Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #18

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Thanks to all of your feedback I have decided to continue reviewing old threads. I'm still in mid-2013 so there are still years of posts to review. I do my best to indicate when I'm posting old facts but I will attempt to find another way to make note of it to avoid any further confusion.

I appreciate all your kind words and I wasn't expecting to see the outpouring of support that I did. I was expecting at least a few people to say it seems redundant and I would respect that opinion.

#StillDoinItForBritt :rocker:

(When I participate in threads and post, one of the main purposes is so that hopefully they could be useful when it is time to go back and review. (For example, my NoCo threads (linked in signature), if these cases go cold, as they seem to be doing, maybe sometime, some day, someone might find something which is useful/important.) I almost think of it as archiving, and that hopefully future analysis, maybe with fresh eyes, may occur. So, basically, imo, I think what these old posts and threads are for is exactly what you're doing, so keep up the good work. If anything is redudant, well then imo, one can scroll and roll. Not everyone catches everything the first times, and especially for newer members when things are brought forward, it can be very helpful, for example, for me, Lizzie and Lyrics threads, and of course Brittanee's, which were created before my time here).
But wouldnt they need a warrant first to dig the garden up? Surely thryd need some evidence to get a warrant and idk which evidence they have so far. Also depends on which house it is and if they still live there, or if someone else does they might need permission from them.

This is what I'm thinking too. I don't think a comment under a newspaper article would get a warrant to search the property, but it might get a warrant for the IP address of the comment & then a chat with that person where they got this information perhaps.

You could both very well be right. I have a couple of thoughts though.

First and foremost, LE has already searched the property where TST (and TDT) lived in 2009 as a result of the botched abduction in 2010. We know they found at least one stolen vehicle linked to a homicide in Charleston County as a result. TST has a towing company so I'm not surprised to hear he had this vehicle on his property and I would not be surprised to hear if he has more. Darrenl posts lots of cars and I think it's possible he fixes them up for resale (speculation). This could potentially be the property referred to that has junk cars on it. If you do an aerial view of the address you can see lots of fairly large objects on the property but it's hard to distinguish what they are.

Having said that, the information in the comment very well could have come to them after they searched in 2010. If LE has named a POI in a case it seems it would be easier to get a search warrant of their house, no?

It would be interesting to know who else LE is looking at in this case. I'm confident TDT arrest is related strictly because he was taken in by the FBI and we know the FBI in investigating this.

Lastly, if LE obtains a search warrant for a property, I don't think the new owners (if there are any) have a choice in allowing it to be searched.
Hello to all!
I've read through all the posts and like you all have been following this case from the get go, randomly checking for updates, and getting lost in all the comments and news articles. I found this one today

I am curious why she was moved so many times though, three different locations seems like a lot of work. Someone must have been getting paid, or the cops were very close following the pings on the cell phone, which imo is what sealed her fate. They were probably not expecting the situation to escalate that fast....

Sadly, I think she was being pimped out to a lot of men. She was probably ganged raped and tortured for the sheer enjoyment of a number of sadistic savages.JMO
I think that one piece they are looking for is how she got to McCllelanville. I have been reading a lot of old stuff on the Internet. Seems a lot of people are still thinking PB is somehow involved. In the interview that was recently on air, there was mention of someone mentioning at a party that they thought they could sell Brittanee. I think the FBI really needs to focus on who made that comment.
Hello everyone .. So if this group of guys are responsible for some other abductions rapes and murders as weird as it sounds technecally were dealing with a group of serial killers kinda odd when you think of it that way....Oh ya totally O/T here but remember the long island SK ..was it the gilbert sister that got the scary phone calls ,,well i just seen that that younger sister that same girl was just arrested for murdering her mom /// I cant even imagine having all that happen to the same familly...
I think that one piece they are looking for is how she got to McCllelanville. I have been reading a lot of old stuff on the Internet. Seems a lot of people are still thinking PB is somehow involved. In the interview that was recently on air, there was mention of someone mentioning at a party that they thought they could sell Brittanee. I think the FBI really needs to focus on who made that comment.

