Ross Harris Trial Jury Selection - Tweets, News & Discussion (Brunswick)

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I dunno Dex.
I remember at the time this happened I was convinced of guilt.
I recall he didn't just leave him, he went into work, back out to the car at lunch and ran an errand, then back to work again (am I remembering that right?)
I guess now I have the chance to hear it all plus much more I did not know and can judge it then.

Imo. The big question is was this a accident. Now him texting other women while accidentally killing his wife is one thing. But why kill the child which is his only son?

So imo. He would have killed the wife and used the son to obtain more benefits like tax credit and other welfare benefits, while finding a woman that loves kids to help take care of his son.


His wife would be more in the way than his son.

So maybe this was an accident.

Unless he found out that the child wasn't his. Jmo
My first impressions of this courtroom:

Judge is smart, pleasant, and not baffled by bull****.

Prosecutor is charming, friendly, and loves the cameras.

Defense is very off putting, and as the judge has already said "parses words."

I don't know how much is acceptable to post about jurors so I am posting the bare basics (my own notes are much longer):

Juror 32 - works in landscaping, cuts grass. Worked three years so far. Was noted in court he is a young man.

Juror 33 - retired woman from the city of Brunswick. Retired in 2008.

Juror 34 - worked as a sales associate, housekeeper, and collections agent. Woman with kids in her teens. Followed the Casey Anthony trial because she wanted to learn what happened to Caylee.

Juror 35 - is a minister and does audio service and small engine repairs. Knows an attorney in Cobb county. Told a funny story about being arrested for shooting squirrels with a 22 caliber firearm. Charged with shooting a firearm within city limits.

Juror 36 - has worked as a kindergarten teacher for about seven years. Knows people who work in the court system in Glynn county. Only watches stuff like 48 hours or Lifetime documentaries. Followed Natalie Holloway case. Followed Casey Anthony case. Good experience with law enforcement. Does not think that car seats equipped with alarms would be helpful to her, "maybe others" but not her.

Solitary questioning begins:

Juror 25 - has affirmed that she can set aside what she has heard to form an impartial opinion. Also affirmed she can vote for guilt or innocence. Doesn't want to see/hear graphic language or sexual content, but would be willing to in order to serve jury. Affirms again to the defense that she is able to hear both sides and view evidence to draw a conclusion. Juror 25 is asked to return October 3.

Juror 27 - has heard a lot about the case, concedes that the media can get things wrong. Says she would try to put aside what she learned but the case has haunted her since she has a grandson named Cooper. Had discussed it extensively with family and formed an opinion. Has a hard time believing anyone can forget a child in the car. She has kids and would never forget they were with her. She never left them for a minute because she is afraid of sexual predators. Son started reading the articles to her. Cannot guarantee she can put aside everything she has heard from the media. Says the story was on her local news for days and days, and also on the Today show. Son and daughter in law expressed their opinion that he is guilty. Is not sure she can look at the pictures of Cooper. She is of the opinion that he is guilty. Relates story of how her grandson was injured and says "our Cooper is luckier than the other Cooper." She is excused, the judge says to come back October 3 at 9:00 am.

---At this point, the Prosecution stopped using juror numbers, so I am using "?" instead of guessing, with exception to juror 29 who was described by defense motion to strike ---

Juror ? - learned about case on the Internet but has affirmed his ability to serve on the jury. Doesn't remember much about the case and didn't remember if Harris even white or black. Says the media made it look like Harris had intentionally left his child in the car. He says he had formed an opinion "based on nothing" but had been exposed to previous information about hot car deaths. Has had this opinion for two years or more. Says he feels he can be a little bit more fair if the trial started today. Says he will be willing to wait until he has heard all the evidence from both sides before deciding guilt or innocence. Says he is willing to presume he is innocent when court starts. Judge asks him to return October 3 at 9:00 am.

Juror ? - does not think it is fair to be on the jury. Excused until October 3 at 9:00am.

