Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #16

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I am in agreement with you on all of this. TV and movies show a lot (snatched of the street, etc) of what you mentioned, but in real life it rarely happens that way. The method you described (runaways, abandoned, etc) is a lot more likely. They also use social media to recruit.

It is a mystery what happened to Brittanee, but I have always theorized that she met someone sinister either on the beach or at a club she went to and that person learned where she was staying. On the night she disappeared, that person was parked somewhere near her hotel in hoprs of meeting up with her. He saw her either walking away from or back to her hotel and probably offered her a ride or maybe even abducted her at gunpoint. Either way she got in the car with him and rode into oblivion. I also believe that some of her so-called friends that were there have a pretty good idea of what happened. I'm not saying they were involved, just that they know or at a minimum have a good hunch as to what happened. MOO

I have wondered that too. I sometimes wonder if this was not some sort of "prank" gone horribly wrong. BD was telling her boyfriend essentially that the other people she was there with were being beotches to her. I got the impression that she tagged along last minute and was not exactly part of the group. I have known girls vacuous and selfish enough to do something like have their "friend" walk alone just to return a pair of shorts for no good reason, but that part of the story has always seemed a little strange.
All of these stories are fishy, especially the one about Shauna Newell, which has always had very inconsistent details.

Not sure what you mean by fishy. You don't see how all kinds of terrible things can happen to young women kidnapped off the streets, including being trafficked?

What about the 3 Cleveland girls? Kidnapped off the street and held captive for years. Same thing really. I think it is highly unlikely BD was trafficked into prostitution within the US. But taken out of country to service Mexican cartels, terrorist groups, sadistic rich men? All of these things are very possible IMO.
No there is no evidence to lead us to this conclusion other than the fact that it seems her mother has some reason to Believe this as an option and the rumours of club kryptonite being tied to the prostitution trade. It's just a theory. JMO
Not sure what you mean by fishy. You don't see how all kinds of terrible things can happen to young women kidnapped off the streets, including being trafficked?

What about the 3 Cleveland girls? Kidnapped off the street and held captive for years. Same thing really. I think it is highly unlikely BD was trafficked into prostitution within the US. But taken out of country to service Mexican cartels, terrorist groups, sadistic rich men? All of these things are very possible IMO.
No there is no evidence to lead us to this conclusion other than the fact that it seems her mother has some reason to Believe this as an option and the rumours of club kryptonite being tied to the prostitution trade. It's just a theory. JMO

Well, none of these stories featured a missing person case as we are used to seeing here. We have girls who were "rescued" after being missing and who told stories which led to arrests in only a couple of cases and none of the men were charged with trafficking. The Shauna Newell story has always had a lot of inconsistencies. I see these stories as fishy for numerous reasons and not one of them rings completely true to me.

I 100% think that horrible things happen to females who are snatched off the street. I think for example that most of the young women featured here at WS who are missing were kidnapped, raped and murdered. I believe it is possible that a la Cleveland and Duggard that there are a small percentage of these women who are still alive and in captivity. We have seen many of these cases resolved over the years and not once was the female found locked away in some Arab's harem. I believe this is a popular theory for reasons having to do with the human need to have hope, as messed up as that hope might be. Under the kidnapped and sold to the Cartel for sex theory, at the very least the female is still alive and there is hope every day that she might be found. It would only take one person to stumble upon her with a heart and she would be home.

A huge number of women and girls are trafficked every year and forced into prostitution, and it is extremely sad. Those women come from backgrounds that make them easy targets and easy to control. Even in those stories you cited (which I think are not entirely true) the females escaped in a very short period of time. This is why I do not think it is a viable theory. Why would some person engaged in trafficking girls take such a risk? It makes no sense. He can trick or a lure a girl from a village in Mexico who cannot even speak Spanish much less English and tell her every day that her entire family back home will be killed, and that if she escapes and goes to American authorities that they will lock her away forever. And she believes him because she does not know any better.

BD was still in high school but she was still very well educated and came from a background that would trust law enforcement and understand how justice works. There is simply no need for traffickers to mess with people like her.
I have wondered that too. I sometimes wonder if this was not some sort of "prank" gone horribly wrong. BD was telling her boyfriend essentially that the other people she was there with were being beotches to her. I got the impression that she tagged along last minute and was not exactly part of the group. I have known girls vacuous and selfish enough to do something like have their "friend" walk alone just to return a pair of shorts for no good reason, but that part of the story has always seemed a little strange.

I've never figured out how Brittanee ever fitted in with with that group to begin with. She wasn't very good friends with any of the party she traveled with.
I've never figured out how Brittanee ever fitted in with with that group to begin with. She wasn't very good friends with any of the party she traveled with.

