Ronald Cummings, drug trafficking charges

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Me too twall and what I've learned is that prisoners have way to many rights. If prisoners were made to have visits through video there would be less contraband shoved in places I don't even want to think about (drugs, cell phones and God knows what else). If there were no contact visits then the majority of contraband would be provided by the guards (which I think a lot is anyway). having a commissary is a joke to me, when they commited their crimes they gave up their rights to shop for radios, TV's, goodies to eat, make-up or anything imo. Another thing that just tears me up is that these big old tough prisoners male or female are the biggest babies I've ever seen. They complain about how bad the prison system is to them and it just makes me want to jump in the TV and beat the hello out of them. If they had been law abiding citizens they wouldn't be there. They refuse to take any responsiblity for their actions so they scream these guards are being mean to me. IMO if the justice system were the way I would like it to be we wouldn't have as many prisons much less over populated prisons and much more money in our savings accounts.

I really got onto a rant didn't I...Sorry.

Somewhat O/T OK maybe alot..

I readily admit I don't know too much about the prison system but I remember
watching a special on Richard Speck back in the late 90's. For those of you who do not know who Richard Speck is, he went on a killing spree in a dorm that housed nursing students back in 1966..IIRC..He killed eight young women in one night..
He was tried and found guilty and sentence to life in prison...

Now this part is nauseating but I am going to proceed...
In the interview he was sitting in a jail cell and a companion of sorts was sitting therenext to him... Speck was dressed in a pair of female panties and didn't have a shirt on.. I noticed immediately he had developed "breasts".. I'm thinking to myself what in the HELL-O is this...
Seems he must have been taking hormones for this to have happened..I'm still wondering how he managed to get this done..

I don't remember too much of the interview because I think I was in shock. I do recall him saying this though.. "IF they knew how much fun I was having in here they would turn me loose"... IMHO...Our penal system is way past being what I would consider to be flawed...JMHO

ETA..Warning...Video can be found on youtube..IF you choose to watch..

Me too twall and what I've learned is that prisoners have way to many rights. If prisoners were made to have visits through video there would be less contraband shoved in places I don't even want to think about (drugs, cell phones and God knows what else). If there were no contact visits then the majority of contraband would be provided by the guards (which I think a lot is anyway). having a commissary is a joke to me, when they commited their crimes they gave up their rights to shop for radios, TV's, goodies to eat, make-up or anything imo. Another thing that just tears me up is that these big old tough prisoners male or female are the biggest babies I've ever seen. They complain about how bad the prison system is to them and it just makes me want to jump in the TV and beat the hello out of them. If they had been law abiding citizens they wouldn't be there. They refuse to take any responsiblity for their actions so they scream these guards are being mean to me. IMO if the justice system were the way I would like it to be we wouldn't have as many prisons much less over populated prisons and much more money in our savings accounts.

I really got onto a rant didn't I...Sorry.
You'd be surprised to hear how much money jails make from commisaries. I read somewhere, that prisons are only required to provide a certain amount of calories,(not nutrition), per day, so they provide them in the cheapest way possible. For instance, a piece of bologna on 2 pieces of bread has a lot more calories than a turkey sandwhich, so the inmate gets the bologna with nothing on the side. Without the commissary, a lot of inmates would come close to starving. So, it's no wonder a lot of prison violence is centered around meals and commissary snacks. Not all prisons are the same, but a lot are. Here, at the county jail, breakfast is black coffee and a bun, and lunch is a bologna sandwhich and a cup of water...lots of calories, but no nutrition, and not very filling. If somebody is in for an extended stay, he's going to get hungry and mean. A lot of people think, 'well, it's not the Hilton, so deal with it', but I don't think starving someone for say, hot checks, unpaid tickets, or even drug trafficking, is a good idea. I'm not trying to be a bleeding heart, but the guys and gals I know who've been locked up, all say they would have starved without the extras. The jails make a lot of money, and the whole phone minute thing, is a big rip off too. JMO.
You'd be surprised to hear how much money jails make from commisaries. I read somewhere, that prisons are only required to provide a certain amount of calories,(not nutrition), per day, so they provide them in the cheapest way possible. For instance, a piece of bologna on 2 pieces of bread has a lot more calories than a turkey sandwhich, so the inmate gets the bologna with nothing on the side. Without the commissary, a lot of inmates would come close to starving. So, it's no wonder a lot of prison violence is centered around meals and commissary snacks. Not all prisons are the same, but a lot are. Here, at the county jail, breakfast is black coffee and a bun, and lunch is a bologna sandwhich and a cup of water...lots of calories, but no nutrition, and not very filling. If somebody is in for an extended stay, he's going to get hungry and mean. A lot of people think, 'well, it's not the Hilton, so deal with it', but I don't think starving someone for say, hot checks, unpaid tickets, or even drug trafficking, is a good idea. I'm not trying to be a bleeding heart, but the guys and gals I know who've been locked up, all say they would have starved without the extras. The jails make a lot of money, and the whole phone minute thing, is a big rip off too. JMO.

