Russian passenger plane crashes in Sinai, Egypt Prime Minister says, 31 OCT 2015

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The interesting and confusing thing to me is why other countries don't stand up to stop ISIS and I think I know the answer. Why doesn't other countries do anything either? What is the deal with other countries standing back and letting ISIS do terrible things?

I think I have finally learned the answer but have to begin with US first to explain.

The biggest mistake that US administration made was not addressing ISIS right at the beginning when they were rather small and started to go into IRAQ.

Our government leader and policy was the worst decision to not have boots on the ground and not address ISIS when ISIS was rather small. By ignoring them and not addressing them, all it has done is allowed that group to gain followers and get larger and larger and larger.

Now ISIS is a large group doing terrible acts in multiple countries.
If they would have been addressed when they were small, it was much easier to deal with them.

I do understand our country was war-weary but sometimes you have to deal with things even when you don't want to. The good news is things will change in coming years because of term limits. We will have changes and we just hope whoever is in charge next can do better.

Things are starting to change finally now too. A little late but it is changing. The drone strike of ISIS head chopper offer just happened yesterday which is good news. And we hear rumors of finally getting boots on the ground.

But back to the Worldwide issue of other countries sitting back and doing nothing either?

I wondered why other countries didnt try to help and stop ISIS as it was happening too?

Well I think the answer is fairly simple but it is a multiple answer. Mainly 2 reasons.

1-Biggest Reason = They are not as powerful as they try to show to other countries and really do not have the military might that they portray. So they are afraid if they try to tackle ISIS and lose then it will show to the world that they are weak. So they do nothing so they can keep fake image of being strong.

2-Some select countries have cultural ties to people in ISIS. Lets not fool ourselves. Some countries have people in their country that sympathise with the ideologies of ISIS.
They reject only the major ISIS atrocities but they have some of their own people that agree with some of the religious aspsects and so they don't want to go against them because their own people will get mad at their own government. And they want to stay in power so they do nothing.

So that brings us back to the US. The US ends up stepping up the plate on these situations like ISIS because they are the only country willing and able to stand up to the atrocities and make the sacrifices necessary to stop them.

As much bad mouthing we see from other countries about the US they need to look in the mirror and see if they have ever had the guts to stand up to groups like Al-Queda and ISIS. So the next time they try to bad mouth America they need to have second thoughts until they can show that they are willing to do 1/2 as much as America has done to try to help world peace.

The tide is slowly changing about ISIS and I think they will be opposed in a multi national way. Russia is finally stepping up and US is also increasing its push to stop them.
It would be nice to see other countries step up more too.

With the Syria refugee crisis, a lot of other countries should want to step up to the plate and help out in any way they can. We have a common enemy which needs defeated.
It could be done quicker and cleaner if everyone does their part and the world works together.
It can even help world peace.

WORLD PEACE is the goal and getting rid of groups like ISIS goes a long way toward that.
The interesting and confusing thing to me is why other countries don't stand up to stop ISIS and I think I know the answer. Why doesn't other countries do anything either? What is the deal with other countries standing back and letting ISIS do terrible things?

I think I have finally learned the answer but have to begin with US first to explain.

The biggest mistake that US administration made was not addressing ISIS right at the beginning when they were rather small and started to go into IRAQ.

Our government leader and policy was the worst decision to not have boots on the ground and not address ISIS when ISIS was rather small. By ignoring them and not addressing them, all it has done is allowed that group to gain followers and get larger and larger and larger.

Now ISIS is a large group doing terrible acts in multiple countries.
If they would have been addressed when they were small, it was much easier to deal with them.

I do understand our country was war-weary but sometimes you have to deal with things even when you don't want to. The good news is things will change in coming years because of term limits. We will have changes and we just hope whoever is in charge next can do better.

Things are starting to change finally now too. A little late but it is changing. The drone strike of ISIS head chopper offer just happened yesterday which is good news. And we hear rumors of finally getting boots on the ground.

But back to the Worldwide issue of other countries sitting back and doing nothing either?

I wondered why other countries didnt try to help and stop ISIS as it was happening too?

Well I think the answer is fairly simple but it is a multiple answer. Mainly 2 reasons.

1-Biggest Reason = They are not as powerful as they try to show to other countries and really do not have the military might that they portray. So they are afraid if they try to tackle ISIS and lose then it will show to the world that they are weak. So they do nothing so they can keep fake image of being strong.

