Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #10

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From the Dr. Phil transcripts:

“Of course, I’m concerned about Brittanee. That girl is a nice girl. But when I was in the room with four other kids, they’re all with me the whole night, and then all of a sudden my name is mentioned as a person of interest, when there is absolutely no evidence,” Peter explains. “My family is going through hell right now. People look at me differently walking down the street. You can just imagine how I feel.”

(showing he didn't mention others - although there could have been and we just don't know about it)

Yeah, though when he says "...I was in the room with four other kids, they're all with me the whole night..." he could have meant that in the context of 1) he and the four other kids are the ones who occupied/rented that hotel room and HE is the ONLY ONE being named in the media, none of the others specifically, and 2) 'they' (the other kids) are HIS alibi, with him all night...and it could be in the context just as transparently as it is on the surface.

Let me say that I really don't believe he did anything to her. I'm inclined to believe none of the other kids in that room or any of the other kids from NY had anything to do with this - other than the scenario I mentioned of possibly exposing/introducing her to an unsavory sort who would do something to her.

Did someone he met here express a keen interest in her, the hot little blond with no boyfriend in sight, to him in the days before when she was around them? Did the interest go as far as to creep PB out enough, coupled with the possibility of this person hastily leaving the room about the same time Britt did throw red flags up for him to get the hell outta dodge quick-like as soon as the word is out no one can find her? Admitting that might have meant admitting to a whole lot more than just hanging around with scuzzy people here.

Maybe something like this goes back to what we've heard DD say and stick with, along the lines of "he knows more than he's telling." To be fair to him, if he does, that means at least 3-4 other people do too. I'm not positive but I thought all along PB was named so quickly so publicly because either the room was rented in his name, or because the group BD came with or JG named him to JH because he was the only one whose name they knew. Unfortunate for him, but if he has nothing to hide, 'dems da breaks', so they say.
I just want to clarify that Brittanee 'not knowing her abductors directly'' doesn't absolutely mean that she knew them 'indirectly' either.

This may be a hint, it may be a warning for the perps, or it may be just some slip that had NO relevance to this case. Outside of personally knowing the Rochester group and meeting Brittanee at the clubs, no one who lives in Georgetown county is going to directly or indirectly know Brittanee. I'm just questioning if 'directly' is something WE'VE focused on, or something LE has focused on. IMHO
Did PB do any promotion or DJ work that weekend in MB?
krista - regarding promo work with PB, not that I am aware of, but I remember early in the case hearing a rumored connection between Club K and its owners/promoters and the club PB promoted in NY. (Emphasis on rumored; I have no links to support that, it was talk on this board though in the very early threads.)

You are right too krista about focusing on the directly vs. indirectly angle. I can read the quote of the officer who made the statement and again, another case of not knowing the context. Did the reporter ask "Did these people know Brittanee directly?", to which he answered "At this time, there is no reason to believe these people, [the persons of interest], knew Drexel directly," said Johnson. or did the reporter ask "Did these people know Brittanee?", and then he emphasized 'directly' in his response? Or was it just a statement he made unprompted? I am going to go back and watch that video where the one LE officer spoke to see if that is where this was said and if so, get a better understanding, but I will have to do it in the morning. But ultimately, it's all we have to go on, dissecting as much as we can to pull any little thing we can out that might shed some light.
Had a friend bring up an interesting scenario - she's not a member of WS, but does read here.

"would it be possible that PB had ripped someone off at club K? or just pissed someone off in general? maybe someone saw BD with PB, and thought snatching her and raping his 'girlfriend' would be ultimate revenge?" (not knowing/understanding that this was not PB's girlfriend)

My friend's scenario has me thinking...

We all know PB & crew got the heck outta Dodge really quickly - hours before they planned on leaving. Could they have all gone to this alleged party. Someone accused PB of something? (Insert whatever you think he might could be accused of here) The guys got away, but BD was unable to?
Had a friend bring up an interesting scenario - she's not a member of WS, but does read here.

"would it be possible that PB had ripped someone off at club K? or just pissed someone off in general? maybe someone saw BD with PB, and thought snatching her and raping his 'girlfriend' would be ultimate revenge?" (not knowing/understanding that this was not PB's girlfriend)

My friend's scenario has me thinking...

We all know PB & crew got the heck outta Dodge really quickly - hours before they planned on leaving. Could they have all gone to this alleged party. Someone accused PB of something? (Insert whatever you think he might could be accused of here) The guys got away, but BD was unable to?

The only problem I have with this would be that timeline, MBLover, of seeing Britt leave BWR right before 9 and then the phone pinging so quickly (10:18) in G'town. Just not time in that hour +18 mins for a party to go down and then something go this wrong. Plus, factor into that timeline, not only we see her at 9 and then is supposedly in G'town at 10:18, there's the tight, tight timeline of an 8:58 text and then no response from her after 9:15 or so. So, taking all that into account, this scenario your friend offers would be possible if something had gone down earlier, the day before or so, and someone was watching the place for PB/crew and saw her exit, recognized her as their friend and jumped then. If it was someone watching and waiting for an opportunity for revenge over an earlier PB deed though, I'd have to say their timing was impeccable to catch her there, right then and act on it. And you'd still have to have some way for PB/crew to know something was hinky for them to get out of town so quick, if her vanishing is the reason they did.

