Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #11

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~Respectfully snipped~

I did think of one possible reason that LE is holding off that could explain why they are saying possible after summer could it be the grand jury would need to meet and decide if there is enough evidence to make a case for charges on these perps? Good thinking Strawberry! I wonder when the GJ reconvenes. Where is the county seat...isn't that where the GJ would meet? anybody?

ps Glad your back.

~Respectfully snipped~

I did think of one possible reason that LE is holding off that could explain why they are saying possible after summer could it be the grand jury would need to meet and decide if there is enough evidence to make a case for charges on these perps? Good thinking Strawberry! I wonder when the GJ reconvenes. Where is the county seat...isn't that where the GJ would meet? anybody?

ps Glad your back.


Be honest im not sure right now which county will handle BD case, i know she went missing from MB,but from all new reports they stating poi's or crime whatever happen is in Georgetown county, so im not sure how they rule this? Mlatta what you think on which county will handle bd case? im not sure im understanding what you saying about a GJ ? far as ive learn they only got talk to 3 of these POI so i dont feel they been charged or been jailed for a GJ ? Mlatta can you help us out on this? (pleaseeee)
Didn't see anymore on this under the crime reports or news. Any locals here more?

SERVICE DESK (12:32:51 on 06/11/10) EN ROUTE TO GSR
Didn't see anymore on this under the crime reports or news. Any locals here more?

SERVICE DESK (12:32:51 on 06/11/10) EN ROUTE TO GSR

havnt heard about this? and ive check all our local (MB) newspapers its nothing on any of them,,will keep my hears/eyes open,,thanks for posting it
havnt heard about this? and ive check all our local (MB) newspapers its nothing on any of them,,will keep my hears/eyes open,,thanks for posting it

I tried to google it Rose, and couldn't find anything either...
GJ = Grand Jury

Does anyone know when they meet? Usually here in VA it's around the first of every month, if warranted. If not, they wait until the next month.
GJ = Grand Jury

Does anyone know when they meet? Usually here in VA it's around the first of every month, if warranted. If not, they wait until the next month.

Its seem here, but i dont feel there e doing that since no real warrants or poi are in costudy,,,i think its on hold :-(
Hey guys, long time no post but I have been coming to catch up.

I have an O/T favor to ask of the locals here and hope it doesnt get me in trouble.

My best friend's father is missing in the Pee Dee area and of course we would appreciate any help possible, eyes and ears open, especially looking for this truck. It is a white Ford Sports Track.
Be honest im not sure right now which county will handle BD case, i know she went missing from MB,but from all new reports they stating poi's or crime whatever happen is in Georgetown county, so im not sure how they rule this? Mlatta what you think on which county will handle bd case?
My thought is the county in which the crime occured, will be the county who will prosecute.. From everything we can gather in the media, it appears that the crime happened in Georgetown county, so that would be my guess. Unless the evidence shows that the crime occured in Myrtle Beach...

im not sure im understanding what you saying about a GJ ? far as ive learn they only got talk to 3 of these POI so i dont feel they been charged or been jailed for a GJ ? Mlatta can you help us out on this? (pleaseeee)

From what I know, the purpose of the Grand Jury is to issue an indictment.. This occurs AFTER a suspect has been arrested on felony charges. It is a crucial part of the "checks and balances" in our judicial system. A prosecuter has to prove that there was probably cause for the arrest. My interpretation - SC citizens decide whether there is enough evidence to proceed to trial.

If anyone notices an error in my explanation, please let me know.

Our justice system here in the US pisses me off sometimes. I know we need all of these checks and balances, but sometimes it just SUCKS - plain and simple. I hate using that word, but nothing else seems to fit. LE speaks and acts as if they know EXACTLY what happened to Brittanee, and who was involved. They claim to have everything except for that "key peice of evidence". *IF* this is true - Imagine, for a moment, how that would feel - Having all that information, knowing the story, and not being able to do a damn thing about it... Sometimes I wish LE would just release these names, so that some sort of justice could be served. I know that is not practical.. The checks and balances are in place to ensure the innocent are not punished for crimes they didn't commit.

