Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #4

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Well brittylush is still taking friend request on her page i just got added today

Did they say who they were? Is it LE? I'm getting the creeps, just a bad feeling right now. Be real careful you guys, you don't know who it is or what they are doing pretending to be Brittanee. Why would someone pretend to be Brittanee? I'm really uncomfortable with this.

LE needs to be notified ASAP, someone is pretending to be her, or there is a chance it is her. I'm doing that right now.
Does anyone know if there are any organized searches going on? I can't find anything about searches. I know Brittanee's family is in Charleston handing out flyers, but I don't think they are going to find her walking around, KWIM.

I want to know where the phone last pinged and if anyone is searching in that area.

I'm up way to late, I looked to see if i could find anything where the last ping was and maybe I'm just over tierd, but I don't know if I can give you a clear answer. At the beginning-ish of the first thread they talk about it. Kat mentioned it was a forest, but I just couldn't figure out exactly how she got that.

I know you are a big girl, but I gotta say this... :)Please be careful, always be aware of your surroundings, make sure your cell phone is charged and don't go anywhere where you don't have service. Bring water too, its probably cooler there than it is in AZ, but still. Blessings to you!
Hey...some good things I probably wouldn't have noticed. Let me see if I can clarify some things for you, and why certain pictures shiw up different ways. I'm one of those college students that can be on Facebook all hours of the night and also have pictures of me and my friends posted.

* There are no pictures of Jen wearing black shorts, there is one picture of Brittanee wearing black shorts. In this picture Brittanee is wearing the black shorts with a white shirt/dress (example pic 24). IIRC at some point they described Brittanee wearing this outfit the last time she was seen, that sticks out because at one point someone remarked that it did not look like Brittanee was wearing a dress, and someone else explained that it is a dress type shirt. I am just now realizing that that report of the outfit Brittanee was last seen in conflicts with those video stills.
I believe it is a shirt. I've seen that style shirt all over my campus and what we are seeing is basically the result of Britt's tiny stature. The shirt looks bigger on her than it would on someone else. If this isn't the case, a "dress-shirt", based on the current trends, is worn with leggings and never shorts. This isn't a bathing suit cover up.

* Based on the above, a possible interpretation would be Brittanee and Allana do not need a cover-up because they don't need to "camoflage" anything. JO is by no means fat or overweight, but she does have a bit of a pooch on her belly and is more stocky than she probably feels comfortable with. Also, the hot pink bikini that Brittanee is wearing does not match the coverup she is pictured wearing in the video stills. Personally, if I were Brittanee I would not wear the cover-up in those stills with her bikini, showing skin=good, wearing tacky miss matched outfit=bad.
Some very good points, but I feel like no matter how good my body was, I wouldn't go walking on a street at nighttime in a bikini. This could be an explanation of why Britt would wear a cover up off the beach. Also, in the pictures of Britt and Alanna on the beach towel you can see clothes off the side.

* There are no pictures of Brittanee with that huge bag she is carrying in those video stills, I don't see any pictures of it in the background of the any pictures... not even the ones of Brittanee and Allana on the beach.
Aside from the beach pictures, the pictures of Britt are all taken in what appears to be a hotel room. This could explain why she's not holding/carrying a bag at this point and would be in another...because who walks around their hotel room with their purse?

* It is possible that the huge bag is the bag that Brittanee packed all of her clothes in for the trip and while that would explain why it is not a purse, if it was her "luggage" why did she bring it with her? If she was bringing it with her than why do we have a report that Brittanee's clothing was left behind?
It is a big trend right now to carry what is called an "oversized purse". Most young girls have one. Also consider the possibility that since she was at the beach she may have brought a larger bag to carry items such as suntan lotion as well as personal belongings (typical purse content) so that she didn't have the carry more than 1 bag.

* Peter B. is in none of JO's pictures. There is one picture, 38, where a guy that could be Peter is off to the side of the group. He is not named. He is not looking at the camera, and no name pops up when I run my pointer over him. He is not looking at the group, but it looks like Phil O. is looking in the possible Peter's direction.
Not knocking the possibility, but my opinion, based on Dr. Phil, is that this doesn't look like Peter B at all. Also, Ugar commented the picture saying:

"the dude all the way on the right looks like phill skinny philly!"