It was hard to tell but it seemed like she was a bit of a tagalong and perhaps it was not really appreciated by some members of the group. I am wondering if one of the guys in the group got her to come (hey one more pretty girl) but naturally she had to stay in the room and do "girl stuff" with the other females and they resented it.
It was hard to tell but it seemed like she was a bit of a tagalong and perhaps it was not really appreciated by some members of the group. I am wondering if one of the guys in the group got her to come (hey one more pretty girl) but naturally she had to stay in the room and do "girl stuff" with the other females and they resented it.

She went there with the girls I believe.
Well I have followed Brittanee's disappearance from day one. As I am reading this most recent line of discussion, a theory came to mind. I want to preface this by stating this is just my own theory and should not be considered as anything but a whim from someone who wants this young girl returned to her loved ones.

Again, this popped into my head as I was reading this latest discussion.

If you have read back through the tons and tons of pages of BD.'s threads you will see that on at least a few occasions a lot of thoughts/theories were discussed regarding B.D. and her relationship with the girls she rode with to Myrtle Beach. I believe the very real possibility is that there was some reason other than wanting her to come because they liked her and would enjoy her company.

With that said, one of the boys that went to M.B. was said at one point to be a POI. This guy has been said to allegedly be a "nightclub promotor".

So it has been discussed that the "group" from N.Y. allegedly went to a now defunct club and even though she was only 17, not only was B.D. allowed admittance into the club, she was "allegedly admitted into a so-called" VIP room. I don't have access currently to a radio talk show that D.D. participated in, but I listened to that and this was discussed.

Also, supposedly B.D
had gone to the boys' hotel room and supposedly didn't stay long because she received a text telling her to bring back the black shorts right away. These black shorts almost had a life of their own here on discussion of her disappearance.

Some wondered if the "black shorts' needing to be returned was code for getting her out on the street at which time someone interested in her from that encounter at the club would then be able to grab her.

I am now thinking there could have been a plan from even prior to hitting the road from N.Y
to M.B. I will not elaborate on this possibly far fetched, and perhaps even crazy theory.

When someone said in some more recent discussion, possibly something accidentally happened and at least some of the group know this.

Now, could it have been someone was alerted that she was going to be walking at a certain time but the "female(s)" that were in on this "plan" suddenly had a change of heart or got scared and so used the text/insistance that those black shorts be returned immediately to keep whatever or whoever from being able to get her.
I recall much discussion about how and why did these so-called friends almost immediately seem to realize something very bad had possibly occurred.

The reason I personally have wondered this was due to the fact it was later determined that it wasn't unusual for her to be doing things by herself while at M.B. Yes, she was said to be texting her then B.F. when texting stopped abruptly but I always question what was so different that at least appeared to make these N.Y. "friends" to seem so sure she had met up with something/someone bad and the girls actually changed hotels and allegedly the boys checked out rather abruptly, and allegedly forfeited a security deposit.

This has always puzzled me that no one appeared to question her whereabouts up until that text demanding those black shorts be returned.

This has all been discussed at much length here in these threads but not sure if anyone discussed a scenario where maybe someone backed out of a secret plan to send B.D. out on the street into harm's way and therefore the text was sent demanding those shorts.

As I noted at the beginning of this long post, this is all my own opinion or really just speculating, since I probably don't really put much faith in my own recent thoughts of what happened or where she could be.

Also I am not accusing anyone here. I want answers for the sake of her family and can't imagine what these past few years have been like for them.
Slavery is in like a field hand or a galley slave? The link you posted here just confirms my theory that BD would not have been a victim of trafficking. Trafficking does not start with abducting a random girl off the street - it is what happens to runaways and kids who have been abandoned or neglected. Again, this theory comes on for this case a lot (even BD's own mother) and I really must ask if there is any evidence other that pure fantasy that it is a viable theory. The very link offered as "proof" that I am wrong in fact proves what I have been getting at - human trafficking does not involve girls like Brittanee.

I have asked for someone to post just one story of a female in the US who was kidnapped at random and sold into slavery. I get that Hollywood has made it seem like this stuff actually happens, but I have yet to see one real-world example. What I have seen countless times of resolved cases of missing girls and women are bodies found not far from where they were last seen, and the arrest of some local creep who was never a pimp.

I am being totally serious here and not willfully obtuse or sarcastic: to all the people here who legitimately believe that BD was the victim of human trafficking, what is your reasoning?
There are popular areas for sex trafficking. MB police say it isn't going on there, but that is a ridiculous statement to make considering the amount of missing persons cases that come out of that town. Yes, it is a popular tourist destination but I've beard of more missing person cases coming from there than pretty much any tourist destination in the US.

