Ronald Cummings, drug trafficking charges

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Well one thing we ALL know... His mama is so proud of him..Could be his grandma is too..JMHO
Look at it this way.

He is probably dealing drugs for his gang.

He is probably shaking down weak inmates.

He is probably committing violence on weak inmates.

Sounds like the same Ron in or out.

Unfortunately for Ron he is used to abusing his own children, and he will try to do something to the wrong inmate and will get what is coming to him, and I'll sit back and laugh. :floorlaugh:

An inmate just isn't the same as a 5-year-old little girl!
Only God Can Judge Me:
"Slogans reflecting beliefs or attitudes are a common theme and are often placed around the color bone

– “Only God can Judge Me”: “That just basically means that no matter what, no matter how society looks at you, at you as an individual, like how the justice system looks at you as a monster or menace to society, regardless of what they say, only God can judge you. A judge can’t judge you just because he’s a judge. He’s not God Almighty. No matter what kind of person society makes you out to be, only God can judge you. Only God knows you.” - Michael Sipp, prisoner"

Not only can God judge him, but a jury of 12 can as well!
Here, let me take a gander.

He was to go to the good faith program and beat up and hurt someone who really is trying to get their life together. Then he got sent back, and tattooed.


After he left Wakulla but before he went back to Liberty he made a stop at the RMC (reception/medical center). I was wondering if this was common or if he had a medical reason to be there, as in getting injured in a fight.
Or maybe he just wanted to cover those hideous boils on his neck, and they done played a trick on him, he had given the prison tattoo artist a picture of a cross but they wanted him so bad to represent the brotherhood he had no choice. I cant wait for Teresa to enlist her minions to justify this.

The guards actually allow them to tattoo themselves in prison??

I've watched a lot of prison documentary tv shows and what I have learned from them is tattooing is against the rules but like a lot of things it doesn't always get stopped. When the cells/inmates are searched and tattoo contraband is found or an inmate sports a new tattoo they get reprimanded. jmo
Is the Florida prison system now smoke free? Bet thats got to be fun.
Is the Florida prison system now smoke free? Bet thats got to be fun.

But is it really smoke free? Drug free? weapons free? the list just goes on and on b/c in reality although the prison guards are present, they turn their backs...or they are just simply out numbered by the prisoners. JMO They can try their hardest to make them smoke, drug, weapon free, and i hope they can make it this way, but i just don't think its gonna happen.

I don't think the prisons will EVER be free of any of this. not as long as they are allowed visitors from the outside and incoming mail as well. (i have a hard time believing that ALL mail is checked, i think it is checked on certain individuals and at random--i could be wrong JMO
I've watched a lot of prison documentary tv shows and what I have learned from them is tattooing is against the rules but like a lot of things it doesn't always get stopped. When the cells/inmates are searched and tattoo contraband is found or an inmate sports a new tattoo they get reprimanded. jmo

Maybe getting the new tat is what got him kicked out of that program in the first place, and then b/c of lack of steralization from the needles, maybe that is why he was sent to medical before returning to the prison?
But is it really smoke free? Drug free? weapons free? the list just goes on and on b/c in reality although the prison guards are present, they turn their backs...or they are just simply out numbered by the prisoners. JMO They can try their hardest to make them smoke, drug, weapon free, and i hope they can make it this way, but i just don't think its gonna happen.

I don't think the prisons will EVER be free of any of this. not as long as they are allowed visitors from the outside and incoming mail as well. (i have a hard time believing that ALL mail is checked, i think it is checked on certain individuals and at random--i could be wrong JMO

The prison mail is screened big time, there are officers trained just to spot acid on paper and stuff like that, but stuff does slip by. They sold smokes on the prison commissary lists and thats really been stopped, so any contraband smoke coming in will be hid very well, grossly enough. There is no stopping it completely, but they wont be allowing lighters either. This is why I am convinced when we next see Ron it will be of him pointing to some area to search in his prison clothes with 3 cigs hanging out his mouth. I truly think he would approach the state with a plea deal where he confesses and tells the location of the body in exchange to be able to smoke cigs all day while awaiting the death penalty, just so he feels "Special" because I dont think hes feeling very special and confident in prison right now.

