Russia - Dyatlov Pass Incident: Mysterious Deaths of 9 Skiers, Feb 1959

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One of my best friends is a Nuclear Physicist turned Supreme Court Attorney. I sit and listen to his stories for hours on end!! They fascinate me!! I have learned more about things than from any book or course of study I could pursue. You covered things well, imo! I got exactly what you were saying. Good job!

I do think one of those scenarios could be exactly what happened on this ski trip. It is connected to the University and I think the "ill" student. I also question the set of skis and the military type material they found at the site. This mystery isn't likely to be solved tho.
Thanks Jana, thats a very good explanation. Thanks for posting!!! VERY INTERESTING INDEED!!!
This case has intrigued me for a long time. Please read the article(s) and let me know what you think.

LINKS: (description of Incident) (photos taken by the skiers on their ill fated trip) (pictures from the scene - in Russian) (From the SF Chronicle)

Quick Synopsis:

1959 nine skiers set out in the Urals, when they did not return when expected a hunting party went out looking for them. They found the first five all dead of hypthothermia. Two of bodies were found next to a campfire and wearing only their underwear and socks (this is in -25 degree weather), the other three were found away from camp to frozen in poses that suggested they were trying to return to camp. The tents had been ripped from the inside, suggesting the skiers cut their way out and ran from something.
It was the discovery of the other four bodies two months later that made the whole incident even weirder. They were found in a different area than the original five. Three of the four bodies had massive injuries - one had a massive skull fracture and two had massive chest trauma. It would have taken great force to cause these injuries None of them had external wounds. The injuries inflicted were reminiscent of someone who is exposed to extreme pressure or something akin to a car accident. One woman was MISSING HER TONGUE.

Families of the victims later stated that the bodies were discolored, scraps of clothes from the scene tested positive for high levels of radiation, and some people believe some of the victims were blinded based on their suspected behavior, it is also reported that many of the victims hair had grayed.....

To this day it is still not known what happened up on that mountain although theories abound from KGB activity to military operation that went array followed by a subsequent cover-up to UFO's.
The actions of the Russian authorities is pretty suspect and denotes a cover-up of the events.

The final official explanation is death caused by 'An Unknown Compelling Force."

I would love to hear people thoughts and any info you may have. Thanks
This case has intrigued me for a long time. Please read the article(s) and let me know what you think.

The final official explanation is death caused by 'An Unknown Compelling Force."

I would love to hear people thoughts and any info you may have. Thanks

Wow. I just read all of the articles. And while I have no clue what happened, I have to thank you for posting that -- it's fascinating!

That kind of story sends a chill down my spine.
Never heard about this case. Thank you.
This has been translated from Russian to English so it is a little all over the place in some places. The most interesting part to me is the bit about their watches having all stopped at roughly the same time. I read somewhere else something about their clothes - one of the women was found with scraps of one of the other mens clothes around or on her but the weird thing is the other man was one who died near the campfire so their bodies were found quite far apart. I will look for it. It may be in this translated article which is really, really long.
One thing that bothers me is it was a month before the first bodies were discovered in then 2-3 more months before the remaining bodies and the bodies were all found buried under snow but yet footprints remained around the campsite? This is in the Urals in the winter - I find that very odd.
Here is some of the translated text:

On twelfth of February under the plan of a campaign the group should arrive to settlement Vizhaj and the telegram to notify institute спортклуб on the termination(ending) of a route. Telegrams were not, but firstly anybody strongly did not worry about it - дятловцы were considered as skilled tourists. Only on February, 20 the management(manual) of institute on route Дятлова had been sent the first search group, and then some more groups. Further search works have accepted the even greater scope - soldiers and officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been involved in them, planes and helicopters of civil and military aircraft.
And on February, 26 on east slope of top "1079" the tent has been found. Its(her) lee side where tourists settled down heads, appeared is cut from within in two places so, that through these cuts(sections) there could be freely a person. Below it(her) during 500 meters on a snow traces of people going to valley Лозьвы were kept. Some of them have been left by almost barefooted leg(foot), others had characteristic display of a valenok or a leg(foot), обутой in soft носок. Closer to border of a wood traces disappeared, brought by a snow. Neither in tent, nor near to it(her) attributes of struggle or presence of other people it was revealed not.
This very day the search group has come across and more terrible finds - in one and a half kilometers from tent, at the border of a wood, about the rests of a fire corpses of two Jurys undressed up to underwear - Дорошенко and Кривонищенко have been found. Branches of a cedar about which they laid, have been broken off. In 300 meters from a fire in the direction of tent have found out a body of the head of group. Woodpeckers laid on a back, a head aside tents, a hand having clasped a trunk of a small birch. In 180 m from him(it) have found corpse Рустема Слободина, and in 150 m from Слободина - Зины Колмогоровой. They laid persons downwards in dynamic poses - guys from last forces tried to crawl to the left tent...
By the lead(the carried out) medicolegal examination it has been established, that Woodpeckers, Дорошенко, Кривонищенко and Kolmogorov have died from action of low temperature - on their bodies have not found out any damages, except for fine scratchs and grazes. Слободин had a crack of a skull, however experts have established, that his(its) death also has come(stepped) from overcooling.
Searches of the others proceeded still almost two months. And only on fourth of May in 75 meters from a fire under a four-meter layer of a snow corpses Люды Дубининой, Sashi Zolotaryov, Nikolay Tibo-Brinjolja and Саши Колеватова have been found. On a body of the last also there were no damages. The others had heavy traumas. At Дубининой symmetric crisis of several edges was, the death has come(stepped) from an extensive haemorrhage in heart. At Zolotaryov edges on the right on окологрудной and среднеключичной lines are broken. Тибо-Бриньоль had an extensive haemorrhage in the right temporal muscle and the pressed crisis of bones of a skull.
On the found bodies and near to them there were trousers and sweaters of the rest at fire Кривонищенко and Дорошенко. All clothes had equal traces of cuts(sections) as though it was removed from corpses - alive tried to be warmed by things of already died comrades. Victims Тибо-Бриньоль and Zolotaryov have been dressed well enough, it is worse than Dubinin - its(her) jacket from artificial fur and шапочка appeared on Zolotaryov, and разутая the leg(foot) is wrapped up in woolen trousers Кривонищенко.
Beside knife Кривонищенко by which at a fire young firs for a flooring, most likely, were cut off laid. Two hours on hand Тибо-Бриньоля have stopped almost at a time - one showed 8 hours of 14 minutes, others - 8 hours of 39 minutes...
This is one strange case,id never heard of it until recently.
A little useless trivia:Feb 2nd 1959 was also the night of the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens and J.P.Richardson at Clear Lake Iowa.
Thank you! I did a search and didn't find it.

The things that come to mind after reading about this are either: some kind of madness caused by something like carbon monoxide poisoning or chemical ingestion -- perhaps exacerbated by an avalanche.

4 meters of snow -- roughly 12 feet -- covering the crushed victims...It's possible their bodies were battered by an avalanche. Woman could have lost her tongue during the avalanche, biting it off, etc.?

This is completely avoiding any supernatural or alien involvement...Just an attempt at a rational explanation.
4 meters of snow -- roughly 12 feet -- covering the crushed victims...It's possible their bodies were battered by an avalanche. Woman could have lost her tongue during the avalanche, biting it off, etc.?

This is completely avoiding any supernatural or alien involvement...Just an attempt at a rational explanation.

I like the way you think. It takes the goose bumps away.:clap:

I had never heard of that story and it had me somewhat speechless -even thoughtless-until you mentioned avalanche. But don't get me wrong, I could easily be swayed toward the supernatural should the suggestion strike me right.
I have thought and read about the avalanche theory too. It explains some of the alleged events but still leaves a lot of questions too. Why did the ones who were not crushed chose to stay out in the -25 temps half naked instead of go back to camp? They would of had a much better chance of surviving if they went back to their camp and got on warm clothes.
Also, in an avalanche I would think that a lot of the injuries caused are from the person tumbling with the falling snow - hitting rocks, trees, etc but from what this scene looks like if there was an avalanche it basically just fell on top of them burying them. Would that cause such massive trauma? Could it cause a skull fracture?