Then the simple thing in life is to be a law abiding citizen, and never, ever find yourself in jail. You are not supposed to want to come back ever again. Its not a dormitory for "bad boys" this is punishment!!!
You'd be surprised to hear how much money jails make from commisaries. I read somewhere, that prisons are only required to provide a certain amount of calories,(not nutrition), per day, so they provide them in the cheapest way possible. For instance, a piece of bologna on 2 pieces of bread has a lot more calories than a turkey sandwhich, so the inmate gets the bologna with nothing on the side. Without the commissary, a lot of inmates would come close to starving. So, it's no wonder a lot of prison violence is centered around meals and commissary snacks. Not all prisons are the same, but a lot are. Here, at the county jail, breakfast is black coffee and a bun, and lunch is a bologna sandwhich and a cup of water...lots of calories, but no nutrition, and not very filling. If somebody is in for an extended stay, he's going to get hungry and mean. A lot of people think, 'well, it's not the Hilton, so deal with it', but I don't think starving someone for say, hot checks, unpaid tickets, or even drug trafficking, is a good idea. I'm not trying to be a bleeding heart, but the guys and gals I know who've been locked up, all say they would have starved without the extras. The jails make a lot of money, and the whole phone minute thing, is a big rip off too. JMO.

Good -- the more the jails/prisons make, the less those of us who pay taxes have to pay and that's a good thing.
Then the simple thing in life is to be a law abiding citizen, and never, ever find yourself in jail. You are not supposed to want to come back ever again. Its not a dormitory for "bad boys" this is punishment!!!
true, but for some people, it's not so cut and dry. If the commissary was cut out, the whole meal system would have to be overhauled, and guess who would be footing the bill? Right now, it's up to the loved ones of the inmates, to shoulder the burden, but if they don't want to, they don't have to. IDK, how much should be taken away from prisoners, but I do know I don't want someone being murdered over a bologna sandwhich. As for the tvs etc...I think inmates have to earn the right, through good behavior, to make those purchases. They use some things as part of the reward system. Whatever it takes to contol violence and riots. JMO
true, but for some people, it's not so cut and dry. If the commissary was cut out, the whole meal system would have to be overhauled, and guess who would be footing the bill? Right now, it's up to the loved ones of the inmates, to shoulder the burden, but if they don't want to, they don't have to. IDK, how much should be taken away from prisoners, but I do know I don't want someone being murdered over a bologna sandwhich. As for the tvs etc...I think inmates have to earn the right, through good behavior, to make those purchases. They use some things as part of the reward system. Whatever it takes to contol violence and riots. JMO

Typical meal items include three to four ounces of meat, a half cup serving of vegetables, three-quarters of a cup of starch, three-quarters of a cup of salad with dressing, a bread item, a beverage and a dessert. A typical evening's fare may consist of a portion of baked, breaded chicken breast, rice pilaf, carrots, a salad, a dinner roll with butter, Iced tea, and pudding or gelatin. Not too shabby, right?

If prisoners are getting killed, its not over food. They are getting killed because of guys like Ron who kill or hurt to get into a gang or something like that. I bet hes eating better than Haleigh ever did.

Typical meal items include three to four ounces of meat, a half cup serving of vegetables, three-quarters of a cup of starch, three-quarters of a cup of salad with dressing, a bread item, a beverage and a dessert. A typical evening's fare may consist of a portion of baked, breaded chicken breast, rice pilaf, carrots, a salad, a dinner roll with butter, Iced tea, and pudding or gelatin. Not too shabby, right?

If prisoners are getting killed, its not over food. They are getting killed because of guys like Ron who kill or hurt to get into a gang or something like that. I bet hes eating better than Haleigh ever did.


