Ron & Misty Married 2009.3.12 ~ appeared on the "Today Show" 2009.03.13

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I know - like Adji :( When I was watching NG I heard the newly married couple were honeymooning in New York. Just about fell out of my chair. Then I heard they were taking the talk show circuit -- so maybe that's the "honeymoon".

Me - I think the wedding is a load of crock -- but who knows.

And as far as other children -- it only seems the white children get the most attention. I'm not racist, matter of fact I'm as white as white can be. It just bothers me why Adji isn't getting this kind of coverage. I'm almost suprised they are covering the HC case because they live in a trailer. Our media is so darn bias!!!!

For example:

We all know who Jon-Benet Ramsey is, a pretty blonde girl who was murdered in Colorado. You probably don't know the name of Cynteria Phillips, an attractive 13-year-old black girl who was abused as a child, neglected by the state and was raped and murdered in South Florida.The killing of Cynteria, though heinous and shocking, did not ignite the hyper-charged media frenzy of the cases of Jon-Benet Ramsey, Jessica Lunsford, Samantha Runnion or Danielle Van Dam.

What does the mainstream news media coverage of these cases say about how black kids are valued in our society? And why don't black kids get similar coverage? Is it racism? Classism?

An adorable 7-year-old black girl named Alexis Patterson disappeared around the same time as Elizabeth Smart, a blonde girl crowned America's missing child. Alexis was last seen on the playground at her school in Milwaukee. Somewhere between there and her classroom, she disappeared. Alexis' case has received little publicity outside of Wisconsin, except for one feature on America's Most Wanted. It was not close to the daily media updates that the Elizabeth Smart case received.

I could go on and on - but my belief is:

I don't believe women, or blacks, or hispanics, or ANY other "minority" group trump anyone or everyone because they happen to be born a certain way. I believe in equality; NOT special treatment.

We're all in this together, regardless of race or sex!

For ALL the missing children....


Well said!
2 things... its because they are happy. I don't even know what to say about that.

Yikes, that sounds bad. I did a double take on that too. But here's a video of her interview and she does not phrase it quite as bad, she says it's because they love another and does in fact remember that Haleigh is missing and the couple is supposed to be unhappy about it.

"It was just a bright... you know, something happy for a change... The happiest thing would be if Haleigh was home. I mean, that would, But, they plan on when Haleigh comes home to have a big church wedding, so that she can be the flower girl."

"They got married cause they love one another. Cause it's time for something happy to happen."

"After weeks and weeks and weeks of Haleigh being gone, plus all of the trashing that Ronald took, erm, it's just time for something good, that's all, you know, just time for something good to happen"

I can understand that they might want something to cheer themselves up after all that has happened but for some people the need to cheer up might seem a slightly inadequate reason to make the great commitment of marriage...
It's unfortunate that their bright and happy thing may cause some more trashing because... well, it has all been said by others already.

I just hope that if Haleigh is alive somewhere, the sick pervert who has her does not make her watch these videos. I mean, what a great mindgame. "Look, here's your family having a party because you're gone, eating cake, they've got flowers, all without you." He might show her pictures of a glowing Misty and read her the firstcoast article that says that they got married because they're happy, implying it's because they got rid of her and nobody cares, on the contrary, her family is celebrating the one month anniversary of her being gone and Daddy and Misty are going to NY on their honeymoon. "They are going to see the Empire State Building, and you're not. But if you are a good girl, I might take you there one day."
If I were Ron's employer, I would inform him that he needs to get back to work pronto, or else. I am sure that he was given this time off so that he would have time to search for Haleigh, not for the ridiculous stuff he is doing. I am recording the Today Show and will watch it later. I am sure R and M will not make a good impression.
Just saw the wedding video.

I don't know what I think... but I do know what
I feel... and that is I feel sorry for Misty. I know she is
no shrinking violet in all this - but she is still a child. In
way over her head. No doubt she is thrilled at getting married
and having her own 'place' .. doesn't seem her parents were
all that great either and now I just feel she has married into a
really bad deal for her. Maybe Ron will be good to her - I hope so!

Where in the World is Haleigh!!!

Sadly, I don't think Misty had the greatest deal.. probably her whole life and that's why she was attracted to him in the first place. It's probably why she think it's so great to get married now that she is 17 and keeping house.
I don't necessarily think it is because she is young. Lots of kids that are young do not make this choice in this day and age.
I would be willing to bet she had few appropriate role models and a number of traumatic incidents in her young life, one by her own admittance was being molested.
I just hope that if Haleigh is alive somewhere, the sick pervert who has her does not make her watch these videos. I mean, what a great mindgame. "Look, here's your family having a party because you're gone, eating cake, they've got flowers, all without you." He might show her pictures of a glowing Misty and read her the firstcoast article that says that they got married because they're happy, implying it's because they got rid of her and nobody cares, on the contrary, her family is celebrating the one month anniversary of her being gone and Daddy and Misty are going to NY on their honeymoon. "They are going to see the Empire State Building, and you're not. But if you are a good girl, I might take you there one day."

Yeah that would be horrible, can you imagine..."oh what's that told them you wanted them to get married. Well I guess your family forgot about you."
Praying she is alive and does not see them either unless they are standing in front of a camera begging for her return.
Do I think that it's weird that Ron and Misty got married yesterday? Absolutely, positively, yes! This is what Haleigh wanted? Okay, well if that is so, then why not wait for Haleigh to come home and have that be her home coming present? How could they even contemplate having a "happy" day without Haleigh? No day should be a happy day without Haleigh for a very long time.

JVM said last night that Ron and Misty have been together for 4 years and no one corrected her. I thought they were only together for 5 months when Haleigh disappeared. Anyone know?

