Russia Attacks Ukraine - 23 Feb 2022 #6

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Similar to dropping leaflets from airplanes in pre-internet wars, a Norwegian has recruited a global internet team to drop email leaflets asking Russians to stop bombing them. He has 90 million Russian email addresses.

"A Norwegian computer expert has created a website enabling anyone to send an email about the war in Ukraine to up to 150 Russian email addresses at a time, so that Russian people have a chance to hear the truth their government is hiding.

All over Russia email inboxes are pinging.

Millions of messages are being received with the same intriguing subject Ya vam ne vrag - I am not your enemy.

The message appears in Russian with an English translation and it begins: "Dear friend, I am writing to you to express my concern for the secure future of our children on this planet. Most of the world has condemned Putin's invasion of Ukraine."

The lengthy email goes on to implore Russian people to reject the war in Ukraine and seek the truth about the invasion from non-state news services. ... In just a few days, more than 22 million of these emails landed in Russian inboxes
Ukraine: Spam website set up to reach millions of Russians
That's certainly problematic! Why has this gone on so long?

"A moment ago we saw a picture that the driver talked to the Ukrainians and asked them why he was not being released further. Realizing what was happening in Ukraine at that moment, he did not believe, said "what war, there is no war" - reported Grzymkowski on TVN24. Other drivers the reporter spoke to said that "even if there is war, what interests them, they just want to keep going."

On Saturday afternoon, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways informed that the national road No. 68 - between Wólka Dobryńska and the village of Kukuryki - is blocked until further notice. The difficulties are caused by a protest against the transport of goods to Russia and Belarus.

A similar protest took place on Saturday in Warsaw. Protesters gathered in front of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and demanded that the borders be closed to Russian and Belarusian trucks .

European business with Russia has not even slowed down. As it was before the war, this is still the case. Goods go from Russia to Europe, that is, Europe trades and buys.

View attachment 336243
Protest na przejściu granicznym, blokada rosyjskich i białoruskich tirów

Am I confused or is Poland allowing trade/trucks from Russia and Belarus into Poland?

Very disturbing
MAR 12, 2022
Largest Hypermarket Chain In Russia's Far East Imposes Limits Amid Buying Frenzy (
The largest hypermarket chain in Russia’s Far East is restricting how much sugar, salt, and other essential foods people can purchase amid a buying frenzy triggered by fears of future shortages.


The hypermarket said demand for sugar has risen 400 percent compared with the average and that the sizes of individual purchases resemble what a small neighborhood retail store would buy, implying owners of mom-and-pop shops could be turning to Samberi to fill up their empty shelves.


Lviv Opens Its Arms To Ukraine's Displaced Cancer Patients (

Yesterday, we had 52 patients, and 45 of them were…from the east and the south,” said Yaroslav Shparyk, head of chemotherapy at the Lviv center. “The number of patients from places like Kherson, Kharkiv, Kyiv, and Mariupol is increasing exponentially.”

Before the war, patients were provided medicines at the clinics where they were being treated.

“Today, many hospitals are cut off from the world,” said Oleh Duda, deputy head of surgery at the Lviv oncology center. “They can’t send us this medicine. Now we are grappling with the problem of providing chemotherapy at our center and other oncological facilities in western Ukraine.”


Cashless and flightless, Russian tourists stuck in Thailand | AP News
Thousands of Russian tourists are stranded in Thailand’s beach resorts because of the war in Ukraine, many unable to pay their bills or return home because of sanctions and canceled flights.


There are about 6,500 Russian tourists stuck in Phuket, Surat Thani, Krabi and Pattaya, four provinces that are popular seaside resort destinations, in addition to 1,000 Ukrainians, Yuthasak Supasorn, governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand, told The Associated Press on Friday.


While almost all direct flights from Russia have been suspended, connections are still available through major carriers based in the Middle East.

He said efforts are also being made to find alternative methods of payments for Russian tourists.