OMG, Chablis, I could cry over that, because I truly think you are right. She probably got warmed up canned pasta or something, (unless she was at GGMS house, who I believe would have fed the children well.) God bless little Haleigh.
OMG, Chablis, I could cry over that, because I truly think you are right. She probably got warmed up canned pasta or something, (unless she was at GGMS house, who I believe would have fed the children well.) God bless little Haleigh.

I almost cried because I remember Annettes made up story about Haleigh eating green beans on a cold porch as her last meal. Its so heartbreaking all the way around. jmo
Typical meal items include three to four ounces of meat, a half cup serving of vegetables, three-quarters of a cup of starch, three-quarters of a cup of salad with dressing, a bread item, a beverage and a dessert. A typical evening's fare may consist of a portion of baked, breaded chicken breast, rice pilaf, carrots, a salad, a dinner roll with butter, Iced tea, and pudding or gelatin. Not too shabby, right?

If prisoners are getting killed, its not over food. They are getting killed because of guys like Ron who kill or hurt to get into a gang or something like that. I bet hes eating better than Haleigh ever did.

Thanks for the link. It was an interesting article. Well, I live in east Texas, and I can tell you, the inmates here, don't have it this good. My brother in law was a prison guard a few years ago, and he said the guys were always fighting over food. A family friend who spent 3 years in another prison, had his mother smuggle in little cherry tomatoes, and beef jerky, because they didn't have those things. He also told me an interesting story about making prison wine. The recipe called for honeybuns, (for the yeast and sugar), among a few other things they got out of the commissary. They hid the stuff in their cells, until it basically rotted, and then made the wine and drank it. He went in an alcoholic, and came out even worse. You'd think if for nothing else, prison would be good for cold turkey, but that's not the case. By the way, he's not a terrible guy. He had gotten drunk, and caught his wife with another man. He beat him senseless and was charged with 'leaving him for dead'. He went to the pen, his wife married the other guy, and he was recently told that he has less than 3 years to live. I think that god awful prison wine rushed things along. He's only 30 years old and has 2 kids.
I feel that the prisons shouldn't allow a lot of things that they do, I feel the prisoners shouldn't have rights at all! they shouldn't make it a nice stay for those in there. I mean not to take away the constitutional rights, but for instance a TV, they shouldn't be allowed to watch TV, JMO. They should really make it uncomfortable for the prisoners so they they DONT come back, they make it too easy, a lot of people would rather just be in prison, then out on the streets, and these prisoners don't think about the tax payers that are having to foot the bill. the reason behind the prisons being over populated. go ahead throw

all JMO :)
Typical meal items include three to four ounces of meat, a half cup serving of vegetables, three-quarters of a cup of starch, three-quarters of a cup of salad with dressing, a bread item, a beverage and a dessert. A typical evening's fare may consist of a portion of baked, breaded chicken breast, rice pilaf, carrots, a salad, a dinner roll with butter, Iced tea, and pudding or gelatin. Not too shabby, right?

If prisoners are getting killed, its not over food. They are getting killed because of guys like Ron who kill or hurt to get into a gang or something like that. I bet hes eating better than Haleigh ever did.


Sounds better than a can of Raviola or a can of green beans, doesn't it? I also think about the hardship placed upon the families of the convicts who are more than likely struggling to feed the children and pay the bills since being left to fend for themselves. These same families are handing over money to a convict while a lot of the time they haven't got enough to eat at home. This pizzzzzzzzzzes me off.
I feel that the prisons shouldn't allow a lot of things that they do, I feel the prisoners shouldn't have rights at all! they shouldn't make it a nice stay for those in there. I mean not to take away the constitutional rights, but for instance a TV, they shouldn't be allowed to watch TV, JMO. They should really make it uncomfortable for the prisoners so they they DONT come back, they make it too easy, a lot of people would rather just be in prison, then out on the streets, and these prisoners don't think about the tax payers that are having to foot the bill. the reason behind the prisons being over populated. go ahead throw

all JMO :)

This might sound crazy but the more uncomfortable the inmates are, the more likely prison staff are injured or worse. What many don't understand is that at any point, inmates can take over the prison. The prison system has learned the hard way that you have to give a little, if you value your life. It is best not to be hard azz there if you want to go home with all your body parts after eight hours.

So California prisons try to strike a balance. It works for the most part, but not always, unfortunately. I think they do a fairly good job. The inmates have tv in their cells and they have good food. I can testify to that. Now lunch is not so good. It is a sandwich or two, fruit and a drink. I have never witnessed an inmate eat their lunch. I think it is thrown away. They save the fruit to make their pruno. They get sugar from their coffee at night and in the morning and store it. They get ice from all the dialysis patients and they party starting on Friday nights.

