Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #4

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I am new here... I have been reading all of the threads for the last couple weeks now. I have never registered to join any of these before but this one just baffles my mind. I really truly hope the family is able to find closure. As baffled as we all are, I can't imagine how they must feel. I also am sure the LE know more than they let on or let out in the public. They have to .. we can't know everything. Any bit of information that may appear little to us could be a huge mistake on their part if it was leaked to the public. I still have a strong feeling the boys/girls know more than they are letting on and that perhaps there was drugs involved and they are afraid to say anything.. even if they didn't have anything to do with her disappearance. I believe... with time, more information will be learned that might help add another piece to the puzzle that we see before us. I never like to place blame but the one thing I can say is... if I were one of the friends that went down there with her, I would still be there now. I never would have been able to leave knowing she was missing. It is just very strange to me. Did they know that she was going to runaway and that was why it was an easy decision to come back home so promptly after learning their 'friend' wasn't coming back with them .. or perhaps there is even more to this story.

Welcome Soxgirl! It's a fun place to come to, but very addicting, so get ready!!
I agree! I mean, could you imagine leaving Myrtle Beach headed for a 14 hour drive home, KNOWING that a friend you brought with you on the trip is missing? I couldn't do it. They even snapped pictures of each other on the ride home.

It just doesn't make sense to me. The only way I'd somewhat understand their actions, is if they know that she is okay. It's just hard for me to believe though because it seems like she'd have given up on running away by now, or at least taken some money out or called her family or something. And I've been wondering why the girls aren't the ones who reported her missing? Why did John H. call the police? I understand he's a close family friend but still...he had nothing to do (as far as we know) with the trip, plus he's staying in NC. (I'm not saying he has anything to do with her missing, I just find it odd that he called the police.) It just seems like since Brittanee was with them, that maybe they should have been the ones to report her missing. Plus, they didn't even answer their cell phones when Brittanee's mom called them, which is strange. If they weren't hiding anything, it seems like they'd be in a hurry to call the police to report a missing friend...wouldn't you?

That's exactly what I was getting at. They seemed to be ok leaving MB knowing their "friend" wasn't with them. That is just bizarre to me. In my mind, there would only be 2 reasons for them to be ok doing this... 1) as you also mentioned.. they know she is ok... perhaps they knew she wasn't coming back with them per discussions with Brittanee or 2) and I hope this isn't the case.. they had something to do with her disappearance in a very negative way. I really hope this case unfolds fast because it's a shame! Even if this person was say, an acquaintance and not a friend, I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to high tail it back home knowing the person that went down with me wasn't returning back. Just doesn't seem right. I know everyone is different but.. c'mon.
I could'nt have said it any better

One of the girls called B's bf JG and told him she was missing .. he called B's mom and then her mom called JH and asked him to go down to SC and find out what was going on. And then he called the police when he got there and B was nowhere around.

Also, I heard none of the girls that went on the trip to MB with BD showed up at the vigil that was held for her. That bothered me also!!! Something isn't right here!
FWIW, if I were LE, I would be looking at Jen and Peter, first and foremost. I do not think Brittanee ran away and I believe that the "mean girls club" know alot more than they're saying!
Also, I heard none of the girls that went on the trip to MB with BD showed up at the vigil that was held for her. That bothered me also!!! Something isn't right here!

That spoke volumes to me!

WELCOME to Websleuths!!!
Also, I heard none of the girls that went on the trip to MB with BD showed up at the vigil that was held for her. That bothered me also!!! Something isn't right here!

I agree. This is very telling. There was no reason for them to not be there. I've been to vigils of people I didn't even know...
Im still confused when John H called the police at 5:30am on Sunday Morning he was at the girls hotel at Bar Harbor but where were the girls?? Did the officer interview them? Was all their stiff gone at this time?

Didnt the Police report say he contacted them by phone and later that afternoon they had checked into another room at Boardwalk?
And Peter said the girls would not answer the phone when Dawn was calling them. This really bothers me a lot.
Has anyone heard about any interviews with JO or anything? I was reading a little bit of another forum, can't remember which site, but they were saying JO keeps changing her story around. I don't remember reading anything about her other than our opinions. I wish I knew what her story is!
That spoke volumes to me!

WELCOME to Websleuths!!!

Thanks Lovejac!
Yes, it spoke volumes to me too. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and thought perhaps BD's TRUE friends were angry with her so called friends that she went to MB with that they feared facing them but I doubt that. In times like these, and until the facts are before us, there are more important things to worry about so they should have sucked it up if that were the case.. I'm doubting it though. I think it's suspicious!!! One way or another!
Well, if these girls knew that she was planning to run away and haven't given up that information with some good evidence to back it up, then they are now interfering with a police investigation. There are a number of other charges possible, too. l sure hope that LE has been telling them this. No matter how you look at the actions of all of these kids, not a single one of them did the right thing, or the normal thing, or the morally correct thing. If not even ONE of them could think to do that, then they almost certainly are covering up some part in this whole mess that they know they would be in trouble for.
Has anyone heard about any interviews with JO or anything? I was reading a little bit of another forum, can't remember which site, but they were saying JO keeps changing her story around. I don't remember reading anything about her other than our opinions. I wish I knew what her story is!

