Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin named POI *report updated and comment removed*

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Exactly what hours in question are you referring to? Beyond the actual 911 call/report itself (3:27 am) to report HaLeigh missing, last I knew no one, including LE, knows the actual time, let alone the actual crime, that occurred & caused HaLeigh's disappearance. Without that critical piece of info/evidence, it's really impossible to narrow down the exact hours in question. And more importantly, IMO, it is even more unreliable when a particular time-frame or window of time is built upon the word of individuals who are related to a (very) possible suspect in a case. Oftentimes LE does not openly name persons a POI or suspect in a case due to the legalities involved, including the loss of access to an individual in order to question them. With that said, I've never read and/or heard the actual words "Ronald Cummings has been cleared..." from LE. Not to say I didn't miss it somewhere along the line. If that's the case, could you please provide me with a link to the article or video. Thank you.

& regardless of who has made what statement, LE's actions speak loud & clear. IMO. They targeted, then arrested, & then locked up these 3, (& probably the other 2 IMO), for a reason. They're trying to get to the truth. & for that anyway, I'm very glad. Sometimes I think these people have been treated unfairly, but if they don't like their living arrangements, they all know what they can do to fix them. & even when I feel sorry for this bunch, I know LE is putting Haleigh first.

LE in that county seems to like to use that word "satisfied", remember?

LE said they were "satisfied" with Misty's polygraph, yet when she "miserably failed" the tests arranged by Tim Miller several months later, LE said this:

Seems "satisfied" has a double entendre for LE.
I remember when asked about their tests, Ron saying they both passed, & Misty looking taken aback, IMO, said , 'I did?" That kind of got her ball to rolling, IMO, & I wonder now, if Ron hadn't been so 'supportive', if she would've come clean a lot earlier. Because her questioning her results, didn't really point to an all effort, on her part, in an elaborate cover up. IDK, but him saying that was uncalled for, because there's no way he was told her results. MOO.
Pretty obvious to me that PCSO is not used to being questioned about their cases. I doubt they have ever had the media calling wanting explanations, etc.

The Spokesperson (Greenwood) was not very experienced at this job, to say the least. Early in the case they had a good spokesperson. Apparently, they decided to make an adjustment.
I remember when asked about their tests, Ron saying they both passed, & Misty looking taken aback, IMO, said , 'I did?" That kind of got her ball to rolling, IMO, & I wonder now, if Ron hadn't been so 'supportive', if she would've come clean a lot earlier. Because her questioning her results, didn't really point to an all effort, on her part, in an elaborate cover up. IDK, but him saying that was uncalled for, because there's no way he was told her results. MOO.

You hit the nail on the head when you used the words, "Elaborate Coverup".
Not a bit.
LE cleared Ron because they could verify where he was for the hours in question.

Actually you are wrong. LE has sworn statements by Ron's co workers that said he had left work in the past.

LE also has sworn taped statements by two individuals that claim Ron was at one of ther homes, the night Haleigh went missing, when the evening news was on and that Ron was wanting money and waving a gun around.

Peggy Cone also told Annette Sykes that she could poke holes in Ron's alibi, and after she said that Annette and Ron's family have hated her ever since.

Ron's alibi is not rock solid. Ronald is a prime suspect in this case, along with Misty and Tommy. Whether LE comes out and says so, is beside the fact.

LE in that county seems to like to use that word "satisfied", remember?

LE said they were "satisfied" with Misty's polygraph, yet when she "miserably failed" the tests arranged by Tim Miller several months later, LE said this:

Seems "satisfied" has a double entendre for LE.

