Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #3

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The disappearance of Samantha Murphy has indeed become a focal point of concern and action, transcending the initial fear to embody a narrative of communal strength and determination. As the investigation deepens, the hope remains that the truth will emerge, bringing closure to her family and the community at large. The resilience shown by all involved serves as a testament to the human spirit, undeterred in the face of adversity.
I’m surprised no one has mentioned apps like Strava. If she is a serious runner, which it sounds like she is, it’s certainly possible she used an app like Strava to track her workouts. Strava tracks your runs and also posts them to a feed where others can see - if your profile is public then anyone on Strava can see it, or you can set your profile to friends only. It also shows a map of your route and connects you with other runners who have run the same route. If she was using an app like this and she was regularly running this route it’s 100% possible someone knew her running schedule, location, and even pace. Furthermore if, for example, she was snatched while Strava was running, it would still have been tracking her GPS data at the time.

Example of what a Strava running map looks like.
Maybe she posted her strava and this was being monitored by a perp. They could predict, off past runs, a likely route.
There is another person with the same surname who works at the smash repair shop. Could it be a sister in law, daughter or someone else. Was it all smooth sailing at the family business is my question.
Someone wanted her dead, someone planned it, why revenge ,money.
Parker argues that seven motives that explain homicides are anger, concealment, jealousy, revenge, love and gain. Certain personality disorders are associated with an increased homicide rate, most notably narcissistic, anti-social, and histrionic personality disorders and those associated with psychopathology.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki

Murder - Wikipedia

It could have been taken out the day before ( Saturday )
By who? and why?

Driving around in a car with some sort of damage is just going to draw more attention. I guess it's not normal for employees at the repair shop to take customer vehicles home with them so someone working there might notice. There's also the possibility that the owner of the car or someone who knows the owner sees the car driving around.

Seems like it would be a poorly thought out plan and (if it is a premeditated, planned crime) everything else seems to be meticulously well planned.

IMO the police are asking people to look out for damaged vehicles because somebody might have hit her whilst she was running and damaged their car, not because someone might have taken a damaged car from the repair shop.
2 things at todays press conference pricked my ears. not quoted. We believe Samantha did not leave the area under her own steam. And If anyone has dashcam footage of vehicles with damage or property damage. Why would property damage have any significance?
Was just thinking about how many cars you hear about being used for various nefarious purposes that are then set alight to destroy evidence! These are a regular enough occurrence that you hear reported on news atelast monthly (maybe not so frequently in Ballarat, but I’m not all over local Ballarat news).
So to me, fact that there hasn’t been anything about a car being found burnt out (Atleast that I’m aware of), means that if a vehicle was involved ( inferred from the call out for footage of vehicles with damage or property damage), then the person that has been involved probably doesn’t fit category of your car typical thief that uses vehicle for other crimes or a larger crime organisation (bikie etc), because cars taht are founs burnt out are commonly associated with their crimes.
Assuming this, it’s more likely those responsible are either related/connected to SM or some perv/stalker/deviate type that does this sort of surveilance / attack/kill thing whilst moonlighting as a regular citizen the rest of the time and hence needs their car to maintain this image.
Yeah, I didn't like that either. All Mark Hatt had to say is "I can't comment on that" (about the whole POI subject).

I really, really, really don't want the children to have to go through that scenario.

But it could be that the police eyes are on a known-to-them suspect (not MM) and they don't want that suspect to know they have a clear person in mind .... yet. But they do want to shake them up a bit with uncertainty.

I thought about this scenario as well. Why not just say MM is not a suspect, why add the not at this stage part. That’s just going to add fuel to the fire so to speak.

It could be they are on to MM, but if they were, wouldn’t it make sense to completely rule him out in a press conference so he doesn’t think you are on to him?

Just because you are not a suspect today, doesn’t mean you can’t be a suspect tomorrow if that makes sense. It all depends on the evidence, esp if new evidence is produced and/or found.

It could very well be the case or they have their eyes on somebody not being MM, and want to throw a bit of misdirection out there to keep their suspects mind at ease that they are off the radar.

It’s so hard to read at the moment.

