Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #4

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I have to say - I really don't think PB and the "boys" he was with or the "girls" B went with had anything to do with her disappearance. Why - because there is no way they would have all been able to keep their mouths shut and story together this long. When multiple people are involved someone always messes up.

I don't know if I am just hoping this but about 75% of me believes B ran away. I think from everything that has come to light about her she was a troubled young woman.

I was wondering was there any further information about the possible sightings. From everything I read and heard there was a lot of "no reason to believe it was B" but never a definite it was not B.

It is possible that she is pregnant and that is why she left. As for the flat belly pics - my sis is built similar to B - I have pics of her from a trip to the beach flat belly in a bikini - pics a week later at a party and you can obviously tell she was pg.... I think when they are that skinny when the belly pops it really shows.
With the whole pregnancy rumour, don't know if it's true or not but definitely possible.

I'm a very slim build (95-100lbs) and when I was pregnant last year, I went from a flat belly to looking a bit bloated in my second month (I could still hide it if need be) but when I was almost 3 months, you could definitely tell I was pregnant.
Also, my mother who is small like me when she was pregnant with my eldest brother, she didn't show until she was 7 months!! She said one morning she woke up and poof, she had a belly. All depends on where the baby is sitting (closer to the back or more up front).
I just hope that if she is still alive that she isn't pregnant since she was drinking...
I have to say - I really don't think PB and the "boys" he was with or the "girls" B went with had anything to do with her disappearance. Why - because there is no way they would have all been able to keep their mouths shut and story together this long. When multiple people are involved someone always messes up.

I don't know if I am just hoping this but about 75% of me believes B ran away. I think from everything that has come to light about her she was a troubled young woman.

I was wondering was there any further information about the possible sightings. From everything I read and heard there was a lot of "no reason to believe it was B" but never a definite it was not B.

It is possible that she is pregnant and that is why she left. As for the flat belly pics - my sis is built similar to B - I have pics of her from a trip to the beach flat belly in a bikini - pics a week later at a party and you can obviously tell she was pg.... I think when they are that skinny when the belly pops it really shows.

Have you heard of them being questioned any more than just over the phone by MBPD? From what I have read it seems they were only questioned over the phone and it wasn't too indepth, especially since at the time they hadn't considered anything other than she was a runaway since she left NY against her mothers permission. I would really like to know more about that myself. I think if you aren't being asked more seriously it is easy to keep it together. But I can tell you that if you have seen any of hte messages that some have gotten from JO you would be curious why an innocent person is SO volitile. I think if they were questioned all together something may come out. In the least, I think one of them know something that they don't realize is important information.

As for the sightings, I know that they traced the car back to a woman in Watertown NY, I believe that they had cleared that person as not related. They also said they are getting sightings when the people look nothing like her. Has to be frustrating I would think....
I do remember seeing a pic with a pooch belly, could have been just the way she was standing.

I also noticed she can take on a different look, it is her eyes (the shape).
Just seems LE isn't interested at all in interviewing any of the kids who were with her on the trip, so I think they are going in the direction of stranger abduction, which IMO is the most likely scenario in this case.
Have you heard of them being questioned any more than just over the phone by MBPD? From what I have read it seems they were only questioned over the phone and it wasn't too indepth, especially since at the time they hadn't considered anything other than she was a runaway since she left NY against her mothers permission. I would really like to know more about that myself. I think if you aren't being asked more seriously it is easy to keep it together. But I can tell you that if you have seen any of hte messages that some have gotten from JO you would be curious why an innocent person is SO volitile. I think if they were questioned all together something may come out. In the least, I think one of them know something that they don't realize is important information.

As for the sightings, I know that they traced the car back to a woman in Watertown NY, I believe that they had cleared that person as not related. They also said they are getting sightings when the people look nothing like her. Has to be frustrating I would think....

Exactly! I think that they do know something. One of the guys left a comment on one of JO's pictures saying he'll never go back to myrtle beach but despite all that happened, they made the best of it.

That makes me think that there was more going on before B went missing, you know? We already figured there was drama going on with the girls, but that doesn't seem like it'd make anyone not want to return to a vacation spot over. Didn't JO and the rest of the group leave on April 26 (I might be wrong so correct me if I am!), after she went missing the night before? So they wouldn't really have time to "make the best of" the time left that they were there if they left shortly after her disappearance. They haaaave to know something.

