Ron & Misty Married 2009.3.12 ~ appeared on the "Today Show" 2009.03.13

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nnglas, I have thought that Ronald and Misty have done just that. Of course, they would have to arrange for someone they really trusted to take Haleigh while Ronald was at work. I have never thought that this was an abduction. and was a hoax done for money and notariety. JMO.

ITA and also why is Ron's mother saying that Haleigh wants Misty to be Mommy? I guess its possible but I seriously doubt that she wanted a "new" mommy, form the videos it looks like she had a glow about her at her moms , but maybe that was the toys. Rons mother seems to eager to put Misty in the "mommy" role.

Sorry for the rant but I hope they find Haleigh alive and well soon because this just seems all about the money to some of this family.

Good thing Bio mom has a lawyer because she is definitely going to need one with Ron's family , Mother in particular calling the shots.:twocents:
I've been trying to figure out the "at work", "support my family" mantra. Maybe most of his friends do not work and do not support their families ? Maybe his father didn't ? Not clear to me why he keeps stressing that. :confused:

Your theory is intriguing.

Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that. Maybe he's particularly proud of working a steady job, or as you said, maybe his friends don't. The other thought is that Cr. doesn't contribute, i.e. back-pay due on child support, or possibly Misty is preg., and his family will be getting larger soon. ?
Agree, and TN's statement about Haleigh wanting Misty to be her mommy, makes me ill. That is so disrespectful to Crystal. I don't care if Ron's entire family hates her, she is still those kids' mother and she always will be, nothing can change that, not even this hurried-up wedding. This statement by Misty was bad enough, but by his own mother? Makes my respect for her go way down, several notches.
It does not matter to me what their reasons for getting married were... just the fact that they chose to do it now raises eyebrows. All the excuses for not doing it before are just that... excuses. No time, he was busy working? BS. They had been planning it a long time? BS. They only met a few months ago. It's what Haleigh always wanted? Maybe so, but I seriously doubt she wanted to replace her real mother with a teenager. But then, 5 yr. olds are not really aware of the meaning of the word "marriage."
I did not get to see the Today show, but from reading everyone's responses about it, not sorry I missed it.

Exactly haven't they only been dating 3-6 months max? I think it was JVM or Nancy said last night they were dating for years, and I thought to myself it hasn't been years, barely months. Something is up and it is not good:waitasec:
Exactly haven't they only been dating 3-6 months max? I think it was JVM or Nancy said last night they were dating for years, and I thought to myself it hasn't been years, barely months. Something is up and it is not good:waitasec:

Yes, JVM said 4! years.... if correct that would put
Misty at 12 or 13!!!! Wonder if that was correct? I
know he started Crystal at 14 ...
I know that in the middle of my grief, I built a 20x16 raised garden including garden wall, dug out the ground and laid a 16x30 patio, moving by myself more than 18,000 lbs of dirt gravel sand and stone to accomplish it. Grief just hits us differently, I guess.

All due respect, but building a rock garden hardly compares to a wedding ceremony. I've done strange things during sad times, too... cleaned the entire house, rewashed and ironed clothes that had been hanging for a while, mowed the yard, and other things. But I would have drawn the line about going through a wedding ceremony, that just seems a little off. That's a celebration, a time for joy and happiness and love. NOT when your child has been missing only a month!!!!!
Nope, no missing child. Five months prior to my beginning a full reconstruct of the backyard, my husband died after a short but very ugly bout with cancer. Me and Princess PeePee spent a lot of time in the dirt working through it all. It is a coincidence that it was, in fact, what Ron (my husband) wanted to do but could never find the time to do it. I not only had the time, I had the need to fulfill one of those things that in his life he hated so much about himself--that he couldn't take the time to do it. It remains, 4 years later, a place we go to in order to enjoy the gifts he did give to us in his life.

(((hug))) A sad and difficult time I am sure, I can see how this gave you some comfort and a way to "work thru" your feelings of grief. This makes complete sense to me, especially since it was something which you'd planned together. What doesn't make sense is grieving before hope is lost so soon after one's child vanishes when she's who knows where w who knows who enduring God knows what. If we know that our loved one is either at peace or beyond our help eg, then of course we all work thru grief in different ways. But it seems that unless or until we've exhausted all efforts ie either know that person is gone and will never come back, or have already accepted they are likely lost forever therefore realistically there is no hope, finding our loved one would remain a top priority. To say we're now doing other things while "waiting" for a small child believed to be abducted, I mean is she supposed to just free herself and march right up one day? In this new very short-lived investigation I just have a hard time understanding having already resigned oneself so quickly in order to even reach the grief phase... let alone the rebuilding stage, but that's JMO.
All due respect, but building a rock garden hardly compares to a wedding ceremony. I've done strange things during sad times, too... cleaned the entire house, rewashed and ironed clothes that had been hanging for a while, mowed the yard, and other things. But I would have drawn the line about going through a wedding ceremony, that just seems a little off. That's a celebration, a time for joy and happiness and love. NOT when your child has been missing only a month!!!!!

