Ronald speaks from jail #2

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I emailed Matt Saffer who did the article for Fox and asked him where he got this statement from.

The one trustee has to come through here and pick up the trash. Well, they bring the trash right through the back door right past where I'm at, so he has to come right by me, so I get to see him for 3 minutes in the morning, 3 minutes in the afternoon, 3 minutes at night," said Cummings.

I hope he answers me.

It was in the interview. Are you saying that the interview has been redacted?
Maybe the shout-out of the number 3 is just to Misty to never forget, "I saw 3"
Seriously what up with all the 3's in this case...
His momma claims he read 356 pages and he read them from 3 until 3..

He doesn't get excited about eating 3 meals a day...He looks forward to Someone taking out the trash 3 times a day and it takes him 3 minutes each time...

Anyone care to add more?

Yesterday I was listing to Simon's radio show and some lady name Sue called in and said she had visions. She said that Haleigh was dead and would be found within a "3" mile radius from the rear of the MH, in the woods. And boy did we all start to ask questions and one of the host even told her if you see things and you know where she is at why have you not shown LE. And she said she went out with LE and they could not find Haleigh that they must of stepped over her, but that Haleigh was within the "3" mile radius of the MH, under some underbrush.

Not to be gross...An FYI for anyone who searches for a body...the ground will look like it is sunken, because the corps blows up first and all the acids and so forth expand/swell the ground-area, then after the corps starts to turn to skeletons it goes into the ground and there is like a little pocket in the ground. I learned that on the ID Discovery Channel...LOL.
It was in the interview. Are you saying that the interview has been redacted?

If you read the article here:

You see the statement:

Ronald said the isolation sometimes gets under his skin. "You know what's bad? I don't look forward to breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I look forward to after breakfast lunch and dinner, 'cause after breakfast lunch and dinner, the one trustee has to come through here and pick up the trash. Well, they bring the trash right through the back door right past where I'm at, so he has to come right by me, so I get to see him for 3 minutes in the morning, 3 minutes in the afternoon, 3 minutes at night," said Cummings.

But when you listen to the Audio of the interview you never hear that statement. It came from another phone call evidently.
To me, taking out the trash means doing away with someone beneath you, a low-life, scum. Since, in my OPINION, RC has a sense of entitlement - by whatever means he came by it, mother/LE/grandma, most other people ARE beneath him. I don't believe he sees himself for what he really is. Trash to him is anyone who crosses him/the entitled one, and I further believe he doesn't really like women, just used them.

My own opinion, of course.

I guess: Trash is in the eye of the beholder. Ron has been brought up thinking that he is special and that women are only there to serve his needs. The women around him are not the type to crawl out from under the rock they're hiding under to stand up against him. If Tommy doesn't know anything, there's a possibility that this man will not have to face up to what he has done.
The problem with this is that he gave this interview in the first place. Ronald has appeared to me throughout this whole thing to be self-serving, and in this interview, I have not changed that opinion. So it begs the question: What could be served by him giving this interview?

His answers were as prevaricating as always. If he was simply going to prevaricate, why bother with the interview? His answers were cat-and-mouse. They were given with laughter in his voice, and only a brief moment of regret that he'd gotten caught.....but not for what he was doing.

I'm very puzzled at why he gave this interview at all.

Good question, debs. Just why would he submit to an interview now? I can only guess that being locked up alone is not a very uncomfortable situation for Ronald. He needs attention and he wasn't getting much in a small jail cell.
I also think he feels an importance that a reporter would come to him. He needs that for his ego. He certainly didn't have anything new or earth shaking to share. Same old stuff.
Then again, perhaps as others here have suggested, maybe he needed to get a message out to his business partners. But myself, I don't think Ronald is that clever. I think he is ruled by anger first. jmo
DrF, I also wonder why it takes a trustee 3 minutes each time he's taking out the garbage to complete that task.

Yeah, and how is Ron timing this task. Perhaps the 3 is a signal that Misty and gang should move on to Plan # 3. Makes about as much sense as "I was at werk." jmo
Yeah, and how is Ron timing this task. Perhaps the 3 is a signal that Misty and gang should move on to Plan # 3. Makes about as much sense as "I was at werk." jmo

Excellent, excellent!!!! He told Momma he did not have a clock in his cell.
As long as we're talking code, we should assume that the code is for someone who wasn't arrested. Only because we can't assume that Tommy, Donna, Hope or Misty will have been given access to hear the interview, or hear Teresa's statements after her visit.

I just simply find it all perplexing.
My understanding is Ron C contacted the reporter, or am I wrong?
My understanding is Ron C contacted the reporter, or am I wrong?

I'm not sure, Em. But if that's the situation, I think Ron wanted very much to get a message out there to whomever. Anyone know for sure which way this interview occured?
From my background, I would imagine a reporter would be breaking his or her legs running to get an interview or a sound bite once Ron's housing changes from a motor home to a jail cell. That's really a bombshell (in NG's term).
As long as we're talking code, we should assume that the code is for someone who wasn't arrested. Only because we can't assume that Tommy, Donna, Hope or Misty will have been given access to hear the interview, or hear Teresa's statements after her visit.

I just simply find it all perplexing.

Code, bible. 356

3= Luke

Luke 5:6

King James Bible luke 5:6
And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.

Who knows LOL LOL
Wait. Doesn't a year contain 365 days? Or is my personal year just seem longer? :waitasec:

:doh: I must be getting dyslectic. I thought she said 365. She said 356. nevamind. :)
I'm not sure, Em. But if that's the situation, I think Ron wanted very much to get a message out there to whomever. Anyone know for sure which way this interview occured?
From my background, I would imagine a reporter would be breaking his or her legs running to get an interview or a sound bite once Ron's housing changes from a motor home to a jail cell. That's really a bombshell (in NG's term).

Ron thanks dana for setting up an account with paytell so Ron can call Dana. The sheriff gave Ron a note saying that Dana set up an account and for Ron to call him. It is all on the recording.
Wait. Doesn't a year contain 365 days? Or is my personal year just seem longer? :waitasec: must be my age. That was the first thing I thought of.
You are correct, there are 365.25 days in a year.

Every four years, they have 366 to compensate for the .25 part. Usually there's 365.25. 366-day leap year every four years, which assumes exactly 365.25 days in a year.
OK Signal 3 on the scanner for PC is Hit and Run

Signal 56 is child

I've been trying to remember if there is any street addy of 356 we know or have heard on the scanner. Will have to check my notes.
356 3rd Street in Welaka is a stone's throw from GGM.
Code, bible. 356

3= Luke

Luke 5:6

King James Bible luke 5:6
And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.

Who knows LOL LOL

Leviticus (3rd book of the Bible) 5:6

King James: And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD for his sin which he hath sinned, a female from the flock, a lamb or a kid of the goats, for a sin offering; and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his sin.

Basic English: And take to the Lord the offering for the wrong which he has done, a female from the flock, a lamb or a goat, for a sin-offering, and the priest will take away his sin.


So is Ronald gonna "sacrifice" Misty to make up for his sin?? :confused:

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