Hope all that makes sense. :waitasec:
Hey Sea - that does make sense.

But...what if...the party was in G'town...
Hey Sea - that does make sense.

But...what if...the party was in G'town...

Gotcha - but why wouldnt she have answered that 9:15 text from her boyfriend if she/they were just headed to a party at that point?
Gotcha - but why wouldnt she have answered that 9:15 text from her boyfriend if she/they were just headed to a party at that point?

Good point there - well...maybe bad cell reception? Maybe her sound was turned down by accident on her phone and she didn't hear it ringing?
The girl wanting her shorts back, immediately, is fishy to me.

The changing of hotels, the leaving in the middle of the night, fishy too.

The not knowing her directly, which could infer they knew someone who knew her (eta: they meaning maybe the perps knew one or more of the NY folks).

I can fabricate a scenario, but it's just so much speculation. But it would center around a setup for whatever reason.
Good point there - well...maybe bad cell reception? Maybe her sound was turned down by accident on her phone and she didn't hear it ringing?

Maybe she just didnt want reply back to him!!! from get go, it was told by b/f hiself that he told BD to go away few days to clear her head etc, and why is know one blaming jg for not letting her mom know? he knew she was going to MB, so maybe we shouldnt clear the bf out so soon!!,, i find it odd that ,the b/f and real dad fell off radar of this? seems to me if you love someone you never give up searching,,etc,but this just MO only,,

Wanted to do what I said I would do, find that video of Lt. Johnson speaking about the case. Unfortunately the portion regarding 'not knowing her directly' is not recorded or played during this clip, so either it was edited down or an off camera exchange he gave, but here is the video. Wont hurt to have it on this thread, I guess.

strato - I know that is what I have done, much speculation, that's all we can do. My best guess is still that it could have been someone or persons in contact with some of the others from NY, admittedly hanging on to that one phrase 'did not know her directly'. It seems odd around here, the use of that word, unless he was specifically asked by a reporter, 'Did she know them directly?' It could be completely insignificant. Most of the time when we hear the word 'directly' by good old boy LE in SC, 9 times out of 10 it would be in the context of "I'm going to go get me some lunch directly"...or 'torectly' if they're tried and true. :crazy:

Regarding the demand of the shorts, to put it bluntly, girls are b!tchy (hope that doesnt earn me a time-out!) at this age. We hear they were bickering the whole time practically. To me, it is only a sign of this other girl hassling her, exerting a control issue she probably has herself, "No, you bring back MY shorts, RIGHT NOW.", just because she could.

I thought the changing of the hotels had something to do with their time being up at BH, friends were at Boardwalk Hotel, they wanted extra time and decided to go ahead and crash there, squeezing out an extra night/few hours sleep before they left. If they were to check out the next morning at BH, but knew this other crowd was staying a whole other day, they may have gathered everything up, moved on up there because they knew they would be up late partying til, say, 4 AM, and those 11AM checkouts can be harsh after a night of partying. If they had all their belongings there at Boardwalk before they came in from partying late, they could have just slept til 1, 2, 3 in the afternoon, THEN left MB. No mad dash on top of a hangover to deal with to make an 11-12 noon check out at BH. Leaving behind Britt's belonging, just more reinforcement these girls were mean girls - she hadnt showed up with the shorts by this time right? 'screw her!' If they were completely innocent of anything involving her disapperance, they're thinking she blew them off, is still with PB and 'fine, let HIM take her back to NY.'

The guys leaving in the middle of the night, yes, that one still bugs me, but again, with my speculation last night, putting someone else in that room that PB knew had an eye for Britt, and suddenly no one can find her, but if it links back that this local was in this room, in his company, PB has to answer questions he is afraid puts his neck on the line for something he shouldnt have been doing - I can see it. Not completely honest motivations for leaving by any means, but still can't see him and the other guys doing anything to her and getting her to G'town without cameras catching them leaving BWR at practically the same time she does.

What I wont guess, but state firmly as my opinion, this crowd she was with, the whole lot of them, were self-absorbed, arrogant little haglets and a$$wipes....but willing to go running around lower Georgetown Co. playing hide the body and/or cell phone in an unfamiliar area of spooky woods where things definitely go bump in the night - NOPE, they're not gonna do it, not a one of them. I've said if it were any of them, they would have put her in a dumpster and headed on down to Club K.

Now, of course, not knowing where SHE is, that very well could have eventually happened, her ending up in a dumpster/landfill, but for her phone to immediately start traveling south (Surfside ping 9:15'ish...) and ping below G'town @ 10:18 - you'd almost have to believe SHE was WITH her phone the whole way with no pit stops along the way to dispose of her. Where she went from there, who knows, but I do believe she was, from 9:15/10:18 to some point in time, in that area with her phone, but that may not be the case by the next morning. Phone could have stayed while they took her elsewhere - but I dont believe 'they' I refer to here are from NY; never have.