Juror 29 - has seen a lot of child abuse cases, is convinced he is guilty but would be willing to try to set that aside to determine guilt or innocence. Saw and heard a lot about the case on the Internet, television (even the weather channel), and the radio. Watches local news and national news 6-7pm. Finds it "amazing" you can leave your flesh and blood in the back of a hot car. He still believes Harris is guilty. Says is able to be a fair and impartial juror to both sides. Judge asks him to come back October 3 at 9:00am.

Juror ? - says it is very hard for her to accept this kind of situation. She says she cannot believe that with all the common knowledge and warnings that parents could forget their child in the car. She lightly skimmed through articles and her knowledge is that the child was left in the car and the child passed away. Doesn't see how it can be accidental. After another question she affirms she does not see it as an accident. She says her opinion will not be changed by anything in the courtroom. Asked to come back October 3 at 9:00am.

Juror ? - says he would not be able to render a fair verdict. Has heard about the case from family, friends, and the Internet. Asked to come back October 3 at 9:00am.

Juror ? - says his mind will be hard to change because he has a neice. Has already formed an opinion. Says he would not be able to give Harris a fair trial. Judge says she's going to excuse him but to come back on October 3 9:00am.

Juror ? - says she would be able to put aside her opinion and follow the judge's instructions to give Harris a fair trial. Excused until October 3, 9:00am.

Juror ? - says the lord sent him on a mission to see the way people think? Says he can "switch it off" and has no opinion about the trial. Says the lord showed him the difference between moral judgement and court judgement. Says he has a "gift" but has been training it the last eight years according to his beliefs about the lord. Talking about seeing patterns in people. Excused until October 3 9:00am.

(someone whispers that a juror broke down and cried on the way out in the hallway. She is excused until October 3, is told to take a minute to compose herself in the jury room.)

Juror 35/45? (inaudible) - no motions to strike

Juror 26 -

Juror 27 - no motions to strike

Juror 28 - strike

Juror 29 - brief argument

Juror 30 - strike

Juror 31 - strike

Juror 32 - strike

Juror 33 -

Juror 34 - no motions to strike

Juror 35 - no motion to strike

Juror 36 - strike

Juror 29 - judge denied motion to strike

Judge states she has 23 jurors to put into the pool.

Motion to compel - motion to reconsider: Defense is arguing certain statements made by JRH to an expert witness are "not discoverable" under the Constitutional right to not incriminate oneself. Defense does not have a report or summary of the expert's opinion. Making an argument that Georgia statues allegedly do not require the expert to testify about his notes or statements made by JRH. Admits it is his fault this was not made clear in August.

Prosecution states they were clear about what they requested and under what statues they were requested. Says defense had months to prepare and address this and emails to the defense remained unanswered. Alleges that should the expert witness testify without being notified ahead of time, that the Prosecution would not be prepared and put into a position of possibly arguing inadmissible and prejudicial evidence. Alleges the defense ignored and defies the judge's ruling until Prosecution filed motion to compel. Judge denies defendant's motion to reconsider.
My first impressions of this courtroom:

Judge is smart, pleasant, and not baffled by bull****.

Prosecutor is charming, friendly, and loves the cameras.

Defense is very off putting, and as the judge has already said "parses words."

Snipped by me for space.

First, thank you so much for posting such a comprehensive summary of the various jurors. I was able to listen to many of the interviews this afternoon, but I missed everything from before the lunch break. I appreciate you taking the time to bring us all up to speed.