It is apparent from further comments that Ugar is talking about Phil O. If it were Peter B. in the picture then they wouldn't have referred to the mystery man as "the dude on the right".

* There are pictures where it is obvious that Phil and Allana are in a physical and/or romantic relationship:
23: Allana and Phil: To me this looks like an "aww you guys look so cute, stand over there and let me take your picture" moment.
38: Phil's hand is showing a familiarity with Allana's breast. There is just no way that Allana's parents would approve of their daughter dating Phil, and I suspect he is Allana's "bad boy" relationship. Its not a set in stone type of thing, maybe just beginning, could possibly be just physical on Phil's part. Allana could also drop him once she's scratched her itch, but I really get the feeling that Allana has more class than that. Whatever the case, it is there. This picture also has Ugar pictured with his arm around Jen.
Also appears Ugar's hand is in the same location as Phil O.'s and that Phil O.'s is on top. Just noting that.

* I find the Jen/Ugar and Allana/Phil more than just friends relationships significant because they show that there are other possible strong boy/girl alliances than Jen and Phil's bro/sis.
Alanna's FB says she's single, so perhaps this is a "friends with benefits" type situation. Not uncommon among young people.

* Pic 6 is a picture of Jen and Nico. It is titled "Me n freakkoo" and the "in this phote" says "Freako TenK, Nico Chirico". When I put my pointer on Nico's head it comes up "Freako TenK".
The boy on the left, Nico, is "tagged" as both. Tagging is what happens when you upload your photos to FB, it goes through a step where you have the opportunity to click anywhere on your picture and type in what/who it is. You can either type a word, or you can type anyone's name whom you are friends with on Facebook. When the tagging block comes up it is a standard size square which can't be adjusted. If you go below the picture and hover your mouse over where the names are typed, you will see that "freako" and Nico are tagged as the same person. It's not uncommon to do this. I've done it before with pictures of my friends.

* Pic 19 Phil and Viet. I wish I could magnify their tatoos, especially the writing on Phil's upper right pec because it looks like a quote of some kind. Viet also has one on his upper left pec that is a picture w/ possible writing below it. I'd like to know what that is as well.
Here's Viet's:

Here is a closeup of a tattoo from Viet's back:

Both taken from his FB.

* Pic 33 shows the kitchette in what I think is the boy's hotel, cans are of soda, there's a bottle on top of the fridge, I can't tell if it is liquor.
As a college student, I can verify that this is a liquor bottle. Not all stores ID!

* My comment of pic 35: When I saw the "I'm gonna b running late tonight" bells went off in my head, but she does attribute this "nickname" to her boyfriend Ugar. Brittanee is in the picture, she pops up as Allana.
The discrepancy is the standard sized boxes for tagging I mentioned earlier. Britt is not tagged as Alanna, Alanna's box just overlaps Britt's face. You can see this by looking beneath the photo and hovering your mouse over Alanna's name. The box will show up over her face. Britt's not tagged, because from what I can tell, she doesn't have an active Facebook.

* Pic 36 name with nicknames next to them:
Ugar: SUWU
Louie: CSL
Kalid: Mr. Pang
* my comment of pic 36, I have no idea what these nicknames mean or why they are different than others given to the same person in other pics. Allana's shoulder appears in the pic and she is not named, but if you point at her Ugar or Louie pops up, because of this I don't read to much into the fact that when you point to Brittanee CSL comes up.
Correct, don't read into it. Louise is tagged as CSL...his box overlaps Britt's face. No idea what the acronyms mean, either, but according to

1. suwu : Blood affiliation. Having to with bloods. Specific call bloods members use.

2. CSL: ***I'll not copy this because it is sexually explicit, but you can search it for yourselves***

* Pic 38 from left to right:
Kalid: not listed as Kalid but as "gawn mask fully equipped, MORTAL KOMBAT"
If you look at the comments you can see that Khalid said he was going to untag himself. Jenn apparently tagged him to begin with and he didn't like the picture. You can untag yourself in a picture so that it doesn't show up on your page, but you can't untag anyone else.