BBM. A lot of people are thinking wrong IMO. It's pretty obvious at this point to me that she was snatched off the street because she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Randa Massey was clearly not setup by anybody she knew when she was almost snatched off the street a year after BD was.

All these rumors that PB is somehow connected to TST and crew from McClellanville have nothing to back them up.
I cant speak about PB however there is truth in the people from charleston mcclellenville and georgetown I believe i have the right towns involved there,,,, I don't know how you can even deny that ...If your gonna start believing the stuff put out by the press my money would be on the FBI and they are the ones that have I believe pretty much taken over this case...
LLLindsayy I really appreciate your review of past threads and your dedication to Brit!

I have a question/thought I have been wanting to get thoughts on.

Has there been any discussion of dog fighting rings in relation to the group of people being sleuthed? I had noticed while sleuthing FB pages that I had seen some pics of dogs chained up. I honestly can't remember whose page it was where I saw those pics. I googled dog fighting in SC and it seems to run rampant and bring in big money (think of all the FB posts we have seen with huge stacks of cash). Dog fighting also brings a Federal charge.

Here is an article, from 2015, on dog fighting in the area.


Just another angle to consider with this lovely group (sarcasm) of individuals.


Thanks for bringing this up. It's actually something I noticed whole looking at photos but didn't want to consider because of how gruesome it is. I'm more of a cat person than a dog person, but I wholeheartedly feel that no dog is inherently evil based solely on their breed. Every way they act is a result of how they are raised. Having said that, most of the dogs I see on the individuals pages are the type to be used for dog fighting.

To answer your question: I don't think this topic has been brought up here.

Quoting us both for clarity.

First, I will say, I do believe dog fighting is likely a part of this gangs activity on some level, my opinion only.

I hate hate hate to ask this, I feel quesy even thinking about it but, would a dog (pit bull) trained to fight and starving be able to do the same to a human as say, an alligator?

Sorry. It is an awful thought, but I feel it is relevant to put any and all thoughts out there for dissemination because clearly there is no lack of gruesome with the folks involved here and I'd put nothing past them.

All my opinion.
I cant speak about PB however there is truth in the people from charleston mcclellenville and georgetown I believe i have the right towns involved there,,,, I don't know how you can even deny that ...If your gonna start believing the stuff put out by the press my money would be on the FBI and they are the ones that have I believe pretty much taken over this case...

I think you misunderstood my post (or I'm misunderstanding yours and that was not directed at me). I most definitely think the perps are from the McClellanville area. There was a rumor that PB is connected to TST, and I was saying there is nothing to substantiate that.
Quoting us both for clarity.

First, I will say, I do believe dog fighting is likely a part of this gangs activity on some level, my opinion only.

I hate hate hate to ask this, I feel quesy even thinking about it but, would a dog (pit bull) trained to fight and starving be able to do the same to a human as say, an alligator?

Sorry. It is an awful thought, but I feel it is relevant to put any and all thoughts out there for dissemination because clearly there is no lack of gruesome with the folks involved here and I'd put nothing past them.

All my opinion.

The thought crossed my mind but I really have no idea.
The thought crossed my mind but I really have no idea.
Oh ya i can say that for sure as i remember a murder case that was just what your talking about it was a man and his wife they were breeding dogs not pitbulls they were a weird name i dont recall but i do remember that the dogs had killed someone and it was very greusome and when they put the dogs alone with other dogs they were fine when they even tried to provoke them they were fine then the man i think wanting a deal told them about a secret russian word and these dogs that no one could imagine hurting someone when the guy yelled what ever the russian word was these dogs turned into like a cujo in a matter of seconds and that was how they were able to charge him and her with actual murder because they gave the order to kill .and sure enough the dogs did ...So in my oppinion its very possible plausable thats a different matter but i do know for sure it has happend before....
Oh yes with out a dought there is a very high amount of church and religious people among the town .However when i watch tv i see all the time places in the slums of atlanta and detroit places like compton , I have yet to see a pastor after giving the lords prayor turn to his crowd and say remember everyone SNITCHES GET STICHES ...So i do not think thats what we have here in mccllelinville in fact . These guys and girls if there are any will be caught ...

