Roy Kronk suing Casey Anthony

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The official ORDER on the KRONK case, from the Hearing on January 14, 2014, was filed today.


Agreed Pre-Trial Order and Order Denying Debtor/Defendant's [Casey Anthony] Motion to Dismiss paragraphs 12E and 12F of Amended Complaint and Continuing Pretrial Hearing Hearing scheduled for 9/30/2014 at 01:30 PM at Tampa, FL - Courtroom 9B, Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse, 801 N. Florida Avenue.

Hearing was on January 14, 2014
Casey wanted to DISMISS paragraphs 12e and 12f in Kronk’s Amended Complaint to Determine Dischargeability of Debt, filed Nov 26, 2013, as stated in Casey’s Answer and Affirmative defenses filed on January 13, 2014 [one day before the Hearing].
Casey’s Motion to DISMISS was DENIED.

Parties must file their Motions for Summary Judgment by August 22, 2014.
Responses to Motions for Summary Judgment shall be filed (21) days from filing of the Motion.
PreTrial Hearing is set for September 30, 2014 at 1:30pm in Tampa – where the Judge will also consider any pending Motion for Summary Judgment and KRONK’s Motion to Determine Non-Core Elements of KRONK’s Complaint.

Casey said that claims made in paragraphs 12e and 12f should be DISMISSED because they do not state who made the statement, when it was made and to whom it was made.
The Judge DENIED Casey’s Motion to DISMISS these paragraphs.

“12. The criminal investigation into the disappearance of Caylee Anthony and Casey Anthony’s subsequent Criminal Trial was well-publicized. During that time, Casey Anthony through her attorneys, who acted as her agents, published false and defamatory statements about Kronk. The false and defamatory statements about Kronk were made out of court and the publications occurred in the public arena, in almost every media format imaginable and were broadcast and/or published across the country, if not the globe, via the Internet, the news print media, and national television shows. The specific defamatory statements are as follows:...”

12e – “On or about December 7, 2009, it was widely reported in national publications that Casey Anthony through her attorneys Baez, Kenny Baden and Lyon stated:

1. Meter reader killed Caylee;
2. Kronk has a list of prior crimes;
3. Kronk was involved with inappropriate behavior with young girls;
4. Kronk was involved with holding women against their will;
5. Kronk used duct tape against a woman to hold her against her will;
6. Casey Anthony knows that Kronk killed Caylee;
7. Kronk has a history of abusing women; and
8. Kronk lives in a world of fantasy and violence.

12f - “On or about December 23 or 24, 2010, Baez stated and republished to WKMG Channel 6 news that the defense team is not backing off the above statements and from their position that Kronk was the killer. He further stated and republished to WKMG Channel 6 news that the defense would not be backing off from any statements made in its “Motion in Limine to Introduce Prior Bad Acts and Other Circumstantial Evidence Pertaining to Roy M. Kronk”. Baez said that any claim that the defense team was backing off [from Kronk] is 100% false. Such public statements by Baez as Defendant’s attorney and agent, to the general public publishes and renews the above previous out-of-court statements made by the defense team in televised interviews with news stations.”

Filed November 26, 2013

Oh thankyou Judge, you just made my day! Hopefully between Kronk and Zenaida they will keep Casey Anthony broke for years to come.
Oh thankyou Judge, you just made my day! Hopefully between Kronk and Zenaida they will keep Casey Anthony broke for years to come.

Yep, and her handlers and Team OCA too... I hope she remains a most costly albatross around their necks and wallets.
This may really turn out to be the most round-about and backhanded way the Universe meant to keep her a prisoner in the hell that will be her freedom... may actually be the Universe getting even with ALL of the ones who wronged Caylee and harmed innocent others.
Too cool... I love the part where it's spelled out to fca that her counsel is speaking for her, and she's attached to, and accountable for, whatever they say on her behalf... Thinking she could distance herself from all that garbage she and JBaez (and the rest of em) crafted for the criminal trial just because it came out of his mouth, not hers. She couldn't control what he said, right? I betcha she was just so broken up over all that really awful stuff he was sayin...

And I do hope they all go down. They're all a bunch of bullies and it would serve them right, imo. But, more than anything, I want to see her exposed. Just face what she's done. No matter how you look at it, her actions caused this... She should have to squirm and be uncomfortable, without the rest of the pack barking and yapping to protect her... I want her to face the tough questions, and be ordered to answer. I want her to be told to wipe the smug look off her face, and charge her a$$ with perjury for every single lie she tells... Throw the book at her...Then I want her to just go away...

Good times.

All jmo.
I love that she is tied up for another six months or more with legal proceedings.
Too cool... I love the part where it's spelled out to fca that her counsel is speaking for her, and she's attached to, and accountable for, whatever they say on her behalf... Thinking she could distance herself from all that garbage she and JBaez (and the rest of em) crafted for the criminal trial just because it came out of his mouth, not hers. She couldn't control what he said, right? I betcha she was just so broken up over all that really awful stuff he was sayin...