It was interesting to see your perception of the judge and attorneys. I like Judge Mary Staley Clark. However, my perception of the prosecution and defense teams differs from yours. I commented to my husband last night (after watching the motions from August) that the prosecution has two somewhat abrasive personalities. One of the parties kept making really obnoxious comments directed at the defense team. It was extremely unbecoming and highly unprofessional. He's not the lead prosecutor so that's a plus for them. Also, one of the witnesses looked very put out and clearly agitated by the DT. I don't think that it is going to play well with the jury. JMO

As an attorney, Maddox Kilgore (MK) has my respect. He is there to represent JRH, and that means parsing words on occasion. MK has an uphill battle representing JRH. His client has done something that is unimaginable to a large segment of the population, and on top of that, JRH isn't a very likable person. I think that MK has remained respectful of the proceedings and has done the best job with what little he has to work. I do not, however, think that he will be able to have JRH exonerated on all counts.

ETA - I really hope that interest in this case picks up once the trial starts.
Attorneys on Friday questioned a third panel of 12 jurors, asking them about their personal lives in order to figure out how they might handle the case.

One juror, a retired teacher married to a career law enforcement officer, said she would not question any testimony from police.

“I have that much respect for them. I just don’t think a law enforcement officer would present false information,” she said.


Another juror, who likely won’t make the cut said the case hits her especially hard.

“This case has kind of haunted me because I have a grandson that’s named Cooper and as soon as I hear that name, my heart just sort of dropped to my stomach,” she said.


Twenty-three out of the first 36 jurors questioned have been added to the pool for next month’s trial.
:tyou: for all the notes, I missed todays session this seems to cover it :)

My first impressions of this courtroom:

Judge is smart, pleasant, and not baffled by bull****.

Prosecutor is charming, friendly, and loves the cameras.

Defense is very off putting, and as the judge has already said "parses words."

I don't know how much is acceptable to post about jurors so I am posting the bare basics (my own notes are much longer):

Juror 32 - works in landscaping, cuts grass. Worked three years so far. Was noted in court he is a young man.

Juror 33 - retired woman from the city of Brunswick. Retired in 2008.

Juror 34 - worked as a sales associate, housekeeper, and collections agent. Woman with kids in her teens. Followed the Casey Anthony trial because she wanted to learn what happened to Caylee.

Juror 35 - is a minister and does audio service and small engine repairs. Knows an attorney in Cobb county. Told a funny story about being arrested for shooting squirrels with a 22 caliber firearm. Charged with shooting a firearm within city limits.

Juror 36 - has worked as a kindergarten teacher for about seven years. Knows people who work in the court system in Glynn county. Only watches stuff like 48 hours or Lifetime documentaries. Followed Natalie Holloway case. Followed Casey Anthony case. Good experience with law enforcement. Does not think that car seats equipped with alarms would be helpful to her, "maybe others" but not her.

Solitary questioning begins:

Juror 25 - has affirmed that she can set aside what she has heard to form an impartial opinion. Also affirmed she can vote for guilt or innocence. Doesn't want to see/hear graphic language or sexual content, but would be willing to in order to serve jury. Affirms again to the defense that she is able to hear both sides and view evidence to draw a conclusion. Juror 25 is asked to return October 3.

Juror 27 - has heard a lot about the case, concedes that the media can get things wrong. Says she would try to put aside what she learned but the case has haunted her since she has a grandson named Cooper. Had discussed it extensively with family and formed an opinion. Has a hard time believing anyone can forget a child in the car. She has kids and would never forget they were with her. She never left them for a minute because she is afraid of sexual predators. Son started reading the articles to her. Cannot guarantee she can put aside everything she has heard from the media. Says the story was on her local news for days and days, and also on the Today show. Son and daughter in law expressed their opinion that he is guilty. Is not sure she can look at the pictures of Cooper. She is of the opinion that he is guilty. Relates story of how her grandson was injured and says "our Cooper is luckier than the other Cooper." She is excused, the judge says to come back October 3 at 9:00 am.

