Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #4

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Well PB did say on the Dr. Phil show that it was Spring break and he was not there to babysit any one... But i have read somewhere that he was VIP at Club K during his time there.

Just wondering if he could have had someone he knew take care of the disposal for him.
Well PB did say on the Dr. Phil show that it was Spring break and he was not there to babysit any one... But i have read somewhere that he was VIP at Club K during his time there.

I think he was VIP at Club K because he and his brother do club work in Rochester.
Well PB did say on the Dr. Phil show that it was Spring break and he was not there to babysit any one... But i have read somewhere that he was VIP at Club K during his time there.

Wow that explains how he got the underagers all in. Oh I saw your pics. Awesome. I think the shirt is different the one that JO wears is white, blue, grey, white, black. The one BD is wearing is more black, tan, white, 1 streak of blue. Maybe it's faded though since it's a year old or the cam. Just my observation.

Going to shut down for the night. Thanks all
Just wondering if he could have had someone he knew take care of the disposal for him.

I want to know if any of his males friends that he was rooming with rode with him. Also, when I went on road trips with my firends when I was younger, we would all follow each other.

One or more of his friends HAVE to know something.
I became friends on B's myspace (brittylush) and was going through some of her friends pages. I checked one of them named Nick,, and he had a friend that to me looks like B, here is her myspace I don't know why she would have more than one but it does look like her to me. Anyway...

Didn't they go to MB with a guy named Nick who was 21?

Wow, the girl in the myspace really looks a lot like Brittanee! There's one picture of B out there with her boyfriend and her hair is looooooooong, I think she may have had in extensions.

The girl is also Greek, and I remember I read somewhere that Brittanee was part Greek, which is funny because I think B really looks a lot like Jennifer Anniston who is greek. So anyway the girl in the Myspace could know Brit, maybe even a remote possibility they are related. Now that I think about it, one of the guys in the case, maybe B's boyfriend or John H. had something about Greek or Athens on his Myspace.

Oh, and I don't remember a Nick ever being mentioned. Ya got something?
John G is greek but imo she looks nothing like B. JMO of course.
Hi to all, Newbie here who has been doing a lot of reading but just joined and I love it here! :woohoo:.

The shorts issue has really been a red flag for me as well and Daisy just made some amazing points. My first thought on the shorts was that they would need to be washed before wearing if J wanted to do so and if she was packing then why couldn't she just wait for B to return? The other thing of course that REALLY has me puzzled is that they changed hotels. Did they alert B to this fact at ANY time? This just gives me a terrible feeling that I cannot shake even though it seems like such a small issue.

Although I do not believe B to be a runaway, I also would like to add that I have looked at many of the pictures you all have discovered and thought that IF B really did want to disappear seems like she would not have any problems with that. She looks so different in many of the photos that I would not have known it was the same girl if the posters here had not posted them. Amazing!

B and her fam as well as all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. :blowkiss:

Hi Miss Patti, Welcome to WS! Great first post! B sure is a quite the chamellion isn't she? I went through a phase like that, my hair was sooooo damaged by all the color changes. I am never going to put permanent color in my hair ever again!:)
The girl is also Greek, and I remember I read somewhere that Brittanee was part Greek, which is funny because I think B really looks a lot like Jennifer Anniston who is greek.

I think Britt looks a lot like the Olsen twins in some of her pics
The second link was actually real interesting does anyone know if that is near where the cell phone pings signal was coming from. I hope LE is making the connection.

Sorry didn't know how to repeat something since we got off topic a page or so back. Does anyone know if where those 2 almost abductions were near where Brittanee's cell last pinged?

No, about the same distance as the hotels to the last ping and not the immediate area of Ocean Blvd and the hotels. They would both really be considered 'outlying' areas opposed to the strip and both were residential areas. Certainly, by all means, worth investigating thoroughly. It looks like they have a license plate number for the van. (...if it's not stolen. MB has lots of WV tourists.)