Yep, "satisfied" is a term that LE likes to use when they do not want to elaborate! Never once has LE acknowledged that Mr. Cummings has an airtight alibi. And never once have the actual work hours been stated by anyone...not LE, not PDM, not Ron. For me, what the actual work hours were is not as important as the fact that no one will actually state the hours. NG always referred to Ron's being at work as his alibi. If that's true, why keep the work hours a secret?
Going by LE's own time line.
The last confirmed sighting of HaLeigh alive and in her home was AS around 7pm
911 was called at 3:27am
That is the official timeline.
Not mine.
Ron was at work before 7pm and until 3am

There are few facts and the timeline, until LE revises it, is all we have.
I choose to believe LE. Ron is not now nor will he ever be a suspect in HaLeigh's abduction.
Going by LE's own time line.
The last confirmed sighting of HaLeigh alive and in her home was AS around 7pm
911 was called at 3:27am
That is the official timeline.
Not mine.
Ron was at work before 7pm and until 3am

There are few facts and the timeline, until LE revises it, is all we have.
I choose to believe LE. Ron is not now nor will he ever be a suspect in HaLeigh's abduction.

And a grandmother would lie to give her son a credible alibi, because he sure did need someone else besides Misty to back him up.

As Kim Picazio had stated on my show, Ronald LIED about what time he got to work. And Peggy Cone told Ron's family members she could poke holes in his alibi. And she said that with good reason, because PCSO interviewed co workers who claimed he was known to sneak out of work. When you couple that with two witnesses who can place Ron, not at work. It isn't a stretch to say he could have left.

Plus we have this gem that is VERY TELLING.

Cummings has cut off interviews with investigators.

“Besides ‘No I didn’t have nothing to do with my child being missing,’ what do you say?” he asked.

Maj. Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement for the department, said detectives would like to interview Cummings again but have been resisted.

If that isn't the behavior of a SUSPECT, I don't know what is. Why would you not cooperate in the investigation into your missing child?

Ron has always been in LE's targets. No doubt about it.
And a grandmother would lie to give her son a credible alibi, because he sure did need someone else besides Misty to back him up.

As Kim Picazio had stated on my show, Ronald LIED about what time he got to work. And Peggy Cone told Ron's family members she could poke holes in his alibi. And she said that with good reason, because PCSO interviewed co workers who claimed he was known to sneak out of work. When you couple that with two witnesses who can place Ron, not at work. It isn't a stretch to say he could have left.

Plus we have this gem that is VERY TELLING.

Cummings has cut off interviews with investigators.

“Besides ‘No I didn’t have nothing to do with my child being missing,’ what do you say?” he asked.

Maj. Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement for the department, said detectives would like to interview Cummings again but have been resisted.

If that isn't the behavior of a SUSPECT, I don't know what is. Why would you not cooperate in the investigation into your missing child?

Ron has always been in LE's targets. No doubt about it.

The only reason I can think of cutting off interviews about your missing child, other than being guilty, was maybe he really didn't have a bond with Haleigh, and really had no hope if she was abducted she was coming back, and replaced one child with another, meaning Misty. However, I think Ron knew Haleighs fate when he dropped in the dirt and said he would give his life back for his CHILDS LIFE BACK.

Ron is a suspect, probably the main suspect, and his new residence reflects that. I also think this will be a DP case, if he knew his child was dead and accepted child support, I sure hope he put Haleighs portion in a trust.

I will continue to go with what LE has released concerning HaLeigh's father.
I can understand some doubt Ron's innocence.
None of us know with any certainty and will not until this case is solved.
My mind is not set in stone as I would turn on Ron in a heartbeat if proven he is/was in any way involved.
I can deal with the truth.
Can all of you say the same? :)
Going by LE's own time line.
The last confirmed sighting of HaLeigh alive and in her home was AS around 7pm
911 was called at 3:27am
That is the official timeline.
Not mine.
Ron was at work before 7pm and until 3am

There are few facts and the timeline, until LE revises it, is all we have.
I choose to believe LE. Ron is not now nor will he ever be a suspect in HaLeigh's abduction.MOO

Taking into consideration...
"Investigators said they believe the people connected to the case, including Croslin and Haleigh's father, have not told everything they know about what happened"

IMO Since it has been stated by LE he hasn't told everything he knows about what happened, Ronald Cummings is already considered a suspect to LE even IF he hasn't been offically named as being one...No way for him not to be one considering Greenwood's latest statement...JMHOOTS
I will continue to go with what LE has released concerning HaLeigh's father.
I can understand some doubt Ron's innocence.
None of us know with any certainty and will not until this case is solved.
My mind is not set in stone as I would turn on Ron in a heartbeat if proven he is/was in any way involved.
I can deal with the truth.
Can all of you say the same?