I agree. When my Mom passed, I did some weird things...kept entirely too busy (where I would drop from exhaustion at night), bought a car that I couldn't afford (gave it back the next day), etc...

I truly don't think marriage would have been on that list though.
After watching her son go through pure hell for the past month, I believe TN feels like he needs this to survive in some way. She has been there watching his heartbreaking moments that any mother would not want to see our child go through ever. She has seen and felt his pain so deeply. I honestly think she doesn't want him to lose it completely if they do find Haleigh in a bad way and having Misty can help him make it through somehow. In other words, it is because she loves him very much. She may be right to think Misty could help Ronald survive this ordeal. He is a man in so much pain.

I wonder why the same kind of sympathy and understanding could not have been afforded the Anthonys when their grandchild was missing and their daughter charged with murder. They were also going through intense grief. Yet no one gave them a free pass. Every word they spoke and everything they did was criticized, analyzed and mocked. Just seems hypocritical to me.
I respect your right to your opinions, but I have my own. I think TN is protecting Ron, just like Cindy and George tried to protect Casey. Why she feels that obligation towards Misty is beyond me, but perhaps his family is just like the Anthonys... making excuses and trying to cover up the truth.
"Having" Misty is a moot point, he already had her, right there in his home. A wedding ceremony is not going to help his grief any in case Haleigh is found dead. It just provides him an excuse not to testify against his bride...or her to testify against him.
Yes, JVM said 4! years.... if correct that would put
Misty at 12 or 13!!!! Wonder if that was correct? I
know he started Crystal at 14 ...

I'm glad u heard it too:)

Also what is Haleigh supposed to do?

Does Rons people actually think the "kidnapper" is sitting around watching the news with Haleigh and now shes knows Daddy and Misty are married? Is she going to tell the kidnapper " Ok, you can take me home now because Daddy married Misty and she is my new mommy so everything is fine and I can go home because I am going to be a flower girl" ?


They are acting like she is a runaway teenager
I just checked my impressions with a LE officer to confirm, and he agreed that bringing in a new investigator (most likely would be FBI or State Police) and accusing someone of lying to LE strongly indicates that the person being questioned definitely did NOT pass any polygraph exams. While a polygraph is not admissible in court, LE does take them seriously, and if there have been three that means that the first two were NOT considered to be passed, and if they accuse someone of lying after taking THREE polygraphs.....something is definitely not coming up roses! An interviewee that refuses to continue an interview after being accused of lying....big red flags to LE, too.

Also, in the interview by NBC and in the news article linked in a previous post, the LE officer clearly states that they are concerned about Misty's inconsistencies and feel that she is the KEY to their investigation. This is one of the most informative LE interviews that has been given to date. ( JMO )

My son is in LE, so I know you are correct.
If a person is a suspect in an investigation, they might tell them that they are not charged and are free to go, but sometimes they will do things to prevent them getting up and walking out. Putting them in a small room and blocking the doorway, for instance. These interrogations are usually recorded, so it would be interesting to watch Misty's body language while they were questioning her.
I had the idea yesterday that perhaps they had called her back in to see if she remembered anything else, but I really do get the idea now that they are trying to clear up inconsistencies and they suspect she has been lying up to now. Requesting three polygraphs, tells me that at least the first two were either inconclusive or she did not pass. And I doubt that they would tell her she passed them, or request she take a third one. Once someone passes the first polygraph, they would not need them to take two more. Doesn't make sense.
Sailor Moon can you supply a link that they are “getting money and making some” in New York? Standard is overnight accommodations and meals.

It sort of colors any pure reaction your teens might have had because of leading them to believe they are profiting instead of searching. I have to be honest, god forbid, if something happened to my DD and others were searching still I would prefer they do so. I would want to remember her as DD. Just because you think they should search doesn’t mean it is right or wrong kwim. I just think we have to careful about making judgments on a public message board.

The comments about what Ron wore during and after the wedding are pretty cruel considering he is, at this point, as far as we know a grieving father.

Sunglasses in Florida outside- who cares maybe he was crying or going to cry.

Ron looked miserable.

Misty on the other hand was thoroughly enjoying herself and seemed was even tempted to push the cake in Ron’s face then thought better of it. Misty has Ron wrapped around her little finger.


That statement was my opinion, as stated as always when I post. Let me try to explain it better, I think, or hope they are not, heading down the George and Cindy Anthony road.

And the rest of your paragraphs don't apply to me.......just wanted to make that clear. I didn't comment on any of that.

I don't know where this poor lil baby is....but my hink meter is up. I think I can say that without a link. ;)
Something is very strange,I watched the video again.He isn't holdiing her hand,have his arm around here,anything.They just got married.On the other Today Show video this week,morning of presser,he was asked in trailer,what he thinks happened,he says he doesn't know,he was at work.If you don't know,why marry her,if he doesn't know if she's telling the truth,,is he setting her up?He was getting ready to get married,he's getting a tatoo of Haleigh and JR,wants his Mom one touched up and the Haleigh one on his back,he doesn't get one of Misty?Not even her name?And is the one that married them really qualified to marry them,or was that a set up,also?Something is off.