A is the approximate area of Bar Harbor
B is the location of the first attempt
C is the location of the second attempt
D is the area of North Santee River just below Georgetown,-79.11492&sspn=1.007872,2.460938&ie=UTF8&z=9
Just wondering if he could have had someone he knew take care of the disposal for him.

This was posted on another site ... Something to think about

1. He works for Ronnie Davis. This is the same Ronnie Davis that spent $2 million renovating three bars in the Raleigh, NC area, then, just three months after opening, fled like a thief in the night leaving cables hanging from the walls and the bottles and glasses from that night's business still sitting on the bar. He just so happened to flee the scene at the same time that an undercover police operation in Raleigh had arrested some 20 prostitutes. Coincidence?
A poster early on in this same thread had posted regularly for about three days concerning Davis and his business practices. It would appear that Davis has connections in organized crime. Thus, we can assume that Peter has connections in organized crime, ie prostitution.

2. He took B to the Kryptonite Club in MB. This is an X club which he claims to be a VIP at. He took B there fully aware of the fact that she was too young to be in that bar.

3. He is a member of the Maritime Consortium, therefore he has connections to numerous boat captains. Just to refresh everyone's memory, that last ping from B cell phone came from an area around U.S. 17 and the South Santee River near the Georgetown-Charleston county line, so it's quite possible that B was aboard a boat.

4. He fled MB at 2 am - this is the exact same time that JO and AL claim they became concerned about her.

5. Upon his return to NY, he hired a lawyer. But, why did he need a lawyer when he hadn't even been questioned yet?

I believe that this is clearly a set up by the girls who coaxed her into going to MB, and PB. I believe that they lured her there to sell her.

I'm not so sure i would agree about selling her .. but hey you never know it has been done before.
She was drugged with a date rape drug and then killed and left in MB, but the perp transported her phone with him thru Georgetown and on to Charleston.

Or if she got ahold of a bad batch of drugs she could have died from it and then her aquaintances ditched her body? This actually happened to a friend of mine. He was missing for 2 weeks. His body was moved around within the time of him missing and him being discovered.

I am sorry that you had to go through that :blowkiss:

I am really praying that heroine is not involved. Considering the "scene" at MB I would think that there is a better chance that they were doing something that would keep them "up".
This was posted on another site ... Something to think about

1. He works for Ronnie Davis. This is the same Ronnie Davis that spent $2 million renovating three bars in the Raleigh, NC area, then, just three months after opening, fled like a thief in the night leaving cables hanging from the walls and the bottles and glasses from that night's business still sitting on the bar. He just so happened to flee the scene at the same time that an undercover police operation in Raleigh had arrested some 20 prostitutes. Coincidence?
A poster early on in this same thread had posted regularly for about three days concerning Davis and his business practices. It would appear that Davis has connections in organized crime. Thus, we can assume that Peter has connections in organized crime, ie prostitution.

2. He took B to the Kryptonite Club in MB. This is an X club which he claims to be a VIP at. He took B there fully aware of the fact that she was too young to be in that bar.

3. He is a member of the Maritime Consortium, therefore he has connections to numerous boat captains. Just to refresh everyone's memory, that last ping from B cell phone came from an area around U.S. 17 and the South Santee River near the Georgetown-Charleston county line, so it's quite possible that B was aboard a boat.

4. He fled MB at 2 am - this is the exact same time that JO and AL claim they became concerned about her.

5. Upon his return to NY, he hired a lawyer. But, why did he need a lawyer when he hadn't even been questioned yet?

I believe that this is clearly a set up by the girls who coaxed her into going to MB, and PB. I believe that they lured her there to sell her.

I'm not so sure i would agree about selling her .. but hey you never know it has been done before.

I thought about this angle as well several days ago. Human trafficking in the states is more common than we'd like to think. It is estimated by the Polaris Project that 200,000 US Children are trafficked within our own country each year. (

PB is sketchy at best, and the whole thing starts to stink really fast with 1) his hasty departure from MB as well as 2) he and his friends were the last to admit to seeing her alive. They really didn't have a choice to lie, as they knew she would be captured on CCTV while exiting the lobby. And lastly 3) why exactly do you need a lawyer within hours of returning home if you are truly innocent? Natalie Holloway, anyone?