What a dichotomy of stories there...cancer-ridden Ukrainians who want to get better and live, trying to find that medical treatment miles and miles away from their bombed out hometowns and Russian tourists miles and miles away from their homes, on vacation, stranded in a beautiful tropic beach resort, with no plane ticket, trying to get back to a cold and poisonous homeland.
MAR 12, 2022
‘We are not afraid and you must not be either,’ Ukrainian defense minister says | Euromaidan Press

Oleksii Reznikov, the defense minister of Ukraine, has issued a similar appeal that is a sign that Russian intimidation isn’t working among his people, something that represents a bigger victory for them and a bigger defeat for Russia than anything happening on the battlefield.

An informal translation of Reznikov’s words follows:

Today, I appeal not only to the leaders of the free world but also to the residents of all the countries of the world. Two weeks ago, the world was changed. Everything was changed although not everyone understands this.

Russia attacked Ukraine. Eight years ago in Crimea and the Donbas, they said ‘none of ours are there.’ But now the Kremlin demonstratively is conducting a war against my people. This is taking place in the center of Europe.

Rockets are flying hundreds of kilometers inside the country and destroying peaceful cities. Today these are our cities. Tomorrow they can be anyone’s including Yours.

No warnings, attempts and dialogue or expressions of concern have helped. Nor have any international rules and mechanisms. The Kremlin spits on your attempts to talk. It isn’t affected by what is happening at the UN, PACE or any other institution, in which you are trying to maintain its presence.

The Russian soldiers are conducting themselves like terrorists and cowards.

Over the course of 11 days, the Russian occupiers have destroyed more than 200 Ukrainian schools, 34 hospitals, and more than 1500 apartment buildings. It has already been established that Russian soldiers have killed 36 Ukrainian children and wounded 70 more. More than 400 peaceful Ukrainian citizens have been killed and more than 800 wounded. These figures are undoubtedly incomplete. And in Mariupol alone, some 400,000 Ukrainians have been taken hostage. They are constantly being shelled by air, artillery and rockets.

The Russian interventionists are shelling humanitarian corridors through which civilians are trying to save themselves. They are killing those whom they promised to release. They are killing those who are trying to save the hostages taken from terrorists from wounds and hunger. These are military crimes, and this is a terrible grief for Ukraine.

But I want to remind you that Russian soldiers are killing residents of a European country.

Where are your values and standards? Where is the work of international organizations which have billions of dollars in resources? Where is the UN, the Red Cross, the OSCE? They have been hiding.

I draw your attention to the fact that about 10,000 foreign students in Ukraine are today the targets of Putin’s terrorists. More than 2,000 of them have already been taken hostage by Russian forces. Many of them are from India, China, Turkey and the Persian Gulf countries.

Young people remain in cities blockaded by Russian troops – Chernihiv, Sumy, Kherson, Mariupol. The Russians are shelling these cities, but they are actually at war with the entire world and even with those who are trying to remain neutral. Neutrality won’t work, because evil does not act selectively.

Let me remind you that Ukraine has been and remains the home of representatives of more than 100 different nations. We have always lived in peace. We have many ethnically mixed marriages from which beautiful children have come. And those children are now being killed by the occupiers.

The occupiers are holding journalists hostage: we know about British journalists in the village of Stoyanka-2 where Russian forces fired on them and wounded another journalist, a British citizen. Also a victim of this was a citizen of Switzerland who was robbed by the invaders in Mykolayiv region. Unfortunately, you still allow the occupiers to do this.

Today, I want to say to you one thing: don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid, as we are not afraid!

In the course of 11 days, Ukraine has completely destroyed the myth about the military power of Russia. Ukrainian fighters have already destroyed more than 11,000 Russian soldiers. This is more than were lost in the two Chechen wars which lasted six years; and in a few more days, Russian losses in killed and wounded will exceed Soviet losses in ten years of war in Afghanistan.

