Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin named POI *report updated and comment removed*

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IMO LE has said "CLEARED" concerning HaLeigh's parents.
Links have been posted as often as disregarded :dunno:

I just seems some will believe they're serious when talking about Crystal and lying when saying the same about Ron.
To each his own and time will tell.

Yeah, but you do realize that this is an unsolved mystery? How can anyone be cleared, except Crystal, considering she really was hours away? You cant clear something when you dont know what has happened, I mean that is just basic common knowledge.
IMO LE has said "CLEARED" concerning HaLeigh's parents.
Links have been posted as often as disregarded :dunno:

I just seems some will believe they're serious when talking about Crystal and lying when saying the same about Ron.
To each his own and time will tell.
When LE makes statements, I do consider them, & because of their statement about Ron & Crystal, it looked like they didn't suspect Ron...but they word things in a way, that kind of leaves interpretation up for grabs. Also, LE's recent statements, can be interpreted as overriding their earlier statements. As cases progress, things change, & it looks like LE is taking a closer look at Ron. MOO.
And a grandmother would lie to give her son a credible alibi, because he sure did need someone else besides Misty to back him up.

As Kim Picazio had stated on my show, Ronald LIED about what time he got to work. And Peggy Cone told Ron's family members she could poke holes in his alibi. And she said that with good reason, because PCSO interviewed co workers who claimed he was known to sneak out of work. When you couple that with two witnesses who can place Ron, not at work. It isn't a stretch to say he could have left.

Plus we have this gem that is VERY TELLING.

Cummings has cut off interviews with investigators.

“Besides ‘No I didn’t have nothing to do with my child being missing,’ what do you say?” he asked.

Maj. Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement for the department, said detectives would like to interview Cummings again but have been resisted.

If that isn't the behavior of a SUSPECT, I don't know what is. Why would you not cooperate in the investigation into your missing child?

Ron has always been in LE's targets. No doubt about it.

I've said all along that psychologically it points to Ron being involved. Misty was allegedly the one who last saw Hailey, she is having multiple lie dector tests and they are failing or coming up inconclusive. And Ron not only emotionally supports her, he marries her. To me that was a combo of trying to use the marital confidences rule and to pacify Misty and keep her from talking, under the pressure that LE was putting on her. Kind of a "we are in this together babe". Later I think pressure was put on her that if she talked she was also in trouble, because she helped.
Actually you are wrong. LE has sworn statements by Ron's co workers that said he had left work in the past.

LE also has sworn taped statements by two individuals that claim Ron was at one of ther homes, the night Haleigh went missing, when the evening news was on and that Ron was wanting money and waving a gun around.

Peggy Cone also told Annette Sykes that she could poke holes in Ron's alibi, and after she said that Annette and Ron's family have hated her ever since.

Ron's alibi is not rock solid. Ronald is a prime suspect in this case, along with Misty and Tommy. Whether LE comes out and says so, is beside the fact.

I will continue to go with what LE has released concerning HaLeigh's father.
I can understand some doubt Ron's innocence.
None of us know with any certainty and will not until this case is solved.
My mind is not set in stone as I would turn on Ron in a heartbeat if proven he is/was in any way involved.
I can deal with the truth.
Can all of you say the same? :)

I can definitely deal with the truth and as soon as I hear any, I'll let you know.
I really, really, hope the cops are not operating with the thought process, well we dont know what happened to Haleigh, but we are going to clear the father who cut off investigators and married the "key" to finding his daughter, if LE down there did that, or had that mindset, it would be tragic.
Have we considered the fact that LE said Ron wasn't a suspect to make him feel comfortable and to get him to talk? Let's use common sense.

Ron lawyered up, Ron didn't cooperate with the police, and Ron even told Misty not to talk to the police. Ron whined like a baby, to Dana Treen in an interview that LE was only looking at Misty and himself.

What better way to get Ron to come in for questioning, than to release a statement saying he isn't a suspect?

LE cannot clear someone who lawyers up and refuses to cooperate.