---At this point, the Prosecution stopped using juror numbers, so I am using "?" instead of guessing, with exception to juror 29 who was described by defense motion to strike ---

Juror ? - learned about case on the Internet but has affirmed his ability to serve on the jury. Doesn't remember much about the case and didn't remember if Harris even white or black. Says the media made it look like Harris had intentionally left his child in the car. He says he had formed an opinion "based on nothing" but had been exposed to previous information about hot car deaths. Has had this opinion for two years or more. Says he feels he can be a little bit more fair if the trial started today. Says he will be willing to wait until he has heard all the evidence from both sides before deciding guilt or innocence. Says he is willing to presume he is innocent when court starts. Judge asks him to return October 3 at 9:00 am.

Juror ? - does not think it is fair to be on the jury. Excused until October 3 at 9:00am.

Juror 29 - has seen a lot of child abuse cases, is convinced he is guilty but would be willing to try to set that aside to determine guilt or innocence. Saw and heard a lot about the case on the Internet, television (even the weather channel), and the radio. Watches local news and national news 6-7pm. Finds it "amazing" you can leave your flesh and blood in the back of a hot car. He still believes Harris is guilty. Says is able to be a fair and impartial juror to both sides. Judge asks him to come back October 3 at 9:00am.

Juror ? - says it is very hard for her to accept this kind of situation. She says she cannot believe that with all the common knowledge and warnings that parents could forget their child in the car. She lightly skimmed through articles and her knowledge is that the child was left in the car and the child passed away. Doesn't see how it can be accidental. After another question she affirms she does not see it as an accident. She says her opinion will not be changed by anything in the courtroom. Asked to come back October 3 at 9:00am.

Juror ? - says he would not be able to render a fair verdict. Has heard about the case from family, friends, and the Internet. Asked to come back October 3 at 9:00am.

Juror ? - says his mind will be hard to change because he has a neice. Has already formed an opinion. Says he would not be able to give Harris a fair trial. Judge says she's going to excuse him but to come back on October 3 9:00am.

Juror ? - says she would be able to put aside her opinion and follow the judge's instructions to give Harris a fair trial. Excused until October 3, 9:00am.

Juror ? - says the lord sent him on a mission to see the way people think? Says he can "switch it off" and has no opinion about the trial. Says the lord showed him the difference between moral judgement and court judgement. Says he has a "gift" but has been training it the last eight years according to his beliefs about the lord. Talking about seeing patterns in people. Excused until October 3 9:00am.

(someone whispers that a juror broke down and cried on the way out in the hallway. She is excused until October 3, is told to take a minute to compose herself in the jury room.)

Juror 35/45? (inaudible) - no motions to strike

Juror 26 -

Juror 27 - no motions to strike

Juror 28 - strike

Juror 29 - brief argument

Juror 30 - strike

Juror 31 - strike

Juror 32 - strike

Juror 33 -

Juror 34 - no motions to strike

Juror 35 - no motion to strike

Juror 36 - strike

Juror 29 - judge denied motion to strike

Judge states she has 23 jurors to put into the pool.

Motion to compel - motion to reconsider: Defense is arguing certain statements made by JRH to an expert witness are "not discoverable" under the Constitutional right to not incriminate oneself. Defense does not have a report or summary of the expert's opinion. Making an argument that Georgia statues allegedly do not require the expert to testify about his notes or statements made by JRH. Admits it is his fault this was not made clear in August.

Prosecution states they were clear about what they requested and under what statues they were requested. Says defense had months to prepare and address this and emails to the defense remained unanswered. Alleges that should the expert witness testify without being notified ahead of time, that the Prosecution would not be prepared and put into a position of possibly arguing inadmissible and prejudicial evidence. Alleges the defense ignored and defies the judge's ruling until Prosecution filed motion to compel. Judge denies defendant's motion to reconsider.
Your welcome everyone!

I should have mentioned that I only started watching after court resumed after lunch. It's only half the day.
Hello...been watching some archives for the jury selection...there are some that clearly are not suitable for this jury and yet they are asked to come back Oct. 3 why? One just said that nothing said in the courtroom will change her mind about his guilt. Come back Oct. 3? Same with some others...clearly saying they cannot set aside what they already know. Don't understand.
Snipped by me for space.