PS - I'd LOVE to hear your speculation, wild as you may think it is. I've certainly offered up my share. It gives us specific details to think about and digest.
Good point there - well...maybe bad cell reception? Maybe her sound was turned down by accident on her phone and she didn't hear it ringing?

Possible, but in one article it was noted she was very active on that phone. Nothing in that hour, or after. I'm not even what one would consider an 'avid texter' but I check my phone every 10-15 mins at least to see if that light's blinking.
Good point there - well...maybe bad cell reception? Maybe her sound was turned down by accident on her phone and she didn't hear it ringing?

Or...Maybe the radio was turned up real loud in the vehicle and she just didn't hear it.

Trying to think like an abductor here.......If I abducted someone by force the first thing I would do upon restraining her would be to take away my victims cell phone.

Also, building upon the idea of others being in the boys room...could it be that others were actually in the girls' room. If the 'others' were there to make a drug delivery then Britt may have then delivered the boys portion to PB because hasn't it been reported that she left flip flops there from an earlier time? The 'others' were still with the girls when Britt left. JO calls Britt demanding the shorts so the 'others' leave the girls room with the knowledge that Britt is on her way back. Then, they (he) hide out in one of the parking garage entrances along the route and call Britt over as she is heading back to return the 'shorts'.

I also still wonder if the word 'shorts' is actually code for 'change'. In other words, JO hooked up and paid up front for it. Britt went to deliver to PB and he was supposed give her the money for his portion. The 'mean girls' were anxious to receive the money that PB owed because they had plans to go out and also to move to a different hotel so they called Britt telling her to hurry back.

This is my theory for today so all JMO. it is also subject to change at any time.

There are several wonderful psychics out there. I named one on the Morgan Harrington board and was blasted by someone who came to WS to specifically bash me and this woman. I will not (Noreen) put her name together (Renier) so whoever this was out searching in a search engine will come and disrupt this thread. There are others - but she has a proven track record.

We all love you here at WS and thanks for not blasting me for mention that dreaded by so many term "psychic"...BD and MH, family and friends can use any and all help they can get.
i found a picture of BD with a pink cell phone in her hand..

i've also noticed it looks different from the one in the video from the day before she went missing, the one in the video looks like a flip up (like a razr) and the pink one in the picture looks like it opens up sideways

Good find Blondie. For some reason I could not get this link to work for me but that was a really good find. Wish I could see it. Thanks. Very interesting.
Good find Blondie. For some reason I could not get this link to work for me but that was a really good find. Wish I could see it. Thanks. Very interesting.

humm what happen when you tried open that link? i just open it ??? it is pic with bd with dark rose /pink color cell,really dont look like one she is using in last video le put out,,,but do we know if the pic in link is new photo of bd? maybe few years old,hair color nothing like in MB photos of BD??
Here is another possible scenario that I have thought about. One thing that struck me about that video that was released almost a year after her disappearance. It is the one she was sitting on bed texting, then on chair texting and peering over a balcony....It struck me how young she appears. So I thought if a RSO or nonregistered one for that matter...a pervert who prefers young girls (children) had seen her walking around a couple of nights alone in MB, that may have been who took her. These guys are very good at thinking of ways to get their prey into their vehicles. Again, just going on the fact that BD is so small and could pass for someone a few years younger than her age at the time of 17, but also seemed to pass for at last 18 down there to get into club K.

Something else that made me wonder was that webcam of her walking to BWR seems to show some other people in that immediate area. Seems unlikely she could have been forced/abducted into a vehicle right from OB since it is usually so crowded, especially during spring break. So again speaking about the webcam, I was one of those who thought that webcam showed BD leaving the BWR, but now realize it was on her way to BWR. But with that said, I keep wondering why it was discussed so much at the time about how LE said she never shows up on the next webcam? I had always thought that was why LE came up with that 7 minute window, with her disappearing within 7 minutes after leaving BWR. I just thought that was because she left BWR, was seen on a street webcam but did not show up on the next street webcam. (I don't even know if there is another street webcam in the area, but that shows how things can get confusing. All of this is just me, picking my own brain.

Wow MBLover, you did a great job of getting this thread moving again.
humm what happen when you tried open that link? i just open it ??? it is pic with bd with dark rose /pink color cell,really dont look like one she is using in last video le put out,,,but do we know if the pic in link is new photo of bd? maybe few years old,hair color nothing like in MB photos of BD??

Thanks. I am going to try again. Maybe "operator error" on my part.
humm what happen when you tried open that link? i just open it ??? it is pic with bd with dark rose /pink color cell,really dont look like one she is using in last video le put out,,,but do we know if the pic in link is new photo of bd? maybe few years old,hair color nothing like in MB photos of BD??

This is what I got:

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