Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #16

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Brittanee has been on my mind so much lately. Thinking of this sweet girl and her family. Praying for answers.
Same here. I read today that Natalie Holloway's dad is going back to Aruba because a witness says he saw Joran bury her in the Marriot crawlspace. I hope Natalie is found. Not only for her family's sake but because it gives me hope that one day Britanee will be found also.
Is there anyone other than Dawn Drexel trying to find Brittanee?
I'm in myrtle beach right now. Brittanee has been in the back of my mind this whOle trip. Esp every time I see a young girl walking alone(and there are many) on ocean blvd. I keep getting the feeling that if it wasn't her friends it was one of the locals that hang out on the strip, or maybe a tourist. I saw so many weirdos eye balling the young girls last night. Talk about suspicious of everyone. Any one of them could have done something to her:(
I t hink about her a lot too. 6 years is just too much. I don't think the group of girls hurt her or the boys. She was seen sleaving just fine and kids are messy and are awful at covering their tracks. This was an adult who did this. I am guessing someone who trolls the area. MO
I t hink about her a lot too. 6 years is just too much. I don't think the group of girls hurt her or the boys. She was seen sleaving just fine and kids are messy and are awful at covering their tracks. This was an adult who did this. I am guessing someone who trolls the area. MO

I agree but I still feel they know something that could have helped a long time ago :(
I saw this case on the show Disappeared and thought I would comment. There really is not much advice to give. What is so sad about this case is the time it took Brittanee Drexel to disappear. According to the show she left Peter's hotel at 8:48 pm. The detective said it would take about 15 minutes to get back to the traffic cam. Her last text to her boyfriend was at 8:58 pm. That means she disappeared in only 5 minutes.

One thing I have wanted to know about this case was did police find texts or missed calls on Brittanee's cell phone from the girl who asked for her shorts back?

About the only advice I can give would be to look for two cars on the traffic cam. In order for someone to see Brittanee from the front they would have to drive against the way she was walking. Then they see her, turn around and kidnap her in their car. Therefore in a short period of time on the traffic cam you should see the same car twice but going in opposite directions in a short period of time.

I know this is Detective 101 and has probably already been thought of but I am not going to go through every post because the threads for this case are huge. Hopefully this case gets solved someday.
I am new to this and skimmed the thread here. There is a lot of talk about human trafficking (even from the mother). What evidence of there of any middle class American female being snatched at random on the street and then being sold into human slavery? I have followed many cases of missing girls and women and I have seen many of them resolved and I have not seen one case where it turned out they were sold into sexual slavery. I have seen brought up with regards to BD many times so I thought I would inquire as to whether there was something I missed, such as evidence that there were some men in that area trying to recruit girls or something.

Also, I do not think she got a ride with someone she knew. She was in the middle of texting her boyfriend and then went silent. If it was someone she knew that they immediately overpowered her and took her cell phone from her. It seems more likely that someone abducted her and separated her from her cell phone in the process.
What makes this case unique is the cell phone. In other kidnapping cases it is understandable that the cell phone would not be turned off right away. A woman might be kidnapped and in the process drop her cell phone. She might be kidnapped the and the kidnapper does not know she has it in her pants or purse.

In Brittanee Drexel's case, she is on the phone when she is kidnapped. It had to be in her hands and if someone was watching her while she was walking and texting, it is strange they did not think the cell phone important. Not only is she kidnapped while on the phone, but the phone actually moves along with her. If she was separated from it, the cell phone moves without her. There there is the speed. Over 3 hours the cell phone moves only 50 miles. One thing I wondered about this case was if someone threw her bag with her cell phone in it into the ocean, would it float and where would it go? That idea had to have been thought of because of how slowly the cell phone moves.

If she took a ride, maybe it was on a motorcycle and she could not use her cell phone. Then it would have to be the slowest motorcycle around.

So maybe the phone is a red herring put on a bus. But why? To lead investigators away from Myrtle Beach?

You could make so many different type of arguments that would be refuted by the cell phone. Maybe she was texting and got hit by a car? But it was a busy street and she probably would have been separated from the cell phone.

There is the final cell phone tower location. I think if I remember correctly it is south of Myrtle Beach. The party that went down to Myrtle Beach came from the north. So how would they know or care about Pole Yard Boat Landing?

The main question in Brittanee Drexel's case, in my opinion, would be: How does the kidnapper not know she has a cell phone and if the kidnapper does know, why do they not care?
What makes this case unique is the cell phone. In other kidnapping cases it is understandable that the cell phone would not be turned off right away. A woman might be kidnapped and in the process drop her cell phone. She might be kidnapped the and the kidnapper does not know she has it in her pants or purse.

In Brittanee Drexel's case, she is on the phone when she is kidnapped. It had to be in her hands and if someone was watching her while she was walking and texting, it is strange they did not think the cell phone important. Not only is she kidnapped while on the phone, but the phone actually moves along with her. If she was separated from it, the cell phone moves without her. There there is the speed. Over 3 hours the cell phone moves only 50 miles. One thing I wondered about this case was if someone threw her bag with her cell phone in it into the ocean, would it float and where would it go? That idea had to have been thought of because of how slowly the cell phone moves.