If I had taken an acquaintance along to the beach, there is no way I'd be carrying on today like nothing had happened. I'd feel terrible and be doing everything I could to help and I'd share every piece of info that I had that might be helpful. Maybe one of them wants to speak, but JO does seem like a leader of the group of friends so you never know if she could've warned or threatened the rest of them not to. (I probably watch too many lifetime movies...):rolleyes: But still, something just doesn't sit right with this group of "friends."
You also have to keep in mind,we don't know what all LE has done. WE don't know who all they have talked to or to what extent they have talked to them. All we know is what the media states which imo is not everything that is going on. I honestly think there is alot more that we don't know and that LE is keeping tight lipped about things. Im sure there is more going on in the background that we are not aware of so we can't say that LE is not interested in talking to these girls or anything of that sort because honestly we don't know.
You also have to keep in mind,we don't know what all LE has done. WE don't know who all they have talked to or to what extent they have talked to them. All we know is what the media states which imo is not everything that is going on. I honestly think there is alot more that we don't know and that LE is keeping tight lipped about things. Im sure there is more going on in the background that we are not aware of so we can't say that LE is not interested in talking to these girls or anything of that sort because honestly we don't know.

True. The pictures off of JO's facebook page with Brittanee in them were on the news so I'm guessing that means the LE has looked at her page. I guess I'm just trying to be hopeful in the way that I rather the girls know something, then this be an actual abduction case where no one knows anything. :(
O/T in case you hadn't heard:

A badly decomposed human body discovered Wednesday by a cleaning crew on the shores of the Des Plaines River prompted speculation that the find could be connected to one of the Chicago area's high-profile missing women cases, and sparked hope for families looking for closure.
Illinois State Police Sgt. Tom Burek would not speculate about whether the remains belong to Stacy Peterson — the fourth wife of recently jailed ex-police sergeant Drew Peterson — or Lisa Stebic. Since the two missing Will County, Ill., women disappeared in 2007, their cases have garnered national attention.
Police divers were searching the river in Will County as investigators in a helicopter and crews on the ground pursued clues near where the body was found.
O/T in case you hadn't heard:

A badly decomposed human body discovered Wednesday by a cleaning crew on the shores of the Des Plaines River prompted speculation that the find could be connected to one of the Chicago area's high-profile missing women cases, and sparked hope for families looking for closure.
Illinois State Police Sgt. Tom Burek would not speculate about whether the remains belong to Stacy Peterson — the fourth wife of recently jailed ex-police sergeant Drew Peterson — or Lisa Stebic. Since the two missing Will County, Ill., women disappeared in 2007, their cases have garnered national attention.
Police divers were searching the river in Will County as investigators in a helicopter and crews on the ground pursued clues near where the body was found.

There is a thread for that here:
I am new here... I have been reading all of the threads for the last couple weeks now. I have never registered to join any of these before but this one just baffles my mind. I really truly hope the family is able to find closure. As baffled as we all are, I can't imagine how they must feel. I also am sure the LE know more than they let on or let out in the public. They have to .. we can't know everything. Any bit of information that may appear little to us could be a huge mistake on their part if it was leaked to the public. I still have a strong feeling the boys/girls know more than they are letting on and that perhaps there was drugs involved and they are afraid to say anything.. even if they didn't have anything to do with her disappearance. I believe... with time, more information will be learned that might help add another piece to the puzzle that we see before us. I never like to place blame but the one thing I can say is... if I were one of the friends that went down there with her, I would still be there now. I never would have been able to leave knowing she was missing. It is just very strange to me. Did they know that she was going to runaway and that was why it was an easy decision to come back home so promptly after learning their 'friend' wasn't coming back with them .. or perhaps there is even more to this story.
Just thought I'd refresh this because it does seem like something to think about IMO.

I saw this earlier. Guy sounds like a first class jerkwad and I wouldn't put it past him and the rest of the clan from Rochester to be cocky enough to believe they could get away with hurting that poor girl.:mad:
I don't have access to her blog, I don't feel comfortable contacting people who could be related to the case to request to get that access.