Bolded by me

Wow - now that's an intriguing theory. :eek:
Maybe in Misty's mind, asking for a lawyer would further imply her guilt. That's why she's not lawyered up yet. The more Misty talks, the more she hangs herself. Now they put heat on her and she can't handle it. It's all tactics and LE and Ron are doing a good job.

Lawyering up does not equal guilt. When my husband was murdered, LE tried those same strong-armed tactics on me. Because we were separated at the time, I seemed a logical choice as the shooter. It was determined that putting the pressure on me was an easy way to get a confession. Didn't work with me because I wasn't guilty. I don't think it's going to work with Misty for the same reason.

From my prospective, asking for an attorney would be the smartest thing she could do right now. And MY LE contact says that sometimes when there is just NOTHING else to go on, the best person to pressure, even if you know they didn't have anything to do with the actual crime, is the last person to have seen the victim = Misty. I think they know she didn't do anything to Haleigh, but are simply out of leads and are hoping that by pressuring her some, it will jog something in her subconscious that perhaps hasn't come to the surface yet. MOO along with my :twocents:
I wonder why the same kind of sympathy and understanding could not have been afforded the Anthonys when their grandchild was missing and their daughter charged with murder. They were also going through intense grief. Yet no one gave them a free pass. Every word they spoke and everything they did was criticized, analyzed and mocked. Just seems hypocritical to me.
I respect your right to your opinions, but I have my own. I think TN is protecting Ron, just like Cindy and George tried to protect Casey. Why she feels that obligation towards Misty is beyond me, but perhaps his family is just like the Anthonys... making excuses and trying to cover up the truth.
"Having" Misty is a moot point, he already had her, right there in his home. A wedding ceremony is not going to help his grief any in case Haleigh is found dead. It just provides him an excuse not to testify against his bride...or her to testify against him.

(bold mine) Agree w bolded. When we love our children, young or old--we encourage them to make wise, responsible decisions, vs blindly defend everything they do. I DO see similarities w TN and CA, in this regard. I just can't excuse it in either case. Especially where innocent grandchildren are sacrificed to continue in any way, on any level enabling them to avoid consequences or to excuse a grown child's poor choices. JMO

What doesn't make sense is grieving before hope is lost so soon after one's child vanishes when she's who knows where w who knows who enduring God knows what. If we know that our loved one is either at peace or beyond our help eg, then of course we all work thru grief in different ways. But it seems that unless or until we've exhausted all efforts ie either know that person is gone and will never come back, or have already accepted they are likely lost forever therefore realistically there is no hope, finding our loved one would remain a top priority. To say we're now doing other things while "waiting" for a small child believed to be abducted, I mean is she supposed to just free herself and march right up one day? In this new very short-lived investigation I just have a hard time understanding having already resigned oneself so quickly in order to even reach the grief phase... let alone the rebuilding stage, but that's JMO.


I think folks missed my sarcasm about grief hitting us differently. While yes it does, in my poor attempt to make an inappropriate comparison, I really meant to convey that getting married in the midst of what can only be described as a hellish situation, not knowing where your child is, knowing that any number of horrible things could be happening to your child, is BIZARRE behavior. It is psychologically bizarre, not fitting into any sort of grief process at all. Denial? I don't think so. Their excuse of "Haleigh wanted it" sounds like what I attempted to state about my situation. I knew my husband was dead and I knew life had to go on. I knew I wasn't done with the last life yet and so did the one thing we always wanted to do.
How about Anger: "Its nobody's business what I do in my personal life" Ron's anger is sure there, but it is not anger about what happened to his daughter. It is anger that people would dare question his judgement.
Bargaining: Ron said "I would give my life to have my child's life back." He's bargaining for something gone!
Depression: Hard to tell with either of them at this point, though Misty's euphoria about landing her man seems to suggest that she's willing to forgo this step in the grief process.
Acceptance: All of the past tense language usage. TN's statement that "well, there was never any time to do it when her daddy was working, so now while she's gone they're going to." I think of all the statements made, this one shocks me the most (even if I paraphrased it). She fully accepts that Haleigh's disappearance has opened this door of opportunity for Ron and Misty to slip through to wedded bliss.

Grief and marriage are a strange mix, and in this case, are worse than oil and water.
Just my opinion but..

I believe this proposal and wedding was an attempt to portray themselves as wholesome to alleviate any negative beliefs people/media may have about their relationship.

I stand by what I said in a previous post: There is a time and place for celebratory announcements and events. All of their current emotional, psychological, spiritual and financial energy needs to be focused on Haleigh and Haleigh alone.
I'm really hoping this doesn't turn into a rant... just remove my post if it does. I just got sick to my stomache when I saw the news this morning that they were married yesterday. I don't know what kind of logic is in the brains of these two, I really can't wrap my head around it. I hate that they keep talking about this beautiful little girl in past tense. It really makes me wonder if these two could be responsible for her disappearance.:mad:
I thought the notary had expired on their first choice for pastor....but wow, if that's true.

Double check the info on Greta's report. I believe she was refering to the funeral dir. friend of Ron's, and that aspect falling through. :)

edited: sorry if I quoted the wrong poster.
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