Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #3

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Det Acting Supt Mark Hatt says that while the area had previously been extensively searched, they are looking for small items that may have been missed and “intricate details” of what occurred on 4 February.

“We’re absolutely looking for a phone, we haven’t yet found that,” he says. “We’re looking for a body.”

A group of volunteers have banded together, creating the social media group “Ground Crew” to connect people eager to help search for her. The group is behind a large-scale community search on Saturday that plans to scour through designated bushland areas near the Murphy family’s home.

Local volunteer Matthew Kingsley stands in the dense bushland of Woowookarung regional park, where Murphy had planned to run

The Ground Crew group will compile a map to display designated areas for the search to cover.

Wendy Jagger, who lives near the Murphys’ home, attended the meeting on Wednesday and plans to join the search on Saturday.

“I just felt that part of being part of the community is to get in there and do what you can to find her,” she says.

“It feels too close to home for a lot of people.”

Cassar says he has been struck by the number of locals willing to support the search effort.

“It’s a good community of Aussie battlers.”
Because he is ‘acting superintendent’, it’s a temporary position which often happens when the superintendent has been promoted, seconded to another area, is on holidays or has left the force.
Yeah, my first thought was maybe the super was on holiday.

It happens, here, no dramas. I grew up hearing 'acting prime minister' now and then on the news, when the actual prime minister was elsewhere for some reason and the deputy prime minister was running things for however long they were away.

I have a question for native speakers :D

Why is Mr Mark Hatt described as
"Acting Superintendent"
and not just Superintendent?

Is it temporal position just for this case?

Bear with me haha
I'm constantly learning English :)
Acting means he is filling in for someone who 'owns' the position. It could be that the owner of the position is on holidays, or has left and someone may act in the position until it is filled permanently
Acting means he is filling in for someone who 'owns' the position. It could be that the owner of the position is on holidays, or has left and someone may act in the position until it is filled permanently

I hope that this position will be HIS permanently :)
The man is working really hard.
As is the whole team!
Someone wanted her dead, someone planned it, why revenge ,money.
Parker argues that seven motives that explain homicides are anger, concealment, jealousy, revenge, love and gain. Certain personality disorders are associated with an increased homicide rate, most notably narcissistic, anti-social, and histrionic personality disorders and those associated with psychopathology.
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I agree Witness 28. My primary theory, as previously posted, relates to revenge via extortion.

IMO, Inland Motor Repair proprietors Michael and Samantha may have been asked to do some illegal automotive work.
IMO Michael and Samantha knocked back the request.

IMO, given that the request would have been made by a person or persons likely involved in organised crime, this definitely would not have been well-received - (not used to knockbacks). Additionally, Michael and Samantha are now aware that that person is a criminal, and may mention it to police.

This scenario may tally with daughter Jess' comment at the press conference regarding her mother - "Mum's a really strong woman and she's far too strong to give up this fight."

IMO the knockback may have resulted in Samantha being abducted for extortion purposes (which may have gone awry) eg Samantha putting up a better than expected fight, or as pure revenge - a message to Michael - who's next?.

My secondary theory is that IMO Samantha may have been involved with someone (Samantha spent Christmas and the annual coastal holiday away from her family. I am aware that she was suffering from Covid, but at that time during the pandemic, isolation period was only five days. IMO it seems a bit odd not spending any time with her kids). I am wondering whether anyone she knew lived at/near Mt Clear.

All just speculation - MOO
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There are wild dogs in the High Country of East Gippsland, but are controlled by baiting programs and paid trappers. I have lived on a farm in the area. There aren't wild dogs in Central Vic, I know this area well too. Here's an interesting article on wild dogs in the High Country.

Tell me about it, lived in those places myself and grew up in regional Vic, the introduced wild dogs haven't been wiped out in all their problem spots and native wild dogs stiIl exist in the alpine region and are not culled, I also didn't say they were in CV specifically, just that they are found all over the country but that doesn't mean in every square metre, what I was meaning was all over and in every state mate :)
What kind of "things of interest" could have been taken from the Motor repair shop by Police?
Customer records, job work-sheets (unsure of correct name) detailing work done for each job with accompanying photos if available, possibly bank account details for certain customer(s), staff records, supplier contact details, computers.

