Sandra Bullock moves out of family home

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Have you see the pics of this woman?
She has a tat on her stomach that says Trophy Girl.
And one on her forehead, yes on her forehead, that I cannot read.

Makes the tatted up pornstar exwife look like your standard PTA member.

I heard an interview that explained that she was raised Amish (don't quote me). The forehead tat says 'we're all sinners' or something close to that.

That's one way to justify her actions I guess. We're all sinners so come here, (fill in the blank), and let me blank you. What a joke.

I think I'll get a tat on my forehead, it's getting wrinkled anyway, that says 'show some restraint'. I'll get botox first.
Have you see the pics of this woman?
She has a tat on her stomach that says Trophy Girl.
And one on her forehead, yes on her forehead, that I cannot read.

Makes the tatted up pornstar exwife look like your standard PTA member.

The one on her forehead says, "Pray for us sinners."
I do not get famous people who have affairs with people who obviously want attention anyway they can get it. Baffles me.

One of the articles says Sandra got the news from her publicist who said the article was hitting the stands. Sandra said it was obviously a lie, attorney and publicist called back to say the chick was on the record, had photos and texts and the article was going to run period.

What a horrible way to find out.
Not that there is a good way, but how humiliating.


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Have you see the pics of this woman?
She has a tat on her stomach that says Trophy Girl.
And one on her forehead, yes on her forehead, that I cannot read.

Makes the tatted up pornstar exwife look like your standard PTA member.
Was he married twice before Sandra? I remember seeing his show years ago and his wife on there didn't look anything like a tattooed *advertiser censored* star. I thought I recall hearing about him cheating on her as well.
Something tells me this is going to be different than what we've seen lately with scorned women. Sandra appears to be a strong woman, and I'm betting she's "outta there" for good.
Was he married twice before Sandra? I remember seeing his show years ago and his wife on there didn't look anything like a tattooed *advertiser censored* star. I thought I recall hearing about him cheating on her as well.

He was married before to a gal name Karla which could be who you are referring to but I don't think she did much press.

His second wife was the *advertiser censored* star, and she didn't use to be tatted up (not that there is anything wrong with that) but she was gorgeous once upon a time. Unfortunately the tats seemed to come along with a drug habit that has worn heavily on her (she is the one that was sent to jail leading to the custody battle when she married the skinhead felon she met in there). Before and two after pics below.


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It was so sad hearing this. I like Sandra and immediately thought of the movie Hope Floats, art imitating life kind of thing.

I'm not a tattoo kind of girl...........but facial tats. just kill me. Can you imagine being like 70 and having all of that........hello, think ahead people.

Oh well, Jesse James lives up to his name and is pretty hated right now. Disappointed to say the least.
It jsut kills me that it happened to her, of all the people in Hollywierd, she always stayed above the bs. Now this, it's just so unfair.

I really love her, she's always been so generous, sweet, and real.

Could care less what happens to the other flakes and spazzoids in the film industry, most of them strike me as severely dysfunctional in most unhealthy ways.

Sandra has always been such a talented, pretty, and refreshing individual and my heart goes out to her.

So disappointed in someone who actually had the support of this stellar woman and crapped all over her... for WHAT? that ho? yuck.

at what point could that possibly have seemed like a good idea, and how could he NOT know he'd be exposed ?? you sleep with tramps, you get just what you deserve... skeaze fallout. When was the last time a *advertiser censored* kept her mouth shut? and that's not even the point.

The point is that lovely soul has been betrayed in the worst way... it just breaks my heart for her ...
I didn't really think they made a good match. Some people just don't belong together. To think she was so happy with her Oscar and now she must be so upset. Oh well maybe she should take some time alone.
I am not really shocked. I feel like his true colors were showing through this custody battle. Not that I know a whole lot about the how and why of the custody battle. The ex wife sure wasn't unfit when he had a baby and life with her, he moved on to another woman and wants to take the child with him
I may be talking out my butt tho, the ex wife may be a monster IDK.
I am not really shocked. I feel like his true colors were showing through this custody battle. Not that I know a whole lot about the how and why of the custody battle. The ex wife sure wasn't unfit when he had a baby and life with her, he moved on to another woman and wants to take the child with him
I may be talking out my butt tho, the ex wife may be a monster IDK.

I can't say that I am shocked either. I mean, the man had a child with a *advertiser censored* star, what did Sandra expect when she married him?
I am not really shocked. I feel like his true colors were showing through this custody battle. Not that I know a whole lot about the how and why of the custody battle. The ex wife sure wasn't unfit when he had a baby and life with her, he moved on to another woman and wants to take the child with him
I may be talking out my butt tho, the ex wife may be a monster IDK.

I actually kind of liked him and thought he was doing the right thing by his daughter. Janine did several in depth radio interviews before she went to jail and when she was first released and she was a trainwreck as far as being a mother went.

She had custody of the daughter and ended up doing to jail for six months for tax evasion. She had ample opportunity to work this out in advance and not go to jail but didn't do what they asked her to do. The daughter went to live with Jesse and Sandra for that six months. The program she went to was a coed halfway house type of a set up, so there were men there that had gotten out of prison but under supervision. She met Jeremy Aikman in that facility. He is an admitted skinhead, and has and was doing time for meth production, gun charges, and assault charges.