* Pics 54 and 55 are shots of first Alana then Jen in what looks like a bathroom. I don't know what to make of it except that girls that go to the ladies room in a heard do so with the whole herd. Brittanee doesn't look like she is apart of the herd, but in the shot of Alana someone's arm is by her. Since someone else had to be taking the pic, that means there are three people in the bathroom. Its also weird to do the girl herd bathroom in a single seater, and this bathroom looks like a single seater.
Perhaps a makeup touch up at the club as opposed to actually needing to use the bathroom.

Okay, that's all. A picture is worth a thousand words... I didn't think to "listen" to them until I noticed the weird nicknames that were not consistent except in Viet/Johnny Cash's case
The most likely situation here is that, as opposed to these being the kids' nicknames (with the exception of a couple) it's common for people to give those names based on what the picture looks like. ALSO, it could very well be a joke that was going on at the time the picture was taken.

and the big one for me: Peter B. is not in any of the pictures, except possibly one where he is not named. Did the cops focus on him because he seems to be even more of an outsider than Brittanee and became the group's scapegoat?

What do you all think, am I just reading in to things too much?

Oh, and I almost forgot: Brittanee is pictured in 18 of JO's 55 photos, she is not named in any of them. Based on the fact that she has nicknames for people that are not apart of that person's facebook, I don't think that Jen did not include Brittanee because she does not have a facebook.
She might have not done it because, when someone doesn't have a Facebook, you have to do more work when tagging them. When they do have a Facebook their name will pop up.

Did she not show pics that she did have of Peter because he seemed to be LE's main focus? If that is the case, then she would have left out the pics w/ Brittanee too.
Could be. Doubt it.

Did she not label Brittanee because she did not want the pics to come up on a "Brittanee" search? If that is the case then she could of put up possible excluded pics of Peter and not named him so her facebook did not come up on "Peter" searches.
This can't happen. You can't search pictures for a tag.
* In every picture Brittanee has her hair up, the only pictures that we have of Brittanee with her hair down are the stills from the possible surveillance camera at the hotel.

* There are no pictures of Jen wearing black shorts, there is one picture of Brittanee wearing black shorts. In this picture Brittanee is wearing the black shorts with a white shirt/dress (example pic 24). IIRC at some point they described Brittanee wearing this outfit the last time she was seen, that sticks out because at one point someone remarked that it did not look like Brittanee was wearing a dress, and someone else explained that it is a dress type shirt. I am just now realizing that that report of the outfit Brittanee was last seen in conflicts with those video stills.

* There are no pictures of anyone wearing the cover-up that we see in the video stills of Brittanee. That is the only picture we have of that particular cover-up aside from those of JO from last year.

* The only swimsuits the girls are photographed in are the following:
Brittanee: hot pink bikini, we see the flippy flops beside her but no cover-up
Alana: white, red, black bikini, no cover-up
Jenn: yellow bikini, in some pictures she has a yellow shirt/dress type thing covering up the bikini

* Based on the above, a possible interpretation would be Brittanee and Allana do not need a cover-up because they don't need to "camoflage" anything. JO is by no means fat or overweight, but she does have a bit of a pooch on her belly and is more stocky than she probably feels comfortable with. Also, the hot pink bikini that Brittanee is wearing does not match the coverup she is pictured wearing in the video stills. Personally, if I were Brittanee I would not wear the cover-up in those stills with her bikini, showing skin=good, wearing tacky miss matched outfit=bad.

* There are no pictures of Brittanee with that huge bag she is carrying in those video stills, I don't see any pictures of it in the background of the any pictures... not even the ones of Brittanee and Allana on the beach.

* We know that none of the clothes that Brittanee is wearing in the video stills are clothes that Brittanee's mom would recognize. That leaves the bag as the only possible item that her mother could recognize.

* It is possible that the huge bag is the bag that Brittanee packed all of her clothes in for the trip and while that would explain why it is not a purse, if it was her "luggage" why did she bring it with her? If she was bringing it with her than why do we have a report that Brittanee's clothing was left behind?

* Peter B. is in none of JO's pictures. There is one picture, 38, where a guy that could be Peter is off to the side of the group. He is not named. He is not looking at the camera, and no name pops up when I run my pointer over him. He is not looking at the group, but it looks like Phil O. is looking in the possible Peter's direction.

* I repeat, there are no pictures of Peter B. in any of the pictures taken by Jen O.

