Ron & Misty Married 2009.3.12 ~ appeared on the "Today Show" 2009.03.13

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Once again) Misty what happened that night?
Misty: "well i put her to bed at 8 o'clock i was washing my blank-our blankets after that was done i put her blanket over her she was sleeping when i put her blanket on her
Reporter: "was she in the bed?"
Misty: "she was in her bed and jr was in the bed with me and it was about i don't know what time about 10 o'clock i finally went to sleep and i woke up at 3 and i notic- i got up to use the bathroom and i noticed the kitchen light was on and i walked to the kitchen and i thats when i seen the back door open so i went back to my bedroom to grab my phone to call Ronald and that's when i noticed Haleigh was gone.
Ronald was pulling in the driveway at that time.

Misty knows she has said inconsistanices in her stories yet has no idea why she did so.

Ronald answers about the marriage "i think my that little girl would have wanted it.."

His answer is better than Misty's 'it's what Haleigh wanted' or however Misty had worded it.

I think the key here is how Misty reacted to the accusing investigator. It may be the first time in this case she been interrogated by "good cop/bad cop" tactics. With the "bad cop" doing the questioning, Misty couldn't handle it at all. Something stinks..

(respectfully bolded) Thanks, MeoW333, looks like they've both taken to referring to Haleigh in the past tense. :frown:
lol - sorry, but around here, pregnancy is not an excuse for marriage.

He never married CS, so I don't know what to think.

Maybe it is when the bride is 17 and you're 25. With Crystal, the age difference was smaller.
And MC's mother said she was responsible for the delay and had insisted they wait until MC was 18. After seeing how RC was getting "beat up" in the media, she decided it would be ok for them to marry. I know, I know. Just being the messenger........:confused:

Really bad strategy unless LC wanted them to get even more beating from the media.
I know that in the middle of my grief, I built a 20x16 raised garden including garden wall, dug out the ground and laid a 16x30 patio, moving by myself more than 18,000 lbs of dirt gravel sand and stone to accomplish it. Grief just hits us differently, I guess.
And I would have thought it was incredibly strange because it would never occur to me to do something like that while grieving.

When I was grieving, I was told later of some of the odd things I did during that time according to the perception of other people. I barely remembered doing them, but at the time felt like I was handling things pretty well. Guess not!

We really do handle grief differently...there is no right way. Our coping skill levels are being tested to the maximum and some people simply can't cope at all while others appear to heal much faster. Surviving any loss is always a personal journey.
Let's just say...I don't think Misty was surprised by the proposal. Someone posted earlier that they feel Ron should seek "counsel" (not attorney) from outside of this situation. Someone outside of this pain, will be able to see clearly.

There is no GOOD reason to be doing this now. What would waiting at a few months hurt, if they truly love eachother?

Someone was dead-set on making this wedding happen, against the advise of everyone outside of the family: preacher, church, LE, etc. [btw - imo, LE is the one who asked the church/preacher to try to gently dissuade them.]

They are so contradictory about EVERYTHING, imo. Ron appearing live on the "Today Show" and saying please, just concentrate on findin' my little girl, not my personal life. Well, jmo, but Ron's kind of feeding the frenzy about his personal life. If you want people to focus in the investigation, then you don't go have your wedding televised and you don't accept an invite to NYC for an impromptu "honeymoon".
I just checked my impressions with a LE officer to confirm, and he agreed that bringing in a new investigator (most likely would be FBI or State Police) and accusing someone of lying to LE strongly indicates that the person being questioned definitely did NOT pass any polygraph exams. While a polygraph is not admissible in court, LE does take them seriously, and if there have been three that means that the first two were NOT considered to be passed, and if they accuse someone of lying after taking THREE polygraphs.....something is definitely not coming up roses! An interviewee that refuses to continue an interview after being accused of lying....big red flags to LE, too.

Also, in the interview by NBC and in the news article linked in a previous post, the LE officer clearly states that they are concerned about Misty's inconsistencies and feel that she is the KEY to their investigation. This is one of the most informative LE interviews that has been given to date. ( JMO )
This whole video on Today Show is extremely telling about where the investigation has been focused all along, and that is on Misty. It's clear that LE is not focused on Ron as a suspect.
If any of ya'll remember awhile back that day there was videos of Ron, Crystal being taken in for questioning. The Detective had an supportive arm on Ron's back as he got into the front of the detective's car. We've always seen Misty getting into the back of the polices' cars.
LE has every reason to be focused on Misty, her stories haven't been consistant since the beginning. She's hiding something and it is clear. LE is putting the heat on her, and she can't handle it.
LE "is satisfied that Ronald really doesn't know what happened to his little girl"

Does anyone know if Misty just stopped talking or lawyered up?