I, for one, can most definitely deal with the truth, and will do so IF and WHEN I ever hear it.. Thus far none of us have heard the truth from any of the players about too much of anything. We have heard nothing but lies.. And IMO that includes Ron C, his family, the Croslins and LE..JMHOOTS

And last but not least.. Thus far PCSO and LE have NOT PROVEN in any way shape or form Ronald Cummings is NOT involved in his daughter's death..
I will continue to go with what LE has released concerning HaLeigh's father.
I can understand some doubt Ron's innocence.
None of us know with any certainty and will not until this case is solved.
My mind is not set in stone as I would turn on Ron in a heartbeat if proven he is/was in any way involved.
I can deal with the truth.
Can all of you say the same? :)

ITA with everything you are saying.
It wouldn't take much for me to turn on Ron, but it does have to be something from a reliable source, preferably verified, and Art Harris doesn't make my list for that.
My bottom line is a sweet little child is missing, and IMO dead, and I want whoever is responsible for that to pay for it, and if it should turn out to be Ron, Misty, Tommy, Teresa, Annette, every LE official who even touched this case, and the media, then so be it, but so far I'm just not seeing it that way.
I will continue to go with what LE has released concerning HaLeigh's father.
I can understand some doubt Ron's innocence.
None of us know with any certainty and will not until this case is solved.
My mind is not set in stone as I would turn on Ron in a heartbeat if proven he is/was in any way involved.
I can deal with the truth.
Can all of you say the same? :)
Right now, if I had to put money on it, I'd still go with Tommy, but I'm taking all of LE's recent statements into consideration & trying to keep an open mind. It looks like LE has for whatever reason, veered away from their suspect label regarding Tommy & instead is putting Haleigh's family under pressure. If Tommy was the perp, there really isn't a reason to not arrest him, because he gave them a boat load of reasons. So, maybe he's not the perp. Ron made a deal to tell the truth & if he isn't following through, LE is furious I'm sure. But regardless of who the actual perp is, it's MOO that these 3 are all in cahoots. & Ron being in cahoots but not being the perp, is almost unthinkable, IMO. So, I'm back to square 1, (why not? that's what it looks like LE is doing), & relooking at the facts...before Ron cut off interviews. Also, I'm considering that LE has built a case against the perp, but hasn't made an arrest, because they want to know exactly what the others did too, so they can be charged accordingly. MOO.
I will continue to go with what LE has released concerning HaLeigh's father.
I can understand some doubt Ron's innocence.
None of us know with any certainty and will not until this case is solved.
My mind is not set in stone as I would turn on Ron in a heartbeat if proven he is/was in any way involved.
I can deal with the truth.
Can all of you say the same? :)

Hi mkay!

i doubt Ron's innocence and will until LE can say he is "Cleared" like they did with the infamous AC guy. How hard can it really be to clear those who lived within the home of the victim? If they are innocent. We know loads of information regarding all of the Croslins and just about any time they met with LE. We know nothing in regards to Ron. IMO, silence from LE says more, then when they release two written lines using very broad wording.

JMO :)
ITA with everything you are saying.
It wouldn't take much for me to turn on Ron, but it does have to be something from a reliable source, preferably verified, and Art Harris doesn't make my list for that.
My bottom line is a sweet little child is missing, and IMO dead, and I want whoever is responsible for that to pay for it, and if it should turn out to be Ron, Misty, Tommy, Teresa, Annette, every LE official who even touched this case, and the media, then so be it, but so far I'm just not seeing it that way.