Here's the part that scares me - What if there is no "key peice of evidence"? Like - what if it was destroyed? Recall LE stated that at least 1 search warrant has been executed. Obviously they did not find any solid evidence, or an arrest would have been made right away, right?

So what is LE doing now? Just sitting and waiting for more people to come forward? I am NOT criticizing LE for their work on this case. What else can they do!?

From what I can see, Brittanee's case is no longer in the media.

I don't condone violence - but if there was EVER a time I would turn my head to vigilante justice, this would be it.

:twocents: FWIW
I posted it on my facebook and asked some of my friends to do the same. I pray for your friend's father, that he makes it home safely.

Hey guys, long time no post but I have been coming to catch up.

I have an O/T favor to ask of the locals here and hope it doesnt get me in trouble.

My best friend's father is missing in the Pee Dee area and of course we would appreciate any help possible, eyes and ears open, especially looking for this truck. It is a white Ford Sports Track.
From what I know, the purpose of the Grand Jury is to issue an indictment.. This occurs AFTER a suspect has been arrested on felony charges. It is a crucial part of the "checks and balances" in our judicial system. A prosecuter has to prove that there was probably cause for the arrest. My interpretation - SC citizens decide whether there is enough evidence to proceed to trial.

If anyone notices an error in my explanation, please let me know.

Our justice system here in the US pisses me off sometimes. I know we need all of these checks and balances, but sometimes it just SUCKS - plain and simple. I hate using that word, but nothing else seems to fit. LE speaks and acts as if they know EXACTLY what happened to Brittanee, and who was involved. They claim to have everything except for that "key peice of evidence". *IF* this is true - Imagine, for a moment, how that would feel - Having all that information, knowing the story, and not being able to do a damn thing about it... Sometimes I wish LE would just release these names, so that some sort of justice could be served. I know that is not practical.. The checks and balances are in place to ensure the innocent are not punished for crimes they didn't commit.

Here's the part that scares me - What if there is no "key peice of evidence"? Like - what if it was destroyed? Recall LE stated that at least 1 search warrant has been executed. Obviously they did not find any solid evidence, or an arrest would have been made right away, right?

So what is LE doing now? Just sitting and waiting for more people to come forward? I am NOT criticizing LE for their work on this case. What else can they do!?

From what I can see, Brittanee's case is no longer in the media.

I don't condone violence - but if there was EVER a time I would turn my head to vigilante justice, this would be it.

:twocents: FWIW

Thanks Matt, i agree with you 100%,,our LE stinks!!!
Something is very wrong with the Big Picture in this case,,i know for a fact that DD,CD were told soon (im sure they felt it be like few weeks) from time of there briefing update on BD,gezze its been 2 months no word or anything,,,i feel there is **Stink in the air*** Someone needs to clear it up!!!
Hey guys, long time no post but I have been coming to catch up.

I have an O/T favor to ask of the locals here and hope it doesnt get me in trouble.

My best friend's father is missing in the Pee Dee area and of course we would appreciate any help possible, eyes and ears open, especially looking for this truck. It is a white Ford Sports Track.

will be on the look out please let us know if anything changes,,
With Respect to all posters and followers here, nothing Doc has said has in ANY WAY implied that Doc or other posters are somehow withholding information from the group or the family.....nor that anyone knows who these POI's are. I really don't want to have ANYONE leaving or not posting on account of a misunderstanding, so I'm just reposting Doc's comments following my own. I don't know Doc or anyone else outside of this forum....and I don't know what anyone knows or doesn't know regarding this case or the POI's....but it APPEARS that Doc is saying ONLY that these POI's and this case is being hampered by the summer tourism season and, more specifically, higher-ups who want the best possible 'face' on Myrtle Beach during a difficult economic time.