Also with the marriage, one spouse cannot testify against the other? I thought we discussed this in another forum and it wouldn't apply if the crime was against a child and also before the marriage? Does anyone know about that law?
Everyone has an Opinion or Take, BUT to post about what someone wears or doesn't is just "snarky". Lets not do that here, okay.
(respectfully bolded) Thanks, MeoW333, looks like they've both taken to referring to Haleigh in the past tense. :frown:

Also, the way both of them describe it differently is what i mean to point out.

Ronald says "I think that my little girl would have wanted it i would have rather her to have been there so obviously when we get her back we will do a much larger bigger wedding"

Ronald states it as an opinion of his own "i think that.." as opposed to how Misty words it "Haleigh would have"

Misty says "Haleigh would have wanted it" projecting that directly unto Haleigh

Also, the outcome of these cases if a child is abducted by a nonfamily member is never good. I'm sure Ron is aware of this, as well.
The local media had waned on Haleigh's case because there wasn't much to report. While I don't think this was a ploy of any kind, it does serve the purpose of keeping Haleigh's face out there in the media. This is nothing in comparison to what is about to happen in this case!

Things are about to get very ugly and you will see quickly the Crystal show will become the center stage.

People will wish for a simple backyard wedding instead of an all out media blitz to attempt to ruin Ronald's credibility and strip him of his son. (They are going to try to have Rj legally "abducted", imo. What a shame for Rj to have to endure this on top of the trauma of having his sister go missing in front of him.)
I just checked my impressions with a LE officer to confirm, and he agreed that bringing in a new investigator (most likely would be FBI or State Police) and accusing someone of lying to LE strongly indicates that the person being questioned definitely did NOT pass any polygraph exams. While a polygraph is not admissible in court, LE does take them seriously, and if there have been three that means that the first two were NOT considered to be passed, and if they accuse someone of lying after taking THREE polygraphs.....something is definitely not coming up roses! An interviewee that refuses to continue an interview after being accused of lying....big red flags to LE, too.

Also, in the interview by NBC and in the news article linked in a previous post, the LE officer clearly states that they are concerned about Misty's inconsistencies and feel that she is the KEY to their investigation. This is one of the most informative LE interviews that has been given to date. ( JMO )

Thanks Raeann for that viewpoint from a LE officer. Very interesting.

Re the interview on Today, there was one thing that surprised me besides Misty's 'I don't know' comment. At the end Ron said I love you to Haleigh in case she was watching. Then he just stopped and sat there.

Why didn't he say 'Don't worry Haleigh, we are going to find you and bring you home' or SS.

It left me with a real empty feeling about both of them.
The Florida law against spousal privilege has been posted and discussed. Probably the comments made on these recent media reports can be chalked up to reporters and "expert" commentators not doing their homework on FL law which is specific to this.
I don't envy anyone in their is a terrifying thought. But Haleigh should be the focal point by both sides of the family, IMHO, and I for the life of me cannot understand how anyone could celebrate marrying a girl, who refused to cooperate with LE in the search for Haleigh. That's where I draw the line. THe child comes first, the little one--not the adult child. I cannot excuse this behavior--just can't the hades do you walk out on an LE interview because they were rude to you if the child you profess to LOVE is missing and your answers are potentially critical to finding her? Makes no sense to me....MOO

Misty's behavior during that interview is exactly the behavior they were looking for, looking to get out of her. If someone trully loves the child that is missing they would have stayed in there and stuck it out. Misty behaves guilty, she's hiding something. She couldn't handle being accused harshly (interrogation tactics) and she walked out. LE is handling this case very carefully, we still don't know who passed polygraphs or not.
IMO i believe Ron passed his polygraph, i don't believe Misty did, she's had 3 polygraphs already.
When Misty is answering questions, she refers to her passing the polygraphs to back up her answers. That's odd behavior. It's almost as she says it to reassure. I was home, i passed the polygraph, etc.
It's not a normal response for someone to keep using that they passed a polygraph while answering questions.
It's as if just their own answer isn't good enough, so she has to include she passed the polygraph as well.
Meanwhile polygraphs aren't 100% foolproof and sociopaths can beat them. We also were never told by LE who has passed or not.
Someone was dead-set on making this wedding happen, against the advise of everyone outside of the family: preacher, church, LE, etc. [btw - imo, LE is the one who asked the church/preacher to try to gently dissuade them.]

They are so contradictory about EVERYTHING, imo. Ron appearing live on the "Today Show" and saying please, just concentrate on findin' my little girl, not my personal life. Well, jmo, but Ron's kind of feeding the frenzy about his personal life. If you want people to focus in the investigation, then you don't go have your wedding televised and you don't accept an invite to NYC for an impromptu "honeymoon".