The part that really sets off my hinky meter is that she was only at the boys' room for 5-10 minutes. Why? Was there a transaction occurring? Why walk all those blocks for a just a few minutes? The shorts story is a bit too convenient and coincidental too, the girls absolutely know more than they are saying. Lean on that group, LE!!! And then there are multiple drug references/slang (Mr. Pang [heroin], etc.) on various myspace pages.

I absolutely think there was a drug transaction or an offer to get "hooked up" for free at the boys' room. B obviously entered and exited the building of her own volition, that we do know.

Now, if one were to prey on a young girl, they want her to feel safe and in control, then go out after her while she was high and offer her a ride somewhere. She obviously felt safe around them, which I ultimately fear was her undoing. I'm guessing she hopped in their car in an altered state, and that's when she disappeared. I really really want to know if there is any CCTV footage of the hotel lot after B left.

Right now, I sense the investigation is stalled due to (forgive me for being blunt, and I don't perceive it this way, but I fear key law enforcement sees it this way) white trash vs. money. I suspect that several families of the group of 'friends' have some influence in the LE community, but that's just a guess.

I really hope something breaks soon in this case.

*The marinaaa myspace referenced earlier does look a lot like B, think of B with dark hair and extensions....
I was thinking the latter and that's why her "friends" took off and shut up. They were doing the drugs also and didn't want to get busted.

Alcohol poisoning is possible. If they were using marjuana too I think that it ups the possibility of poisoning because the pot keeps you from vomiting. Its possible that she was popping pills.

It has been mentioned somewhere in this thread, I apologize that I don't remember where, that "shorts" could be a term for drugs. I don't know if that really works because I would think that if she was going to get something like that her "friends" probably given her a ride.:behindbar

I think Britt looks a lot like the Olsen twins in some of her pics

Yup, that too:) Does Brittanee's constant appearance transformations say anything to you guys? I did a lot of hair coloring once upon a time, but that's because I have horrible straight, fine hair.
Yup, that too:) Does Brittanee's constant appearance transformations say anything to you guys? I did a lot of hair coloring once upon a time, but that's because I have horrible straight, fine hair.

I think i said this one other time in an earlier post... if she was to run away it would be very easy for her to change her appearance.. her dad mentioned something along the lines of she loves to do hair and was very good at it.

Also I added another point to the map according to this news report...

Published: May 18, 2009

Family of Brittanee Drexel hit the area of Georgetown again today near Front Street.

Point E is Front Street. A bit north from the first original search at Pole Yard Landing.,-79.11492&sspn=1.110933,2.471924&num=10
I thought the same thing...they lured her back to the hotel to return the shorts. I keep getting the feeling that she did make it back. This was a small enough girl...small enough to fit into a suitcase.

If I'm not mistaken, reports said that they were able to track her cell phone pings to 11th Ave. and then the pings turned around and headed back in another direction. This would indicate, to me, that she never made it back to the hotel.
I am sorry that you had to go through that :blowkiss:

I am really praying that heroine is not involved. Considering the "scene" at MB I would think that there is a better chance that they were doing something that would keep them "up".
Unfortunately, my middleschooler has told me that some kids on her old bus are selling heroine. My daughter doesn't know what it looks like, as they did not show it to her. Kids are also bringing alcohol in soda bottles. We live 25-30 mins from Myrtle Beach, so nothing surprises me.
I bet so. The one boy VT? Can't remember name said he was itching for Mr. Pang. The other boy said he heard he will be visiting soon? This was on the myspace pics.

I think Gary in his reading said Heroin, Ectasy or coccaine, but she was alive just completely out of her mind. Possible and hopeful.

I had also heard it was slang for X. One of the pic comments also says something about KS "Panging hard" or something to that extent. He is even labeled as Mr Pang in a picture. Which wouldn't be a shock since we all know that Club K is known for that and there are pics in which they are there.
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