* There are pictures where it is obvious to me that Jen and Ugar are in a physical and/or romantic relationship:
1: From left to right Brittanee, Nico, Jenn, and Ugar. Jenn only names Ugar in the pic, she does not name Nico or Brittanee. The caption of the photo is "Loversss". There is nothing in any of the other photos suggesting that Nico and Brittanee are having a fling. Nico's head is not tilted towards Brittanee, it is tilted towards Jen so the body language is off. He also does not have the happy "look at me with my hot girl friend" look and he has nada goin' on compared to Brittanee's boyfriend.
11: Ugar kissing Jen on the cheek
12: Jen kissing Ugar on the lips (In this picture you can also see that Jen has a hello kitty tatoo behind her left ear... there are parts of the body that professional ink slingers will not tat on, I believe that is one.)
44: Jen and Ugar in kissy cheek/hug
37: Picture of Ugar w/ spikey hair. With his hair not all combed onto his forehead and wearing those ridiculous sunglasses and shorts hanging off his b*** Ugar does not look like a 'tard. He could do a lot better than Jenn.

* There are pictures where it is obvious that Phil and Allana are in a physical and/or romantic relationship:
23: Allana and Phil: To me this looks like an "aww you guys look so cute, stand over there and let me take your picture" moment.
38: Phil's hand is showing a familiarity with Allana's breast. There is just no way that Allana's parents would approve of their daughter dating Phil, and I suspect he is Allana's "bad boy" relationship. Its not a set in stone type of thing, maybe just beginning, could possibly be just physical on Phil's part. Allana could also drop him once she's scratched her itch, but I really get the feeling that Allana has more class than that. Whatever the case, it is there. This picture also has Ugar pictured with his arm around Jen.

* I find the Jen/Ugar and Allana/Phil more than just friends relationships significant because they show that there are other possible strong boy/girl alliances than Jen and Phil's bro/sis.

* Did any of the the unattached boys assume that there was to be something "going on" with Brittanee. Its been mentioned that Brittanee may have been going to Peter's because she needed a shoulder to cry on. Were the other boys annoyed by that because of the familial, romantic relationships. I'm going to take a guess and say they were probably just annoyed by the "girly drama". Could be while the boys were in one room and the girls another.

* Is it possible that the boys in one room, girls in the other is not a terribly accurate description of the sleeping arrangements. I'm not saying that the couples were.... but I think that they were sleeping together. Did this have anything to do with the room switching. Why on earth didn't they get rooms in the same hotel? Did they switch hotels to be closer? The whole hotel switching makes no sense to me.

* If you look at pic 3, Jen and Brittanee are wearing the same necklace, I don't really notice the necklace on Brittanee anywhere else and in some other shots Jen seems to be wearing a multiple necklace thing.

* Pic 3 shows Brittanee kissing Jen, the caption reads "Hiii's".

* Pic 5 shows a couple of the boys walking on a darkened sidewalk. I don't think it is a street, but possibly the side of a building. Anyway, the title is "boysss".

* Pic 6 is a picture of Jen and Nico. It is titled "Me n freakkoo" and the "in this phote" says "Freako TenK, Nico Chirico". When I put my pointer on Nico's head it comes up "Freako TenK".

* Pic 7 is Jen and Viet. When you have your pointer on his head he is "Johnny 'Cash' Legend", when you point to his body you get Viet. That is the only indication to me that Jen has any bit of sense in her head. She spelled Johnny Cash correctly and recognizes that The Man In Black is a legend. However, nicknaming a young man with a lame faux hawk, horrible shades and yellow swim trunks is complete blasphemy.

* Pic 15 is Phil, nicknamed "young jeezy".

* Pic 19 Phil and Viet. I wish I could magnify their tatoos, especially the writing on Phil's upper right pec because it looks like a quote of some kind. Viet also has one on his upper left pec that is a picture w/ possible writing below it. I'd like to know what that is as well.

* Pics 24, 25, 26 are of Jen, Allana and Brittanee. Brittanee is wearing the black shorts. She is wearing the white dress/shirt with them.