I can’t imagine being the person to perform one of the press conferences, just knowing that every single facet of your speech and body language will be scrutinised to the extreme, knowing there is information you cannot disclose, and having to traverse the journalists questions like a mine field! Talk about needing to be cool hand Luke!!

All JMO of course
By who? and why?

Driving around in a car with some sort of damage is just going to draw more attention. I guess it's not normal for employees at the repair shop to take customer vehicles home with them so someone working there might notice. There's also the possibility that the owner of the car or someone who knows the owner sees the car driving around.

Seems like it would be a poorly thought out plan and (if it is a premeditated, planned crime) everything else seems to be meticulously well planned.

IMO the police are asking people to look out for damaged vehicles because somebody might have hit her whilst she was running and damaged their car, not because someone might have taken a damaged car from the repair shop.
So evidence won't be traced, we don't know if any cars have been reported stolen.

I think it would be hard for a hit-and-run, unless it was deliberately to kill her

But it didn't happen on the main road and If it happened on the track, there would be so much evidence
Was just thinking about how many cars you hear about being used for various nefarious purposes that are then set alight to destroy evidence! These are a regular enough occurrence that you hear reported on news atelast monthly (maybe not so frequently in Ballarat, but I’m not all over local Ballarat news).
So to me, fact that there hasn’t been anything about a car being found burnt out (Atleast that I’m aware of), means that if a vehicle was involved ( inferred from the call out for footage of vehicles with damage or property damage), then the person that has been involved probably doesn’t fit category of your car typical thief that uses vehicle for other crimes or a larger crime organisation (bikie etc), because cars taht are founs burnt out are commonly associated with their crimes.
Assuming this, it’s more likely those responsible are either related/connected to SM or some perv/stalker/deviate type that does this sort of surveilance / attack/kill thing whilst moonlighting as a regular citizen the rest of the time and hence needs their car to maintain this image.
The mini series, the thing about Pam, how many people were fascinated by this mini series ,how one diluted woman planned a murder that escalated, police are investigating the business, we don't know of the relatives ,Samantha
I can’t imagine being the person to perform one of the press conferences, just knowing that every single facet of your speech and body language will be scrutinised to the extreme, knowing there is information you cannot disclose, and having to traverse the journalists questions like a mine field! Talk about needing to be cool hand Luke!!
Agree … He does a great job! I kinda like him….. He does his job in a pleasant way … and I like how he opens it up for questions ….

Posting this - not claiming it is related but definitely curious - from public/open FB page

Ballarat Fire Brigade CFA

10 h ·

A 4:30am start for members with a fire alarm and a car fire.
Crews attended a car fire in Woowookarung Regional Park, on arrival the fire had spread to bushland, quick action by crews stopped the spread of the fire.
Mt Warrenheip and Buninyong-Mount Helen Fire Brigade supported at this incident with Forest Fire Management Victoria taking over the scene on their arrival, Victoria Police also attended and are investigating.
It’s very disappointing that this occurred and especially on a day of Total Fire Ban."

I posted this because of the location.
It’s so hard to read at the moment.

I can’t imagine being the person to perform one of the press conferences, just knowing that every single facet of your speech and body language will be scrutinised to the extreme, knowing there is information you cannot disclose, and having to traverse the journalists questions like a mine field! Talk about needing to be cool hand Luke!!
Officer Hatt was the true professional in the presser.
He showed leadership, discretion, knowledge, composure and a cool demeanour in a rough situation.
Hats off ... or Hatts on ;)
One amusing thing about today's presser (which I am just relistening to) is that, right from the start, Mark Hatt is being heckled by the birds ... he appears to almost have difficulty talking over the top of their loud cawing. :)

Presser 23rd Feb
Haha yes I noticed that too! He seems to like outside pressers ..
The first one was a battle against the wind in the microphones…. And now the birds …. What is next??? :)
One amusing thing about today's presser (which I am just relistening to) is that, right from the start, Mark Hatt is being heckled by the birds ... he appears to almost have difficulty talking over the top of their loud cawing. :)

Presser 23rd Feb
Article in The Daily Mail online States that the husband is a person of interest
Article in The Daily Mail online States that the husband is a person of interest
Yes, but so is everyone else in her life, so he's not being singled out like the DM headline would like us to believe.
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