Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #11

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so good i had to quote it twice :dance: ... but seriously, forgive me for thinking in bits and pieces but if they know who it is and know them that well...and they bought SLED in (did I get the acronmym right?) with someone who has such a good track you think they're gonna serve up the POI's to him on a platter and count on him to make it stick...or did they bring him in because they can't bring forward the names (for whatever reason) but they know he can not being under the same political restraints they are? sorry for the run-on. this would bode well, i would think, for a much quicker resolution.


No I still believe Georgetown County is doing the bulk of the work. They were just smart enough to add a SLED person for tactical reasons.
RM speaks to the press about her incident:

Anyone else feeling like something's fishy?? I don't know why, but something about this story bothers me.....or maybe the victim herself just doesn't sit well with me.
This is reportedly a victim of an intended I hesitate to say anything more than that.....but I really hope there was some evidence under her nails or blood from the POI's nose that was found at the scene. I'm concerned that a near kidnap victim would release her personal info to news outlets.....that she would release things like her high school and her photo. Not a school photo, but a photo where she is looking kind of sultry at the camera. Again, it's just a feeling....and I have NO reason to feel this way based on what we know I'm dropping it.

I REALLY want to go back to 7 mile rd and look at vehicles! I think the one thing that keeps lingering for me is that--however Brittanee was taken--she was placed into something where she wouldn't be seen as easily by other motorists. I continue to believe this is a van of that has high or no windows in the back. A conversion van.....or something similar!

I just watched the videos and, I don't know, my hinky meter is going off.

I find it SO unbelievable that NOT one person saw anything. Seriously, this is Myrtle Beach, in the summer. They are always a ton of people around!
On no one "seeing" anything...

On some level, I think it goes back to people just don't want to get involved and/or people are so wrapped up in what they are doing that they just don't see what's going on - a lot of people just aren't aware of their surroundings and don't pay attention to what is 10 feet ahead of them or to either side of them.
I just watched the videos and, I don't know, my hinky meter is going off.

I find it SO unbelievable that NOT one person saw anything. Seriously, this is Myrtle Beach, in the summer. They are always a ton of people around!
I do know what you mean about no one seeing this girl possibly being abducted. While she is talking you see people and cars. After seeing her in this video I feel less skeptical. There are still a couple things that I don't quite understand, but she does explain how she had to go back to the hotel room and that may explain why it took 45 minutes to place a call to police. It is a good thing in the way that Brittanee is getting much needed attention now. This girl does have a lot of similar characteristics of Brittanee too. It does bother me that she gave such detailed descriptions of these men and the vehicle but yet keeps saying "it happened so fast".

I sure hope the POsI in Brittanee's case mess up and get caught soon. It has already been such a long summer and here we all are, waiting for LE to get the "break they need". Sure thought this attempted abduction was going somewhere but really seems not connected the more we hear.

This does make me think that the stranger abduction and use of a van is a very strong possibility of how Brittanee was taken so quickly and without a trace. I agree the vans that Krista saw should maybe looked at closer if possible. IMO
I do know what you mean about no one seeing this girl possibly being abducted. While she is talking you see people and cars. After seeing her in this video I feel less skeptical. There are still a couple things that I don't quite understand, but she does explain how she had to go back to the hotel room and that may explain why it took 45 minutes to place a call to police. It is a good thing in the way that Brittanee is getting much needed attention now. This girl does have a lot of similar characteristics of Brittanee too. It does bother me that she gave such detailed descriptions of these men and the vehicle but yet keeps saying "it happened so fast".

I sure hope the POsI in Brittanee's case mess up and get caught soon. It has already been such a long summer and here we all are, waiting for LE to get the "break they need". Sure thought this attempted abduction was going somewhere but really seems not connected the more we hear.

This does make me think that the stranger abduction and use of a van is a very strong possibility of how Brittanee was taken so quickly and without a trace. I agree the vans that Krista saw should maybe looked at closer if possible. IMO

I know some are saying they believe her more so after the video but I'm not so sure. Her affect kind of seemed flat and although she kind of said the right things, I didn't find her tone or body language indicative of someone who has been through what she described...I will have to watch it again but I'm just not convinced.

