Russian passenger plane crashes in Sinai, Egypt Prime Minister says, 31 OCT 2015

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DNA Solves
With all this "attention" and focus on this being a bomb....even if it wasn't...expect a rise in terrorist activities on airplanes. JMO
I do know what chaps my arse that I never thought of until this is with all the security there is literally none for those having last contact with a plane. Luggage, food service etc. That needs to change!! Everywhere and now. IMO
Has ISIS ever claimed to take down a plane when they didn't do it?

The Sunday Express reported that the UK’s intelligence agency, GCHQ, had intercepted chatter from jihadists in Sinai, who included English speakers with Birmingham and London accents, prior to the crash.

“There has also been some internet traffic suggesting that there was British involvement in the attack. This was a very sophisticated, carefully planned operation involving many moving parts,” an official told the newspaper.

“We know there are British jihadis in Egypt fighting with members of Islamic State. They were trained in Syria and are now hardened terrorists. Some of the Britons have an electronics background and have been developing some very sophisticated bombs.”
Waiting for Putin's response to the downed plane. :) Should be interesting. jmo idk

Egyptian Cleric Unmasked as Plane Bombing Mastermind

LONDON: Abu Osama al-Masri, an Egyptian cleric and the frontman of an ISIS-offshoot group, has been unmasked as the suspected mastermind behind the alleged downing of a Russian jet, according to a media report.

"Intelligence chiefs believe that the plane, which crashed last weekend killing 224 people, was brought down by a bomb planted by an offshoot of ISIS in the Sinai peninsula," The Sunday Times reported.

The group's frontman, Masri, an Egyptian cleric, brokered a pact with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) last year in Syria, the report said.

British officials confirmed this weekend that Masri is a "person of interest" and that Britain would help Egypt or Russia in a "kill or capture" mission. Such a move could involve the deployment of the SAS to Egypt, it said.

The man known as Masri claimed responsibility for the Russian plane crash in an audio statement last on Wednesday --- the same day that David Cameron announced the suspension of British holiday flights to Sharm el-Sheikh.

Intelligence officials believe that Masri's group, Sinai Province, used an airport insider to smuggle a bomb into the luggage hold of the Metrojet aircraft last on Saturday. It is feared the mole is still at large, the report said.
a long post !!! I have been guilty of such before --- lov ya guys

I cant type or spell but my little brain goes so fast ..............way it has been ..........all my life worries I exhaust myself ................smoke has just quit coming out of my ears ...............i will be good !

ok I than thank all for reading it or scrolling by! oK Back on track ....what do you all make of presser that was there was some noise on a tape recorder ................ Enrages me -- hey leaders were not stupid , that was a bunch of nonsense the pressor the one with there was noise on the CVR .................

at the end of the day that is why we all are here ..............coping with nonsense and Sky News Rueters is so much more honest than Cnn

We love you too. :)
Translated from Al Hayat in Arabic:

As for Russia, this incident presents a dilemma for the Kremlin.

So far, Russian forces have been mostly targeting non-ISIS opposition targets in Syria, while sparing Islamic State headquarters and personnel. Now, with the downing of the airplane, Putin faces two choices: either withdraw from the Syrian quagmire that he had been warned about for so long, or wage an unequivocal war against the Islamic State in Syria.

Based on Putin’s record, it is more likely that Russia will pursue the latter.

Egyptian Cleric Unmasked as Plane Bombing Mastermind

LONDON: Abu Osama al-Masri, an Egyptian cleric and the frontman of an ISIS-offshoot group, has been unmasked as the suspected mastermind behind the alleged downing of a Russian jet, according to a media report.

"Intelligence chiefs believe that the plane, which crashed last weekend killing 224 people, was brought down by a bomb planted by an offshoot of ISIS in the Sinai peninsula," The Sunday Times reported.

The group's frontman, Masri, an Egyptian cleric, brokered a pact with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) last year in Syria, the report said.

British officials confirmed this weekend that Masri is a "person of interest" and that Britain would help Egypt or Russia in a "kill or capture" mission. Such a move could involve the deployment of the SAS to Egypt, it said.

The man known as Masri claimed responsibility for the Russian plane crash in an audio statement last on Wednesday --- the same day that David Cameron announced the suspension of British holiday flights to Sharm el-Sheikh.

Intelligence officials believe that Masri's group, Sinai Province, used an airport insider to smuggle a bomb into the luggage hold of the Metrojet aircraft last on Saturday. It is feared the mole is still at large, the report said.

Hi mom!

As I was reading this I just went here in my head. I just am having such a hard time ignoring my eyes, the stakes here for the players,and in some way the confort of knowing there are so many accident investgation agencies involved.

I truly believe, THat is the only reason noone has even mentioned residue. Too many know there appears not to be any.

If it was only one country they can finger whomever they want.

It reminds me of the blindfaith so many put in our justice system, which in reality is only a football game.

Prosecuter gets a point,reelected defense attorney gets a point can charge more, judge clears his docket. But many think we have justice- we have a legal system - world of difference.

There have been 333 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States.

Just seems like theere is so much at stake , as I have learned in the last 48 hours, finger someone and move on.