I also haven't heard a satisfying answer from Nancy Grace or any of the Ron apologists on why he would "resist" questioning from law enforcement if he is innocent.... Still waiting on an answer to that.
IMO LE has said "CLEARED" concerning HaLeigh's parents.
Links have been posted as often as disregarded :dunno:

I just seems some will believe they're serious when talking about Crystal and lying when saying the same about Ron.
To each his own and time will tell.

How can you clear someone who resists questioning?

The only way Ron can be cleared by LE, is if he cooperated fully, answered all their questions, and made himself available to them at all times.

Ron hasn't done any of that.
I will continue to go with what LE has released concerning HaLeigh's father.
I can understand some doubt Ron's innocence.
None of us know with any certainty and will not until this case is solved.
My mind is not set in stone as I would turn on Ron in a heartbeat if proven he is/was in any way involved.
I can deal with the truth.
Can all of you say the same? :)

ITA, Lani - I will do a turn-around on Ron's innocence in a heart-beat once LE or a trusted and verified source releases or substantiates these allegations.
Art H doesn't fit the bill for me
Kim P doesn't do it for me
Cobra doesn't do it for me
Gma Flo doesn't do it for me
Any Croslin (or Cummings for that matter) doesn't do it for me

I'll toss in Nancy G, Jane VM, and any other media rep also - credibility in this case has been gone a long time.

All in my humble and frustrated opinion only!

So let's take it to the next step.

Did Misty do it, and if so, alone or with help? I'm very skeptical about the whole dock/St. John's river story. How long have the Croslins lived in the Satsuma area? Would they know all the little hidey hole places?

If it was Misty, what would she have done with Haleigh's body? IMO, she could hardly have taken Jr. with her for disposal purposes, so if it was just her and her alone, IMO, she didn't go very far.

Tommy helping her changes the situation. What do you think the two of them would have come up with, and if Tommy WAS involved, what's the opinion on him taking the body while Misty stayed home with Jr.? Where would Tommy take a body to dispose of it?
The only reason I can think of cutting off interviews about your missing child, other than being guilty, was maybe he really didn't have a bond with Haleigh, and really had no hope if she was abducted she was coming back, and replaced one child with another, meaning Misty. However, I think Ron knew Haleighs fate when he dropped in the dirt and said he would give his life back for his CHILDS LIFE BACK.

Ron is a suspect, probably the main suspect, and his new residence reflects that. I also think this will be a DP case, if he knew his child was dead and accepted child support, I sure hope he put Haleighs portion in a trust.

I think this either involved child abuse, or drugs. Two worlds that Ron is very involved in. If this is a child abuse case, then I can see the death penalty being used...

When a man can abuse a pregnant woman, like Ronald did Crystal, he can certainly abuse a child.

Ronald Cummings IMO seems like the typical abusive coward. We haven't heard about Ron having confronations with other men, unless he has a gun with him. Most of the time, Ron is picking on pregnant women like Crystal, and young women like Amber Brooks.

Abusing a child would be right up his alley...
I do not like being the pessimist all the time but all these horrible crimes against innocent children have unleashed the cynic in me. Since we do not know what happened to Haleigh, we cannot know if this would be a death penalty case or not, but my best guess would be...not.

There are some really horrendous cases of long, drawn-out, torturous child abuse where the perp ends up with less prison time than our players received on drug charges. This does not help my pessimism one bit.

The case of little Zahra Baker in North Carolina is disgusting beyond words. That poor child was abused repeatedly and the abuse finally killed her, yet it is not a death penalty case. Definitely this does nothing to cure me of my cynical view; it actually reinforces it ten-fold.

I want to be hopeful of justice for Haleigh. I want to believe the guilty will pay an appropriate penalty--if there is such a thing as an appropriate penalty for any monster who would willfully throw away a 5-year-old as if she didn't matter. (Even a firing-squad would be too kind.)

But I am not hopeful, and I cannot believe anymore that this sweet child will receive the justice she rightfully deserves.