If we all can remember, DD and CD BOTH seemed VERY certain that new info was about to come that would bring these POI's to justice. I have no doubt that LE and the Drexel family are very confident about these POI's.....and I have no doubt that these POI's are/have already begun to cave. But, for whatever reason, someone is delaying this new info from being heard by the public.
And, while there are many possible reasons for the delay, the MAIN one that comes to mind is the fact that the HUGE tourism season is upon us....and NO ONE in power wants MB to be in the national/regional press with this type of story during the summer season. IMHO.

Originally Posted by -Doc-
For those that follow the Vander Sloot case he is finally screwed. Why? Because even though he got away with the crime against the girl in Alabama, he was put under the microscope into the public eye and it finally caught up with him. The 3-4 POI's who "know" what happened to BD, are being protected for reasons that I won't get into may never have to face this type of heat. Very unfortunate.
I still believe the case can be solved. I just don't think the police are applying enough pressure to the POI's. Going back to Vander Sloot... the girl he killed went on his computer and found out he was a suspect in the Holloway case and he went off and broke her neck. When you are accused of murder you are viewed and treated differently by everyone you meet.
We saw how Brozowitz was initially treated back in Rochester, yet these 3-4 guys completely dodge the public eye. The only fear they have to deal with is one of them saying something there not supposed to. Politics are serving an injustice to Brittanee Drexel.
The hard work & dedication on here is greatly appreciated and needed.

Very nice post Krista. Also, remember there is a pretty big oil spill in the gulf coast diverting millions of Americans to other vacation spots including the east coast. A lot of windfall profits to be made by other vacation cities this summer.

I can assure you there is a step by step protocol for solving this case. I am not saying they don't want to solve the case but all of the stars have to align for them to move.

ALSO, everyone please keep posting. The family needs just as much help now as they did over a year ago.
Thanks Matt, i agree with you 100%,,our LE stinks!!!
Something is very wrong with the Big Picture in this case,,i know for a fact that DD,CD were told soon (im sure they felt it be like few weeks) from time of there briefing update on BD,gezze its been 2 months no word or anything,,,i feel there is **Stink in the air*** Someone needs to clear it up!!!

Not to disagree with anything else anybody has posted -- there might well be stink or incompetence or whatever -- but...

...two months IS soon by LE standards. In a case like this where they want to be sure to be able to get a conviction, not just an arrest, "soon" could mean six months or more.

It's hard to be patient when watching and waiting, but it does take time.
Let's just hope "soon" does not turn into a year or two. Maybe LE wants to get out and do more searching but since summer is upon them they cannot get into the swamps again right now? I was thinking about the Vandersloot case and how the USA could use some of their detectives or whoever got the confession out of this guy and maybe people would think twice before committing such horrendous crimes. I also read that he is currently in a cell with a contract killer.
They have found Mr. Hoyt Turner! He is awake and they are transporting him now.

Thank you for all your prayers!

ETA: He was found around 7:45 tonight by a local searcher on a 4-wheeler. Theythink he possibly had a stroke and became disoriented, drove near the river. The truck was bogged down and actually it took them another 2 hours to find the truck. He was lying in a ditch on a dirt road. Dehydrated, ant bites..scratches and scrapes, but my God, Alive! It is a miracle. he had his walking cane and a flash light with him when he was found. Heat index has been 100 here for the last three days - truly I am astounded. He isnt out of the woods yet. I just talked to his daughter. He hasnt talked yet, but she said he did open his eyes and she thinks tried to squeeze her hand. Praying he pulls through to be able to realize how many people prayed for him and were concerned for him, but mostly tonight, there is peace because a family can rest knowing where their loved one is.

I am sorry if it seemed I hijacked Britt's thread today, please forgive me, but at the very least I can once again say there is enormous relief in just knowing. Even before I heard they were calling EMS, only that he had been located (I was listening on the scanner), I felt relief that hadnt been felt in days for someone who is not even my own family member, and that my friends could at least rest tonight knowing where he was, good or bad. I do still pray for that peace of heart and mind for Brittanee's family.

