Roy Kronk suing Casey Anthony

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So Casey is being deposed...good. I wonder how her attorney likes to work for nothing.

oh well...the more extensions of time they file and are granted the longer they will be working for free
oh well...the more extensions of time they file and are granted the longer they will be working for free

What a smarty pants he is! lol I wonder what he owes Casey's other attorneys or what he hopes to get from them 'cause I have yet to meet an attorney who will work for "free".
I hope Casey has every damn penny taken from her and I hope she eventually gets sent to prison for fraud.

More time and more time....

Sounds like Dominic was being difficult!
See Paragraph 11 - settlement discussions?
Hopefully difficult for fca/ChMason, maybe they weren't getting what they wanted from him... From their filings : motion to strike and protective order, sounds like they want his testimony stricken/put under seal... And Kronk filed a motion to compel, wanting it in, and/or have the court compel him to continue. Within 7 days... Of course, I'm just reading between the lines, so we'll see...

Imo, he has zero credibility now after all his different versions of events, and, not to mention, he has a book he's trying to sell... He should've thought about telling the truth back in 2008 when it could've made a difference to the biggest victim in all this, Caylee...

eta... I saw that, about settlement discussions! :confused:

All jmo.
I'd love to ask her attorney - exactly how do you plan to settle with Roy Kronk when your client claims to be broke....?
There was obviously a dispute with D.Casey - as shifty as we know he is, that doesn't surprise me at all.
I'd love to ask her attorney - exactly how do you plan to settle with Roy Kronk when your client claims to be broke....?
There was obviously a dispute with D.Casey - as shifty as we know he is, that doesn't surprise me at all.
Boy, oh boy, that just stinks to high heaven... Fca and ChMason have learned from their case managers that they can do whatever they want without any fear of consequences... Settlement talks, when the girl is supposedly destitute? :pullhair: .... No problem, just tell Mr. Trustee it's all coming from donations, wealthy benefactors, and the kindness of strangers! Heck, they don't care...tell em anything.

All jmo.
New filing by Mr Schrader. To sum it up briefly, Casey objects to everything asked of her so far........

Thanks ZsaZsa...
A couple of things that stand out to me is that fca is still trying to say (1) she has no control over anything, and (2) she refuses to accept the FACT that her attorneys speak on her behalf and she's responsible for what they do or say. The judge even spelled that out to her in his last ruling on the Kronk case... Ay yi yi, the girl is so exhausting...

Snipped portion of fca's RESPONSE to Kronk’s request for ALL representation agreements, engagement letters, and documents related to her representation at the criminal proceedings:

... Casey says that she has no such documents in her “current” possession or control.
But Casey is continuing to search, and if she finds the documents, she will produce all documents in her possession, custody or control, in response to Kronk’s Request.


Omgosh, the wording is so manipulative... Casey will continue to search for the documents? Lol, that's classic... Notice the word "current", she "currently" doesn't have them in her possession/custody and, apparently, has no control over getting another copy? If she lost them, can't she just call her former attorney(s) and ask for another copy? I'm sure they have one on file (sarcasm)... Especially since one of those is an agreement for $500,000... Kind of hard to misplace all those documents...

The judge should make her turn them over since her defense is that it was Jbaez (and some of her other attorneys) who said all that bad stuff about Kronk, not her. She was in jail, and never gave consent or had any knowledge of what crazy Jbaez was out there doing... Of course, the judge ruled against that argument, stating she is responsible, her representation speaks on her behalf, etc... All that being so, Kronk should be allowed documentation that proves their representation of her, dates of representation, etc.... Amongst other things... She should not be allowed attorney/client privilege...

She is just so aggravating... I hate that she caused ALL of this, yet, sits back and claims she has no control over anything and rolls right along through it all like she's some poor, misfortunate victim of circumstance... She may hide behind her attorney(s) now, but I take comfort in knowing that one day she will be on her own and will have to fend for herself....and I just don't think that's gonna work out very well for her...