* Pic 29 is a picture of Jen driving. The car is a Honda. I've wondered how she went from chin length hair in the pictures from one year ago to the long hair that she has now. She is wearing hair extensions. That is why her hair is so sloppily pulled back even when they are going out. There's one pic around here somewhere where Brittanee's hair is suuuuuper long, and I think its because she put in extensions. There are a couple ways you can do the extensions, that Jen could not easily remove hers to go to the beach tells me they are not clip on. The fact that she did not feel secure enough to just go without them tells me that she is insecure or her real hair has been damaged by the extensions. If her hair has been damaged I'd say that she is wearing hair extensions that are expensive and she has left them in too long for financial reasons. Maybe Brittanee did Jen's extensions for the trip and that explains why Jen may have thought it was a good idea, but had no clue what to do with them. That pink clip thing is just wretched, and she is in that purple thing that seems to be her going out outfit. If she is trying for the pre-breakdown Brittney Spears "I have a tacky weave, and my don't stink look", she has it nailed. :eek:

* Pic 33 shows the kitchette in what I think is the boy's hotel, cans are of soda, there's a bottle on top of the fridge, I can't tell if it is liquor.

* Pic 34 is of Kalid, "tangtastic".

* Pic 35 from left to right, with nicknames that pop up on the person:
Viet: Johnny Cash
Ugar: I'm gonna b running late tonight
Louie D'A: L'il Yo"azz
Kalid: Mr. G.
* My comment of pic 35: When I saw the "I'm gonna b running late tonight" bells went off in my head, but she does attribute this "nickname" to her boyfriend Ugar. Brittanee is in the picture, she pops up as Allana.

* Pic 36 name with nicknames next to them:
Ugar: SUWU
Louie: CSL
Kalid: Mr. Pang
* my comment of pic 36, I have no idea what these nicknames mean or why they are different than others given to the same person in other pics. Allana's shoulder appears in the pic and she is not named, but if you point at her Ugar or Louie pops up, because of this I don't read to much into the fact that when you point to Brittanee CSL comes up.

* Pic 38 from left to right:
Kalid: not listed as Kalid but as "gawn mask fully equipped, MORTAL KOMBAT"

* Pic 43 Allana and Lindsey. I do not see Allana as "cliquish". This is the only pic that has Lindsey Q. I do not think that Jen is friends with Lindsey and her set of friends.

* Pic 49 is another Phil/Alana pic that has them looking "comfy", Phil is nicknamed "Fred Durst" is this pic.

* Pic 50 has Viet and Ugar, Anthony's back is in the pic but he is not named.

* Pic 53, I'd like to get a close up of this tat on Phil's upper arm as well.

* Pics 54 and 55 are shots of first Alana then Jen in what looks like a bathroom. I don't know what to make of it except that girls that go to the ladies room in a heard do so with the whole herd. Brittanee doesn't look like she is apart of the herd, but in the shot of Alana someone's arm is by her. Since someone else had to be taking the pic, that means there are three people in the bathroom. Its also weird to do the girl herd bathroom in a single seater, and this bathroom looks like a single seater.

Okay, that's all. A picture is worth a thousand words... I didn't think to "listen" to them until I noticed the weird nicknames that were not consistent except in Viet/Johnny Cash's case and the big one for me: Peter B. is not in any of the pictures, except possibly one where he is not named. Did the cops focus on him because he seems to be even more of an outsider than Brittanee and became the group's scapegoat?

What do you all think, am I just reading in to things too much?

Oh, and I almost forgot: Brittanee is pictured in 18 of JO's 55 photos, she is not named in any of them. Based on the fact that she has nicknames for people that are not apart of that person's facebook, I don't think that Jen did not include Brittanee because she does not have a facebook. Did she not show pics that she did have of Peter because he seemed to be LE's main focus? If that is the case, then she would have left out the pics w/ Brittanee too. Did she not label Brittanee because she did not want the pics to come up on a "Brittanee" search? If that is the case then she could of put up possible excluded pics of Peter and not named him so her facebook did not come up on "Peter" searches.

Did they say who they were? Is it LE? I'm getting the creeps, just a bad feeling right now. Be real careful you guys, you don't know who it is or what they are doing pretending to be Brittanee. Why would someone pretend to be Brittanee? I'm really uncomfortable with this.

LE needs to be notified ASAP, someone is pretending to be her, or there is a chance it is her. I'm doing that right now.

In the latest blog on brittylush's MS, the person said she was Kaylee.
In the latest blog on brittylush's MS, the person said she was Kaylee.