Thank you all.
That's great news, SeaNymph!!
Please keep us updated on his condition! Praying for Mr Turner!!
From what I know, the purpose of the Grand Jury is to issue an indictment.. This occurs AFTER a suspect has been arrested on felony charges. It is a crucial part of the "checks and balances" in our judicial system. A prosecuter has to prove that there was probably cause for the arrest. My interpretation - SC citizens decide whether there is enough evidence to proceed to trial.

If anyone notices an error in my explanation, please let me know.

Our justice system here in the US pisses me off sometimes. I know we need all of these checks and balances, but sometimes it just SUCKS - plain and simple. I hate using that word, but nothing else seems to fit. LE speaks and acts as if they know EXACTLY what happened to Brittanee, and who was involved. They claim to have everything except for that "key peice of evidence". *IF* this is true - Imagine, for a moment, how that would feel - Having all that information, knowing the story, and not being able to do a damn thing about it... Sometimes I wish LE would just release these names, so that some sort of justice could be served. I know that is not practical.. The checks and balances are in place to ensure the innocent are not punished for crimes they didn't commit.

Here's the part that scares me - What if there is no "key peice of evidence"? Like - what if it was destroyed? Recall LE stated that at least 1 search warrant has been executed. Obviously they did not find any solid evidence, or an arrest would have been made right away, right?

So what is LE doing now? Just sitting and waiting for more people to come forward? I am NOT criticizing LE for their work on this case. What else can they do!?

From what I can see, Brittanee's case is no longer in the media.

I don't condone violence - but if there was EVER a time I would turn my head to vigilante justice, this would be it.

:twocents: FWIW

Grand juries are impanneled to indict people, that much you have correct. However, grand jury indictments can come BEFORE or AFTER an arrest. This is not a check or balance system, but merely a way of determining probable cause. Basically, if the grand jury indicts after arrest it confirms that the police had probable cause when making the arrest. If the grand jury indicts before arrest, probable cause has been established by the indictment. Most legal scholars prefer indictment prior to arrest. The reason, it is preferable to have unquestioned probable cause when you are depriving someone of their liberties. Waiting to indict after arrest, there is a potential that a person's liberties will be deprived without probable cause (arresting him, making him sit in jail, without probable cause).

Additionally, this is not a US justice issue, but merely a state justice issue. The US Constitution and the laws enacted pursuant thereto do not require that a state have grand juries. Indeed, a good number of states do not even have that type of system. Some people will remember that the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution mentions grand juries, however, the United States Supreme Court has held that this provision does not apply to the states.

Hopefully, this helps.
Grand juries are impanneled to indict people, that much you have correct. However, grand jury indictments can come BEFORE or AFTER an arrest. This is not a check or balance system, but merely a way of determining probable cause. Basically, if the grand jury indicts after arrest it confirms that the police had probable cause when making the arrest. If the grand jury indicts before arrest, probable cause has been established by the indictment. Most legal scholars prefer indictment prior to arrest. The reason, it is preferable to have unquestioned probable cause when you are depriving someone of their liberties. Waiting to indict after arrest, there is a potential that a person's liberties will be deprived without probable cause (arresting him, making him sit in jail, without probable cause).

Additionally, this is not a US justice issue, but merely a state justice issue. The US Constitution and the laws enacted pursuant thereto do not require that a state have grand juries. Indeed, a good number of states do not even have that type of system. Some people will remember that the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution mentions grand juries, however, the United States Supreme Court has held that this provision does not apply to the states.

Hopefully, this helps.

Well, i might be dumber than dumb,but here in Georgetown county,le dont arrest you till they have the proof in hand,then when so you get arrested booked/photo/then in 24 hrs or a day or two you go before a judge,then its left to that judge if you are set bail/bond or stay in jail till you have a court hearing,,,so i do no this for a fact!!! LE in (Gtown county) not going to lock those POI's up till even proof for an arrest,,,,
(if we were truly told the truth in BD case) im having my doubts now on all those big briefings they gave the public,why in gods name they wont come out on national radio/tv announce they have poi's in her case,then it just drops? my question is why even tell there now its cold? something truly not adding up,,,
Bumping for BD,prayers for the Derx-family,,
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