It is just a physics thing for me. Like folks in a bad car wreck - 'the lord was watching over me"-- the reality is it is the vehicle you were in, its wieght, angles, speed,point of impact, that determines outcomes......

The "tubes" are highly pressurized, how on earth an there be no outward blast on any of the houndreds of pics now available? Its eyes, I am not a pro, but there is much IMO to say that noone is even talking about ----residue.

You know what hit me last night, they are so full of $$$$ they are (getting away with it appears) endlessly talking about "explosions" its a diversion.

Have any of you heard dialog like this about German Wings, MH17 any of em - was there an explosion, again back to physics, when I look at the pics, I am not asking myself it there was an explosion or not.

I am looking for a "reason" for a very evident explosion! Bombs leave "fingerprints"...............................Noone is talking about fingerprints, while staring at a bleeding corpse they are "playing", was there a murder?

It is mind numbing in its stupidity .....but they will get away with it $$$$$$$$$$$$$ jmo

Some , posters fill in "Reason for edit", I thought my god if I did that, that box will be longer than any post: C after I,except when its a R, as long as it is not near a T (hated that stuff-random memorization)

hit cap button by mistake 45 times, put no commas in , forgot peroids , changed font sizes in 5 sentences , even tho they were my thoughts only 90 seconds earleir they make no sense to ME,6 run ons , indentation totally used incorrectly, forgot 3 links, remove a link that was from last post,

spend 12 minutes deleting a picture, that came out like hhtskajsfljruoujdsiouasioufoisuoaufauox for 987 lines, correct use of space bar ,

delete a picture that for some reason is the the size of a billboard on an expressway,, or on the other hand a microscope slide,put numbers in correct order, change % to $,remove unintential bolding or color, or type or font,

move paragraphs around wherein I was on one topic, then another one flooded me , and then the old theme came back, move that around a bit,deal with accidental caps lock,closed a window ,

have no clue how I got to that link ,forgot to "remember me" and poof "Gone With The Wind"......... it is more than "awesome" that I dont use those emotion cons or whatever they are called.....................

... funny!
British involvement in the attack.
it just gets worse and worse --deflection!

The Sunday Express reported that the UK’s intelligence agency, GCHQ, had intercepted chatter from jihadists in Sinai, who included English speakers with Birmingham and London accents, prior to the crash.

“There has also been some internet traffic suggesting that there was British involvement in the attack. This was a very sophisticated, carefully planned operation involving many moving parts,” an official told the newspaper.

“We know there are British jihadis in Egypt fighting with members of Islamic State. They were trained in Syria and are now hardened terrorists. Some of the Britons have an electronics background and have been developing some very sophisticated bombs.”

Under international aviation rules, representatives from France, Ireland, Russia and Germany are included in the official committee investigating the crash because of various connections to the plane or the flight, and European officials briefed on the inquiry say others in the committee have urged the Egyptians to disclose more.

But the rules give the Egyptians control over any public statements, and so far Egypt has rebuffed admonitions to disclose any preliminary details of what they may have learned, including whether explosive residue had been detected, the pattern of burn marks on the wreckage or on human remains, or of whatever may have been gleaned from the plane’s flight-recording devices.
I truly believe, THat is the only reason noone has even mentioned residue. Too many know there appears not to be any...It is just a physics thing for me. Like folks in a bad car wreck - 'the lord was watching over me"-- the reality is it is the vehicle you were in, its wieght, angles, speed,point of impact, that determines outcomes...The "tubes" are highly pressurized, how on earth an there be no outward blast on any of the houndreds of pics now available? Its eyes, I am not a pro, but there is much IMO to say that noone is even talking about ----residue...

Have any of you heard dialog like this about German Wings, MH17 any of em - was there an explosion, again back to physics, when I look at the pics, I am not asking myself it there was an explosion or not...I am looking for a "reason" for a very evident explosion! Bombs leave "fingerprints"...
snipped by me for space

In this case, investigations are in full gear by more than one country of which some countries might be resistant to help from other countries ie Egypt getting help from Israel, FBI; investigations need to go through all of the rubble (bombs can be small); figure out residue (are there types of bombs that produce little to no residue? How many different chemical compositions?); investigate passenger/pilot/crew manifest; investigate airport personnel; investigate who had access to the plane area; track down any terrorist group that may be responsible (terrorists could be from any area/conflict, Sinai, ISIS, Chechnya, Ukraine, etc). It's a really complicated and delicate situation, so I highly doubt anyone wants to jump to the conclusion that some terrorist group was able to get a bomb on board the plane. I doubt investigators will share what residue was used at this point, there are facts that might compromise investigations and safety of people. They need to get tourists out of the region and coordinate efforts of investigations and action.

For example, why would terrorist group take credit knowing that multiple large, powerful countries could squash them? For pride, or because they are planning other attacks and do not want investigators to know how able to take down plane? Assuming it was a bomb from some terrorist group, it could stem from local conflict, not international. For example, according to Wikipedia, 535 militants were killed in major operation Martyr's Right in September 2015, so it could be retaliation for local conflict. Edited to add- But Cariis, now that you mentioned British speaking terrorists, that just adds the international possibility to this. I hope they are screening all British pretty thoroughly so that some terrorist (if British residence/connection) doesn't get on plane to UK. But jmo/

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