Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #10

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Thanks Strawberry!

I think the more we discuss the more we can come closer to figuring out what happened and can discount things that have a low probability of happening or didn't happen.

Which it seems - that whatever scenario came about, BD was taken it seems almost immediately from her departure of BWR and would tend to think that whatever happened, happened within about a 1/2 to 1 block radius of BWR

Apparently BD never made it to the first street cam that should have picked her up after she left BWR. I'm taking it that LE believes BD should have made it to that camera within 7 minutes of leaving BWR...and she didn't.

IF BD's last text was at would be helpful to know the exact time she left BWR - that could possibly narrow down the 7 minutes even more.

Right now...The Hurl Rock Park parking lot looks like the place of abduction (or someone waiting to pick up BD) to me. (If you're facing BWR - Hurl Rock Park parking lot {horseshoe shaped} is on the immediate left.) It's an "easy" in and out and like I mentioned before - it has some high and rather thick shrubbery surrounding it.

There is also a small alleyway between the BWR & the parking lot - but would think that someone would notice someone sitting in a vehicle here.

The Bing & Google maps are a bit deceptive - the shrubbery and trees have grown quite a bit since these pics were taken.
This is what I got:

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Strawberry, I got the same thing when trying that link.

This is what I got:

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Hi, well i saved the photo is there away i can send it to you? when link opened it only had the photo of bd some other girl (im guessing the girl is owner of the facebook page) but i saved the photo due it had good shot of bd cell phone
Strawberry do yall have a facebook account? i just open that page link, i do know you have to have a facebook acc to see it?

Well....still no luck. Did what you said in your message and saw no pictures. Feels like the "Twilight Zone" now. Thanks for your help RoseC.


Thanks LLLindsayy,, i started to just post that pic but was afraid we couldnt do so on this thread, i know ive seen bd posted ,but since was another person on pic with bd i was afraid to,,((but thanks for posting it,,,,,,
Sorry to the others that couldnt get FB page up, i keep trying it and it opens for me,but odd things happen,,,
Thanks LLLindsayy,, i started to just post that pic but was afraid we couldnt do so on this thread, i know ive seen bd posted ,but since was another person on pic with bd i was afraid to,,((but thanks for posting it,,,,,,
Sorry to the others that couldnt get FB page up, i keep trying it and it opens for me,but odd things happen,,,


I don't really know any specific rules as far as posting pictures goes. The thought crossed my mind, but then I remembered that this is a pretty popular picture and is in several videos of B on YouTube. Also, the girl she's with was at the vigil, so her pictures are floating around anyway.

I think one of the major issues with using names is that when you search a person's name on Google, this site will come up and to an unknown person, they'll appear to be connected with this case. It can be harmful for innocent persons.

The same thing can't be done with a picture.
i'm fairly sure the pic was 'recent' (like during the winter) before the trip to MB.. i will try and find out

i was going to repost that find, i thought noone had seen the last post i made!:dance:
What about the possibility that EDIT (not BD, other persons unknown to us) did not leave the hotel via the main entrance? Perhaps the entry doors are locked except for the lobby, but most likely one can leave from many other doors.

(Perhaps there is even surveillance video that has not been mentioned nor released from a "back door?")
What about the possibility that BD did not leave the hotel via the main entrance? Perhaps the entry doors are locked except for the lobby, but most likely one can leave from many other doors.

(Perhaps there is even surveillance video that has not been mentioned nor released from a "back door?")

There is released surveillance of her leaving through the main doors.

Unless I'm misunderstanding your question...?
That's kind of the $64,000 question...

It's possible there was no one - not specifically coming into or leaving that room, or even anyone else other than the 5 guys in that hotel room.

With what PB said on Dr. leads me to believe that there were no others (other than the 5) in the room at the time BD was there. But of course, that doesn't take into account anyone that may have just left their room (or any room on that floor).

It also doesn't take into account any hotel employee who may have been leaving at that time also (or who had gotten off earlier and had been hanging around). Could there have been someone with the BWR who had been watching BD come and go? Does anyone know where BWR hotel employees park? Could it be possible someone was there to pick up an employee and the opportunity presented itself?
That's kind of the $64,000 question...

It's possible there was no one - not specifically coming into or leaving that room, or even anyone else other than the 5 guys in that hotel room.

