Found Deceased SC - A'sha Rucker, 17, Williamston, 18 Nov 2009

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"Police checked Rucker’s cell phone records and found that messages were being retrieved at the time she was reported missing."
Somebody was checking her phone, did they think maybe she knew something about something they didn't want her to? That's odd.. I hope they were pinging her phone to trace it while whoever was checking her messages.
My spidey sense says a "friend" or acquaintance did this..
Rest in Peace A'sha. Prayers to your family and friends. May your mystery be quickly solved and those responsible brought to swift justice.

My spidey sense says a "friend" or acquaintance did this..

yeah, i think you are probably right. if someone was checking the messages on her phone they would have to know her pin#, i guess maybe she told him/her. maybe a boyfriend? dont remember seeing mention of a boyfriend...or a guys ticked off girlfriend, no mention of that either...hmmm...
her poor mother what a nightmare, prayers for her & her family.

I am truly sorry for your loss.
What a hard age to lose a friend, I'm so very sorry.
My heart hurts for you, and her family and other friends of course.

Dsntslp (Doesn't Sleep)
This is odd. An autopsy was performed yesterday and was deemed inconclusive. They said shortly after they found her that there were no outward signs of trauma but I surely didn't expect this...


The deputy coroner told News 4 earlier Friday that the body was found face down on the ground with a hood pulled over the girl's head.

"I say it's just kind of hard to believe, that somebody that you just saw and somebody you normally see on a regular basis just all of a sudden isn't there anymore," said the victim's friend, Darius Simmons.

Deputies said there were no obvious visible signs of trauma. An autopsy was completed Saturday, but a cause of death remained undetermined. The deputy coroner said they will have to wait until toxicology tests come in to determine a cause of death, which could take several weeks. Authorities said the case is being handled as a homicide.
This is odd. An autopsy was performed yesterday and was deemed inconclusive. They said shortly after they found her that there were no outward signs of trauma but I surely didn't expect this...

How strange in that there is no outward sign of trauma but they are still looking at it as a homicide. How can that be?
How strange in that there is no outward sign of trauma but they are still looking at it as a homicide. How can that be?

Have the toxicology reports come in? (ETA: Just realized today is Sunday, so it'll likely be a few days.)

Also, it would felony murder if she died of anything while being kidnapped - like an asthma attack triggered by the stress, etc.
Why was she missing for 2 days before anyone went looking??
How strange in that there is no outward sign of trauma but they are still looking at it as a homicide. How can that be?

Toxicology results hopefully will tell something.
Is it known if she did have a history with asthma? Sometimes the family notes that on the missing reports, she made need an inhaler and or medication?

No outward signs of trauma..
Maybe a poisoning or some sort, possibly look at female friends, sometimes females don't want to get their "hands dirty" and use poisoning as a means to commit homicide.
Also could it be possible that some type of physical ailment killed her? If it was instigated or happened while she was doing something with someone they weren't supposed to be doing such as drugs, what if the friend was scared and ditched her body and staged the scene, thinking they would be held responsible for her dying thinking it was drugs..?

Just throwing different scenarios out there..
The RUMOR (this happened very close to my home) is that the town of Williamston stands divided on the issue raised in the previous post by mayelf. Several feel that LE didn't take this case seriously and were too quick to label A'sha a runaway because of her age and because there seems to have been some bullying of A'sha going on. I haven't heard that it was anything serious, but you know how teens can be.

News reports say that someone was retrieving messages/texting on her phone after she was reported missing. I have to wonder if A'sha didn't park her car at the community center and get into another car with friends, intending to skip school. That car she was driving, btw, is RUMORED to have been a rental? Why does a 17 year old kid need a rental car? Nonetheless, mileage on a rental would be a potential issue that wouldn't be missed, so if you were going to skip with friends, you'd most likely leave it parked close to home so no one caught extra mileage on the car. And you'd get in the car with them.
Anyway, I wonder if she and a friend/friends didn't wind up at this abandoned house partying or in an effort to remain unseen whilst skipping, and something went wrong? I can't imagine anyone this day in age would be dumb enough to use her cell phone if she were already deceased.
Whya makes a good point. I hadn't considered a possible asthma or other health related death. What I had considered was an accidental overdose for a kid who it seems just desperately wanted to fit in.

The drugs in this area are like a cancer, and it's spreading like wildfire. The 'big one' is crystal meth. The other thing is prescription drug abuse, such as Oxycontin, etc. Abandoned house......meth lab? Stranger things have happened around here lately.
How sad, I was hoping for a better outcome. Rest in peace, A'sha.
This is very very sad :-(

Thanks to viewing the wonderful map on this thread, I can't believe she went with some friends all the way over to that house without her glasses. Until I had Lasik a couple of years ago, I was unable to do ANYTHING without my glasses.

I'm thinking the bullying going on prior to her disappearance is going to be a huge part in this.
the rental car thing is odd - hoping for more info re: the reason

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