She married him at the first opportunity, in violation of her parole agreement and his. He had never met her child, she was bringing him home until the judge stepped in. That is where the custody battle and refusal to return the daughter originated from. Even when she was told she could lose custody of her child she chose to remain married to the newly found felon.

When she was doing her post jail interview she was defending her choice to marry him AND promoting the adult website they were doing together. This was during the custody battle and before a judge had ruled.

I feel bad for the daughter.
I feel bad for Sandra.
It is easy to say she should have known and should have seen it, but women are prone to thinking they see the real man behind the bad boy.
I can't say that I am shocked either. I mean, the man had a child with a *advertiser censored* star, what did Sandra expect when she married him?
And he only had a problem with it after the fact. She was A-Ok back then! It was a fine career before he moved on. I felt like his custody thing was more a control issue that actual concern. he is a hypocrite.
I actually kind of liked him and thought he was doing the right thing by his daughter. Janine did several in depth radio interviews before she went to jail and when she was first released and she was a trainwreck as far as being a mother went.

She had custody of the daughter and ended up doing to jail for six months for tax evasion. She had ample opportunity to work this out in advance and not go to jail but didn't do what they asked her to do. The daughter went to live with Jesse and Sandra for that six months. The program she went to was a coed halfway house type of a set up, so there were men there that had gotten out of prison but under supervision. She met Jeremy Aikman in that facility. He is an admitted skinhead, and has and was doing time for meth production, gun charges, and assault charges.

She married him at the first opportunity, in violation of her parole agreement and his. He had never met her child, she was bringing him home until the judge stepped in. That is where the custody battle and refusal to return the daughter originated from. Even when she was told she could lose custody of her child she chose to remain married to the newly found felon.

When she was doing her post jail interview she was defending her choice to marry him AND promoting the adult website they were doing together. This was during the custody battle and before a judge had ruled.

I feel bad for the daughter.
I feel bad for Sandra.
It is easy to say she should have known and should have seen it, but women are prone to thinking they see the real man behind the bad boy.
Thnaks b/c like I said I didn't know the whole story. I thought it bascially had to do with the *advertiser censored*. Good enough reason as any BUT like I said he didn't mind it back then.
This news sucks...and that woman is GROSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry Sandra.....
Thnaks b/c like I said I didn't know the whole story. I thought it bascially had to do with the *advertiser censored*. Good enough reason as any BUT like I said he didn't mind it back then.

Yeah, of course we only know what makes it to the public forum but the stuff I heard from him when she was going to jail the concerns were more about drug use and judgement. Especially related to the fact that she was going to jail when they had bent over backwards giving her chances to clear up the tax issues, file what she needed to and make payment arrangements. Which seemed to all go back to drug use and effecting her ability to make decisions. But even then he was saying she loved and adored her daughter and never mentioned the *advertiser censored*.

After the jail time it was all about this lunatic she married, the things she was doing with him on the internet, and where she was conducting that "business". The old *advertiser censored* career was her doing movies on a set, the *advertiser censored* she was doing with this guy was being done pretty much in the home with an internet feed. And even with intervention she thought it was totally reasonable to the have the skinhead-methproducer-illegal gun possessing-turned *advertiser censored* producer with her kid.

Poor kid is probably bonded with Sandra. Sandra has said she adores his kids, all of them. And for what? Some skanky chick that sold him out to a tabloid to get her name in the press? Bleck bleck bleck....
This news sucks...and that woman is GROSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry Sandra.....

I always believed he and Sandra were such a mismatched pair. What did she ever see in him?
Women think they can change a "bad boy" but the leopard doesn't change his spots.
I just remembered something from watching the Celebrity Apprentence when JJ was on the show. Another contestant was often out of it due to his abuse of alcohol and Jesse spoke up and said he might want to look into his addiction problem as it was not doing him any good. Jesse said he knew this because he was sober now for nine years I think he said. Therefore, it's safe to conclude that he used to be a high guy and obviously ran with a pretty deviant crowd considering he had married a *advertiser censored* star. Then Sandra meets him after he's been sober for awhile but doesn't really understand the seriousness of his past behavior and the depth of his deviancy. She probably likes that he appears to be a 'cool' guy who has turned his life around as it appeared from the outside. She wasn't judging him about his past but hoping she would add good to his future and him to hers. Little did she know that addiction runs deep when not arrested by a pretty young age. She did not take into account that his morals had gone too far south and he was probably not too honest about that with her. I'm making up this story as I go along. I'm thinking Jesse probably wanted to live better, to do better but he failed AGAIN this time at Sandra's expense.

The aspect that really gets to me about this is that she was so glowy and open about how she finally had another person to lean on, who had her back (her words). She seemed so secure about their love, so trusting. If she didn't doubt him, who am I to question her perceptions? I felt happy for her. So to hear this news right after her 'glory' moment, feels almost personal for me. It's causing me to feel negative about trusting another person (as I learned years ago when my heart was broken) but still, I was so happy for her that she could. Her attitude seemed joyous. So much for that feeling - now I'll just return to my skeptic feelings and stay poised for the worst.
I feel really bad that she was at a peak in her career and whamoo! The rug is yanked out from under her.
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