Someone said earlier, but I don't know if it was documented, that she said people were there but no one came to her aid which implies she was seen but not helped...I will have to review everything to see where that came from.

But I agree that the stranger abduction with a van seems very plausible as there are a number of those vans around that area and things can happen quickly as MBLover said with people not really taking in things that are happening right in front of their eyes.

Especially if the men were big- they could have even blocked people's view of what was happening to tiny Brittanee pretty quickly and easily.
I know some are saying they believe her more so after the video but I'm not so sure. Her affect kind of seemed flat and although she kind of said the right things, I didn't find her tone or body language indicative of someone who has been through what she described...I will have to watch it again but I'm just not convinced.

Someone said earlier, but I don't know if it was documented, that she said people were there but no one came to her aid which implies she was seen but not helped...I will have to review everything to see where that came from.

But I agree that the stranger abduction with a van seems very plausible as there are a number of those vans around that area and things can happen quickly as MBLover said with people not really taking in things that are happening right in front of their eyes.

Especially if the men were big- they could have even blocked people's view of what was happening to tiny Brittanee pretty quickly and easily.

From my post #333, from the MB Police Call:

I am not sure what to think about this attempted abduction. Why would this girl go to the trouble of making somethng up? What would the point be? She seems like a logical young woman, even pointed out that she has learned a lesson and won't be walking alone again...I guess people are different-if this had happened to me, I'd be hiding under the bed everynight...

As far as people not seeing her... I wonder if people who did see something thought "ah, that's some girl fighting with a boyfriend/parent etc" without looking at the whole situation, ie. rape van, driver, etc. I have seen so many teenage girls start screaming at their parents, at first you think "OMG, is she alright," then you realize it's just a teenage tantrum. People so rarely pay attention to what's happening around them...and if they do see something, they end up not wanting to get involved.
I am not sure what to think about this attempted abduction. Why would this girl go to the trouble of making somethng up? What would the point be? She seems like a logical young woman, even pointed out that she has learned a lesson and won't be walking alone again...I guess people are different-if this had happened to me, I'd be hiding under the bed everynight...

As far as people not seeing her... I wonder if people who did see something thought "ah, that's some girl fighting with a boyfriend/parent etc" without looking at the whole situation, ie. rape van, driver, etc. I have seen so many teenage girls start screaming at their parents, at first you think "OMG, is she alright," then you realize it's just a teenage tantrum. People so rarely pay attention to what's happening around them...and if they do see something, they end up not wanting to get involved.

i think the reason she would do it (and i'm not saying she made it up just providing motive if she did) is looking for publicity...maybe an aspiring actress/model who's read about the BD case and thought- hey, I'm gonna be in the same area...this could get me discovered! people go to crazy lengths to try to start a career in entertainment and i'm sure have done even more horrible things (although this would be pretty horrible, for sure)...

regarding the bf/gf or parent scenario- the suspects were black and she was white- don't know their ages but two black men trying to get a white girl into a van, if noticed, would probably not be looked at as a bf/gf fact, if i noticed anyone, even if i thought a bf, of any race/ethnicity, trying to get a girl in a van, i'm pretty sure i'd intervene (can't say 100% as much as I'd like to because we never know what we would do in a certain situation but I know I'd at least alert someone else)...
Unfortunately, this girl could end up on a reality show the way things are nowadays. It would be really bad if she did make this all up. I would have to wonder what LE would do if they found out she had done this. The more they would criticize her publicly, the more attention she would get, which would be what she is after, if she did fabricate this abduction attempt. Oh yeah, I know reality show is a far fetched thing. But if she has garnered this much attention to Brittanee's case, I for one would have a hard time being too upset about it. It has made me rethink a lot of scenarios in BD's disappearance and that is a good thing IMO. The biggest thing that would upset me about it would be if it has caused more pain and anguish for Brittanee's family and friends.
You know, if she did make this up she should have to pay some restitution or something BUT, it did probably get local people to start talking about Britt again.
Ok, I'm hoping that this all leads somewhere and I'm thrilled that this girl is safe and that her incident--however real or imagined--has brought more attention to Brittanee's case.

