Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #18

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Thanks, hard work I know. I've been looking for the info about JO living in the area. Knew I remembered reading it but didn't know where I read it. Do you mind sharing what # thread in the Brittanee section you found it? Thanks

Please refer to thread 4 post #261. I believe this was the first mention of it. There is further discussion to include of the members here (hi autumndreams!) creating a photo album of JO while she was living in MB.
Good morning wm. BBM. I just wanted to chime in on some of the points you mentioned here. Some details like these have escaped me over the years but I was able to dig them up. As I have refreshed my memory, I've found that PB & Company would not have gotten their room deposit back right away anyway. By all accounts, the room had to be inspected for damage and cleanliness and the deposit would be mailed back within 4 days. Additionally, I have learned that when the police came by Brittanee's room they asked the girls to switch rooms and leave B's belongings behind so that they could investigate the room as a possible crime scene. This is all just what I've come across so far. If I find anything to the contrary I will mention it.

Thanks for your help LLLindsayy! I certainly don't want to mislead anyone and can use all the help I can get when going off memory. You Rock:yourock:
I think that is a possibility as well. All of them seemed to get worried very quickly, even before BD would have had time to get back to the room! Her phone battery could have died causing the text delay and she would have been upset to have her mom called. IMO there was some kind of exchange that cued them in other than no answer.

I think things are really mixed up here with regard to the order of events. Look, I also do not have an official timeline at my ready but I think you are remembering things a bit differently than I do. The way I'm remembering things is that B texted JO when she was leaving the hotel and said she was on her way back. During her walk she was continuously texting JG. When she stopped responding to JG he threatened to tell her mom that she was in MB if she did not answer. IMO this was probably just to get her to respond, but when she still didn't (and with the knowledge that she was walking), he became concerned. It is my understanding that he then did called DD and inform her that B was in MB and that he could not get in contact with her. He may or may not have reached out to JO prior to that and when JO reported that B did not reach the hotel he may have contacted DD at that point. <-- Italicized portion to represent my thoughts but not guaranteed. At this point after DD was notified that B was in MB and not able to be located, she contacted trusted friend JH to drive to MB and find out what was going on. IMO, this was done because he was geographically closer. DD also go in the car and drove straight to MB at this point. What happened after that is still up for debate but I can imagine the girls were receiving calls from all involved parties and it sounds like they were dodging them all.
That might be worth calling in as a tip. You are saying these people are friends of the T family?

I too think this is worth calling in as a tip. LE may already be aware of this connection, but if not, it could be very helpful to them!
Good find!
Is it against TOS to post petitions? I was going a search for new articles and info on B today and came across one on where someone has started a petition to call in the National Guard to search for B.
I think things are really mixed up here with regard to the order of events. Look, I also do not have an official timeline at my ready but I think you are remembering things a bit differently than I do. The way I'm remembering things is that B texted JO when she was leaving the hotel and said she was on her way back. During her walk she was continuously texting JG. When she stopped responding to JG he threatened to tell her mom that she was in MB if she did not answer. IMO this was probably just to get her to respond, but when she still didn't (and with the knowledge that she was walking), he became concerned. It is my understanding that he then did called DD and inform her that B was in MB and that he could not get in contact with her. He may or may not have reached out to JO prior to that and when JO reported that B did not reach the hotel he may have contacted DD at that point. <-- Italicized portion to represent my thoughts but not guaranteed. At this point after DD was notified that B was in MB and not able to be located, she contacted trusted friend JH to drive to MB and find out what was going on. IMO, this was done because he was geographically closer. DD also go in the car and drove straight to MB at this point. What happened after that is still up for debate but I can imagine the girls were receiving calls from all involved parties and it sounds like they were dodging them all.

Quoting my own post to say refer to thread 5 post 116 re: why the girls switched hotels and did not take B's things.

ETA: that post says they did not intend to stay an extra night. OK, so then why did they? DD is quoted as saying B told her she'd see her "tomorrow" (would have been 4/26) so this makes sense in that they would not be staying that night. maybe they did decide to stay an extra night after B went missing to see if they could find her and bring her back with them. maybe we're not getting the full story and the girls aren't as callous as they seem to be (possible wishful thinking).
Rochestergirl, I thought that's what I remembered too. As you may know I've been reading every post from all of the past threads to bring forward any information or facts we possibly have forgotten about. Where I'm at (about thread 5) there has been no mention of JO actually living in NC and all mention has been of her in SC in and south of MB. If I see that corrected then I will mention that.

At this point there is a lot of talk of photos of JO living in MB and especially a lot of chatter of a photo of her wearing the same outfit B was wearing when she disappeared (taken before 4/25/09 but the same outfit nonetheless).

I found the correction! Thread 5 post #151 says:

Correction JO did not live in SC but she did live in Lumberton, NC.,2.471924&z=9
I think that is a possibility as well. All of them seemed to get worried very quickly, even before BD would have had time to get back to the room! Her phone battery could have died causing the text delay and she would have been upset to have her mom called. IMO there was some kind of exchange that cued them in other than no answer.