I don't have access to her blog, I don't feel comfortable contacting people who could be related to the case to request to get that access.

I don't remember seeing any posts saying that people had been accepted by Kaylee, I just saw that people had been accepted to a site that appeared to be Brittanee. Didn't think that it was, but alerted LE none the less.
I don't have access to her blog, I don't feel comfortable contacting people who could be related to the case to request to get that access.

I don't remember seeing any posts saying that people had been accepted by Kaylee, I just saw that people had been accepted to a site that appeared to be Brittanee. Didn't think that it was, but alerted LE none the less.

Here is the lastest blog on brittylush's MS.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Brittanee is missin..plz read
hi this is kaylee..brittanee has been missin since saturday..she was last seen in myrtle beach..if any1 at all has seen her plz let me no
1:10 PM
That is what i have been trying to figure out.. is all the cell phone pings.

One story says it was turned off another says it went dead.

They said it last pinged around midnight before going silent near Georgetown... Then how did they come up with another ping near Charleston.. If it went dead? Or did someone turn it on and off while heading towards Charleston?

I am not sure how it pinged in Charleston, it does strike my curiousity.

Personally, I feel that the phone was taken in that direction and Brittanee possibly left in another area; maybe right here in the MB area.
Does anyone know if there are any organized searches going on?
I want to know where the phone last pinged and if anyone is searching in that area.

It was said to have pinged in Georgetown and then in Charleston. Searches have been done in both areas. As far as we know, nothing has been found .
Has anyone come across any info saying whether or not the car that Peter and the other guys were driving was searched . I only remember reading that it was not Peter's car, but never seeing who the car belonged to.
It was said to have pinged in Georgetown and then in Charleston. Searches have been done in both areas. As far as we know, nothing has been found .

I thought I had read somewhere that one specific tower gets pings from both Georgetown and Charleston counties, and so they weren't sure which town the ping was coming from.

Anyhow, I also remember reading that they said they found "little" when searching Georgetown. It leads me to believe that this means they found something, but not much.
I really think Peter and his friends have something to do with Brittanee's disappearance.

She left the hotel and they left shortly after to attend a party (their claim), the exact time they left is unknown to the public. There has been no mention of video clips with the guys leaving the hotel or at what time they reentered the hotel coming back from the party.

Between the last time Brittanee had texted someone at 8:45pm and the time the guys left to go back to NY was plenty of time to dispose of a body and drive out of the way with her cell phone to throw off the future investigation and then come back to the hotel and get their belongings and go. The fact that said belongings of Peter's was left behind shows they were hurried in their exit of the hotel and of MB.

It was said somewhere that Peter knew the area of MB.
I really think Peter and his friends have something to do with Brittanee's disappearance.

She left the hotel and they left shortly after to attend a party (their claim), the exact time they left is unknown to the public. There has been no mention of video clips with the guys leaving the hotel or at what time they reentered the hotel coming back from the party.

Between the last time Brittanee had texted someone at 8:45pm and the time the guys left to go back to NY was plenty of time to dispose of a body and drive out of the way with her cell phone to throw off the future investigation and then come back to the hotel and get their belongings and go. The fact that said belongings of Peter's was left behind shows they were hurried in their exit of the hotel and of MB.

It was said somewhere that Peter knew the area of MB.

Don't forget JO lived at MB at one point...I have also heard some rumors about PB and the people he works w/but dont know that I dare air that here.
I really think Peter and his friends have something to do with Brittanee's disappearance.

She left the hotel and they left shortly after to attend a party (their claim), the exact time they left is unknown to the public. There has been no mention of video clips with the guys leaving the hotel or at what time they reentered the hotel coming back from the party.

Between the last time Brittanee had texted someone at 8:45pm and the time the guys left to go back to NY was plenty of time to dispose of a body and drive out of the way with her cell phone to throw off the future investigation and then come back to the hotel and get their belongings and go. The fact that said belongings of Peter's was left behind shows they were hurried in their exit of the hotel and of MB.

It was said somewhere that Peter knew the area of MB.