Russia has lost hundreds of elite soldiers. They have been spreading terror in Africa and the Middle East but not in Ukraine. We are destroying them like all the other terrorists who are reining down rockets on our cities and shooting our children.

Do not be afraid! As are not afraid our young guys who are stopping the enemy, as are not afraid out farmers who are seizing the enemy’s armored columns, as is not afraid the worker of a postal company who shot down a Russian plane with a mobile rocket launcher.

Today, Europe has a chance to defeat the tyrant who has for decades frightened everyone around.

For that to happen, Ukraine must remain standing. Russia will not be able to defeat us in open battle. It will not be able to frighten us by criminal shelling of our cities. But in order to win, we need help, a closed sky and arms. We are defending ourselves and you as well. We are not afraid of the Russians. Many of them have already run away and hundreds have surrendered and been taken prisoner.

Ukraine needs more than weapons: it needs resources to clothe our army and feed our people and to restore what has been destroyed as quickly as possible. Moreover, you must increase the pressure on Russia and on all those who take money from Moscow. They will bring this war into your own home countries.

The world has changed. You must make decisions very quickly. But there is a war going on in Europe, and the Kremlin can light new fires.

We will still fight and win; the entire Ukrainian people will resist. But your help will help save lives, including the lives of your children and relatives.

Every day the war goes on, there are dozens of deaths among civilians, among Europeans. Thanks to everyone who is already helping us. I urge everyone to show that the free world is not afraid of tyrant now hiding in a bunker.
The Zaporozhye regional administration says a new mayor has been installed in the Ukrainian city of Melitopol, which is under Russian military control, after the elected mayor was detained on Friday.

The newly installed mayor is Galina Danilchenko, a former member of the city council,Danilchenko, who was not elected by the people, was introduced as the acting mayor on local TV, the statement said.

In her televised statement, which was posted by the administration on Telegram, Danilchenko said her "main task is to take all necessary steps to get the city back to normal."

She claimed there were people still in Melitopol who would try to destabilize "the situation and provoke a reaction of bad behavior."

"I ask you to keep your wits about you and not to give in to these provocations," Danilchenko said. "I appeal to the deputies, elected by the people, on all levels. Since you were elected by the people, it is your duty to care about the well-being of your citizens."

Danilchenko proposed the creation of a "People's Choice Committee" to "solve all the critical issues for Melitopol and the Melitopol region."

New mayor installed in Russia-controlled Melitopol after the Ukrainian city's elected mayor was detained
This disgusts me.
What a dichotomy of stories there...cancer-ridden Ukrainians who want to get better and live, trying to find that medical treatment miles and miles away from their bombed out hometowns and Russian tourists miles and miles away from their homes, on vacation, stranded in a beautiful tropic beach resort, with no plane ticket, trying to get back to a cold and poisonous homeland.

There was an article earlier this week about Russian tourists with money troubles at tropical beaches. It was also reported that China was offering some sort of interim visa cards to Russians to use until they got home. Russians can use their credit cards in Russia, but they don't work outside of Russia.

Interesting contrast between people fleeing for their lives and tourists complaining about their broken visa cards.
I feel the most important thing right now, is to let go of the “would’ve”, “should’ve” and “could’ve” mindset. The reality is we are where we are, and no amount of blaming or creating cracks within the US or the United Nations will take us back in time to change where we are today. I am most concerned about attempts to use historical Political decisions to destroy the unity we have been standing on the last couple weeks. To crack any unity would play in Putins favor. I believe our energy should instead stay focused on what we can do in the here and now. Later, we can take lessons learned from the past. IMO, this includes continuing an intentional focus on economic sanctions and giving them time to take course.