Wouldn't we know what kind of exchange, if any, by now? Even if it had not been reported initially, I would think that anyone who had been texting with Britt just before she disappeared would have come forward with info about any alarming texts she had sent.

Maybe they have, and LE has the information. And for some reason is not releasing it publicly?

I agree with those who believe texts sent by Britt to anyone right before she went silent gave some indication that something was making her nervous, or whatever. But I think the recipients would have willingly given up that information to LE immediately upon finding out she was missing. JMO.
Quote function from LLindsay's post at end of last thread not working, so I copied this portion:

'Thread 4 post 349 (that was you stillwater!): A broken link was quoted as saying -

"17-year-old Brittanee Drexel was last seen leaving the Blue Water Resort on Ocean Boulevard around 8:45 p.m. Saturday - April 25. Myrtle Beach police say her cell phone beamed a signal about an hour later to a cell tower near the North Santee community in Georgetown County. The cell sat still for the next few hours while it beamed signals before going dead. An exhaustive search of that area turned up nothing."

I don't remember North Santee ever being brought up before. It is 12 miles from MClellanville. To me that can really narrow down the group involved if the phone "stopped" here before moving on.

I'm originally from Conway, 12 miles from Myrtle Beach, and although we hung at the beach 24/7 in high school, it was always known who mixed with MB kids and who those kids were.

In going down FB rabbit holes, I've come to recognize the common friends that seemed to hang with the Taylor boys. I found two in particular from North Santee. They were very obvious in their flashing of cash and drug dealings.
Way back in 2009 and again in 2012 they had a LOT of posts about the cops busting their 'gang' over "petty" stuff and getting everyone locked up. I wonder if the cops were trying to break someone or this is when they got the info they seem to have.

And eerily, one of them posted the news link about this latest BD case news conference the day it was announced, with the comment "Ain (sic) no way".

I think it's pretty clear that a group including more than just the Taylor boys knows exactly what went down.

Sorry! I've been on phone with Verizon all day with internet problems. I'll just quote myself as I see there were some crossover posts with questions. If you start with MT on FB (who now is from South Santee.....4 miles further south than North Santee lol) and look at friends in common with other T's out of McV. BG has post on news conference (and now HE is from Santee, but cross referencing and digging deeper, I'm pretty darn sure it's NOT Santee up near Orangeburg. Everything matches hanging in North/South Santee between Georgetown and McV

I am sure all of these guys are on LE radar per their comments on jail, sentencing, juries, and the like. They are ALL friends with the T boys and all friends each other. Last name M is another one.

It all seems so obvious, and I think that is why we keep seeing LE and D family saying they need that one more piece of info-lots of innuendo but no one actually 'snitching' concrete evidence they can use for arrests. But it all convinces me even more a large gang all knows what went down.
I've been following this case on ws and other media for about as long as when she disappeared. Finally watched the Disappeared episode, it seems like Brittanee was really bothered by the drugs. She was absolutely gorgeous, wondering if she met up with someone at that Club K who was willing to trade the drugs for her without her knowledge? Her "friends" set her up, got their drugs, ****s took her and "friends" took off? Maybe the "friends" owed money to these guys and worked a trade?
Sorry! I've been on phone with Verizon all day with internet problems. I'll just quote myself as I see there were some crossover posts with questions. If you start with MT on FB (who now is from South Santee.....4 miles further south than North Santee lol) and look at friends in common with other T's out of McV. BG has post on news conference (and now HE is from Santee, but cross referencing and digging deeper, I'm pretty darn sure it's NOT Santee up near Orangeburg. Everything matches hanging in North/South Santee between Georgetown and McV

I am sure all of these guys are on LE radar per their comments on jail, sentencing, juries, and the like. They are ALL friends with the T boys and all friends each other. Last name M is another one.

It all seems so obvious, and I think that is why we keep seeing LE and D family saying they need that one more piece of info-lots of innuendo but no one actually 'snitching' concrete evidence they can use for arrests. But it all convinces me even more a large gang all knows what went down.

Thank you for your post, I will search for BG. I had MT & some others (trying to make connections) on my radar & I totally agree everything points to the T's even the areas searched seems to come back to them.
Is it against TOS to post petitions? I was going a search for new articles and info on B today and came across one on where someone has started a petition to call in the National Guard to search for B.

Joel Monts De Oca created that petition. He is a strong Brittanee supporter.
Thread 5 post #292: did we remember that MSM news reported it was thought that something happened to B within 7 minutes of leaving the Blue Water hotel?

I did not remember this fact and am shocked at how soon after leaving the hotel she met with foul play. I do recall she did not make it to that surveillance camera at 11th. Where could these perp(s) have been hiding out within a 7 minute walk from Blue Water? How far could she have made it in the that time?
Thread 5 post #292: did we remember that MSM news reported it was thought that something happened to B within 7 minutes of leaving the Blue Water hotel?