With what PB said on Dr. leads me to believe that there were no others (other than the 5) in the room at the time BD was there. But of course, that doesn't take into account anyone that may have just left their room (or any room on that floor).

It also doesn't take into account any hotel employee who may have been leaving at that time also (or who had gotten off earlier and had been hanging around). Could there have been someone with the BWR who had been watching BD come and go? Does anyone know where BWR hotel employees park? Could it be possible someone was there to pick up an employee and the opportunity presented itself?


MBLover, do you remember the story about the two attempted assaults within close range of BH/BWR, in fact almost directly in between them?

My post about it all is here, if you have time to review it. I specifically mention employees with knowledge of cameras; that has always been on my radar. Could it be an employee of a company in MB who installs security/surveillance systems in these hotels and knows where each one is in all of the named hotels? I kind of backed off of this line of thinking with the naming of POI's (plural) in December in the N. Santee area but on rethinking the possibilities, I wouldnt count it out either given everything we know - and don't know. I had begun to think maybe this guy wasn't a POI with BD case, but now, who knows what he was trying to attempt in those earlier assaults and who's to say he wouldnt have tried to get one of those girls to his car, and who's to say he doesnt live in and/or have 2-3 buddies in the N. Santee area...

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - SC SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - Thread #7

Also, I had serious concerns at this time, enough to make me contact MBPD, for what it was worth, but the week before her disappearance, there had been two attempted assaults on young girls at two different resorts, both between Bar Harbor and the hotel the boys were staying at. These were 'sister resorts' cameras in either case - Captains Quarters, April 12, 9th Ave South and then Hotel Blue, April 13, 7th Ave South. Now, who would know they could attempt to assault these girls in the hallways/stairwells of these resorts that did not have video surveillance? No one but an employee/local/someone who was involved in the construction of the resorts, etc. That has always bothered me. These attempted assaults were pretty much swept under the rug and blown away in the media at the time due to the massive wildfires going on in the area at the time. Many employees/locals who work in the MB area live in the more rural areas...and on top of that the area of Andrews/Kingstree etc is very small, 'every one knows every one' - not like an established member of the community can just go out 'hunting' and not risk identification. Myrtle Beach opens up the possibilities for someone in a small outskirt to dip in and dip back into the country with much ease and much more to choose from.

(MBLover, while we're on it, would you copy that article about the assaults if you havent already and save it, just in case it disappears any time soon? I know I could but I'd just stick it somewhere on MY computer to lose it and I know you have compiled quite an impressive database on this case.)
Sea - it's quite possible he could have stepped up his game. I wonder if there were any further attempts by this man? Maybe after those 2 attempts he felt it unsafe to try another attempt inside and looked for a more secluded spot outside?

I would hope that his picture has been circulated to the hotels around the strip and those going out of MB down the coast.

It was brazen of him to do what he was almost like he wanted to be caught.

It looks like in his picture he has some baldness on top. I'm wondering if the estimated age is correct - his face (in that sketch) looks a bit younger to me. (O/T: Years ago one of my boyfriends was balding on top at 17 and another guy I dated (who was 29) had very little on top...both of these guys looked a bit older than what they were because of that fact)

ETA: Will def. copy it for you! I just went back and read your post you referenced - you bring up some very valid points. This person sounds like someone who has knowledge of where cameras are and aren't...
Sea - it's quite possible he could have stepped up his game. I wonder if there were any further attempts by this man? Maybe after those 2 attempts he felt it unsafe to try another attempt inside and looked for a more secluded spot outside?

I would hope that his picture has been circulated to the hotels around the strip and those going out of MB down the coast.

It was brazen of him to do what he was almost like he wanted to be caught.

It looks like in his picture he has some baldness on top. I'm wondering if the estimated age is correct - his face (in that sketch) looks a bit younger to me. (O/T: Years ago one of my boyfriends was balding on top at 17 and another guy I dated (who was 29) had very little on top...both of these guys looked a bit older than what they were because of that fact)

ETA: Will def. copy it for you! I just went back and read your post you referenced - you bring up some very valid points. This person sounds like someone who has knowledge of where cameras are and aren't...

(Will get the O/T out the way - did you date my brother back in the late 70's/early 80's. He was a 17 yo & bald! LOL - Lived in MB then too !)

Thanks for copying it. Never heard another word about it and I check news outlets every single day - I would have heard about it.