It may be happening and just not making headlines, but it would be great to see a more intentional strategic focus on humanitarian relief and aide. A solid role in saving lives rather than taking lives. This includes getting in food and medical care supplies in the same way we are getting in weapons. Headlines of Humanitarian efforts would carry us much further with a potential out of touch Russian audience than headlines of sending in weaponry. Both are important at this time, but to the mother of a Russian solider that believes in Putin, the weaponry headlines are going to trigger the emotional reaction Putin needs to maintain his narrative of events.

I also feel we should stand strong and keep showing we will increase our forces on the Nato flank. I feel Putin is attempting to trigger us in some ways. He needs to lose this War on his own without the ability to point the finger back at NATO and the US IMO.

I also feel we need to stop promoting our own fear for Putins reaction to our decisions.

*All Personal Opinion*

So well written and I wholeheartedly agree with you. However , the best part of your post on this thread is BBM below:

I also feel we need to stop promoting our own fear for Putins reaction to our decisions.

This ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Is spot on and IMOO is what we need to focus on forthwith because Putin knows that we have fear of WWIII and he can smell the fear and he is revelling in it and we need to upend that notion so that Putin doesn’t then hold all the power . As long as we show that we fear him ( his actions primarily) then he maintains the upper hand!!
Similar to dropping leaflets from airplanes in pre-internet wars, a Norwegian has recruited a global internet team to drop email leaflets asking Russians to stop bombing them. He has 90 million Russian email addresses.

"A Norwegian computer expert has created a website enabling anyone to send an email about the war in Ukraine to up to 150 Russian email addresses at a time, so that Russian people have a chance to hear the truth their government is hiding.

All over Russia email inboxes are pinging.

Millions of messages are being received with the same intriguing subject Ya vam ne vrag - I am not your enemy.

The message appears in Russian with an English translation and it begins: "Dear friend, I am writing to you to express my concern for the secure future of our children on this planet. Most of the world has condemned Putin's invasion of Ukraine."

The lengthy email goes on to implore Russian people to reject the war in Ukraine and seek the truth about the invasion from non-state news services. ... In just a few days, more than 22 million of these emails landed in Russian inboxes
Ukraine: Spam website set up to reach millions of Russians
This could actually change some minds, open some eyes, identify many lies. <3 Praying it does all those things <3
Polio Makes a Comeback in Ukraine as War Halts Vaccinations

In the fog of the war in Ukraine, it’s easy to forget about a smaller, but still very poignant tragedy that occurred months before the fighting began, back on Oct. 6, 2021. That day, a 17-month-old girl in the Rivne region in the west portion of the country was stricken with paralytic polio—19 years after the European region as a whole was declared polio-free. A second case of the disease appeared in the Zakarpattya region to the south on Dec. 24. And over those same months, 20 other children have tested positive for the poliovirus, though with sub-clinical, non-paralytic cases of the disease.

Where polio is concerned, 22 cases counts as a crisis. The disease can spread explosively and exponentially, with an average of 200 silent carriers for every paralytic case. That’s a lot of potential vectors possibly spreading a lot of virus to a lot of other people. And Ukraine—at least Ukraine as it was before the war began—did not stand still.
MAR 11, 2022
Spokane doctor arrives at Ukraine military hospital ready to help – but what will that entail? | The Spokesman-Review

Varner doesn’t have wartime experience, but he is a Spokane physician with emergency and internal medicine knowledge that’s been increasingly necessary in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The war has sent refugees and casualties flooding west from the front to the relative safety of Poland and other European nations – especially those that are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Varner left Spokane on Sunday with hopes that he could help. He flew to Poland with a bevy of medical supplies including gowns, tourniquets, bandages, chest tubes (to drain fluid out of the chest cavity following trauma), two portable ultrasound devices and more.

Dr. Kyle Varner of Spokane, Washington arrives in Poland

Polio Makes a Comeback in Ukraine as War Halts Vaccinations

In the fog of the war in Ukraine, it’s easy to forget about a smaller, but still very poignant tragedy that occurred months before the fighting began, back on Oct. 6, 2021. That day, a 17-month-old girl in the Rivne region in the west portion of the country was stricken with paralytic polio—19 years after the European region as a whole was declared polio-free. A second case of the disease appeared in the Zakarpattya region to the south on Dec. 24. And over those same months, 20 other children have tested positive for the poliovirus, though with sub-clinical, non-paralytic cases of the disease.