Also, I don't know what sort of items might be needed in order to undertake "car rebirthing" - maybe little plaques with new auto identification numbers? IMO they didn't do "re-birthing" but ICBW. MOO
I agree Witness 28. My primary theory, as previously posted, relates to revenge via extortion.

IMO, Inland Motor Repair proprietors Michael and Samantha may have been asked to do some illegal automotive work.
IMO Michael and Samantha knocked back the request.

IMO, given that the request would have been made by a person or persons likely involved in organised crime, this definitely would not have been well-received - (not used to knockbacks). Additionally, Michael and Samantha are now aware that that person is a criminal, and may mention it to police.

This scenario may tally with daughter Jess' comment at the press conference regarding her mother - "Mum's a really strong woman and she's far too strong to give up this fight."

IMO the knockback may have resulted in Samantha being abducted for extortion purposes (which may have gone awry) eg Samantha putting up a better than expected fight, or as pure revenge - a message to Michael - who's next?.

My secondary theory is that IMO Samantha may have been involved with someone (Samantha spent Christmas and the annual coastal holiday away from her family. I am aware that she was suffering from Covid, but at that time during the pandemic, isolation period was only five days. IMO it seems a bit odd not spending any time with her kids). I am wondering whether anyone she knew lived at/near Mt Clear.

All just speculation - MOO


Criminals usually "ask" for "illegal automotive work" their trusted garages/small (sometimes illegal) repair shops.

Not the largest/conspicuous local repair shop.

And kidnapping which attracts the attention of Media and the whole nation?

Criminal activities are usually hush hush.

<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>This new Herald Sun article says that a forensic specialist could be seen gathering samples of tree sap from the ground at about 11:30am today.

The police were also stopping periodically to probe patches of grass or leaves. Looking for Sam's phone and Apple watch.

This is in the Woowookarung Regional Park in Mount Clear.

They look to be scouring the sides of the track in the photos.


I will admit that Supt Hatt’s reply, “MM is not a suspect, at this stage“ ….has made me wonder about the clarification statement “at this stage” why not just say “no” ???

I have no idea if it means anything or not??? But I did notice it in the presser…

I also got the feeling from the presser that someone “close to home” may be being looked at closely…. (But not necessarily MM)


“At this stage he is not (a suspect). Everyone in relation to Samantha is a person of interest. In our investigation we are speaking to everyone that was in her life.”

I’m pretty certain that police establish the personality type of suspects early on and use this to influence little aspects of what is said (and not said) publicly during an investigation - to illicit certain response behaviours from said suspect (all the while being carefully to not release information that may be used against them later on). Eg if leads are drying up and a suspect is being particularly cautious with what their saying, who they are interacting with etc, by publicly announcing that they are not a person of interest, they know particular personality types may get a boost of confidence from this and let their guard down, maybe start to dispose of items of interest etc.
How common are bush fires there? I have a nagging feeling about the first fire….now the car fire? IMO, it is only a matter of time and I believe they have a good idea of what happened, they just need to find her now.
Unfortunately car fires are a daily occurrence in Ballarat. They steal them, take them to the bush areas and burn them.

Criminals usually "ask" for "illegal automotive work" their trusted garages/small (sometimes illegal) repair shops.

Not the largest/conspicuous local repair shop.

And kidnapping which attracts the attention of Media and the whole nation?

Criminal activities are usually hush hush.

IF my theory is correct, IMO person(s) requesting the illegal work DID intend it to be hush-hush, but things went awry.
(Hell hath no fury like a criminal scorned.)

If a Melbourne "car-rebirther's" usual cash repairer had been closed down (for example), I don't think it would be too much of a stretch for them to consider what services may be available in Ballarat. Ballarat's just down the road from Melbourne - the unofficial capital of organised crime in Australia. Only 115 ks away - that's not very far at all by Australian standards. (It could conceivably take as long to drive from one end of Melbourne to the other as it would to take the freeway to Ballarat.)

The humiliation of a knockback IMO would be difficult for the "offerer" to accept (along with the potential for the Murphy's to mention it to police.) Maybe plain old revenge wasn't nearly as appealing as the possibility of making $$$ from extortion as well, if vengeful action were required (without considering the publicity which such an act would attract.)
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