I want to be more proactive with Brittanee's case. I'm sick and tired of waiting. We know there are 3 poi's, we know the general area where they are located, we know where LE is looking for clues and Brittanee's possible remains......what can we do? I'm just a mommy from SC....but I have time that I can take to make canoe runs down the santee river, to look at vehicles on Seven Mile Rd and Belladonna Rd, to post more signs or talk to locals. Obviously I want a partner (s) for safety, but I just hate being stagnant....doing nothing.....and just sitting here waiting. I have August 8th and 9th available....that's a Sunday and Monday. Anyone else able to go looking at vehicles or post flyers, anything really? I know we have them in the primary locations, but perhaps there should be some near the Georgetown HS since school is about to start....or the alternative school....or near the small stores, the 'youth center' I saw along the way, etc.

Another idea....and I honestly don't know if this has been done already......the BD flyer has lots of information, but it DOESN'T appear to have any reward info least the laura recovery and polly klass flyers don't have this info listed. At this point, I think that info should be PROMINENTLY displayed. Times are ALWAYS hard in Georgetown, but currently many people are struggling in this economy....and there ARE people outside of these POI's who know something...or may have seen something strange. Perhaps we should have some different flyers printed, again....if that hasn't been done already. Please message me if you'd be interested in doing something on one or both of those dates.
Krista I would just give anything if I could be down there helping you. I'm hoping there are at least a couple people who can make the trip or are already nearby that can help. I am wondering who we can contact about getting that information on some new fliers and how much it would cost to do so. Don't forget safety and just the mere mention of canoes in the river bring alligators to my mind, so please do be careful. I agree it feels awful that we are getting stagnant and not out doing something. I think that looking for some vans is a good idea; i.e., the ones you have noticed in that area previously. Putting those fliers up right before the schools start up again is also an excellent idea. You are right that someone besides the POsI know something. Money does talk so maybe the fliers with reward offered will get some conversations flowing, especially in the school areas (IMO). Maybe someone down MB way would donate the printing at least of the new fliers.
Bumps for Britt!

Hi everyone! I watched the video of the young woman who reported the attempted abduction. I didn't find any reason to distrust her account of events so I guess time will tell. I wish we knew if the POI's in Britt's case are AA, caucasian, etc. I'm just thinking that LE was quick to state 'no connection' at this time and wonder why?

Regarding people not noticing or becoming involved.......A friend and I were walking from my appt to my bf's house one night around 10 pm. The 5 block walk required traveling through downtown of my small beach resort town. We took a shortcut thru a backstreet to avoid the restaurant/bar areas. There was a bank parking lot which backed up to this street and a man and woman were arguing beside a parked car. He began manhandling the woman. I called 911 and made a report and then called out while holding up my cell, "Sir I have 911 on the line right now, the police are on their way. Please take your hands off her!" I just acted without thinking of possible consequences of inserting myself in the matter. (Both appeared intoxicated.)

However, my friend just kept saying, 'keep on walking, keep on walking' as she didn't care to become involved and was worried about our safety.

My point is that people react differently when witnessing acts of violence. We read about it all the time right here on WS. (Remember the story about the man who was stabbed and left dying on the street and people actually stepped over him and one took pics with a wireless device?)

I would also like to add..... If I were put into the same above described situation for a second time, I may react differently because I am 10 years wiser now. I just can't say for sure....

Let's hope today is Britt's day!

krista, mlatta has templates of Britt's flyer.


Thanks! The ones I saw posted were the one from Laura Recovery. They don't list any reward info. I know someone mentioned a $10,000 reward from a private donor. Could someone tell me more about that....what the details are....I may not be remembering it correctly. Here is the flyer I saw posted everywhere. There may be others that have different info...but I didn't see them when I was there:
krista, I will try and locate the ones I have. (I need a little digging time, LOL!) Maybe we will hear from mlatta in the meantime. IDK but if he had the correct program, there should be a way to include the reward, but I really don't know. Just a thought. will be in touch...

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