Where polio is concerned, 22 cases counts as a crisis. The disease can spread explosively and exponentially, with an average of 200 silent carriers for every paralytic case. That’s a lot of potential vectors possibly spreading a lot of virus to a lot of other people. And Ukraine—at least Ukraine as it was before the war began—did not stand still.

How is that possible? If the disease was eradicated due to 40-60 years of vaccine, how did it get into the population today?
Thank you.

Sad some EU countries are continuing to do business with Russia. Moo

We don't know what's in the trucks. It might be food. Food supplies should be allowed into Russia even when Russia is trying to invade another country. Actually, Russia is the largest country in the world and should be able to source fruits and vegetables through some other border - not through the EU or NATO countries.
Putin propagandist news host has British home and citizenship | Russia | The Guardian

Brilev, right, interviewing Vladimir Putin in 2020. Photograph: Russian Look/A

''One of Russia’s most popular television news presenters, who has been accused of being a propagandist for the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has British citizenship and a family flat in west London.

Sergei Brilev has been reporting on the war in Ukraine on the state-controlled Rossiya 1, which tightly follows the Kremlin’s messaging. The channel describes the war as a “special military operation” launched to protect Ukrainian citizens from “abuse and genocide”.

British government ministers are coming under pressure to impose sanctions on Brilev. The Labour MP Stephen Kinnock asked in parliament for the Home Office to “take steps to strip [him] of his British citizenship, ban him from the UK and freeze his UK assets”. The Home Office said last week it would not comment on individual cases.''

Once upon a time, 150 years ago, there lived in the Russian Empire a writer, and his name was Saltykov-Schedrin. The strangest thing is that his aphorisms, written for that Russia, are perfectly applicable for today.

One of them: “When and what bureaucrat was not ever convinced that Russia is a pie, which one can freely approach and have a snack?”

So…these ideologists of Russian national spirits who have houses in London are neither surprising, nor even scary.

I guess the smartest of them have the guts to not keep anything in own names, but spread between spouses, children and grandchildren.
MAR 12, 2022
Escaping the horror in Ukraine is not an option for many disabled children and their families - CNN

Vova, a pet name for Volodymyr, is 17 and has Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome, a rare genetic condition that causes severe intellectual disabilities. He needs round-the-clock care and anti-seizure medication that has become impossible to obtain as Russian troops close in on the Ukrainian capital, according to his mother, Natalia Komarenko.

"We are unable to get the medicines we desperately need -- anticonvulsant drugs Levetiracetam and Lamotrigine. He has been taking them since he was 10," she told CNN.


"We can't take him by train, because at any moment he may have a seizure and his temperature may rise. He may not always voice his need to go to the bathroom, and he can't be left unattended even for a minute," Komarenko said, adding that driving is also dangerous, in case he has a seizure.


The European Disability Forum, a pan-European NGO, estimates there are 2.7 million people with disabilities in Ukraine. According to Inclusion Europe, another NGO, there are around 261,000 people in Ukraine with intellectual disabilities that make them extremely vulnerable to the conflict.

At least 100,000 of them, mostly children, live in care homes and institutions. Their chances of getting out of the country are slim.

We don't know what's in the trucks. It might be food. Food supplies should be allowed into Russia even when Russia is trying to invade another country. Actually, Russia is the largest country in the world and should be able to source fruits and vegetables through some other border - not through the EU or NATO countries.

Ukraine Declares Biological Emergency Regarding Polio Outbreak

Fact checked by Robert Carlson, MD

October 12, 2021
Fact checked
October 13, 2021

eta, oops quoted the wrong post Otto.
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