All jmo.
HeidiSams- God love your tenacity- I know I do! XO
I have a nagging feeling about what could be going on behind the scenes. I've read that some others do as well, especially with this mention of settlement discussions. Here's a concern that's been on my mind, how could fca pleading the 5th and her not having to answer any questions related to Caylee's death and her knowledge of her whereabouts, effect Kronk’s case? How would that even go down, if the judge rules the same in his case? The deposition and trial would be full of nothing but her pleading the 5th, since pretty much all of the questions will, in one way or another, relate to Caylee's death and fca's knowledge of her whereabouts. Granted, in a civil trial the jurors are allowed to infer guilt when the defendant pleads the 5th, but they would have to reach a verdict with very little questions answered, and a lot of confusion, I'm sure... Even more concerning to me, is that the judge ruled, in the Zenaida case, that fca couldn't even be questioned about it, since she claims (lies) it could incriminate her in a crime. They weren't even allowed to bring it up. And to protect fca, of all people. I'm finding civil cases to be quite frustrating... If the same ruling happens with Kronk, how would they even have a case to present?

Imo, if fca HAD to answer all those questions, the Kronk case would be a slam dunk. Perhaps, they knew this too, and this factored into them coming with those trumped-up fears of self incrimination during the ZG case. I think she's relying on this 5th amendment plea to get her out of it all, everything, and still come out with her "story" intact... But, it's the courts duty to make sure the defendant has a reasonable fear they could face punishment... I hope the judge takes a real good, long, hard look at the evidence to make darn sure her reason stands up against it... And I hope Kronk's team is ready to argue this and force the issue... There's no justice if a defendant can use their own lies and (make believe) crimes to evade justice...or bully someone into a settlement...

And please don't settle Kronk!!!!

All jmo... (I'm really trying not to be so long-winded, it's just that, for me, every time something comes up about this girl and her people, thousands of other frustrating thoughts about the case come flooding in...:waitasec:
It really is the strangest thing, HeidSams. I mean, she's no OJ Simpson- in terms of a beloved sports figure or Robert Blake- a famous actor. She doesn't come from a wealthy or prominent family either.

I really despise Cheney Mason, because I believe, if it weren't for him, she would already be in the poorhouse... destitute, with no one to fight for her and possibly would have already committed another crime.

This won't last forever, although it already feels like it has- but make no mistake... it won't.

She nor he will make money off of her "story". Who's going to buy it? NO ONE.

She will, at some point resort to *advertiser censored*- and head down that path- to drug addiction, self medication or worse. She will end up with other unsavory characters who are just like her- or worse. Only then- she won't fare so well- I'm almost certain. Only then will she end up on the wrong side of someone worse than herself and we'll hear about her in the news... but not in a good way.

I promise- she is no golden child or beloved girl. She is nothing and will end up with nothing. Have no fear.

Big (((hugs)))~ Frigga
FCA is famous in her own way.

I am watching the LMN documentary Footsteps in the Snow right now about the kidnapping and murder of Maria Ridulph.
When Jack McCullough was arrested for her murder, he said (paraphrasing) he wasn't worried, Casey Anthony got off and he would too.
This is what she will always be known for and infamous for, killing her daughter and getting away with it.

There will be no big "story" for her to make the ton of money she thinks she's worth.

I hope Kronk gets his day in court and comes out the winner.

ETA - Here is WS thread to this case
It really is the strangest thing, HeidSams. I mean, she's no OJ Simpson- in terms of a beloved sports figure or Robert Blake- a famous actor. She doesn't come from a wealthy or prominent family either.

I really despise Cheney Mason, because I believe, if it weren't for him, she would already be in the poorhouse... destitute, with no one to fight for her and possibly would have already committed another crime.

This won't last forever, although it already feels like it has- but make no mistake... it won't.

She nor he will make money off of her "story". Who's going to buy it? NO ONE.

She will, at some point resort to *advertiser censored*- and head down that path- to drug addiction, self medication or worse. She will end up with other unsavory characters who are just like her- or worse. Only then- she won't fare so well- I'm almost certain. Only then will she end up on the wrong side of someone worse than herself and we'll hear about her in the news... but not in a good way.

I promise- she is no golden child or beloved girl. She is nothing and will end up with nothing. Have no fear.