First, thank you so much for posting such a comprehensive summary of the various jurors. I was able to listen to many of the interviews this afternoon, but I missed everything from before the lunch break. I appreciate you taking the time to bring us all up to speed.

It was interesting to see your perception of the judge and attorneys. I like Judge Mary Staley Clark. However, my perception of the prosecution and defense teams differs from yours. I commented to my husband last night (after watching the motions from August) that the prosecution has two somewhat abrasive personalities. One of the parties kept making really obnoxious comments directed at the defense team. It was extremely unbecoming and highly unprofessional. He's not the lead prosecutor so that's a plus for them. Also, one of the witnesses looked very put out and clearly agitated by the DT. I don't think that it is going to play well with the jury. JMO

As an attorney, Maddox Kilgore (MK) has my respect. He is there to represent JRH, and that means parsing words on occasion. MK has an uphill battle representing JRH. His client has done something that is unimaginable to a large segment of the population, and on top of that, JRH isn't a very likable person. I think that MK has remained respectful of the proceedings and has done the best job with what little he has to work. I do not, however, think that he will be able to have JRH exonerated on all counts.

ETA - I really hope that interest in this case picks up once the trial starts.

I absolutely agree with your take on the attorneys. Staley, though, seems entirely too pro-prosecution, IMO, the most flagrant example being the ruling against severing the charges involving minors, which was overly and unnecessarily prejudicial to Harris.
I think some of the lack of interest in the jury selection is due to another trial going on right now (Disappearance of Christina Morris). Also, Sierra Lamar case was suppose to start today. I haven't checked in there yet. Having to work gets in the way of my sofa sleuthing. LOL
I absolutely agree with your take on the attorneys. Staley, though, seems entirely too pro-prosecution, IMO, the most flagrant example being the ruling against severing the charges involving minors, which was overly and unnecessarily prejudicial to Harris.

I appreciate your insight.

I am on the fence about Staley's ruling on severing the charges. Based on what has been released via the media, which I fully concede can be riddled with errors, the sexting may be the precise reason that JRH is found guilty of felony murder. If JRH was sexting with women, it is highly likely that was the precise reason that JRH did not drop Cooper off at daycare. On the one hand, the sexting goes to motive, which IIRC was the reason that Judge Staley decided not to sever the charges, but IMO more importantly the sexting shows that JRH was distracted. That distraction caused him to show a "reckless disregard" for Cooper's life, and ultimately that caused Cooper's death. While it is rather unfortunate for JRH (and ultimately Cooper), JRH was communicating with and sexting with women while Cooper was slowly being baked to death in a hot car. I am not sure exactly how the prosecution intends to present its case, but it is not out-of-the question that Ross's sexting habits caused Cooper's death.

Just to be clear, I do not think that any person, male or female, who sexts is likely to murder. I don't think that sexting makes a person a murderer. Sexting outside of marriage makes a person a bad spouse, but that is not criminal. However, I do believe that in this case the sexting is one component of criminal negligence. For that reason, I understand why the charges were not severed.

On a somewhat related note, I have not understood some of Judge Staley's rulings with respect to the DT's requests to strike jurors for cause. It just gives the DT more reasons to appeal a guilty verdict (if, of course, JRH is found guilty).
I appreciate your insight.

I am on the fence about Staley's ruling on severing the charges. Based on what has been released via the media, which I fully concede can be riddled with errors, the sexting may be the precise reason that JRH is found guilty of felony murder. If JRH was sexting with women, it is highly likely that was the precise reason that JRH did not drop Cooper off at daycare. On the one hand, the sexting goes to motive, which IIRC was the reason that Judge Staley decided not to sever the charges, but IMO more importantly the sexting shows that JRH was distracted. That distraction caused him to show a "reckless disregard" for Cooper's life, and ultimately that caused Cooper's death. While it is rather unfortunate for JRH (and ultimately Cooper), JRH was communicating with and sexting with women while Cooper was slowly being baked to death in a hot car. I am not sure exactly how the prosecution intends to present its case, but it is not out-of-the question that Ross's sexting habits caused Cooper's death.