2-Some select countries have cultural ties to people in ISIS. Lets not fool ourselves. Some countries have people in their country that sympathise with the ideologies of ISIS.
They reject only the major ISIS atrocities but they have some of their own people that agree with some of the religious aspsects and so they don't want to go against them because their own people will get mad at their own government. And they want to stay in power so they do nothing.

So that brings us back to the US. The US ends up stepping up the plate on these situations like ISIS because they are the only country willing and able to stand up to the atrocities and make the sacrifices necessary to stop them.

As much bad mouthing we see from other countries about the US they need to look in the mirror and see if they have ever had the guts to stand up to groups like Al-Queda and ISIS. So the next time they try to bad mouth America they need to have second thoughts until they can show that they are willing to do 1/2 as much as America has done to try to help world peace.

The tide is slowly changing about ISIS and I think they will be opposed in a multi national way. Russia is finally stepping up and US is also increasing its push to stop them.
It would be nice to see other countries step up more too.

With the Syria refugee crisis, a lot of other countries should want to step up to the plate and help out in any way they can. We have a common enemy which needs defeated.
It could be done quicker and cleaner if everyone does their part and the world works together.
It can even help world peace.

WORLD PEACE is the goal and getting rid of groups like ISIS goes a long way toward that.

I am doing choclate - this is not good! I want to be very careful here. Probably wont! I have treid to "get" the hate. But I cant help but ponder what kind of person, I could become, if, I have watched, my bothers, sisters, mom dad, arms legs brains, be blown to smitherians.

I do not know what kind of person (thank god) I could become if I saw my house obliterated,lose power for years, feel hungry , hot gross. Dehydrate, have no meds, food clothes, a place to live,for months.

Again I want to be careful.....but at somepoint we do need to ask ourslevees if we woulde hate (I am American) on the level they do . I would hope not, I would, just dont get it, but ponder if what if that happened to me? What would I feel?

Beruit the other day wa just hideious, as it is breaking , I am thinking (I do not know about that whole mess) But, wow, that has got to be a whole bunch of hate, to strap a bunch of explosives , on your body, walk around a crowded place, like how do you say to yourself NOW.

How do we not know that there may be a huge pain ful thing?

But we must ask ourselves, what would we do.......................
PS Beruit two days ago was the worst thing in a long they are obviouly losing it ---that is scary -- they having recorded again hacking homosapians heads off

but we , sitting here, safe, with food what would we do?

something going on in Paris now?

Its endless
Itsa breaking now but is reevant to tis post ....cause sadly, at the end of the day (and agin I thik we are talking metal fatigue failure as far as Metro) but such a hate filled place we live in ..............................

Beruit was really intense the other day ...........and its interesting in a way. I wanted to go on WS to find the thread, but there was something that said no -- its about hate, at least with a plane crash it can stay somewhere in the intelitual mode.

Go to Beruit thread, what is there to say ..................people hating each other , blowing fellow homsapiens to death? What is there to figure out, process, ask you guys notions,from the get go it was several people attaching themselves to bombs and doing it.............

there really is nothing to figure out ....if that makes sense

does it?
anyone have a link to what is going on in paris now -- admin we need a totally seperate link the last hour cuts anything off but in 60 minutes and starts anew one

i need WS now - there is huge story going on in Paris but I do not know how to find it here --- and when it is breaking is when we all need each other the most cause4 MSM messes everything up

we need a "in the last hour"............... its a computer , every hour it can ust start a new link.............

anyone got a link to paris on WS now??

It is huge, I need you guys now link anyone>>>>>>>>>>>>
anyone have a link to what is going on in paris now -- admin we need a totally seperate link the last hour cuts anything off but in 60 minutes and starts anew one

i need WS now - there is huge story going on in Paris but I do not know how to find it here --- and when it is breaking is when we all need each other the most cause4 MSM messes everything up

we need a "in the last hour"............... its a computer , every hour it can ust start a new link.............

anyone got a link to paris on WS now??

It is huge, I need you guys now link anyone>>>>>>>>>>>>


eta: I haven't checked for a thread yet. I will now.