Personally, I haven't heard or seen where they were interviewed. Whatever her story or the other girls stories are it mostlikely wouldn't be the truth.

Why would Jen not ask for the shorts when she was at their hotel right before Brittanee left for the guys hotel, instead she waits for her to get to the guys hotel and calls her. Sounds cheesy.
There hasn't been any updates as to the results of the latest search, at least I have not found any. I would also like to know if they are going to have any more searches in the MB area.
Another thing that really bothers me is that pics were posted so soon after their trip that have BD in them.. no captions were left like "we miss you BD" or anything to that nature by the owners (a.k.a. "friends").. a few were left by others. I personally wouldn't be posting pics that soon after a trip that had such a negative impact... or .. perhaps leaving the ones of BD off or at least posting their sincerity towards her missing status. I would also be leaving postings like her real friends at home trying to find her and leaving numbers to call. I wish Dawn would do the same. I know she is busy down in MB searching for BD but .. she has logged on recently. I would be using all sources possible to find my child. That's just me!
Personally, I haven't heard or seen where they were interviewed. Whatever her story or the other girls stories are it mostlikely wouldn't be the truth.

Why would Jen not ask for the shorts when she was at their hotel right before Brittanee left for the guys hotel, instead she waits for her to get to the guys hotel and calls her. Sounds cheesy.[/QUOTE]

That's a good point that I actually haven't thought about. I hope the police really do know a lot more than they are letting us know. If most of us are thinking that the girls should be questioned harder, I'm sure the LE know it too, if they haven't already done so. (I mean since this is their job, you know?) I wonder if a lot of the reason we aren't hearing too much about Brittanee lately is because Myrtle Beach is afraid of losing tourists? They might not want it to seem like MB is an unsafe place to take a vacation.

What about those police reports someone posted on here might've been on the other thread, but it mentioned a van just sitting there with a man who seemed to be drunk and was watching girls in a suspicious manner? If I'm remembering right, that was either the day before or the day that Brittanee went missing. It was also somewhere on Ocean Blvd. If the girls are not involved with the case, this guy in a van has been at the back of my mind. I'm guessing though that if someone called to report a suspicious man lurking behind an alley, that the police would have ran him off or something. Eh.

I hope this doesn't turn into another cold case. :(
Personally, I haven't heard or seen where they were interviewed. Whatever her story or the other girls stories are it mostlikely wouldn't be the truth.

Why would Jen not ask for the shorts when she was at their hotel right before Brittanee left for the guys hotel, instead she waits for her to get to the guys hotel and calls her. Sounds cheesy.

I don't buy the short story either but perhaps JO (she is the owner of the shorts right, IIRC) was in the shower when B was getting dressed and took the shorts. When she got out of the shower, (either directly out, or after doing her hair and makeup as well, making it possible for B to walk to boys hotel) she was told by the other girls that B borrowed her shorts, ones she wanted to wear that night perhaps?

I don't know, just thinking out loud. I know I would be upset if I was missing something I had planned on wearing.
This may have been posted already im not sure,im been searching like crazy for any kind of update and i came across a photo album of some pictures of B. Some of them i reconized and some of them i did not. Also there is a few pics of B with drinks in her hand from what appears to be a club, it seems this page is one that Peter has put up along with a girl Amber.
Okay...I have been a lurker for awhile now but just joined the site. This story really intrigues me so I've tried to read all the threads associated with the case. However, I am left scratching my head in trying to figure out everyone's initials being used. I get BD (lol) but if someone has time and doesn't mind posting the main players involved, their names, and the initials being used, it would really help me understand this case a bit better. ;)

I am in complete agreement about so-called friends of BD. I can not fathom a reason other than guilt to not show up a supposed friends candle-light vigil. The callousness and coldness to that action only makes me more suspicious of these "friends".
Okay...I have been a lurker for awhile now but just joined the site. This story really intrigues me so I've tried to read all the threads associated with the case. However, I am left scratching my head in trying to figure out everyone's initials being used. I get BD (lol) but if someone has time and doesn't mind posting the main players involved, their names, and the initials being used, it would really help me understand this case a bit better. ;)

I am in complete agreement about so-called friends of BD. I can not fathom a reason other than guilt to not show up a supposed friends candle-light vigil. The callousness and coldness to that action only makes me more suspicious of these "friends".

We use the initials because WS dosen't really like us posting last names. If someone wants to post them then that is on them but that is why the last names are not posted in the threads. Sorry!
Just going for a stretch here. People have been talking here about how the surveillence pics dont look like B and there are pics of j.o with the same outfit on as the one B has on in the pics. what if it is was J.O in the pics to throw people off. it is possible that she could have worn a wig. The face is very round to be B and even through distortion of the video, the person appears very heavy.
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