Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #10

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Sorry...I should retract the statement regarding fingerprints as I am pretty sure those are not available on these human remains.
I emailed Mason Snyder, the reporter who did the most recent follow up about the POI's, vigil and one year anniversary on, the other night and asked him to please keep follow up on this case, at least bi-weekly or monthly. We'll see I guess.

ETA: The area in question about the attempted aductions yesterday is way north of this area involving BD. Puzzling too, all the information we have been given about it.
I know it's been discusses here whether or not text message content is available through search warrants.

I was just reading on Amber Dubois's thread about the search warrant that was just unsealed in her case. Hasn't it been stated that Brittanee had Verizon? Amber did too.

Here's what the warrant said:
"telephone company subscriber information, call detail information on all outgoing and incoming call records, text message content, listed names and addresses, toll call records, billing statements..."

and the list continues on.

From this it seems that they ARE able to retrieve the content of B's last messages and I think we can proceed under the assumption that they know what she said during those.

ETA: Here's the link for reference:
Here's the WS thread for the unidentified body in Guilford, NC,

ETA: I would hope BD was one of the first ones checked on this...but then again. Maybe someone from the family who is reading here could tell us if BD has been ruled out?

According to the above link, this girl had not been identified as of Apr 12.

Over on another message board a poster has stated that they have been in contact with a source who stated that BD has definitely been ruled out with regard to the human remains. I was not sure if it is okay to quote from another message board, so am not going to give any names or specifics of that post, but only say "it appears" that BD has been ruled out. Now with that said, it is really sad that this is known to be a young white female who has died and the family has not been reunited with their loved one. I pray they discover the identify soon for the family's sake.
I emailed Mason Snyder, the reporter who did the most recent follow up about the POI's, vigil and one year anniversary on, the other night and asked him to please keep follow up on this case, at least bi-weekly or monthly. We'll see I guess.

ETA: The area in question about the attempted aductions yesterday is way north of this area involving BD. Puzzling too, all the information we have been given about it.


If you hear back from him let me know. I am trying very hard to reach media outlets in MB/GT.


If you hear back from him let me know. I am trying very hard to reach media outlets in MB/GT.


Will do, though I'm not expecting much of a reply if any. I have to tell you though, last year when I emailed Cpt. Knipes with MBPD, he replied almost immediately - that same day, just a few hours later. I'm not sure if he is still the one handling the MB end of the investigation or if he would be any assistance to what you need, but thought I would let you know.
I know it's been discusses here whether or not text message content is available through search warrants.

I was just reading on Amber Dubois's thread about the search warrant that was just unsealed in her case. Hasn't it been stated that Brittanee had Verizon? Amber did too.

Here's what the warrant said:
"telephone company subscriber information, call detail information on all outgoing and incoming call records, text message content, listed names and addresses, toll call records, billing statements..."

and the list continues on.

From this it seems that they ARE able to retrieve the content of B's last messages and I think we can proceed under the assumption that they know what she said during those.

ETA: Here's the link for reference:

I'm not sure if this will help or not but, I do know AT&T's policy is if a court order can be obtained then they will release the text info. I am sure that in this case it would be no problem for LE to obtain Britt's records.

I would think that all carriers would go by this same policy but, I am not sure.
I'm not sure if this will help or not but, I do know AT&T's policy is if a court order can be obtained then they will release the text info. I am sure that in this case it would be no problem for LE to obtain Britt's records.

I would think that all carriers would go by this same policy but, I am not sure.

I just wonder if that content of text messaging between any individuals stays on some server somewhere and if so how long. Seems like it would eventually (the server) be overloaded as much as people text these days. Have always thought perhaps just the phone being texted to and from and the times are recorded, but what with "wire tapping being illegal", then wouldn't it be illegal for a phone company to get and keep records of what people are saying to one another in private conversations? Just wondering.
All this talk of texts being captured and cells being recorded, doesnt have a lot to do directly with that subject but still makes me want to scream ~~ They get all that but the towers don't log all pings hitting those towers?!?!?!? ~~ I know it would be a needle in a haystack and probably teeter on privacy/constitutional issues but wow, if they could simply get a log of all pings made on that tower within the same time range BD's did - go through them meticulously - find out and investigate every other phone that pinged the same time...just saying (maybe harping at this point, considering how you want to look it, but still!)
Interesting RoseC, even considering the attempted abductions the week or so before and the comment 'men, or those who claim to be men'...just gives a lot to ponder there. And certainly would explain no one willing to talk. Initiation?

Scarey thoughts, indeed.

This is about all I can find right now RoseC. Nothing specific about this particular gang though, just HA. It is an old article from Dec 9, 2008 regarding a raid in MB. (I got excited for a minute there assuming it was 2009 initially, coinciding with the searches and press reports that search warrants were issued.)

and then the map to the referenced location in MB:,-79.010925&spn=0.126259,0.307961&t=h&z=12
(As my usual, pull until you see point "A" on the map - then zoom out for perspective to the area.)