Hmm, at first I didn't think Peter had anything to do with it but now I'm starting to wonder. It just seems like if they knew she was about to be walking down the strip alone and they were about to leave for a party, they'd go ahead and drop her off at her hotel since they were leaving anyway. Peter even said on the Dr. Phil show that he wouldn't walk on the strip alone, so why would he let her even if she did say no. He just acted real strange on Dr. Phil, I wanted to believe he's innocent but hiring a lawyer that quick? :waitasec:

And I also heard about the people Peter work with which took my thinking of this case in a whole new direction. I wish we had more clues to work with though.
I have to ask what kind of boyfriend would let his girlfriend go on springbreak with people she doesn't really know? It is my understanding that the boyfriend, John is in college too, so did he know these people?
Regarding the cell phone pings…I am pretty sure I read early on that the pings were in Georgetown County and Charleston County…not Charleston. If you look at a map of SC counties, Charleston County is pretty large and has a section that extends up and under another county, and then borders Georgetown county. I would guess that area is pretty rural – the city of Charleston is much further down in the county.

Here is where you can see a map:
This was posted on another site ... Something to think about

1. He works for Ronnie Davis. This is the same Ronnie Davis that spent $2 million renovating three bars in the Raleigh, NC area, then, just three months after opening, fled like a thief in the night leaving cables hanging from the walls and the bottles and glasses from that night's business still sitting on the bar. He just so happened to flee the scene at the same time that an undercover police operation in Raleigh had arrested some 20 prostitutes. Coincidence?
A poster early on in this same thread had posted regularly for about three days concerning Davis and his business practices. It would appear that Davis has connections in organized crime. Thus, we can assume that Peter has connections in organized crime, ie prostitution.

2. He took B to the Kryptonite Club in MB. This is an X club which he claims to be a VIP at. He took B there fully aware of the fact that she was too young to be in that bar.

3. He is a member of the Maritime Consortium, therefore he has connections to numerous boat captains. Just to refresh everyone's memory, that last ping from B cell phone came from an area around U.S. 17 and the South Santee River near the Georgetown-Charleston county line, so it's quite possible that B was aboard a boat.

4. He fled MB at 2 am - this is the exact same time that JO and AL claim they became concerned about her.

5. Upon his return to NY, he hired a lawyer. But, why did he need a lawyer when he hadn't even been questioned yet?

I believe that this is clearly a set up by the girls who coaxed her into going to MB, and PB. I believe that they lured her there to sell her.

I'm not so sure i would agree about selling her .. but hey you never know it has been done before.

Just thought I'd refresh this because it does seem like something to think about IMO.
I have to ask what kind of boyfriend would let his girlfriend go on springbreak with people she doesn't really know? It is my understanding that the boyfriend, John is in college too, so did he know these people?

That's a good question. I did read somewhere that not only was she having problems at home, but having relationship problems of her own. He could have trusted her judgement of these people she went with and that's why he told her it'd be good for her to get away for a a few days. I watched a video clip of him on the news and I really feel for him...he said he dropped school, dropped his job and dropped his sanity for Britt and that he will find her even if it puts him in his grave. It was really sad. I just hope they do find her.

Oh and in the video clip, he also said the last text he sent her said "You better be being safe. I really miss you." and he said that she assured him she was being safe.
Has anyone come across any info saying whether or not the car that Peter and the other guys were driving was searched . I only remember reading that it was not Peter's car, but never seeing who the car belonged to.

In one of these threads,i can't recall which one because there is so many posts in these threads but i had read an article that says the car was searched and returned. If you want to search for the article,go for it..but honestly with all the posts it would take to long and i really can't recall which thread it is in but i believe it's one or two and that's a longshot.
I have to ask what kind of boyfriend would let his girlfriend go on springbreak with people she doesn't really know? It is my understanding that the boyfriend, John is in college too, so did he know these people?

I think Britt knew these girls (atleast AL) more than it seemed. There are a few pics that were found a few pages back on the brittylush myspace dated back to 11/07 even of her and AL. I believe she knows these girls from her friend Tarah and JG is their age and I had heard he knew them as well.
As for your statement-since when at 17 does your bf "let" you go anywhere especially if she was as headstrong as her parents described. Do I think that he was right encourage her to go and take a break (he was quoted saying this-the link is in the previous WS pages) against her mothers wishes? Of course not, but I am sure being 20 that wasn't clear to him as it is now. Just as it is to her mom that maybe that male voice wasn't a father confirming parental supervision at a friends house.
Hope this helps.....:)
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