You would think if there was an avalanche then all of them would have been buried and their camp would have been buried and why would they have split up like they did and build two separate fires in to locations away from camp? Can an avalanche occur and only hit a small area like that? Effecting some people but not others within a pretty close distance from eachother?

Where did the high levels of radiation come from that was found on their clothes?

Why did they cut themselves out of their tent? From the pics it doesn't look like their tent was buried so why didn't they just go out the front instead wasting the time cutting the back?

I think the most interesting question out of all is why didn't Russian authorities list cause of death as injuries sustained by an avalance. I would think that they would have much rather listed the cause of death as such and be done with the whole thing but instead it was listed as "A compelling unknown force."

I am still trying to find an article I read a long time ago which talked about some of the things they found around the bodies that lead people to believe maybe they had been blinded. Also, there was some weird stuff going on with the clothes - some of them were founded shredded and some victims were wearing scraps of the other victims who were found further away clothes, etc. I wish I could find it again. It had a lot of info I hadn't seen before.

The allegations that the victims hair had turned gray.....I am still not sure if I buy that one or not.

It would be interesting to try and track down their family members but I am sure most if not all of them live in Russia and speak Russia.
I would like to know why radiation levels were checked in the first place? This dose not seem to me to be something that would have been done as part of a routine investigation. You don't usually look for radiation in the snow. Did these people have burns or injuries consistant with radiation exposure?

Perhaps there was some kind of small radioactive explosion which blinded them. They could not see to get out and cut the tent to escape. They were settling in for the night and not properly dressed. Some ended up at one spot and froze. The others cut clothing from the frozen bodies and headed another direction. I think an avalanche would have surely cover these peoples footprint and left them Buried. So maybe there was another radioactive event that had the force to smash the bodies as they were and even blow off some of their clothes. The person could have bit thru there tongue during the force.
Orange orbs lit up ine the area seen from far away. Perhaps it was a military weapon experiment. you tube has some videos made about this.
I spoke at length with someone I know who works in the field of weapons, blast injuries and aerial blast area predictions.
and this is what I have put together about the incident in the Ural Mts.

From the other thread, copied and pasted. Sorry about the photo of Bijou. I don't know how to remove him LOL.
03-06-2008, 11:56 AM

I just got off the phone with an expert in weaponry, ours vs. the USSRs.
The short answer is that it was probably something similar to an early primitive nuclear bomb. Perhaps closer to what we think of as a dirty bomb.

Also included as a high probability was a small primitive nuclear weapon using either low levels of nuclear fusion or nuclear fission, which the USSR was trying very hard to develop at that time. The internal crush injuries are consistent with blast weaponry in the absence of other projectiles in the area of the blast. IOW, if they were in a snow bank on a bare hill, and running away from the impending blast, there were no objects in their area to cause external injuries. No buildings, no pavement, no flying debris to cause incidental injuries.
He concurred that they were most likely blinded and already dying from radiation injuries when they reached the forest area but that hypothermia is the actual and quite handy cause of death.

He does not discount that the students may have concocted their own dirty bomb as part of a covert operation related to the Ural Polytechnic University where they were students.
He also has a theory that they were guenea pigs for gov't. testing as students, given a suitcase or knapsack containing materials and instructions for use in the final campsite area, and that it was detonated or otherwise exploded with unexpected force.

The " ill" member of the team who dropped out may have been the one to have had more contact with the device or material up to that time, either intentionally or incidentally if the experiment was not disclosed to the students in advance, resulting in his illness which well may have been non-lethal radiation poisioning symptoms.
My contact does have a healthy belief in UFOs, as well as Yeti, but says that due to the intensity of the Cold War and the weapons race between the USA and USSR at that particular time, he doubts there was anything otherwordly involved.