Only interesting I guess if you take into account those areas of the initial searches taking them back over towards the bypass area, which would lead to this general area taking 707 and/or 544. Did someone take her somewhere and someone else go on with her bag to dump elsewhere?
All this talk of texts being captured and cells being recorded, doesnt have a lot to do directly with that subject but still makes me want to scream ~~ They get all that but the towers don't log all pings hitting those towers?!?!?!? ~~ I know it would be a needle in a haystack and probably teeter on privacy/constitutional issues but wow, if they could simply get a log of all pings made on that tower within the same time range BD's did - go through them meticulously - find out and investigate every other phone that pinged the same time...just saying (maybe harping at this point, considering how you want to look it, but still!)

I posted a few pages back on the legal and technical aspects of that. It's probably eye glazing and skipped but nevertheless the answer to your question.

I posted a few pages back on the legal and technical aspects of that. It's probably eye glazing and skipped but nevertheless the answer to your question.


No, I remember reading that rd_jfc...I dont remember verbatim what you said but I do remember it making sense at the time I read it. It just seems like such a simple solution that had it been in place, or could it be in place, would aid so much in cases like this.
All this talk of texts being captured and cells being recorded, doesnt have a lot to do directly with that subject but still makes me want to scream ~~ They get all that but the towers don't log all pings hitting those towers?!?!?!? ~~ I know it would be a needle in a haystack and probably teeter on privacy/constitutional issues but wow, if they could simply get a log of all pings made on that tower within the same time range BD's did - go through them meticulously - find out and investigate every other phone that pinged the same time...just saying (maybe harping at this point, considering how you want to look it, but still!)

Boy that would be excellent if it is possible to do it. Probably would have had to do it pretty soon after her phone pinged though, but not sure.
Regarding motorcycle "gangs" in MB. Way back in the early 80's me and my husband went to MB for a few days and were looking for a "nightclub" for dancing, drinks ....a night out. We found that because my husband had cutoff jeans we could not get into some of the hotel clubs that were open back then along OB. So we decided to go back a street or two and we went into this place that was called "The MissCue"....We had only been there for a few minutes when my husband realized it seemed to be a biker gang "hangout"....We got out as quietly and discreetly as we could. Not judging these "biker guys" just by their looks, but they were trying to be intimidating to us. So I guess the biker "gang" thing has been in MB for quite a good while. Not saying it is the only place for them. As far as BD getting on a bike with someone....possibly she would. One of them may have appeared young and said "we can give you a lift" and she may have gotten right on. This scenario sounds like a possibility to me, especially with what RoseC found that the guy "Kingfish" posted somewhere. I think the MB locals would have a pretty good idea of the very real possibilities that could have gone down that night.
Bikes are big around here in general, always present at the beach to some extent, and in fact, for the next three weeks or so it will be wall to wall bikes, but NOT in MB. They've buckled down on the rallies, trying to push them elsewhere, implementing a helmet law within the city limits, so most of the bikers now will stay south of MB city limits or north of MB in NMB/Cherry Grove. No offense meant or taken on the bikers - my husband has one but the only 'gang' he would qualify for would be the "Heavy Dudes Cruizin' Saturday Afternoon Looking for a Chinese Buffet" gang...that's just how he rolls.

I dont see her willingly getting on a bike with anyone you would imagine fitting a HA stereotype, even just to take a ride a few blocks north and actually if it did have anything to do with this, I dont see a bike as the method of transportation to abduct. #1 if they were taking her anywhere she hadnt planned to go, just the guy driving, she'd have been able to hop off at the first stoplight. On the other hand, if it were an initiation type thing, there are other means of transportation to get her back to a central clubhouse.

Oh gosh Sea, I think I probably know some members of your husband's gang. Good ole boys!!!

I guess you are right about being able to hop off at a stoplight. Would be too risky for them to try an abduction like that, but you are right there sure are other methods of transportation. Never gave a thought to any HA or such being involved. Good angle to look into though.
Me neither Strawberry - hadnt even considered that angle. Guess I was stuck in the mentality of the lone predator or young wannabe thugs where things got out of hand. I'm more and more inclined to believe if she was snatched off the street quickly, unless some drug like chloroform was used to immediately knock her out, there'd almost have to be two perpertrators at work together here - one to drive and one to keep her subdued. Imagine one driver throwing her in the backseat with childlock doors, ok, but still, would that one person be able to drive/get away quickly and keep her apart from at least her phone at the same time? Unless she is knocked out, I can only picture her trying to get to her phone or at least banging on windows trying to get out, draw attention to herself, unless someone else is holding her down.

Just some of the reading I have done since Rose posted this angle, a scenario like this isn't foreign to initiating into a hardcore criminal gang.
You right,, i never said i felt she did, was just posting a comments i seen on that news site, and it stuck with me what person said,so before i posted it (could posted last week) but i wanted to ask around about it, and i was told by few that its true (on HA gang in Gtown (i take its off spring gang of youner teens (19-25 yrs in age) not like real HA bikers,,,,but again i never said i thought it happen this way!!!!!,,i still feel shes still close to MB,,cant explain how cell got to Gtown but from get go i feel they need search mb uper states,,,,but just my 2 cents on it!! seems unless new news breaks soon case be at stand still,,,

It's very interesting Rose. Thanks for sharing that! Certainly something new to think about and from what I can find, I completely agree this would be an offspring, not true HA. I sent you a couple of PMs too.
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