And I do hope they all go down. They're all a bunch of bullies and it would serve them right, imo. But, more than anything, I want to see her exposed. Just face what she's done. No matter how you look at it, her actions caused this... She should have to squirm and be uncomfortable, without the rest of the pack barking and yapping to protect her... I want her to face the tough questions, and be ordered to answer. I want her to be told to wipe the smug look off her face, and charge her a$$ with perjury for every single lie she tells... Throw the book at her...Then I want her to just go away...

Good times.

All jmo.

Wasn't it Cheney Mason who answered that she wasn't responsible for whatever Baez said in court, at her ZG deposition?
Update on all of Kronk's defamation lawsuits related to the Casey Anthony case. Kronk is suing Casey Anthony, Leonard Padilla, National Enquirer, and the Examiner/Cindy Adams.

Still ongoing


Filed 12/21/2011

1/30/2013 Suggestion/Notice of Bankruptcy and Auto Stay
Case ongoing in bankruptcy court
Next KRONK Hearing is set for September 30, 2014 1:30pm in Tampa.


Still ongoing

Case No. 2012-CA-003335-O

Filed 2/28/2012

Defendant ADAMS, CINDY

Doing business as EXAMINER.COM


06/25/2013 Order Enlargement/Extension of Time
08/22/2013 Notice Cancellation of Hearing on 08/26/2013 at 10:30 AM
08/22/2013 Joint Stipulation of Dismissal (Judicial Officer: Grincewicz, Donald E)
Comment (sent to rec 8/26/13)
10/10/2013 Amended Complaint
10/14/2013 Summons Issued Electronically as to
01/07/2014 Notice Appearance of Counsel
01/13/2014 Motion to Quash Service of Process - Deft. Cindy Adams
02/20/2014 Notice of Filing
03/04/2014 Notice of Filing
03/04/2014 Exhibit(s) EXH A


Still ongoing - but possibly in MEDIATION

Case No. 2011-CA-008724-O

Filed 7/15/2011

09/24/2012 Notice for Trial
10/11/2012 Uniform Order Setting Case for Jury/Pretrial
08/19/2013 Pre-Trial Conference (9:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Mihok, A Thomas)
11/19/2013 Case Management Conference (11:45 AM) (Judicial Officer Mihok, A Thomas)
02/28/2014 Joint Motion to continue trial and schedule mediation
03/03/2014 Pre-Trial Conference (9:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Schreiber, Margaret H)
Result: Continued


Still ongoing

Case No. 2011-CA-011064-O

Filed 9/1/2011

03/29/2013 Amended Complaint

05/29/2013 Answer & Affirmative Defenses

01/29/2014 Notice for Trial

01/30/2014 Objection
to pltf's Notice for Trial and motion for case management conference

02/18/2014 Notice of case management conference

03/04/2013 Order of Dismissal (Judicial Officer: Mihok, A Thomas)
Comment (counts I, II and IV w/o prejudice; count III w/prejudice; w/20 days to amend *sent to rec 3/7/13*)
Good to see someone suing Padilla, he poked his nose in this case and at every opportunity he was on TV speaking with 'authority' about the people involved. I don't remember what he said about Kronk, but glad it has come back to haunt him. Why anyone listened to him I don't know, he was the doofus that thought he could get Casey to speak the truth! DUH! Shows how much he understood about her.
Wasn't it Cheney Mason who answered that she wasn't responsible for whatever Baez said in court, at her ZG deposition?
Yes, per fca's typical mo, she prefers others to do as much of her dirty work as possible, so she can later hide, deflect, play dumb, and then blame whoever the fool was that got involved in her game of deceit. That's all this is to her is a game. It's always been a game to her, Caylee is and always was just a token... I don't even think fca, or her "team," ever even considered her a once living, breathing human being... The lack of humanity in all of them is astounding, and it just feels like they could all turn on each other at any moment, and all he!! would break loose, given the right circumstances... They're all playing the system, or cheating the system, imo. Right now I think all of their biggest concern is which one's going be the last one standing...

Now, is there any way in the world that you could suggest to me that I might find this person to see if she ever existed?" Gonzalez's attorney Keith Mitnik asked Anthony.

Anthony replied, "I don't know if you could or not, sir."

During her murder trial, Anthony's attorney Jose Baez told jurors the baby sitter story was fabricated. During the deposition, Anthony's attorney Cheney Mason said she was not responsible for Baez's statements in court.