JT someone's ex-wife & mother or aunt (not sure) to TDT just became a pastor or some similar title. It boggles the mind, reading religious posts coupled with what they post on about their everyday beliefs. It is just mind blowing to me...their are no morals/human decency whatsoever happening with this crew IMO.
Quoting us both for clarity.

First, I will say, I do believe dog fighting is likely a part of this gangs activity on some level, my opinion only.

I hate hate hate to ask this, I feel quesy even thinking about it but, would a dog (pit bull) trained to fight and starving be able to do the same to a human as say, an alligator?

Sorry. It is an awful thought, but I feel it is relevant to put any and all thoughts out there for dissemination because clearly there is no lack of gruesome with the folks involved here and I'd put nothing past them.

All my opinion.

I have wondered about dog fights for money too after looking at some FBs. I wonder if this X last name sells drugs, this X one does dog fights, & X last name traffics girls??? I think those families in the small (block type) area, learned from their elders to do anything they needed to survive, by being dragged-up, witnessing/experiencing what nobody ever should & generations repeating the pattern for many reasons. However, regarding the dogs & the Brit. possible theory, I personally don't think so (not that they wouldn't do that without a conscious whatsoever), but dog fights pull in too many people, who would have nothing to lose but to tell and for that reason I think this case would be solved. JMO
^Please note the green arrow symbol attached to this post. I am going to add this symbol to any post I bring forward that contains old information. I'm hoping this can help avoid confusion!

I'm going to assume that most of you have gotten a chance to watch ID's "Disappeared" episode about Brittanee, but I wanted to bring forward these links in the event someone hasn't. Also it might be helpful to re-watch it and see if anything was overlooked.


This episode was uploaded in 3 parts and WS won't let me post all 3 links in 1 post for whatever reason. I will post parts 2 and 3 in subsequent posts.
I just rewatched her Disappeared episode last night. They really point toward the friends IMO. It's strange watching it and knowing so much more about the case!
I think thats because they did this episode on disappeard real fast not to long after the incident happen ,,Now were actually iam not even sure but im thinking like 6 years or so into the case and we have learned so much more .IT would prolly be a good idea maybe to re do a disappeared episode on britt's case seeing as we know so much more info then we did when the first one came out ...
I moved to Myrtle Beach as a young 18 year old in '80 or '81. I was unemployed and living with an older boyfriend. My memory of that time is of putting on a nice skirt or sundress and walking from his duplex to the boulevard to cold-call for waitressing or retail jobs at beachfront businesses. I must have looked like an underage runaway as no-one would even let me apply. What did happen however, was over and over again cars would slow and male drivers would lean over and ask " are you looking to party"? Literally every. single. block. in broad daylight. I was not suggestively dressed. In the south there was (is?) this thing about women walking alone, they are prey, assumed to be streetwalkers, as no well-bred southern lady walks anywhere. As a 12 - 13 year old I lived a mile or two from the beach and would walk there daily and men constantly stopped to "ask directions" . grandfatherly types, drugged out types, Pee Wee Gaskins types. I'd be offered rides. My opinion of men, formed at that time, is pretty low. Lots and lots of nasty, nasty types cruising the beach areas chatting up young women walking along minding their own business. I'd be confident in saying that likely there are 2-3 dozen perverts in separate vehicles rolling Ocean Boulevard and its side streets at any given time or day or night. True in 1980 and probably true in 2009 and today.
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