Big (((hugs)))~ Frigga

Yah, ChMason and fca live in a very strange reality, the embarrassing sales on that book of his would be enough to make the average narcissist run and bury their head in shame. But, I'm sure ChMason still thinks he'll outsmart everyone. His pocketbook and bruised ego won't let him let go of the idea of making millions...And fca's probably sitting back thinking she's going to be able to convince everyone she's the real victim in all this... I'm sure her narcissism has probably clouded the fact that the world has deemed her unsuitable for society and that nobody wants to hear from her... Both will probably die thinking that tomorrow will be the day they will charm their way back in...

I still can't believe she's walking free...

eta... I wasn't clear in my post, Frigga, I don't think she has a market for her story either. I don't fear that, what I fear is her idea that she has a "story" to sell, and the lengths she would go to keep it intact... Like all the lying and scheming, in an attempt to cheat Zenaida and Kronk out of the justice they deserve!

All jmo.
Thanks ZsaZsa...
A couple of things that stand out to me is that fca is still trying to say (1) she has no control over anything, and (2) she refuses to accept the FACT that her attorneys speak on her behalf and she's responsible for what they do or say. The judge even spelled that out to her in his last ruling on the Kronk case... Ay yi yi, the girl is so exhausting...

Snipped portion of fca's RESPONSE to Kronk’s request for ALL representation agreements, engagement letters, and documents related to her representation at the criminal proceedings:

... Casey says that she has no such documents in her “current” possession or control.
But Casey is continuing to search, and if she finds the documents, she will produce all documents in her possession, custody or control, in response to Kronk’s Request.


Omgosh, the wording is so manipulative... Casey will continue to search for the documents? Lol, that's classic... Notice the word "current", she "currently" doesn't have them in her possession/custody and, apparently, has no control over getting another copy? If she lost them, can't she just call her former attorney(s) and ask for another copy? I'm sure they have one on file (sarcasm)... Especially since one of those is an agreement for $500,000... Kind of hard to misplace all those documents...

The judge should make her turn them over since her defense is that it was Jbaez (and some of her other attorneys) who said all that bad stuff about Kronk, not her. She was in jail, and never gave consent or had any knowledge of what crazy Jbaez was out there doing... Of course, the judge ruled against that argument, stating she is responsible, her representation speaks on her behalf, etc... All that being so, Kronk should be allowed documentation that proves their representation of her, dates of representation, etc.... Amongst other things... She should not be allowed attorney/client privilege...

She is just so aggravating... I hate that she caused ALL of this, yet, sits back and claims she has no control over anything and rolls right along through it all like she's some poor, misfortunate victim of circumstance... She may hide behind her attorney(s) now, but I take comfort in knowing that one day she will be on her own and will have to fend for herself....and I just don't think that's gonna work out very well for her...

All jmo.

IMO...It is all BS...
And I love and agree with your post

I have copies of ALL my legal documents from any and all my lawyers for any and all legal do the lawyers and their law firms...
I may not be able to produce them at a moments notice but I can certainly get them in a timely manner..