Seems to me that the one who was deadset must have been Misty. It was her glowing and showing off the ring when they were getting the licence, RC just brushed past her looking irritated, and in the wedding footage she looks happy and he doesn't and he keeps his sunglasses on while saying the vows so that the bride or anyone couldn't look him in the eye. It seems very weird to me unless he's got a black eye to hide or an eye condition that forces him to shield his eyes from the glare but guess not, as we've also seen him without the sunglasses.

Ron's got a script. Ask him anything, he'll say one of two things: I was at work, or Focus on finding my daughter, not on my personal life.
The local media had waned on Haleigh's case because there wasn't much to report. While I don't think this was a ploy of any kind, it does serve the purpose of keeping Haleigh's face out there in the media. This is nothing in comparison to what is about to happen in this case!

Things are about to get very ugly and you will see quickly the Crystal show will become the center stage.

People will wish for a simple backyard wedding instead of an all out media blitz to attempt to ruin Ronald's credibility and strip him of his son. (They are going to try to have Rj legally "abducted", imo. What a shame for Rj to have to endure this on top of the trauma of having his sister go missing in front of him.)

Seriously, I certainly wouldn't be happy if this turned into a circus like some other case did. There are legitimate concerns about Misty now. She has been called a liar by LE--yet Ron has shown his solidarity with her by opting to marry her.

He could have upped his chances of keeping Jr. by putting his relationship with Misty on hold. He chose Misty over his better chances. JMO.
I just checked my impressions with a LE officer to confirm, and he agreed that bringing in a new investigator (most likely would be FBI or State Police) and accusing someone of lying to LE strongly indicates that the person being questioned definitely did NOT pass any polygraph exams. While a polygraph is not admissible in court, LE does take them seriously, and if there have been three that means that the first two were NOT considered to be passed, and if they accuse someone of lying after taking THREE polygraphs.....something is definitely not coming up roses! An interviewee that refuses to continue an interview after being accused of lying....big red flags to LE, too.

Also, in the interview by NBC and in the news article linked in a previous post, the LE officer clearly states that they are concerned about Misty's inconsistencies and feel that she is the KEY to their investigation. This is one of the most informative LE interviews that has been given to date. ( JMO )

I agree, whoever they brought in to question her is an expert in behavioral analysis
The local media had waned on Haleigh's case because there wasn't much to report. While I don't think this was a ploy of any kind, it does serve the purpose of keeping Haleigh's face out there in the media. This is nothing in comparison to what is about to happen in this case!

Things are about to get very ugly and you will see quickly the Crystal show will become the center stage.

People will wish for a simple backyard wedding instead of an all out media blitz to attempt to ruin Ronald's credibility and strip him of his son. (They are going to try to have Rj legally "abducted", imo. What a shame for Rj to have to endure this on top of the trauma of having his sister go missing in front of him.)

I agree that this keeps Haleigh in the spotlight and it is a good thing if people keep sending in tips and if she's still alive and could be recognized by people. However, I'm concerned that this wedding business might make people think that her own family has written her off and moved on, and it will make them lose sympathy for the case. If they then see Haleigh at the mall they might think that it's probably not her since she's likely dead and not call it in.

I also agree that having the custody of RJ given to Crystal might be traumatic for him. Depends on what kind of relationship he and the mother have and how the visitations with the father's side of family would work out after a custody battle. But I can see Crystal's point of view (I think). Now she's has one child missing, Ronald marries the last one who has seen her alive, and everyone keeps repeating that this will make Misty the children's Mommy. Misty has not been cleared and there are indications that the LE thinks she might know what happened to Haleigh. How is Crystal to know that Jr. will be safe with her? There's no way she can be sure unless she was herself somehow responsible for Haleigh's disappearance. But she worries, and what would she be like as a mother if she didn't act on her worry?
I do feel it was incredibly tacky for the church to make ANY statement at all regarding reasons not to perform the ceremony. It was unneccessary and the church would have been better served not to say a word.
An email to media and a brief statement on their website, both stating that the wedding would not take place at the church as previously reported, would have kept the media and looky-lookers away from the church property. That should have been the church's only concern. It was petty of them to make a comment on the "union". That's our job...:rolleyes:
Rons body language...this marriage was NOT something he was happy and willing to do. He looks completely miserable but for some reason he must feel like he had to do it.

Respectfully snipped and bold by me

I have been wondering why the sudden wedding. After finding out they were to be on the Today Show the following day, I asked myself the following question.

If Ron and Misty weren't married, and NBC pays for Ron and Misty's transportation/hotel room(s), would they (NBC) be violating the Mann Act? NBC's lawyers may have thought of the possibility. The Mann Act reads as follows:

"Whoever knowingly transports any individual in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, with intent that such individual engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both."


Would someone get married just to get a free trip to New York or did NBC pay them for their interview? Maybe, I just talk to myself too much!

Legal eagles--any thoughts?

All of above JMO.
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