ITA, Lani - I will do a turn-around on Ron's innocence in a heart-beat once LE or a trusted and verified source releases or substantiates these allegations.
Art H doesn't fit the bill for me
Kim P doesn't do it for me
Cobra doesn't do it for me
Gma Flo doesn't do it for me
Any Croslin (or Cummings for that matter) doesn't do it for me

I'll toss in Nancy G, Jane VM, and any other media rep also - credibility in this case has been gone a long time.

All in my humble and frustrated opinion only!
JMO but all the people who have lied about this whole sorry mess and (that's nearly everybody) is as good as guilty in my book. Either they did it and were guilty or they were protecting someone who did which makes them an accessory which is as close to guilty as it gets or they were guilty of something else and covering their behinds regarding the other guilt issues was more important to them than justice for Haleigh.
We have all seen them change their stories and act fishy so many times that if LE for some reason did or does not consider them suspicious they should. JMO.
Hi mkay!

i doubt Ron's innocence and will until LE can say he is "Cleared" like they did with the infamous AC guy. How hard can it really be to clear those who lived within the home of the victim? If they are innocent. We know loads of information regarding all of the Croslins and just about any time they met with LE. We know nothing in regards to Ron. IMO, silence from LE says more, then when they release two written lines using very broad wording.

JMO :)
I remember LE saying they didn't consider Misty a suspect, but at a later date, saying they hadn't ruled her out as a suspect. both statements were worded in a way, that took out all commitment. Well, it's been over 2 years & except for the AC guy, nobody in or around that trailer has been cleared. Didn't LE say at one point, that the whole world was a suspect? They finally did commit to calling Tommy a suspect, but now it seems, they're even backing away from that. I know these people have told some whopper lies, & it's been reported that they've failed some LDTs, but I wonder what real evidence LE has that points away from a stranger abduction. If there's evidence, that points away from a stranger, then what & who exactly, does it point to? I don't see how you can have one, but not have a definitive other. I have to consider that these people have lied because that's what they do. They don't necessarily need a reason, like covering up a murder, to do it. maybe the lies started because they left their kids home alone, to do or sell drugs, & Tommy & Misty didn't want Lc, Ron & the cops to know, & maybe Ron lied because he left work, to look for Misty or WBG...who knows. I know that's doubtful, because the LDTs say otherwise, but except for the LVA, I haven't heard much about those things. & the questions on that one, centered around details about that day. Well, if Misty was lying for reasons other than covering up a murder, it would still show deception. Anywy, if LE has gone back to square 1, I guess they're considering all of this. I hope they took a good long look at who all had easy access to that trailer. The neighbors reportedly said they noticed that Misty often left the kids home alone. That in itself, opens up the possibility that a neighbor watched, stalked, & took advantage of an opportunity, while Misty was gone. MOO.
ITA with everything you are saying.
It wouldn't take much for me to turn on Ron, but it does have to be something from a reliable source, preferably verified, and Art Harris doesn't make my list for that.
My bottom line is a sweet little child is missing, and IMO dead, and I want whoever is responsible for that to pay for it, and if it should turn out to be Ron, Misty, Tommy, Teresa, Annette, every LE official who even touched this case, and the media, then so be it, but so far I'm just not seeing it that way.

:takeabow: Exactly what I was trying to say. Thank you for doing it so very eloquently!
Hi mkay!

i doubt Ron's innocence and will until LE can say he is "Cleared" like they did with the infamous AC guy. How hard can it really be to clear those who lived within the home of the victim? If they are innocent. We know loads of information regarding all of the Croslins and just about any time they met with LE. We know nothing in regards to Ron. IMO, silence from LE says more, then when they release two written lines using very broad wording.

JMO :)

IMO LE has said "CLEARED" concerning HaLeigh's parents.
Links have been posted as often as disregarded :dunno:

I just seems some will believe they're serious when talking about Crystal and lying when saying the same about Ron.
To each his own and time will tell.
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