I don't remember seeing any posts saying that people had been accepted by Kaylee, I just saw that people had been accepted to a site that appeared to be Brittanee. Didn't think that it was, but alerted LE none the less.

Kaylee accepted me although she has not answered my question to be sure if she was really running B's myspace
I saw this earlier. Guy sounds like a first class jerkwad and I wouldn't put it past him and the rest of the clan from Rochester to be cocky enough to believe they could get away with hurting that poor girl.:mad:

I agree! I mean, could you imagine leaving Myrtle Beach headed for a 14 hour drive home, KNOWING that a friend you brought with you on the trip is missing? I couldn't do it. They even snapped pictures of each other on the ride home.

It just doesn't make sense to me. The only way I'd somewhat understand their actions, is if they know that she is okay. It's just hard for me to believe though because it seems like she'd have given up on running away by now, or at least taken some money out or called her family or something. And I've been wondering why the girls aren't the ones who reported her missing? Why did John H. call the police? I understand he's a close family friend but still...he had nothing to do (as far as we know) with the trip, plus he's staying in NC. (I'm not saying he has anything to do with her missing, I just find it odd that he called the police.) It just seems like since Brittanee was with them, that maybe they should have been the ones to report her missing. Plus, they didn't even answer their cell phones when Brittanee's mom called them, which is strange. If they weren't hiding anything, it seems like they'd be in a hurry to call the police to report a missing friend...wouldn't you?
In one of these threads,i can't recall which one because there is so many posts in these threads but i had read an article that says the car was searched and returned. If you want to search for the article,go for it..but honestly with all the posts it would take to long and i really can't recall which thread it is in but i believe it's one or two and that's a longshot.

i remember reading this too.. But i also seem to remember hearing that on tv not sure if it was a news cast or dr.phil.
Originally Posted by CuriousGuy View Post
I saw this earlier. Guy sounds like a first class jerkwad and I wouldn't put it past him and the rest of the clan from Rochester to be cocky enough to believe they could get away with hurting that poor girl.

I could'nt have said it any better

I agree! I mean, could you imagine leaving Myrtle Beach headed for a 14 hour drive home, KNOWING that a friend you brought with you on the trip is missing? I couldn't do it. They even snapped pictures of each other on the ride home.

It just doesn't make sense to me. The only way I'd somewhat understand their actions, is if they know that she is okay. It's just hard for me to believe though because it seems like she'd have given up on running away by now, or at least taken some money out or called her family or something. And I've been wondering why the girls aren't the ones who reported her missing? Why did John H. call the police? I understand he's a close family friend but still...he had nothing to do (as far as we know) with the trip, plus he's staying in NC. (I'm not saying he has anything to do with her missing, I just find it odd that he called the police.) It just seems like since Brittanee was with them, that maybe they should have been the ones to report her missing. Plus, they didn't even answer their cell phones when Brittanee's mom called them, which is strange. If they weren't hiding anything, it seems like they'd be in a hurry to call the police to report a missing friend...wouldn't you?

One of the girls called B's bf JG and told him she was missing .. he called B's mom and then her mom called JH and asked him to go down to SC and find out what was going on. And then he called the police when he got there and B was nowhere around.
Thank you for clearing that up for me AutumnDreams. It makes more sense now.

I've been doing some more searching online and found this about Peter, which I thought was a little interesting.

I go out on the weekends with my girlfriends to the downtown clubs and I have personally witnessed with my own 2 eyes Peter buying alcohol for underaged girls. I know they are underage because they have big black X's on their hands. I only assume that he gets the alcohol because hes part of a group of guys called VIP Happy Hour that does events at SoHo and Hush/Syxx/The Bar. These guys are slimeballs and they do what ever they can to try and take girls home. And they all look like little gotti boys too. Again this is not opinion, this is A FACT. They have tried to pick up a couple of my friends and I have witnessed it all personally. When girls with half a brain turn them away, they walk away cursing and saying horrible things to them and try their antics on some other half twit girl that doesnt know any better.
I know I read something to do with Peter being involved with Ronnie Davis and the club scene and something was mentioned about prostitution.

This could be another scenerio . I just get bad vibes with knowing that the group of girls she went to MB with and the group of guys have not one ounce of concern about her well being. If Peter isn't guilty, then he made the wrong move along with the other guys he was with that has brought the suspicion on him.
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