Just to be clear, I do not think that any person, male or female, who sexts is likely to murder. I don't think that sexting makes a person a murderer. Sexting outside of marriage makes a person a bad spouse, but that is not criminal. However, I do believe that in this case the sexting is one component of criminal negligence. For that reason, I understand why the charges were not severed.

On a somewhat related note, I have not understood some of Judge Staley's rulings with respect to the DT's requests to strike jurors for cause. It just gives the DT more reasons to appeal a guilty verdict (if, of course, JRH is found guilty).

His extensive "habit" of sexting is definitely relevant for multiple reasons, and I can't see any problem (legally) with it being brought up at trial.

It's the part about the fact he sexted with minors being brought in that I find problematic. The fact that he sexted (was sexting) with minors is IMO irrelevant to the charges he's facing related to leaving Cooper in his car to die.

In terms of guilt or innocence on the core charges, I can't see any reason why it should matter who he was sexting with, but it's just common sense to believe telling jurors Harris sexted with minors might well (further?) prejudice them against him.

The one possible benefit I see for his defense in having these charges introduced is that his attorneys might argue that Harris was aware he was breaking the law by sexting with minors, and that he felt guilty enough about it to be extremely worried and distracted, even going so far as to look up what life in jail would be like if he got caught, of if he confessed of his volition.
I've been busy since Saturday in the NYC/NJ bomber thread.

Day 6 live stream (yesterday):


I haven't found any detailed MSM updates for yesterday.
Today's live stream of Day 7 Jury Selection:

IMO (and I am not a lawyer) but I don't see how the charges can be severed since it's the state's entire argument that his sexting was consistent with his motivation be "child free."
Hello...been watching some archives for the jury selection...there are some that clearly are not suitable for this jury and yet they are asked to come back Oct. 3 why? One just said that nothing said in the courtroom will change her mind about his guilt. Come back Oct. 3? Same with some others...clearly saying they cannot set aside what they already know. Don't understand.

I don't know, but it's possible that the final seating for the jury won't happen until October 3? I'm just guessing.
The Christina Morris AK trial has gone to jury. Maybe there will be more interest here, especially when the trial gets underway. It's weird to only hear crickets during jury selection though.
His extensive "habit" of sexting is definitely relevant for multiple reasons, and I can't see any problem (legally) with it being brought up at trial.

It's the part about the fact he sexted with minors being brought in that I find problematic. The fact that he sexted (was sexting) with minors is IMO irrelevant to the charges he's facing related to leaving Cooper in his car to die.

In terms of guilt or innocence on the core charges, I can't see any reason why it should matter who he was sexting with, but it's just common sense to believe telling jurors Harris sexted with minors might well (further?) prejudice them against him.

The one possible benefit I see for his defense in having these charges introduced is that his attorneys might argue that Harris was aware he was breaking the law by sexting with minors, and that he felt guilty enough about it to be extremely worried and distracted, even going so far as to look up what life in jail would be like if he got caught, of if he confessed of his volition.

Texting with minors shows JRH's lack of boundaries. If he is willing to break one law regarding children, then he's more likely to be willing to break other laws.
I thought Staley ruled against the defense's request to sever the charges relating to minors? IIRC, those charges will be brought into (and used against him) during this trial.

There are an additional 8 charges related to the sexting that were filed in March 2016. They are separate from the charges included with the murder case.
I don't know, but it's possible that the final seating for the jury won't happen until October 3? I'm just guessing.

Yes, I believe that's it. Next week is an off week and the "real" jury selection starts October 3rd.

So this is just pre-jury selection, which is why there's not much media surrounding it yet?
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