So anyway - you say exactly what I said to MBPD almost word for word. Did he get frustrated in what he was trying to accomplish in the hallways and decide to snatch someone off the street and take them to a place they couldnt get away?

In fact, here's some of the email I sent Cpt. Knipes, MBPD on May 6, 2009:

It almost seems as though this person may have become frustrated with his tactic of trying to assault a child in their environment (the hotels) and decided getting them into his environment (his car) would be a better way; hence, abducting someone from the streets.

It is my hope that Brittanee is still alive, but I know chances of that are very slim. The reason I do have that hope is, if this person involved in the incidents on April 13-14 is the person you are looking for in this case, he went to so much trouble and failed those times, that now that he has Brittanee, I would almost think he would be hesitant to do away with her so quickly, as hard as he had to work to get her. On the other hand, I shudder to think what conditions she may be suffering under if that is the case.
Since no one else has reported this perv as being involved in another incident - it brings a couple things to mind...

1) Could he have changed his looks? Shaved his head completely? Lost/gained some weight? Maybe changed eye color with contacts? Or is it possible the guy was there on vacay and just kind of lucked out in not getting caught and went on his way back to what ever rock he crawled out from under?

2) Is he a local(ish) and decided to change up how he went about attacking young girls? Did something happen to BD that he didn't necessarily intend...and it scared him so much that he stopped?

3) Has he moved on to another SC resort town and resumed his activities elsewhere?

In looking at that sketch...the guy, of course, gives me the creeps. He looks like someone who isn't noticed by women...can't get a date kind of thing...big dork... So instead, he figures this is the only way he can get his jollies - is to take indecent liberties with whomever he spots.

Still can't get the Hurl Rock Park parking lot out of my mind... If you all have seen the vigil pics that have been posted here and can see just how grown up the vegetation is...

Wish I could remember better about the lighting...but I was too busy looking at how cute MLatta is :dance:...and listening to all of the conversations that were going on around me.

Seems to me that alleyway (back side of the BWR) did have an employee exit door (for the dumpster) that had a light above it.

(O/T for Sea - if your brother was NDW and called "Fish"...or had the initials JLU...)
Since no one else has reported this perv as being involved in another incident - it brings a couple things to mind...

1) Could he have changed his looks? Shaved his head completely? Lost/gained some weight? Maybe changed eye color with contacts? Or is it possible the guy was there on vacay and just kind of lucked out in not getting caught and went on his way back to what ever rock he crawled out from under?

2) Is he a local(ish) and decided to change up how he went about attacking young girls? Did something happen to BD that he didn't necessarily intend...and it scared him so much that he stopped?

3) Has he moved on to another SC resort town and resumed his activities elsewhere?

In looking at that sketch...the guy, of course, gives me the creeps. He looks like someone who isn't noticed by women...can't get a date kind of thing...big dork... So instead, he figures this is the only way he can get his jollies - is to take indecent liberties with whomever he spots.

Still can't get the Hurl Rock Park parking lot out of my mind... If you all have seen the vigil pics that have been posted here and can see just how grown up the vegetation is...

Wish I could remember better about the lighting...but I was too busy looking at how cute MLatta is :dance:...and listening to all of the conversations that were going on around me.

Seems to me that alleyway (back side of the BWR) did have an employee exit door (for the dumpster) that had a light above it.

(O/T for Sea - if your brother was NDW and called "Fish"...or had the initials JLU...)

MBLover - is this Hurl Rock Park? If so, I see one large street light, that's all, but of course there could be uplighting in the shrubbery and it's hard to tell closer towards the beach.,139.09,,0,14.42

I've thought that about this person in the sketch possibly being there on vacation since the incidents were so close together in time. Another thing is these two resorts he did this at, they were 'sister resorts', which means they share amenities. If you stay at one, you have access to pools and other areas of the other. There is also an 'entertainment complex' on the floor of one of them, that again, is shared by both hotels. From what I could read it appears to be a glorified gameroom - but only pointing that out as to the kids that would be hanging around an area like that. Still, if he were a guest, very very lucky that he managed to corner both of these girls in areas that surveillance cameras didnt get him on them. I just can't help but think more thought went into that than for it to be stupid luck.

(O/T - nope not my brother...He was called "Possum". Heh.)
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