Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #11

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I have been thinking about Brittanee so much lately and trying to figure out why there have been no breaks in this case. There was an announcement and a possible suspect sketch released in the very much publicized Morgan Harrington case today. There just has to be someone out there in this world that saw something unusual around Brittanee that fateful night. No one can just disappear off the face of the earth without someone seeing something. Been thinking about these "so called POI". Although I would hate to see anyone get off scott free if they had a big part in her disappearance, but have to wonder if the detectives involved could offer some sort of deal to one of these POI if they would just go ahead and spill what happened. I guess if any of them had involvement, they are each as guilty matter who delivered a fatal blow or whatever happened in the end. In fact it is quite amazing someone has not spoken up by now and tried to blame the others ....someone is sure protecting someone in my opinion.
I'm still here for you Brittanee.

This thread has taken a turn toward things I really dislike.

I'm sorry if I'm not posting as much as you deserve, Britt. I'm sorry I'm not contributing as much as I probably could. I don't have much motivation here anymore.
I'm still here for you Brittanee.

This thread has taken a turn toward things I really dislike.

I'm sorry if I'm not posting as much as you deserve, Britt. I'm sorry I'm not contributing as much as I probably could. I don't have much motivation here anymore.

Why? Did I miss something
Same here LLLindsayy. I'm not sure I understand about the thread turning to things you dislike. Do you mean because there's no new information? No arrests?
I am interested in the vans that you saw. Can you elaborate a little more? Colors, make and models etc.?


Hi. Thanks for the very kind words!

The van located at the home on Corner Loop Rd was a 90's model, tan Conversion Van...similar to the 5th and 6th pics here:

The van on Seven Mile Rd was a 90's model Chevy or Dodge Caravan, dark green with dark tinted back windows. Like these pictured here:
I'm still here for you Brittanee.

This thread has taken a turn toward things I really dislike.

I'm sorry if I'm not posting as much as you deserve, Britt. I'm sorry I'm not contributing as much as I probably could. I don't have much motivation here anymore.

Hey LLLindsayy...sure hope I have not posted something you dislike here. I feel frustrated and sometimes just grasping at straws here. Would like to have more to offer, but I just don't. I enjoy ALL of your postings and especially the pictures of Brittanee. Sorry if something I posted was not to your liking. Please let me know if it is and I'll even delete the post. Don't want to offend you in any way. Feel we are at such a standstill right now with no news to report. Just once in a while getting frustrated and wishing something new would come down the pipes for us to discuss in the hopes of helping lead to finding Brittanee.
Okay..trying to rethink my post prior to the one where LLLindsayy says the thread has taken turn towards thinks she dislikes. I can see that my suggestion of offering a deal for anyone at all responsible for Brittanee's disappearance would be offense. I respectfully would like to retract that statement. No I do not want any deals to really be made. I just want the person/persons responsible to be caught and prosecuted after a trial. Hope that helps a little....Also, suggesting there was even a "fatal blow" or "end" maybe is insensitive. We do not know if our Brittanee may still be out there somewhere so sorry if that was offensive.
Strawberry, you're perfect. It has nothing to do with anything you have ever posted. I love your posts.
Strawberry, you're perfect. It has nothing to do with anything you have ever posted. I love your posts.

LLLindsayy, I love your posts as well as all the posters on Britt's thread. We all get frustrated from time to time. I know I sure do. Somtimes I just back off from posting because I need a break. Not because a particular post upset me, but because sometimes I just need a break from the depressing subject matter we all read here on WS. It also gives me pause and respect for our police officers, who live this madness in their jobs every day of their lives!

I do hope that you will come back to us when you are ready. and that you will continue posting bumps for Britt with her beautiful photos. And please know that IMO, we all care about you and if there are issues with the discussion or poster(s), I feel that we can all address it and come to a consensus in an adult manner. We have done so in the past.

I think we are all here for the long haul..whatever it takes....even though we become discouraged at times. I want you to know that I support you,but if you do leave, there will be a great void in this thread and who will post the daily photos of our girl Brittanee?

This is from my heart and I don't do that very often, LOL! I tend to keep feelings to myself. I do hope that you'll continue joining us in our quest to bring Justice for Brittanee.

I will not discontinue posting. Never will I ever! Not until Brittanee gets justice. All I meant was that I don't really agree with certain things, and that I've found it is best to simply say nothing at all as opposed to voicing my disagreement. I'm still here with all of you.
We all care about you Lindsay. We are ALL in this together. It may be a very, very long journey, but thanks to so many caring folks here, I believe we will go through this together.

Sending up kind and caring thoughts for Brittanee and her family!!!
Bumping up for our girl Britt!

OT I hope you all have a happy and safe Independence Day weekend!

Checking in on you. Thinking about you as usual.

Just got in from work and so very tired. I'll check in again later.


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Bumping for Brittanee.

Also bumping for our WSers here and saying let's keep on staying here for her and her family. Praying for some real answers soon. We need this and so does the family of course.

Also, Happy Independence Day to all.
Im Still here Bumping for *** Britt***


I'm so incredibly frustrated. How can we go from 3 POI's, multiple searches, a FULL TIME,3 man team of detectives spanning 3 counties, and multiple news reports, to nothing.....not even a peep.
I know what I THINK, but I cannot will myself to believe that this actually has anything to do with the summer tourism season. I cannot legitimately believe that anyone would willingly deny justice for Brittanee for a buck.
I know it's likely I'll be proven I can't see any other reason her case would suddenly go ice cold. IMHO.
Just thought I would let every-1 know I am still around too, and have not forgotten about this young lady!!! May justice prevail!!
You know what i find odd is, theres no sign of BD face in MB,MI,SS,PI, but in Gtown at our McDonalds is her big billbroad, she went missing in MB,and krista, im almost have to agree with you,,,the week after BD anniversary in MB, was so many posters/fliers and 2 weeks later they disappeared just as BD did,,,and ive only been in few stores in Gtown and did not see her fliers/poster,,,,,,,so im have to **think**** its all about the $$$
Hello today Britt Britt.

I bet you'd love this warm weather we're having here in NY. You should be here enjoying it with us.

Off to cook dinner. I'll make an extra plate for you if you show up and I'll do it every night if you need somewhere to stay. Anywhere but where you are. We're having burritos tonight.
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