This is stonewalling, plain and simple.
I really believe Casey and company's dreams are starting to crack and crumble beneath them. Phase one (the bankruptcy) was suppose to be done and over with. The civil suits were suppose to be sauder already. Just not happening. Phase two (the media sales) has never gotten off the ground. I believe they have spent more money trying to make her marketable then they will ever make off her. That makes me smile every time I think of it.
She has been given a life of luxury to live right now (I do believe she is living with the Masons). She has her protectors making every important decision for her. When it comes to responsibility she. has that of a child. Once she is no longer under their protection she will crash quickly and hard. It will be made even harder on her because of the no worry life she has now. From princess to pauper.
I also believe that Mason doesn't care what the every day person thinks of him, but cares very much what his fellow college's think of him. I believe many have turned their backs on him and it will haunt him forever.
She should be spending her life in prison. I do believe that by her getting off that all of her enablers are paying the price by not raking in the money they would of if she was sentenced. I do strongly believe that all of her enablers are not just paying the financial price, but also the snubbing (maybe not the right word) price for what they have done. With the injustice done to Caylee she is remembered even more in our hearts than if Casey had been sentenced. I know I will never forget Caylee, and forever know she deserved so much more than her family ever gave her.
Time will come and go and the whole Casey team will be pay their dues (never forgotten by us) but Caylee will live forever in our hearts.
I really believe Casey and company's dreams are starting to crack and crumble beneath them. Phase one (the bankruptcy) was suppose to be done and over with. The civil suits were suppose to be sauder already. Just not happening. Phase two (the media sales) has never gotten off the ground. I believe they have spent more money trying to make her marketable then they will ever make off her. That makes me smile every time I think of it.
She has been given a life of luxury to live right now (I do believe she is living with the Masons). She has her protectors making every important decision for her. When it comes to responsibility she. has that of a child. Once she is no longer under their protection she will crash quickly and hard. It will be made even harder on her because of the no worry life she has now. From princess to pauper.
I also believe that Mason doesn't care what the every day person thinks of him, but cares very much what his fellow college's think of him. I believe many have turned their backs on him and it will haunt him forever.
She should be spending her life in prison. I do believe that by her getting off that all of her enablers are paying the price by not raking in the money they would of if she was sentenced. I do strongly believe that all of her enablers are not just paying the financial price, but also the snubbing (maybe not the right word) price for what they have done. With the injustice done to Caylee she is remembered even more in our hearts than if Casey had been sentenced. I know I will never forget Caylee, and forever know she deserved so much more than her family ever gave her.
Time will come and go and the whole Casey team will be pay their dues (never forgotten by us) but Caylee will live forever in our hearts.


I agree, they would've been much better off had she been convicted of something... Their opening statements, witness perjury, the judge's treatment of the defense vs the prosecution, etc, would've been much easier, for most, to digest with fca behind bars... Any justice for Caylee would've been better than none at all.

Casey Anthony will forever be remembered, and will go down in the history books, as the mother who got away with murdering her daughter, in cold blood... And ChMason, Jbaez, and all the rest who defended her, will go down right along with her as unethical, immoral examples of their profession. As for ChMason worrying about his reputation, the damage is done, the public, who watched in horror, will never forget what they did to Caylee. And what he still continues to do... What his colleagues think of him should be the least of his worries... Right now, he should be settin' it straight with the man upstairs, imo...

While I agree fca is enjoying all the legal protection ChMason is providing her, I don't think she's living the life of luxury that she dreams of... Her vision would definitely include being free of any responsibilities, but not strapped down, and confined, to men much older than herself, who only have her around for their own selfish reasons. She's trapped, living a life she hates, as a trade off for the help she needs because she's incapable of doing it on her own... There's no happily ever after in that. And no one - that exists in her fairy tale - would ever want to help her, or even want her at all... She's stuck with the bottom of the barrel, that's her lot in life...

And as far as her civil cases, it's getting down to crunch time for fca. She's about to enter the part she's been trying to avoid, the corner at the end of the hallway that she always, inevitably hits... Kronk is requesting all that documentation she does NOT want produced, and will have to answer questions she does NOT want to answer. She's no doubt coming up on the point where her story(s) falls apart, and lies are exposed... It will be interesting to see what comes of it all, no telling what fca will do when she's desperate. She wants out of it all, and she wants out of it unscathed. She's a spoiled, selfish little brat (among other things)...Both, her, and her attorney, who think they can bully everyone around, dictate the law, and which laws they want to follow, need their really long run of good luck to come to an end... I'm a little sick of them... And Kronk needs to get his day in court!

All jmo.
I bet she is "searching" for those documents just like she searched for poor little Caylee!
Kronk gets more time...

Order Granting Motion to Extend Time To File Motions For Summary Judgment, Responses Thereto to January 19, 2015 and To Reschedule Pre-trial .

Hearing rescheduled for 2/10/15 in Tampa

The Bankruptcy Judge gave Casey’s attorney Schrader, and Kronk’s attorneys more time to file their Motion for Summary Judgment. The deadline to file is no longer December 10, 2014 – now the deadline is January 19, 2015 at 2:00pm in Tampa.

The parties will have (21) days after that filing, to file their Response.

All jmo.

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