Ronald proposes to Misty

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Hi aprilshowers,

I think it was more my fear than pasive agressive. This is not something that i normally speak about, and Not publicly. I was only trying to give another perspective, while at the same time being nervous about sharing my own life with the members of the board.

Please feel free to disagree with my post. That was not my intention when typing that statement.

Not sure if this was covered in the thread, only made it thru part of it.

I think Ronald proposed because people were saying that Misty had something to do with it. Her mother is quoted as saying that they wanted to get married for about 5 months, but she didn't want them too until she was 18, but with everything going on she allowed it. I really don't find anything that suspicious about it, I think it was more of an outward show of support for Misty.

On the statutory rape thing...Florida has an age proximity exception law that would keep him from being prosecuted. Similar to the Romeo-Juliet law we have here in Kansas.

Sorry again if this has already been covered.
Again I am going to ask my fellow slueths to find her school records. Maybe I am crazy as a loon, but I didn't see to see that especially since Misty came on scene. Please, if someone has access to her school records let us put this thing to rest. Not hearsay or supposition or insinuations, but actual facts.

The exact numbers are on here somewhere, I believe they came from a family member who got them directly from the school. It was within the first 10 days or so that they were posted, but I don't know how to search the forum for the posts regarding that. Someone with more experience can probably find them quickly for you. I believe there is also an interview where Misty herself discussed this and confirmed the numbers of absences, and also somewhere where Ron mentioned being contacted by officials recently regarding how much school she had missed.
Not sure if this was covered in the thread, only made it thru part of it.

I think Ronald proposed because people were saying that Misty had something to do with it. Her mother is quoted as saying that they wanted to get married for about 5 months, but she didn't want them too until she was 18, but with everything going on she allowed it. I really don't find anything that suspicious about it, I think it was more of an outward show of support for Misty.

On the statutory rape thing...Florida has an age proximity exception law that would keep him from being prosecuted. Similar to the Romeo-Juliet law we have here in Kansas.

Sorry again if this has already been covered.

Hi fellow Kansan! Yes, it has been covered in a number of posts (search under LFlorida, I believe) it is a felony in FL and has been prosecuted in numerous other cases. She has posted the exact statute several times regarding questions on this issue.
Again I am going to ask my fellow slueths to find her school records. Maybe I am crazy as a loon, but I didn't see to see that especially since Misty came on scene. Please, if someone has access to her school records let us put this thing to rest. Not hearsay or supposition or insinuations, but actual facts.

It has been commented on by family members in the press. I have not seen school records released personally, and wouldn't expect them to be (I would hope).

I would assume on days she was not well enough to go to school she would not have been out playing either, so maybe it just wasn't visible? I would have no clue whether my neighbors kids were at school or sick in bed, but I don't socialize with the neighbors either.
And yet, they're saying thats exaclty why they are doing this, because she wanted them to get married, and it's a surprise for her when she gets home. So it'a all about Haleigh after all.
How's that for spin?

Ouch... If/when Haleigh returns, this would make her feel awful. Seriously! I'm sure it would make her happy but as a little girl don't you think she'd wonder why they couldn't wait and let her be a flower girl? What a coming home celebration that would be - a huge wedding with Haleigh as the flower girl, everyone celebrating her return and the marriage, too. Instead, it will be, "Oh, honey, while you were gone/being abused/tortured/whatever, we got married! Isn't that great? It was so much fun - wish you could've been there...". I understand if this were to happen a year from now, but - a month?!?

I just cannot fathom the idea of thinkiing about marriage at a time like this. If this were my child, I'd still be barely able to function and pumped full of Xanax or something.

The timing just seems off - to think about marriage at a time like this.
Haleigh went to school everyday? I thought I had heard several family members comment on how much school she missed due to her Turner's Syndrome complications?

I haven't seen anyone make accusations of child abuse or claiming that Misty killed the child. They made their engagement public information, posed for media pictures. I have seen many of us express our opinions about those actions. Opinions have been expressed about the wisdom of a 17 year old playing mom 24/7, while Ron works in excess of 65 hours (by your own account). Opinions have been expressed about Misty's ever changing account of what occured that night.

No one picked them out of thin air to comment on. Tragedy put them in the spotlight. It could happen to any of us. But to expect people to not comment on a multi page rap sheet, shacking up with a minor, and commenting on the things they now CHOOSE to put in the public eye is just unreasonable and will prove to be a never ending source of frustration for you if you can't accept that. The stranger abduction theory has also been discussed in great detail. RSO in the neighborhood have individually been discussed. The persecution of Ron and Misty that you are perceiving is not there.

