Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #4

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Why do you believe there was a 'script'? Show invites some 'experts' they speculate off the top of their heads. IMO, these shows are not scripted.

The police, legal team need to know what will be discussed and for the panel not to disclose who they think could be behind it
Legally they can't
And it could cause problems with the Investigation
The police want to use this to frighten the perpetrators and get more witnesses to come forward
I guess for us it wasn't that useful as they did not have access to any inside info, just as we don't. Of what is in the public domain, we have already talked nearly every possible angle to death.

It was interesting that their discussion on electronic tracking assumed that SM had both the Apple watch and phone with her. I don't know if that has ever been confirmed.

There was many areas the program did not touch on - SM's morning appointments, CCTV footage, Mobile phone towers - location and that only one was operating, ping near the golf course, Bikies/organised crime and possible connections to the family business (wanted or unwanted).

I did learn from the program that they did use dogs in the search - the very best ,or something like that they said.
The last 15 minutes were important and I believe meant for the perpetrators ears. Mobile devices can be tracked without a sim, with a different sim, turned off. Towers provide data of which other cell users are in the vicinity. Cars (some) can be tracked with or without a phone on board
I understand.

Imagine being an innocent helpful searcher and suddenly you are a poi b/c someone thought you behaved weirdly (according to somebody) during the search.

This atmosphere of suspiciousness among searchers bothers me.
It poisons solidarity.
And might keep people from searches.


I haven't watched the show, might during the day if I get to it.

I wasn't feeling well that first week, but otherwise might have volunteered to help search. If it were my family member, the more people looking for them the better, so I'd want to lend support to a general search. I don't have any special skills beyond that. It's a bit uncomfortable to think that doing so might have some people looking at me sideways. I'd still go out and look though.
The police, legal team need to know what will be discussed and for the panel not to disclose who they think could be behind it
Legally they can't
And it could cause problems with the Investigation
The police want to use this to frighten the perpetrators and get more witnesses to come forward
Perfect synopsis!
A deviation from my recent posts. Just watched Sam's daughter's comments in her press conference. I am now considering if she targeted due to the business. Just Jess's comment " Mum is a very strong woman and far to determined to give up this fight".
What fight is this??????
Daughters presser made me think that some conflict was ongoing prior to SM disappearance. And the reporting of SM disappearance so soon also made me wonder if this was a red flag due to the conflict. Maybe the damaged car police are asking about was awaiting repairs at the panel beaters. Maybe the don't know which car was used, but speculating it was one awaiting repairs. MOO.
I haven't watched the show, might during the day if I get to it.

I wasn't feeling well that first week, but otherwise might have volunteered to help search. If it were my family member, the more people looking for them the better, so I'd want to lend support to a general search. I don't have any special skills beyond that. It's a bit uncomfortable to think that doing so might have some people looking at me sideways. I'd still go out and look though.
If I were a searcher,
I would certainly look at the ground looking for evidence
and NOT at my fellow searchers :rolleyes:
Let Police search for criminals!

LE haven't given the make and model of a vehicle, so IMO they don't know that. So, IMO, they have no eyewitness or CCTV.
They may have evidence, or they may be speculating, that the way she was disabled was by being hit with a car. Hitting someone with a car often leaves damage. So LE asks the public to report vehicles with damage. They think: Maybe we'll be lucky, someone will report the vehicle, we'll find forensic proof of the victim on or in the vehicle, we'll have identified the perp. It's worth doing, because, in other cases, it has yielded important evidence.


Yes, I think it is likely that something about Sam's last GPS readings indicated something happened which may or may not involve a vehicle.

Mark Hatt actually said ..... “I encourage anyone who does have information that could be relevant to this investigation – whether that’s a person or vehicle seen in the area on that day, something unusual such as a damaged vehicle or property – to please come forward and speak to police or provide the information via Crime Stoppers,” he said. Link

Under Investigation noted that the area from which Sam disappeared is surrounded by roads.
Under Investigation also noted that the area contains thousands of mines.
They would have had to get permission from the police first before they aired the show as it's still an active investigation, where there are people of interest, who most likely would be watching

The police would have wanted to see the script on what was going to be discussed, as to not jeopardise the investigation and they would have been told on what not to say
……”Who most likely would be watching”, hence the directive of the programme, cell data, yours and theirs
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There was a case in the NT where Joshua Mason was driving in a suspended license, he hit a lady in the highway. He and his mother disposed of the body in the bush, not realizing part of her dismembered leg was left behind. Someone found the leg and Joshua and his mother were arrested. Had part of the leg not been left behind, they may have got away with it.
Edited to add link:
Yes, I think it is likely that something about Sam's last GPS readings indicated something happened which may or may not involve a vehicle.

Mark Hatt actually said ..... “I encourage anyone who does have information that could be relevant to this investigation – whether that’s a person or vehicle seen in the area on that day, something unusual such as a damaged vehicle or property – to please come forward and speak to police or provide the information via Crime Stoppers,” he said. Link

Under Investigation noted that the area from which Sam disappeared is surrounded by roads.
Under Investigation also noted that the area contains thousands of mines.
Or, what if the vehicle used to transport the victim was already damaged, ie, borrowed from a smash repair business? The model and colour unknown due to not actually being seen. An hypothesis the police may have put forward. Just a thought.
those mine shafts are so deep and some look like large tunnels,
youd think they would put covers over them all, dangerous to humans and they must trap a lot of animals
Or, what if the vehicle used to transport the victim was already damaged, ie, borrowed from a smash repair business? The model and colour unknown due to not actually being seen. An hypothesis the police may have put forward. Just a thought.

I don't think they know that a vehicle was involved. It is one path of investigation, as they can't find Sam anywhere near where she "should" be.

And the search expert said he has been (and is) helping the police with the location of mines.

It seems that, while not mentioned on the show, property damage is also being looked at. Another path of investigation. Maybe they want to know if someone came home with his shirt torn, or if a property's fence had been broken.

"whether that’s a person or vehicle seen in the area on that day, something unusual such as a damaged vehicle or property"

(link in my previous post)
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I still tend to lean toward this being a random perpetrator....someone who either saw and took the opportunity presented with Samantha running solo OR they hit her with a car- whether purposely or accidentally.

Someone who purposely planned to "disappear" her otherwise would have to know her routine- Know when she left home. Know the precise route she was taking. Plan to be lying in wait along that route and have a vehicle close by to transport her to wherever.

Also wanted to add, hitting someone with a vehicle doesn't always cause major damage to the vehicle. I hit a deer a few years back, head on, and the bumper BARELY had a small indention. It didn't even deploy my airbags. Most cars are made with mostly plastic-type parts these days. Sometimes they crack or break and sometimes they just "flex" when a collision happens. Just saying, the damage may not always be as significant or visible as one thinks it should be.

Just my thoughts.
I am not familiar with Ballarat and the Mt Clear area ... can anyone tell me how far away from houses/people the 7km spot everyone is focussed on is? Is it close enough for people to hear screaming. If a stranger had come towards Sam to attack her, she would have fought but also screamed and screamed alot I reckon. If the 7km spot is close enough to houses for screams to be heard and none were then I am thinking more that it is someone she knows or possibly a car accident but the car accident theory has never really worked for me as very very hard not to leave some evidence.
re watching the press conference with sms daughter pleading again, it felt like there had been a huge argument and her mother had left unhappily, and also felt like there might be a worry about her mothers mental state?
I agree about something not quite right ... why say "come home soon?" ... the soon stayed with me ... soon suggests that somehow SM is able to influence her return timetable ...wouldn't you just say "come home"? If my loved one disappeared I would say please come back ... soon seems odd.
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