I did not remember this fact and am shocked at how soon after leaving the hotel she met with foul play. I do recall she did not make it to that surveillance camera at 11th. Where could these perp(s) have been hiding out within a 7 minute walk from Blue Water? How far could she have made it in the that time?
Thinking about the attempted abduction in that same area, it seems like the abductors know the area, and surveillance well enough imo

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New member, here.

I've been interested in this case since it hit the news in SC, when I lived in Columbia. A lot of caring people looked for her, and as the case went dormant it was hard for me to think about it becoming a cold case.

True crime stories fascinate me, and like others here it's a relief when crimes are solved and justice is served.

I'm originally from Rochester, NY, so this case has really grabbed my attention. I know a few people who went to school with BD, younger co-workers I worked with before I left Rochester for the Midwest last year. The area that LE has zeroed in on I know somewhat well, having driven through and vacationed nearby on the coast. I can picture the boat launch, having used it with a friend's boat.

While it's a beautiful area, it also kind of spooked me some. Francis Marion is a huge park, swampy, sandy, and full of bugs during the warmer months. I can see why someone or a group would use that sparsely populated part of coastal SC to commit all manner of crimes, lots of places to hide both on federal land and the large land tracts owned by some of the families there, some of whom could probably trace their roots to the area back 300 years.

It makes perfect sense why LE have focused on McClellanville, and I've found the great information you members have shared to be very useful in trying to piece together this puzzle. I just hope that some people get up the courage to come forward to reveal who was involved, and where the crime happened.
New member, here.

I've been interested in this case since it hit the news in SC, when I lived in Columbia. A lot of caring people looked for her, and as the case went dormant it was hard for me to think about it becoming a cold case.

True crime stories fascinate me, and like others here it's a relief when crimes are solved and justice is served.

I'm originally from Rochester, NY, so this case has really grabbed my attention. I know a few people who went to school with BD, younger co-workers I worked with before I left Rochester for the Midwest last year. The area that LE has zeroed in on I know somewhat well, having driven through and vacationed nearby on the coast. I can picture the boat launch, having used it with a friend's boat.

While it's a beautiful area, it also kind of spooked me some. Francis Marion is a huge park, swampy, sandy, and full of bugs during the warmer months. I can see why someone or a group would use that sparsely populated part of coastal SC to commit all manner of crimes, lots of places to hide both on federal land and the large land tracts owned by some of the families there, some of whom could probably trace their roots to the area back 300 years.

It makes perfect sense why LE have focused on McClellanville, and I've found the great information you members have shared to be very useful in trying to piece together this puzzle. I just hope that some people get up the courage to come forward to reveal who was involved, and where the crime happened.

Welcome to Websleuths, Falling Down.. Great first post....
Thread 5 post #292: did we remember that MSM news reported it was thought that something happened to B within 7 minutes of leaving the Blue Water hotel?

I did not remember this fact and am shocked at how soon after leaving the hotel she met with foul play. I do recall she did not make it to that surveillance camera at 11th. Where could these perp(s) have been hiding out within a 7 minute walk from Blue Water? How far could she have made it in the that time?

Thanks LLLindsayy, I have not come across 7 minutes from leaving the hotel before. I have seen 10 min. before but 7 minutes changes things IMO. Not sure how anyone would know if it was 7 or 10 if there were no eye-witnesses. However, if it is true about 7 min. after leaving the hotel she runs into trouble and the last text B. sent was 10 min. then maybe she went willingly at first & sent the last text in the vehicle? Maybe that is why the FBI are using the word "travelled".? Did she initially get into someone's vehicle willingly at first? I don't think so, but how else would that be explained? I have been trying to find an official or MSM timeline and I can't find one, although it is not unusual in these cases to have issues & discrepancies with a timeline, but it sure if frustrating if you're trying to just get the facts and put the puzzle together.
Goodness, I found the names on FB South Fishy and Dee10 were talking about. If they have not called the tip line already, I will. Lots of flags up. I found the post about Britt from BG.
Thanks LLLindsayy, I have not come across 7 minutes from leaving the hotel before. I have seen 10 min. before but 7 minutes changes things IMO. Not sure how anyone would know if it was 7 or 10 if there were no eye-witnesses. However, if it is true about 7 min. after leaving the hotel she runs into trouble and the last text B. sent was 10 min. then maybe she went willingly at first & sent the last text in the vehicle? Maybe that is why the FBI are using the word "travelled".? Did she initially get into someone's vehicle willingly at first? I don't think so, but how else would that be explained? I have been trying to find an official or MSM timeline and I can't find one, although it is not unusual in these cases to have issues & discrepancies with a timeline, but it sure if frustrating if you're trying to just get the facts and put the puzzle together.

That's actually a really interesting theory. Maybe they do have some sort of evidence that she sent one of the final texts from inside the vehicle hence thinking perhaps she went willingly at first.

You know, in the first few threads I have read posts about a timeline having been released and then redacted with no reason given. I haven't mentioned it because was anticipating also coming across a new timeline being released to take it's place but I haven't yet. I wonder if LE didn't want an official timeline publicized because they already put two and two together and did not want to tip the perp(s) off.

Could be onto something there.
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