You say "they" but it was really only Misty that I saw in front of the media with her ring and doing all the talking. Ron did not look the least bit interested in the media. Unless you saw someother media....:waitasec:
Misty's mother said that the ring was a Cummings family ring. If so, then RC didn't spent his money on it. I'm a bit on the fence with this news. The timing doesn't seem appropriate. On the other hand, it's very symbolic. It enables RC and MC to show solidarity as a family. It implies that they have hope that Haleigh will be returned to them and that they are preparing a stable environment for her and Jr. If I look at this from an outside view, I may be skeptical, but if I look at it from their view, it makes sense.

i understande but strongly disagree. Why not wait for Haleigh's return??? Don't you think she would be a bit upset to come home and find out she was left out???? If she wanted it why not let the flower girl return to be a part of it???? Something is VERY wrong with this. JMO JMO
Not sure if this was covered in the thread, only made it thru part of it.

I think Ronald proposed because people were saying that Misty had something to do with it. Her mother is quoted as saying that they wanted to get married for about 5 months, but she didn't want them too until she was 18, but with everything going on she allowed it. I really don't find anything that suspicious about it, I think it was more of an outward show of support for Misty.

On the statutory rape thing...Florida has an age proximity exception law that would keep him from being prosecuted. Similar to the Romeo-Juliet law we have here in Kansas.

Sorry again if this has already been covered.

Florida does have that exception. Ron and Misty exceed the allowable age span. It covers minors over 16 and adults under 23. Ron was 24 when she was 16, which is a felony. Though as I have said I find in extremely unlikely any charges will ever come about. Especially with no family or victim complaint.
Why is it so hard for some of you to believe Player? Because it dosen't fall into the "he's guilty" column? Why can other locals post here and everyone hangs to every one of their words?

Player has stated he knows them, has seen them when they are at home relaxing, interacting with the kids. Sorry I put more faith in his words then someone who hasn't had social interaction with Ron and Misty. IMO

In Total Agreement with the above statement. We are looking for Haleigh and it seems Player is trying to help us get to that goal. I appreciate someone who knows them coming on and providing information for us!!
Sorry if this has been posted, but it looks like she had a nice manicure as well (again, not cheap and seems extravagant under the circumstances of a missing child):

Well I noticed the real mom, CS, has the same new manicure for the news conference this afternoon.
If you knew the area and the home you would say different.. "better place to live" This is a fine place to live and that home is a nice one. LE tore it up and hasn't put it back together and won't.

sorry player i didnt mean to say it that way

I just see everyone bashing about the house and not much in there.

I am very thankful for your post I'm beginning to see things in a different light now
thank you
You say "they" but it was really only Misty that I saw in front of the media with her ring and doing all the talking. Ron did not look the least bit interested in the media. Unless you saw someother media....:waitasec:

I used the term generically. Misty can take the credit for making that open to public comment. Ron can take the credit for the tattoo trip being open to public comment. As a couple they have made their actions open to comment. That was all I was trying to say (in response to being told we should all refrain from discussing it and that we were all just gossiping if discussing anything other than the bushy haired stranger, or the bio mom who seems to be fair game too).
Gotta get somethings for supper be back around 4

Thanks for hanging around on wedsleuths. I'm sorry you are getting beat up on here. I appreciate that you bring a different perpective to this fourm since most of the locals on here are Cyrstal's family and freinds.
It's always best to hear from all sides.

I could not agree more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my opinion
I have been very involved in this case from day 1 since I live in this community
I have done searches with the Equess teams and some of my own
My Gunny is a Crisis response dog and also he has alerted me at certain places in their area.
Everyday I pray that Haliegh is found and I think of her frequently trying to solve this puzzle. I see Misty all happy and content and she was supposedly so close. I am sad and do not personally know little Haliegh. What is wrong with this picture?
No wonder Crystal is upset when Misty says that Haliegh calls her Mom.
It is no doubt in my mind( my opinion) that this is a scam to raise money to pay off a drug deal. Ron and Misty know where little Haliegh is; just hope that she is still alive.
I have personal info that the tatoos were piad for by the donations.
Rumors are going around that she has been sold and yes, I did contact LE

I do not belive for one second she was sold.
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