I think these kids were used as test subjects. He agreed with me that the campsite had definitey been tampered with and staged. The film in the cameras could not have withstood levels of radiation, meaning that either the photos of the group alive were taken at an earlier time for deliberate documentation by people who did not continue on the cross-country skiing to the summit of the mountain, and that the other photos said to be from their cameras are faked.
He also said the skis were deliberately shown prominently in the photos of the wrecked tent to say " They were simple skiiers, nothing more". This may not be true. They may have been budding scientists.

As for the absence of the woman's tongue, he believes it could have been bitten involuntarily, and part of it swallowed in an instant, thus would be found on autopsy in her GI tract. The other theory is that if her body was one found 2 months later, an animal could have fed on it if her mouth was open or the tongue was protruding.
Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
Jana, everything he said I agree with. I have always thought the "ill" hiker was part of whatever occurred and he stayed behind because of what he knew would happen. I didn't take into account that the USSR could have been part of the scenario, but sure...why not?

I think it's much more likely that the USSR was behind this incident than that they weren't. In 1959, the USA was sending monkeys into space... Miss Baker, etc.
The USSR was working hard on its space program's superiority to the USA's, including a trial of nuclear fission powered space rockets, both manned and unmanned. There were MANY projects which were abandoned and covered up over there after large groups of scientists and technical people literally died, were blown up or were burned to death in " experiments gone wrong". More about that later.

The students may have been recruited to do experiments in the pristine and isolated environment of the Urals. I do not know what their majors of study were, or if the information provided about them would be at all accurate anyway. In the USSR, government came first.. young people were recruited to do all kinds of things in the name of the state. One example of the sort of thing we Americans have known about for all of my lifetime is the taking of children from parents to train them for any Olympic event starting at the pre-school level back then. It is the only practical example I can think of right now, one of many, where people were shown to be extremely expendable in the name of the superiority of the USSR. They were stident in their efforts to show superiority to the USA in all Olympic events and took children at the age of 5, 6 and put them into a program: Gymnastics, running, ice skating, etc. The children were subjected to a form of brainwashing which is common to Communism. They were taught that the greatest achievement they could ever accomplish was Victory for the USSR at great personal cost and sacrifice.
The college students may have been subjected to the same rhetoric and worse.

The former USSR recently ( within the past 10 years) released info about one huge explosion which did have nuclear radiation contamination. They more or less buried hundreds of bodies of scientists where they lay inside a mountainside. This one event pushed back their space race superiority at the time. We were not told anything about any of this until recently.

I know that if there was one incident of this type, there had to have been MANY more which were so horrifying, so embarrassing or so isolated or both that they have remained covered up. Think Chernobyl.

My friend who is a weapons blast specialist for the military also says that even now, there are "wacky" technological or nuclear based experiments attempted by the former USSR which their governments do not want leaked to us, as a Superpower nation and potential foe in the next cold war.
He explained to me that while most people believe that our Area 51 was about an alien spacecraft crash, it is just as likely that we were conducting our own form of the Ural Mountain skiing explosion and that the area was secured and is secured because high levels of radiation from our own experiments gone wrong remain there. The remains of whatever occurred are stored in a locked, guarded hangar at Langley AFB.
It is likely that the bodies seen and called " aliens" were humans whose bodies were also imploded in very unusual and unprecedented ways during the experimental nuclear accident which most likely involved experimental manned craft with a radioactive core energy source.

He says it was easier and more convenient for the government to let people believe that alien life forms crashed in the desert than to say " we created a nuclear- powered craft which crashed and released enough radiation to contaminate thousands of square miles for generations. Oh, and by the way, the radioactive explosion created an implosive effect which reduced several poor souls' bodies to the size of skinny children ( organs shrunken and long bones internally pulverized similar to what is described in the USSR event) with misshapen heads ( massive skull fractures)."

It makes perfect sense to me when he tells it and he knows exactly what he is talking about. I hope my lame attempts to retell what I was told and understood very well comes through in the retelling.


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