Maybe getting the new tat is what got him kicked out of that program in the first place, and then b/c of lack of steralization from the needles, maybe that is why he was sent to medical before returning to the prison?

Maybe, but really more than likely he went into that program to hurt someone so he could get his cool Nazi tattoo. See how he works? You have some wiping the tears hearing Ron is going to some program to get help and change and come out and lead a crusade to find his daughter, but nope, it was a cold calculated plan to hurt someone. jmo
Main activities of the AB are centered on drug trafficking, extortion, pressure rackets, and internal discipline.

Sounds like the house on Green Lane!
OMG, yeah, it does sound familiar, doesn't it? I noticed the 1st thing mentioned was the drug trafficking, and I'm not surprised Ron chose this group to hang with, if he did join a group. It's MOO, that Ron is a hardcore addict and the next 10 or so yrs without drugs, probably didn't sound too comfortable. I am kind of surprised that more isn't done to stop these groups and their activities. This doesn't sound like punishment, IMO...just dangerous and hardening. I know this is a lame question, but where's the rehab? Where's the punishment for breaking the rules? tattoos, drugs, cigarettes...JMO.
Well he should lose any good time he has for getting a tat in prison.
If somebody hears about this, I hope they let us know. Does anybody know about the rest of this crew? Have they gotten new tattoos or joined gangs? I doubt women's prisons are as infiltrated as men's, but you never know. Females are so cliquish anyway, there may not be much of a need.
I've watched a lot of prison documentary tv shows and what I have learned from them is tattooing is against the rules but like a lot of things it doesn't always get stopped. When the cells/inmates are searched and tattoo contraband is found or an inmate sports a new tattoo they get reprimanded. jmo


Me too twall and what I've learned is that prisoners have way to many rights. If prisoners were made to have visits through video there would be less contraband shoved in places I don't even want to think about (drugs, cell phones and God knows what else). If there were no contact visits then the majority of contraband would be provided by the guards (which I think a lot is anyway). having a commissary is a joke to me, when they commited their crimes they gave up their rights to shop for radios, TV's, goodies to eat, make-up or anything imo. Another thing that just tears me up is that these big old tough prisoners male or female are the biggest babies I've ever seen. They complain about how bad the prison system is to them and it just makes me want to jump in the TV and beat the hello out of them. If they had been law abiding citizens they wouldn't be there. They refuse to take any responsiblity for their actions so they scream these guards are being mean to me. IMO if the justice system were the way I would like it to be we wouldn't have as many prisons much less over populated prisons and much more money in our savings accounts.

I really got onto a rant didn't I...Sorry.

Me too twall and what I've learned is that prisoners have way to many rights. If prisoners were made to have visits through video there would be less contraband shoved in places I don't even want to think about (drugs, cell phones and God knows what else). If there were no contact visits then the majority of contraband would be provided by the guards (which I think a lot is anyway). having a commissary is a joke to me, when they commited their crimes they gave up their rights to shop for radios, TV's, goodies to eat, make-up or anything imo. Another thing that just tears me up is that these big old tough prisoners male or female are the biggest babies I've ever seen. They complain about how bad the prison system is to them and it just makes me want to jump in the TV and beat the hello out of them. If they had been law abiding citizens they wouldn't be there. They refuse to take any responsiblity for their actions so they scream these guards are being mean to me. IMO if the justice system were the way I would like it to be we wouldn't have as many prisons much less over populated prisons and much more money in our savings accounts.


I really got onto a rant didn't I...Sorry.
I understand your frustration, but personally, I'd like to see all of these people leave prison as changed people. But sadly, I don't see that happening. Misty seemed pretty happy in her last interview, and now it seems that Ron is making 'friends'. If he's in a neo nazi gang, he'll never talk now. Dang, it seems like they're all moving on and getting farther and farther away from Haleigh and that night. JMO, but we're all more worried about Haleigh than they are.
At werk and not much time to explain, but I want you guys to tone it way down. Wishing violence or death on any players in this case is NOT allowed. Comprende? Kewl. Thanks.

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