There are lots of questions in this case starting with how Haleigh got snatched from the very room where Misty was sleeping to why there was no forced entry and now, why Ron and Misty would get married per Haleigh's wishes.

Lots of us have been in a tailspin about Caylee and all of the facts and lies (especially the lies) surrounding her case. Here we are again, trying to figure out who is lying, who is not, why Ron and Misty decided to get married in such a rush, without Haleigh, who took Haleigh, is she alive or not? If the "not knowing" kills us here at WS, then how in the heck did a celebration go down yesterday? I'll never get that one.

I don't begrudge anyone happiness. That's my ultimate goal in life . . . hence, my hat! But if anyone I knew and loved had a child who was missing and they decided to have a happy day and get married, I wouldn't be in attendance at that stupid wedding.

JVM said last night that Ron and Misty have been together for 4 years and no one corrected her. I thought they were only together for 5 months when Haleigh disappeared. Anyone know?


I caught that on JVM last night also. They have been together 4-5 months.
This is O/T on the Casey case, the reporter RFranco had her facts all screwed up when she said Ricardo was an ex-LE. I wish that these people would make sure that they know what they are talking about before they go on national television. Stuff like this really pisses me off!!!
Even before the marriage most people didn't have a good thing to say about Ron or Misty. That is what bothers me. There is no proof of anything yet people are determined that they or at least one of them is involved in the abduction. It is just like Mark Lunsford was treated for awhile there. Nasty things were said about him and people were just sure that he was involved or that his parents were. It was terrible. It seems that people are believing everything that Crystal says even though nothing has been checked out for fact. I would suspect Crystal before I would suspect Ron. She doesn't have custody of the kids and she owes a ton of back child support. If Haleigh suddenly appears in a mall or flags will go up here...if Crystal should somehow get custody of the kids she wouldn't have to pay support. Ron would have to pay it. She would still owe the back support though.

It just bothers me when people are blamed for something as horrible as child abduction when there are no facts to back that up. How would it feel to be a parent who is blamed but hasn't done anything wrong. I've heard Mark Lunsford talk about it and it is awful. I just think it is wrong when there is nothing that points to anyone yet.

I wouldn't have gotten married if my child was missing but these kids are young and not thinking right with everything that is going on. I don't think they are doing anything for money or notoriety. People are to fresh from the Anthonys and think everyone is the same when they aren't. Although if it would keep my children from being taken away from me I would get married. It hasn't really changed anything...they are just married instead of living together. Maybe Crystal should follow suit. Isn't she shacked up as some people put it?
I--+ never had a bad thought about Mark Lunsford. He didn't pull some tent stunt. There was no 911 call with him declaring how hard he worked to support his family, and how he was ready to kill someone. He didn't run off and get married to the girl with whom he was committing statutory rape. Mark Lunsford didn't go from staying in the aforementioned tent b/c he couldn't go in the house, but wanted to be nearby, to flying off to NYC. ML didn't keep referring to Jessica in the past tense, as if he know she already dead. My intuition could be wrong. But Ron Cummings looks like evil incarnate. JMHO:eek:
I caught that on JVM last night also. They have been together 4-5 months.
This is O/T on the Casey case, the reporter RFranco had her facts all screwed up when she said Ricardo was an ex-LE. I wish that these people would make sure that they know what they are talking about before they go on national television. Stuff like this really pisses me off!!!

Oh yeah FOUR YEARS *LOL LOL LOL* that would make her What ? 13 years old and him what ?

And Haleigh one year old

LOL where do These Media people get their info !!!
And wasn't it 2-3 weeks ago, they were having a little trouble getting along?....according to TN talking to the media they were. Heck even at that time, I thought he was done with comes a wedding?
A quickie wedding, because CS got an attorney and I feel a court hearing coming up about custody arrangements.....oooooh, shutter! Now, theres a reason to get hitched so quickly.
Sadly, I don't think Misty had the greatest deal.. probably her whole life and that's why she was attracted to him in the first place. It's probably why she think it's so great to get married now that she is 17 and keeping house.
I don't necessarily think it is because she is young. Lots of kids that are young do not make this choice in this day and age.I would be willing to bet she had few appropriate role models and a number of traumatic incidents in her young life, one by her own admittance was being molested.

You have made a very good point. I do feel that Misty is the key to finding out where Haleigh is, but I also feel that her upbringing and past are what makes her the person she is today. A lot of young girl get married, have children and are good mother's. However, there are the few that are not and are misguided through life. After hearing that CPS and other's are involved in these children's life and Crystal's attorney stating that she has reports, not from Crystal but other's that these children are being abused it makes me wonder if one of those people was not Misty and that may be another reason she married. In fear of the unknown, and not having to testify against her husband...just a thought. But I am glad CPS is involved again, and I hope they have someone who is not over worked, because this is the main reason that so many abused children end up with the wrong family, abused for life or found dead. I have never trusted CPS...
Matt L. was telling Haleigh's story and, they showed Ron and Misty for a sec.
they're both sitting there looking miserable with their arms crossed
hmmm kinda telling
I know this is probably a stupid question.....but has it been ruled out that maybe the haste in getting it possible Misty could be pregnant? just had to ask
Matt L. was telling Haleigh's story and, they showed Ron and Misty for a sec.
they're both sitting there looking miserable with their arms crossed
hmmm kinda telling

I noticed that too......very telling!!
Misty actually looks mad....they have their arms crossed, not touching each other at all.
Is it already on where ya'll live?

I think Matt will ask some dificult questions and they won't like it one bit.
Yes, Aries it is .

it's always possible Misty is pregnant, it wouldn't shock me...but I doubt it

Thanks...I'm in the central time zone so it'll be on here in a little bit.
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