Here it is:
blue TY keep mutating is exactly the word I am fearing .....It would be so much easier to find out this has been planned for months ...............
At.....the end of the day, all this is is just really sad huh ? And endless...........................
watch new news cycle paris watch it will end up being a nothig story - one or way or the othe (residue or not )

Paris ic exactly hwat they are waitng for ...

just watch..... watch how this goes .......................
Perfect! Just as anticpated in post three days ago This guy,Aleksandr Bortniko claims their was a bomb.

ation: Leningrad Railway Engineering Institute, 1973.
1975: Joined the KGB. Served as a counterintelligence agent and administrator in the Leningrad region.
June 2003: Head of the FSB in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.
2004: Replaced Yury Zaostrovtsev to become head of the FSB's economic security division.
2004-2008: Member of the board of directors of Sovcomflot (a government-owned shipping company).
2005: Member of Federal Exports Commission.
2006: Attained the rank of army general.
May 2008: Named director of the FSB and later on also permanent member of Security Council of Russia. Named president of Council of heads of CIS security agencies and secret services.
October 2008: Joined a newly created presidential commission on financial markets.

November 2008: Member of the board of Information Society Development Council.

who is this guy?
counter-intelligence, internaland border security,counter-terrorism, andsurveillance as well as investigating some other types of grave crimes and federal law violations.The old KBG.

He got a degree in trains-in 41 years ago.

30 years in KB

4 years
Economic Security Service

He was the leader of of the folks that wanted to murder someone else.

In Russia, however this agency invtiages aviation accidents.This guy has had nothing to do wity that agency- the
The Federal Air Transport Agency does accident investatgation.counterpart would be FAA.

Now compare and contrast the skill set for the chair of our agency, the NTSB:

art holds a law degree from Harvard University and master's and bachelor's degrees in aerospace engineering from Princeton University.

During his years at the NTSB and FAA-----

He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar and the Lawyer-Pilots Bar association...... licensed pilot,

2005-present--Deputy Director, Air Traffic Safety Oversight
Service, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C.

1995-2005--Assistant Administrator for System Safety, Federal
Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C.

1994-1995--Deputy Administrator, National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration
, Washington, D.C.

1990-1993--Member, National Transportation Safety Board,
Washington, D.C.

1981-1990--Managing Partner, Hart & Chavers, Washington, D.C.

1979-1981--Associate Attorney, Dickstein, Shapiro & Morin,
Washington, D.C.

1977-1979--Deputy Assistant General Counsel for Environmental,
Civil Rights, and General Law, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Washington, D.C.

1976-1977--Attorney, General Counsel's Office, Air Transport
Association of America,
Washington, D.C.

1973-1976--Associate Attorney, Peabody, Rivlin, Lambert &
Meyers, Washington, D.C.

1972--Summer Associate, Fish & Neave, New York, NY.

1971--Summer Associate, Davis, Graham & Stubbs, Denver, CO.

1969--Summer Engineering Intern, MRI Associates, Los Angeles,

Just saying!

Amazing how this declaration comes 18 hours after Putin says he will be more invoved in attacking ISIS.......................timing is....................

It was a bomb, planted by airport workers.
Who is safe nowadays NOONE.

Thanks for all your posts Cariis.
ha -If an infant is running a fever, who would one trust more?

geriatric psychiatrist

C) a member of congresss

D) anthropologist

E) None of the above !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hated trick questions!!!


The leader of Russias Aviarion Accidnet entity.

Alexander Neradko

But the man who is telling the world about MetroJet
is this man

Aleksandr Bortnikov Does KGB stuff-


Not twins huh!!!
Russia says bomb brought down jet in Sinai, offers $50 million reward
By Don Melvin and Matthew Chance, CNN
Tue November 17, 2015

The Russian passenger jet that crashed over Sinai, Egypt, was brought down by a bomb estimated to contain 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of explosives, the head of the Russian Federal Security Service said Tuesday, and the Russian government is offering a $50 million reward for information about those who brought it down...

Egypt arrests 2 as Russia says 'terrorist' act caused plane crash

Two security officials and an airport employee at Sharm El-Sheikh airport told Reuters that Egyptian authorities had detained two members of the ground crew for questioning, days after Egypt had launched an investigation about a possible crew role in the attack. One of the security officials said CCTV footage showed a baggage handler carrying a suitcase from an airport building to another man, who was loading luggage onto the doomed airliner from beneath the plane on the runway.
This perfectly illustrates that TSA strip searching passengers isn't going to prevent an airport worker from loading a bomb right onto the plane.

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