If she took a ride, maybe it was on a motorcycle and she could not use her cell phone. Then it would have to be the slowest motorcycle around.

So maybe the phone is a red herring put on a bus. But why? To lead investigators away from Myrtle Beach?

You could make so many different type of arguments that would be refuted by the cell phone. Maybe she was texting and got hit by a car? But it was a busy street and she probably would have been separated from the cell phone.

There is the final cell phone tower location. I think if I remember correctly it is south of Myrtle Beach. The party that went down to Myrtle Beach came from the north. So how would they know or care about Pole Yard Boat Landing?

The main question in Brittanee Drexel's case, in my opinion, would be: How does the kidnapper not know she has a cell phone and if the kidnapper does know, why do they not care?

Brittanee Drexel's cell phone was moving pretty quickly - about the speed of a vehicle could travel. South down 17 to Surfside, then to Georgetown. It stopped at a marshy deserted area where it remained stationary and continued to ping for another day. Wouldn't the phone have died immediately in the water?
Brittanee Drexel's cell phone was moving pretty quickly - about the speed of a vehicle could travel. South down 17 to Surfside, then to Georgetown. It stopped at a marshy deserted area where it remained stationary and continued to ping for another day. Wouldn't the phone have died immediately in the water?

You make a good point. I really was not thinking. For a cell phone to float 50 miles in 3 hours would be some fast moving water. The focus in this case is on Brittanee Drexel's cell phone, but I wonder if after police released the tracking info about her cell phone if the kidnapper thought about their own cell phone. If the kidnapper was someone she knew, they might have thought police could track their cell phone location and get rid of their cell phone.

Whatever happened to Brittanee Drexel, if she had made it back to her hotel, it probably would have been an awkward ride back to Rochester. On both the 24th and 25th of April she did not seem like she planned to spend any time hanging out with the girls she went down with. I wondered if the girl whose house she used as an excuse in Rochester was also one of the ones she went down to Myrtle Beach with?

The last video of Brittanee Drexel released a year after she disappeared only made me think one thing. If you look at the time stamps on the video she is sitting on the bed first and then out on the balcony. It made me think she might have felt like the room was too warm and she wanted some air. You can hear the water which made me think the hotel must be right out on the beach like maybe she walked back to the hotel on the beach instead of the road?

Then hypothetically you could say she got into an argument and she fell over the hotel balcony. This is just hypothetically. But it looks like she was only 5' foot tall and maybe the hotel room was on the second floor or something? Plus falling people usually say something.

That is all you can really think in cases like this. Try to come up with idea after idea after idea until one of them makes sense. In this case, not many of the ideas make sense.
You make a good point. I really was not thinking. For a cell phone to float 50 miles in 3 hours would be some fast moving water. The focus in this case is on Brittanee Drexel's cell phone, but I wonder if after police released the tracking info about her cell phone if the kidnapper thought about their own cell phone. If the kidnapper was someone she knew, they might have thought police could track their cell phone location and get rid of their cell phone.

Whatever happened to Brittanee Drexel, if she had made it back to her hotel, it probably would have been an awkward ride back to Rochester. On both the 24th and 25th of April she did not seem like she planned to spend any time hanging out with the girls she went down with. I wondered if the girl whose house she used as an excuse in Rochester was also one of the ones she went down to Myrtle Beach with?

The last video of Brittanee Drexel released a year after she disappeared only made me think one thing. If you look at the time stamps on the video she is sitting on the bed first and then out on the balcony. It made me think she might have felt like the room was too warm and she wanted some air. You can hear the water which made me think the hotel must be right out on the beach like maybe she walked back to the hotel on the beach instead of the road?

Then hypothetically you could say she got into an argument and she fell over the hotel balcony. This is just hypothetically. But it looks like she was only 5' foot tall and maybe the hotel room was on the second floor or something? Plus falling people usually say something.

That is all you can really think in cases like this. Try to come up with idea after idea after idea until one of them makes sense. In this case, not many of the ideas make sense.

The hotel is right on the beach, and you can cut thru any of the hotels/parking garages/public access areas to get to the beach. Most hotels, especially like this one that allows high school/college age kids to rent a room have cameras all around, especially the pool deck, garage, lobby areas. She may have decided to walk back on the beach and not on the street. My personal opinion is she never made it back to her hotel, and was either forced into a car or accepted a ride from someone.
I think Brittanee hopped on the back of a motorcycle with somebody with nefarious intentions. I just don't see her walking back to her hotel on the beach because one of the roommates wanted her shorts returned and the sand would have slowed her down. I think Britt was in a hurry to return those shorts since she really wasn't at the guys room for very long. Some dude may have lured her like, "hey wanna ride? You're too little to be walking alone because this area is dangerous." (I have no idea if it is or isn't and I doubt Brittanee would either.) Brittanee, being in a hurry to return the shorts, naively hops on for a quick ride back to her hotel. This makes the most sense to me since nobody saw anything like a struggle, I think Brittanee would make a ruckus if she were snatched.

I still don't rule out the RSO POI from Georgetown but it appears LEO doesn't have anything on him regarding Britt's case.

But if that were the case, wouldn't she start having some issues when she realized they weren't going back to her hotel? It's hard to be in control when you're driving a motorcycle.

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