I live near Oklahoma City and sex trafficking happens there. There are billboards everywhere.

As for her being a victim of sex trafficking...of course it is a real possibility. There are people that want a specific "look" in a sex slave...they pay good money for it. A place like MB is the perfect place to look for what they want. It is sad but true. All they had to do was spot her and follow her. Someone could have met her on the beach, in the hotel lobby or hallway, a restaurant, a club. Found out where she was staying or followed her, and boom. They don't always just look for a homeless girl or a girl messed up on drugs. I'm not sure why you would think that. There are exceptions to every rule. Also, how are we all supposed to know who in the USA has been a victim? There are so many missing persons cases out there. Probably only a small amount have been confirmed and a small amount of that just regular women. This wasn't small town USA she was taken out of.
There are popular areas for sex trafficking. MB police say it isn't going on there, but that is a ridiculous statement to make considering the amount of missing persons cases that come out of that town. Yes, it is a popular tourist destination but I've beard of more missing person cases coming from there than pretty much any tourist destination in the US.

I live near Oklahoma City and sex trafficking happens there. There are billboards everywhere.

As for her being a victim of sex trafficking...of course it is a real possibility. There are people that want a specific "look" in a sex slave...they pay good money for it. A place like MB is the perfect place to look for what they want. It is sad but true. All they had to do was spot her and follow her. Someone could have met her on the beach, in the hotel lobby or hallway, a restaurant, a club. Found out where she was staying or followed her, and boom. They don't always just look for a homeless girl or a girl messed up on drugs. I'm not sure why you would think that. There are exceptions to every rule. Also, how are we all supposed to know who in the USA has been a victim? There are so many missing persons cases out there. Probably only a small amount have been confirmed and a small amount of that just regular women. This wasn't small town USA she was taken out of.

I don't believe this is what happened to Brittanee, but here is another story on sex trafficking. This one is from Omaha NE.
Sorry but why would any pimp/trafficker/boogie man unda yo' bed bother going through the trouble of forcibly kidnapping a highschool kid, in a tourist town, during spring break? A kid who will certainly be missed, and who can, at any point, use a phone to call their family/friends/police, and be returned home instantly?
...And why go through all of the trouble, when there are plenty of local people who will offer the same services?
Human trafficking is only effective when the people being trafficked are isolated and intimidated to the extent that they would not perceive contacting authorities as a viable option to escape their captors. This can be down to a lot of factors, none of which are shared by a 17 year old high school student from upstate New York, in town for spring break.
PS. I agree about the rampant bs of actual kids in the U.S. Who are otherwise relatively normal in terms of family and other community support, being plucked of street corners and sold in to slavery, sexual or otherwise. It makes a nice headline, but I have yet to see a case that is an actual trafficking case. If there was a case, you can be sure we would hear about it ad-naseaum.
Although it was on a cruise, read up on the Amy Bradley case...she was snatched from the ship, her family even shared a room. I'm not saying one way or another because I don't think anyone knows but the kids she came with, but the statements you make are not true all of the time

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There are popular areas for sex trafficking. MB police say it isn't going on there, but that is a ridiculous statement to make considering the amount of missing persons cases that come out of that town. Yes, it is a popular tourist destination but I've beard of more missing person cases coming from there than pretty much any tourist destination in the US.

I live near Oklahoma City and sex trafficking happens there. There are billboards everywhere.

As for her being a victim of sex trafficking...of course it is a real possibility. There are people that want a specific "look" in a sex slave...they pay good money for it. A place like MB is the perfect place to look for what they want. It is sad but true. All they had to do was spot her and follow her. Someone could have met her on the beach, in the hotel lobby or hallway, a restaurant, a club. Found out where she was staying or followed her, and boom. They don't always just look for a homeless girl or a girl messed up on drugs. I'm not sure why you would think that. There are exceptions to every rule. Also, how are we all supposed to know who in the USA has been a victim? There are so many missing persons cases out there. Probably only a small amount have been confirmed and a small amount of that just regular women. This wasn't small town USA she was taken out of.

I was born and raised in this area (and still live here) & I've NEVER heard a thing about suspected sex trafficking taking place, and I have friends who work in law enforcement. I will say that there's a real problem w/ drug use amongst teens and local gang violence, and there's a large number of homeless people living in the area, as well.... but, MB's crime stats ARE (no doubt about it) inflated by the influx of visitors during summer months.

