see what many felt you saw there tho.

I saw Misty as being tired, a little nervous, but I think she answered the questions put to her by Meredith honestly. As far as the "inconsistencies" comments, I didn't see her looking to Ronald for the answers like everyone appears to believe. (I will watch again to be certain.) She simply doesn't know. I keep going back to what the Sheriff said in his presser about eye witnesses testimony (when he was talking about Misty) and we have all heard LE say it before. (Example: Ten people can see the same thing...yet you will hear ten different stories and those stories will have inconsistencies within them with people trying to recall exactly what took place while trying to figure out what did happen.)

I thought Ronald looked drained, but overall his demeanor was more calm than we have seen in the past. I saw a certain amount of relief to being interviewed by Meredith as he seems to really respect her. He answered her honestly and I felt like he was earnest about putting the focus back on Haleigh. He wasn't cocky or arrogant. He wasn't angry or forceful. He was resigned and thoughtful, imo. I feel his heart is still broken and the void won't be filled by getting married or trips to NYC.

I didn't see any overwhelming joy or giddiness displayed by either one of them which was a relief to me. I thought they handled themselves very well.

I just watched that video and it struck me that something isn't right. Hinky meter was vibrating on low. When Misty was asked about her inconsistencies, she looked at Ronald for an answer, but he let her sink and swim and she said she didn't know. He looked like he was suppressing a smile. But, that may just be a nervous reaction, not sure. I, myself, might stick a "look" on my face and keep on answering questions. Something, though, just strikes me as not quite right about those two.

My opinion only
I know the media reported that both Ron and Misty were questioned again by LE. I wonder if they were there @ the same time. I don't think being questioned together but together @ the office.

If that's the case, and I think it probably is, then why did the wedding go forward ? Why didn't RC and/or his family insist she answer LE's questions about Haleigh's disappearance ?
But Ron is the one who surprised Misty with the proposal. Doesn't that mean he initiated this wedding? TN recently said that RC couldn't marry Misty before because he "didn't have the time" and he was "always working." According to her, they chose this time because now he has the time.

And MC's mother said she was responsible for the delay and had insisted they wait until MC was 18. After seeing how RC was getting "beat up" in the media, she decided it would be ok for them to marry. I know, I know. Just being the messenger........:confused:
You know Jade, I have no doubts Ronald loves his children, I also have no doubts that Ronald does not know what happened, he was at work, easily proved and I believe LE also did, he is not a suspect or a POI.

It's Misty they're having a problem with. There should be no inconsistencies in her statements if in fact, she told the truth. Her statements should always match to a degree. I can see it shifting if suddenly she remembers something of importance but to just be inconsistent to me, she's very afraid of something being found out. I'm going with the she wasn't home at that time, scenario rather than she outright did something to Haleigh, at this moment. I think she's afraid of what would happen if she did admit that she sneaked out while the children were sleeping to have a little fun.

Now Misty I also have a problem with. I threw Misty under the bus in the “What Happened” thread.

I have a thin moral line. My sympathies and restraint have Crystal and Ron on one side and everyone else on the other.
Once again) Misty what happened that night?
Misty: "well i put her to bed at 8 o'clock i was washing my blank-our blankets after that was done i put her blanket over her she was sleeping when i put her blanket on her
Reporter: "was she in the bed?"
Misty: "she was in her bed and jr was in the bed with me and it was about i don't know what time about 10 o'clock i finally went to sleep and i woke up at 3 and i notic- i got up to use the bathroom and i noticed the kitchen light was on and i walked to the kitchen and i thats when i seen the back door open so i went back to my bedroom to grab my phone to call Ronald and that's when i noticed Haleigh was gone.
Ronald was pulling in the driveway at that time.

Misty knows she has said inconsistanices in her stories yet has no idea why she did so.

Ronald answers about the marriage "i think my that little girl would have wanted it.."

His answer is better than Misty's 'it's what Haleigh wanted' or however Misty had worded it.

I think the key here is how Misty reacted to the accusing investigator. It may be the first time in this case she been interrogated by "good cop/bad cop" tactics. With the "bad cop" doing the questioning, Misty couldn't handle it at all. Something stinks..
And one other thing. Where is RJ right now and who is watching over him while Ronald and Misty are in New York?

He is spending the weekend with Crystal.
They were both uncomfortable in the interview and Meredith didn't even ask the hard questions. They knew that the interview would only be a few minutes longs and it would be worth it for A FREE HONEYMOON TO NYC!
I grew up near NYC. Not much of a "honeymoon", if you ask me! :eek: I wonder if they have ever really been away from home at all. But, probably good for them to get away from Satsuma for a day or too. Maybe it will help clear their heads.
And MC's mother said she was responsible for the delay and had insisted they wait until MC was 18. After seeing how RC was getting "beat up" in the media, she decided it would be ok for them to marry. I know, I know. Just being the messenger........:confused:

Thanks, Shaymus! I forgot that part. Someone also related that Misty had wanted to hold out for a big wedding and felt that she might be too young.

All kinds of stories.:crazy:
But Ron is the one who surprised Misty with the proposal. Doesn't that mean he initiated this wedding? TN recently said that RC couldn't marry Misty before because he "didn't have the time" and he was "always working." According to her, they chose this time because now he has the time.

Let's just say...I don't think Misty was surprised by the proposal. Someone posted earlier that they feel Ron should seek "counsel" (not attorney) from outside of this situation. Someone outside of this pain, will be able to see clearly.

There is no GOOD reason to be doing this now. What would waiting at a few months hurt, if they truly love eachother?
I agree....but what we think and feel is not what she might think and feel. I am not saying she doesn't have amazingly pure love for Haleigh, I know she does, but we have the good fortune of being seperate from this family and able to form an opinion based on fact not clouded by the emotion of love. I think the major players in this case are all in need of support and are not making good decisions because they are so deeply involved. I do not envy any one of them and I will continue to keep them in my prayers.

I don't envy anyone in their is a terrifying thought. But Haleigh should be the focal point by both sides of the family, IMHO, and I for the life of me cannot understand how anyone could celebrate marrying a girl, who refused to cooperate with LE in the search for Haleigh. That's where I draw the line. THe child comes first, the little one--not the adult child. I cannot excuse this behavior--just can't the hades do you walk out on an LE interview because they were rude to you if the child you profess to LOVE is missing and your answers are potentially critical to finding her? Makes no sense to me....MOO
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