My take on Haleigh's short life is that there were smiles and hugs and laughter when things were going well, but anytime things went sour there was hell to pay, with the kids being the ones that paid. I do believe Haleigh suffered abuse, maybe not on a daily basis and likely not to the degree that Zahra did, but certainly both little girls died at the hand of an abuser. Both should be death penalty cases, but neither will be.

I am 99.99% convinced that it will never officially be stated what happened to Haleigh and that no official statement will ever be made regarding suspects. LE is never going to tell us anything, and they are never going to arrest anyone for the crime against Haleigh.

LE have the ones they believe were involved in prison. Let's just hope they can keep them there because, even though it does not feel like justice, it's a lot better than them being out living their lives.
I don't think we should settle with that. In 15 years, Ron will be out. In 15 years Tommy will be out. In 25 years, Misty will be out. They'll be their parents ages when they get out.

That isn't justice.
So let's take it to the next step.

Did Misty do it, and if so, alone or with help? I'm very skeptical about the whole dock/St. John's river story. How long have the Croslins lived in the Satsuma area? Would they know all the little hidey hole places?

If it was Misty, what would she have done with Haleigh's body? IMO, she could hardly have taken Jr. with her for disposal purposes, so if it was just her and her alone, IMO, she didn't go very far.

Tommy helping her changes the situation. What do you think the two of them would have come up with, and if Tommy WAS involved, what's the opinion on him taking the body while Misty stayed home with Jr.? Where would Tommy take a body to dispose of it?
I believe there's a little bit of truth in every lie. Tommy claimed, at one point, that he & Joe were 'borrowing' Ron's gun so they could go hunting...(so his destination was the woods). For some reason, when telling this tale, he had woods on his mind, so if I was LE, I'd find out his favorite hunting spots, his favorite 'crack smoking' spots, (according to Misty), etc...Yes, that might be like looking for a needle in a haystack, but looking for a needle, is better than nothing. MOO.
IMO LE has said "CLEARED" concerning HaLeigh's parents.
Links have been posted as often as disregarded :dunno:

I just seems some will believe they're serious when talking about Crystal and lying when saying the same about Ron.
To each his own and time will tell.

LE has played "word games" throughout this case. If you want to consider what Lt. Greenwood has said then it would be good to look at everything he commented on. He told us the call came in at 2:13. He believed TN was there that night. There are many more statements also that were different from what we were told.

Crystal is not involved in the death of her daughtek, IMOr; Ron may be involved...because he lived at the crime scene.

LE said Crystal & ron are NOT considered suspects in the case. What he didn't say is that NO ONE was considered a suspect in the case when he made that remark. This may be another a play on words...again.
Going by LE's own time line.
The last confirmed sighting of HaLeigh alive and in her home was AS around 7pm
911 was called at 3:27am
That is the official timeline.
Not mine.
Ron was at work before 7pm and until 3am

There are few facts and the timeline, until LE revises it, is all we have.
I choose to believe LE. Ron is not now nor will he ever be a suspect in HaLeigh's abduction.

:waitasec:What makes you think he was at work from 7:00pm to 3:00am? It has been reported by Kim P that he sneaked out before during his shift. He may have or could have if he thought he was needed at home.
He was fired for abandoning his job...just maybe they found out he abandoned his job WHILE he was working the night shift.
IMO LE has said "CLEARED" concerning HaLeigh's parents.
Links have been posted as often as disregarded :dunno:

I just seems some will believe they're serious when talking about Crystal and lying when saying the same about Ron.
To each his own and time will tell.

Please show me where LE has stated they have cleared Ronald Cummings. To my knowledge they have never made that statement. The only person I recall ever stating Ronald was cleared was his momma. And IMO that was/is just wishful thinking on her part. JMHO
Was not sure where to post this since there is no thread yet for the plastic skull that was found. I have been wondering if someone threw that skull in there to get LE to search that area again knowing that Haleigh may be in that water? Anyone know if this area has been thoroughly searched after the find of the plastic skull? Maybe she was moved there recently? I just find this plastic skull find a little to coincidental, and odd. :waitasec:Thoughts?