It appears both cm and fca want to pretend JBaez went rogue, and they were just innocent bystanders to the madness. Right... And wouldn't that be a crime they're accusing JBaez of? I can't imagine defense attys can just say whatever, and lie about what his client told him. Apparently fca knew ZG was real, they just said so in the deposition. Fca must've been stunned when JBaez got up there and lied... And shouldn't one of her other attys, CM included, have immediately corrected him or reported this to the courts? Idk, this is all just so annoying...
Good to see someone suing Padilla, he poked his nose in this case and at every opportunity he was on TV speaking with 'authority' about the people involved. I don't remember what he said about Kronk, but glad it has come back to haunt him. Why anyone listened to him I don't know, he was the doofus that thought he could get Casey to speak the truth! DUH! Shows how much he understood about her.

O lordy :rolleyes: The "daisy chain"... ad nauseum
Am I remembering correctly when I say Leonard Padilla said that good ol' Casey just needed a "hot shower" and a "cheese burger"- then he'd be able to get the "truth" out of her?
Snipped by me

Casey said that claims made in paragraphs 12e and 12f should be DISMISSED because they do not state who made the statement, when it was made and to whom it was made.
The Judge DENIED Casey’s Motion to DISMISS these paragraphs.

“12. The criminal investigation into the disappearance of Caylee Anthony and Casey Anthony’s subsequent Criminal Trial was well-publicized. During that time, Casey Anthony through her attorneys, who acted as her agents, published false and defamatory statements about Kronk. The false and defamatory statements about Kronk were made out of court and the publications occurred in the public arena, in almost every media format imaginable and were broadcast and/or published across the country, if not the globe, via the Internet, the news print media, and national television shows. The specific defamatory statements are as follows:...”

12e – “On or about December 7, 2009, it was widely reported in national publications that Casey Anthony through her attorneys Baez, Kenny Baden and Lyon stated:

1. Meter reader killed Caylee;
2. Kronk has a list of prior crimes;
3. Kronk was involved with inappropriate behavior with young girls;
4. Kronk was involved with holding women against their will;
5. Kronk used duct tape against a woman to hold her against her will;
6. Casey Anthony knows that Kronk killed Caylee
7. Kronk has a history of abusing women; and
8. Kronk lives in a world of fantasy and violence.

Snipped by me

BBM- Above list 1-8

In reference to the above list: claims that fca and legal reps made against Kronk... Replace the word Kronk/meter reader with Casey in all of the above...

Must've been a typo...

As far as inappropriate behavior with young girls... I'd say suffocating Caylee and tossing her in a swamp qualifies as innapropriate...

All jmo.
I am reading JA's book again and discovered that I actually know somebody in the case. Roy hired an attvtorney for this deposition with Baez. David Evans is the attorney hired. I know him through his nephew, who dated my daughter. He is a nice man.
Dominic Casey helpful to Zenaida and/or Kronk's defamation cases ???

Dominic Casey book
page 8

“At the time of Casey’s statement she knew that Caylee was dead and how she had died. The alleged disappearance of Caylee Marie Anthony had become the epitome of deceit.”

Dominic Casey's # 1 cheerleader on twitter says the Anthonys KNEW Caylee was deceased in August 2008:

Doxing..... Feb 18 2014
@Tran.... what a waste of time. they r pathetic! Cindy knew in Aug 2008 that Cayee was murdered by Casey n dumped down the road.

Doxing... Feb 16 2014
Cindy Anthony knew in August 2008 that Caylee was deceased. BOOK #PrivilegeWaived PART 2 AMAZON FEB 21, 2014 #CASEYANTHONY

Doxing... Feb 18 2014@Tran... Anthony's knew were Caylee's body was n was trying 2 find a psychic who guessed correctly so they could then pin the murder on
Dominic Casey helpful to Zenaida and/or Kronk's defamation cases ???

Dominic Casey book
page 8

“At the time of Casey’s statement she knew that Caylee was dead and how she had died. The alleged disappearance of Caylee Marie Anthony had become the epitome of deceit.”

Dominic Casey's # 1 cheerleader on twitter says the Anthonys KNEW Caylee was deceased in August 2008:

Doxing..... Feb 18 2014
@Tran.... what a waste of time. they r pathetic! Cindy knew in Aug 2008 that Cayee was murdered by Casey n dumped down the road.

Doxing... Feb 16 2014
Cindy Anthony knew in August 2008 that Caylee was deceased. BOOK #PrivilegeWaived PART 2 AMAZON FEB 21, 2014 #CASEYANTHONY

Doxing... Feb 18 2014@Tran... Anthony's knew were Caylee's body was n was trying 2 find a psychic who guessed correctly so they could then pin the murder on

Quote- "Cindy knew in August 2008 that Caylee was deceased".So did everyone with two functioning neurons- both Casey and Cindy were born liars-only idiots like himself believed anything Cindy told him and then he spent all his time trying to find the culprits and/or blame innocent people- duh!

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