Breakfast is incredible. Eggs, grits/oatmeal, etc. pancakes at times, freshly made coffeecake, potatoes, fruit juice, milk, coffee, tea. Dinner is not bad and is packed similarly as is a very full menu.

Almost all inmates have kids and girlfriends. They are usually on welfare. The inmates start filing for SSI about one year before they leave, hoping to have a paycheck when they arrive home. The State does try to recoup some money to pay for these kids and put liens on any money they make to help pay for the support of the kids. I doubt it ever gets paid.
Sounds like <modsnip> needs protection. The Arien Brotherhood is not what he should do...but he never was one to make smart choices...
Gross. Nazi, just terrible. Wonder what NG will think of this, or is this just what he has to do to survive? Oh, probably, wasn't he talking about being a preacher once? Basically crazy Ron is gearing up to be crazy enough not to stand trial for what he did to his daughter. Wow, on his neck of all places! What a great Daddy! I wonder what he tells Junior? Sick, unbelievable, and stomach churning. jmo

Inking a swastsika is a very stupid move. The prison staff will now know who your buddies are. I imagine he did this to try and scare some inmates. He is a wooz but he loves to talk a big story. I now know he is seriously going to get in trouble.

Well, <modsnip> finally found himself a family...:woohoo:
This might sound crazy but the more uncomfortable the inmates are, the more likely prison staff are injured or worse. What many don't understand is that at any point, inmates can take over the prison. The prison system has learned the hard way that you have to give a little, if you value your life. It is best not to be hard azz there if you want to go home with all your body parts after eight hours.

So California prisons try to strike a balance. It works for the most part, but not always, unfortunately. I think they do a fairly good job. The inmates have tv in their cells and they have good food. I can testify to that. Now lunch is not so good. It is a sandwich or two, fruit and a drink. I have never witnessed an inmate eat their lunch. I think it is thrown away. They save the fruit to make their pruno. They get sugar from their coffee at night and in the morning and store it. They get ice from all the dialysis patients and they party starting on Friday nights.

Breakfast is incredible. Eggs, grits/oatmeal, etc. pancakes at times, freshly made coffeecake, potatoes, fruit juice, milk, coffee, tea. Dinner is not bad and is packed similarly as is a very full menu.

Almost all inmates have kids and girlfriends. They are usually on welfare. The inmates start filing for SSI about one year before they leave, hoping to have a paycheck when they arrive home. The State does try to recoup some money to pay for these kids and put liens on any money they make to help pay for the support of the kids. I doubt it ever gets paid.
I've been wondering where you were, and have been waiting for your input on this. What's up with Texas, being so behind the times? My brother in law quit his guard job, because he got attacked. That prison would feed those guys bologna for days, and would only let them go to the commissary maybe once a month, if they were lucky. They had guys threatening to riot over not being able to buy their soap and toilet paper. It was a mad house.
Sounds like rotten ronnie needs protection. The Arien Brotherhood is not what he should do...but he never was one to make smart choices...
Ron, IMO, has never had to fend for himself, so I think you're right about him needing the protection. But, IMO, it's probably more about the drug access. I look for this to get in the way of him honoring his proffer, because he's living a life, far removed from Haleigh. IDK about in prison, but I have seen guys get these tattoos just for the image and to be cool. Maybe he's not actually in a gang?
Ron, IMO, has never had to fend for himself, so I think you're right about him needing the protection. But, IMO, it's probably more about the drug access. I look for this to get in the way of him honoring his proffer, because he's living a life, far removed from Haleigh. IDK about in prison, but I have seen guys get these tattoos just for the image and to be cool. Maybe he's not actually in a gang?

Well, then he would probably be killed soon for sporting the tat, and the person who gave it to him would probably be hurt too. Hes in a gang, hes aware hes in a gang, this isnt one of those things that poor Ron gets wrapped up in and has no idea, isnt he supposed to have a high IQ?
Ron, IMO, has never had to fend for himself, so I think you're right about him needing the protection. But, IMO, it's probably more about the drug access. I look for this to get in the way of him honoring his proffer, because he's living a life, far removed from Haleigh. IDK about in prison, but I have seen guys get these tattoos just for the image and to be cool. Maybe he's not actually in a gang?

If true, I'd think real gang members would not take kindly to that.

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