A Plastic skull raises alarms in Satsuma"Snip"
Feb 22, 2011
The discovery of a plastic skull at a boat ramp just blocks from where missing child Haleigh Cummings was last seen caused a stir with Satsuma residents Monday afternoon.

Authorities named Misty Croslin the key to the investigation after her statements to investigators reportedly had numerous inconsistencies about what took place between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. the night Haleigh disappeared.

Haleigh's father, 26-year-old Ronald Cummings, was returning from his night-shift job at PDM Bridge in Palatka when the child was reported missing.
Please show me where LE has stated they have cleared Ronald Cummings. To my knowledge they have never made that statement. The only person I recall ever stating Ronald was cleared was his momma. And IMO that was/is just wishful thinking on her part. JMHO

Em, this statement came out shortly after sum type of commotion (DCF Investigations?), down there and always felt that LE came out with this statement to make Ron feel like he was not being considered a suspect. But that is JMO. :cow:

LE as far as I know doesn't always come out and say who their real POI is, they keep saying Misty is the KEY not the POI, if she is the KEY then that means someone close to her is on LE's list of POI, IMO. :cow:

Ron's own attorney said on NG/JVM a while back, that Ron went from the top of the list to the bottom. I think the list consist of 10 people. Going by memory here, sorry no links... I still feel that Ron should be LE's main POI, but that is JMO. :cow:

PCSO Press Release: Ronald and Crystal are not suspects, Case of missing girl focuses on dad's then-girlfriend "Snip" By Lise Fisher Staff writer

Monday, August 17, 2009 at 2:27 p.m.

Misty the key in continued investigation into the girl's disappearance.

The Putnam County Sheriff's Office released the information Monday. "Investigators believe that Misty Croslin-Cummings continues to hold important answers in the case.

According to the Sheriff's Office, Haleigh's biological parents, Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield, are not considered suspects and investigators said information gathered in the case doesn't support the idea a stranger took the girl.
"At this point, the evidence and investigatory effort has minimized the likelihood that Haleigh's disappearance is the work of a stranger," the statement reported.

PCSO Press Release: Haleigh Cummings Update

Haleigh Update: Parents Cleared, Misty's Story Unclear

"Snip" TJ Hart, The Sky 97.3

Posted: Monday, 17 August 2009 3:30PM
The Putnam County Sheriff's Office issued a press release Monday, August 17, 2009-the date of Haleigh Cummings' 6th birthday. Haleigh was taken from her home February 10, 2009 and had been missing since.

Lt. Johny Greenwood, in the press release stated,"At this point, the evidence and investigatory effort has minimized the likelihood that Haleigh's disappearance is the work of a stranger. There is no specific individual whom investigators have identified as a person of interest."

The Sheriff's Office stated, "The biological parents, Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield, are not considered to be suspects in the case."
Investigators still contend that Misty Croslin-Cummings continues to hold important answers in the case. According to the release, "She (Misty) has failed to provide any sort of detailed accounting of the hours during the late evening and early morning of Haleigh's disappearance. Furthermore, physical evidence at the scene contradicts Misty's sketchy account of her evening activities."

Any citizen with direct knowledge of Misty's activities during that evening or into the early morning is encouraged to report that information to the Putnam County Sheriff's Office, according to the press release.

Sheriff Welcomes Searchers
Em, this statement came out shortly after sum type of commotion (DCF Investigations?), down there and always felt that LE came out with this statement to make Ron feel like he was not being considered a suspect. But that is JMO. :cow:

LE as far as I know doesn't always come out and say who their real POI is, they keep saying Misty is the KEY not the POI, if she is the KEY then that means someone close to her is on LE's list of POI, IMO. :cow:

Ron's own attorney said on NG/JVM a while back, that Ron went from the top of the list to the bottom. I think the list consist of 10 people. Going by memory here, sorry no links... I still feel that Ron should be LE's main POI, but that is JMO. :cow:

Hi MADJGNLAW, I do appreciate you posting the statments from LE and I fully realize LE has stated they do not consider Crystal or Ron to be suspects, however LE has NEVER stated they have cleared Ronald Cummings like some would like for us to believe is the case...JMHO
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