Yes, there are other tourist towns in the U.S. but there isn't another beach town that attracts young partygoers quite like MB does. Daytona Beach, FL... maybe. But their crime/missing person stats look a lot like ours do. When people get crazy drunk or do drugs in an unfamiliar town, they tend to make poor decisions that result in tragic situations.
I am just not buying it. All the cases I saw on google where of girls and women who were already runaways/street people who were coerced or tricked into it. That does not mean it is not evil, but I cannot find a single case where a middle-class girl from a good home was abducted at random and forced into prostitution. For some reason though this is always an extremely popular theory on websleuths and I am baffled as to why. I am certainly not discounting it, but I cannot believe that all these missing women and girls were "highly likely" abducted and sold into white slavery and yet not one of them has been located, despite them coming into contact with several men a day.

There is simply no need for pimps to take this level of risk. There are loads or runaways and drug addicts out there who "willingly" work for them (a fiction obviously). They don't have to take the risk of kidnapping a girl like BD.

I am still waiting for just ONE example of a girl like BD, a middle class girl from a loving and supportive home who was just going about her business who was kidnapped by organized crime and forced into prostitution. There should be many examples since to so many here it is a real thing that totally happens. Again, I want to see just one.

Here is another article on forced prostitution. This one involves an unfortunate 16-year old girl that was set up by her boyfriend. She wasn't "kidnapped off the street", but left willingly with her boyfriend who had promised her a romantic weekend, but instead had plans to pimp her. She wasn't taken very far from home.
I do not think there is any right or wrong answer concerning whether Brittanee Drexel was a victim of sex trafficking. She is an attractive girl, but I think there are probably many attractive women who walk that area of Myrtle Beach.

For traffickers, they must not be very experienced when it comes to cell phones and crime. The cell phone was on for at least 3 hours after Brittanee was kidnapped. Even the meth addict that took Holly Bobo got rid of her cell phone and in less time I think.

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Not sure how to make that a link from my phone, but this article talks about Wilmington nc being one of the key cities for sex trafficking, and it doesn't take long to get there from mb

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I was born and raised in this area (and still live here) & I've NEVER heard a thing about suspected sex trafficking taking place, and I have friends who work in law enforcement. I will say that there's a real problem w/ drug use amongst teens and local gang violence, and there's a large number of homeless people living in the area, as well.... but, MB's crime stats ARE (no doubt about it) inflated by the influx of visitors during summer months.

Yes, there are other tourist towns in the U.S. but there isn't another beach town that attracts young partygoers quite like MB does. Daytona Beach, FL... maybe. But their crime/missing person stats look a lot like ours do. When people get crazy drunk or do drugs in an unfamiliar town, they tend to make poor decisions that result in tragic situations.
There are definitely more "party beaches" & destinations. Including Panama City Beach (which is a HUGE one right now for spring breakers) and South Padre Island.

Also as has already been stated, you can't rule out sex trafficking just because we don't know of any. The high amount of missing persons in that area STILL seems insane compared to other tourist destinations.

If I have time (or if anyone else does) we should look at multiple places and the percentage of missing persons in that area. I bet you Myrtle Beach would be astounding. It seems highly unlikely that they're all tourists committing these crimes. Petty crimes/drugs etc yes. While I'm not saying she is a victim of sex trafficking (and I don't think she was, but you can't rule it out), I do tend to lean towards it being a resident of Myrtle Beach or someone who lives within a few hours of there who takes advantage of the fact that there are so many young girls (tourists) in the area. Wouldn't shock me if a couple of them were kidnapped and murdered by the same person.
Sorry but why would any pimp/trafficker/boogie man unda yo' bed bother going through the trouble of forcibly kidnapping a highschool kid, in a tourist town, during spring break? A kid who will certainly be missed, and who can, at any point, use a phone to call their family/friends/police, and be returned home instantly?
...And why go through all of the trouble, when there are plenty of local people who will offer the same services?
Human trafficking is only effective when the people being trafficked are isolated and intimidated to the extent that they would not perceive contacting authorities as a viable option to escape their captors. This can be down to a lot of factors, none of which are shared by a 17 year old high school student from upstate New York, in town for spring break.
PS. I agree about the rampant bs of actual kids in the U.S. Who are otherwise relatively normal in terms of family and other community support, being plucked of street corners and sold in to slavery, sexual or otherwise. It makes a nice headline, but I have yet to see a case that is an actual trafficking case. If there was a case, you can be sure we would hear about it ad-naseaum.

I just googled "young girls kidnapped and held as sex slaves" and came up with pages and pages of cases. Try it.
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