Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #6

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Unrelated - I notice that there are new forums for other prominent Missing Persons cases here on WS, I wonder if it would be possible to get a Brittanee Drexel forum? :)

Even if it's not BD... it's somebody.
Is it evil of me to hope that it's somebody else?

There is another woman missing from 1999, she lived here in Conway, but boyfriend says he last saw her when they were in Cherry Grove.
Has anyone seen anything in the media about this? I can't seem to find anything. A male body was found June 29th, but it has been identified. Nothing about anything recent? Is that weird?


Nothing in the media as of last night , this could mean that the clothing on the person may resemble those of Brittanee (last known to be wearing) . If I am not mistaken when they found that body on the 29th, they didn't hesitate to air it in the media.

I guess all we can do is wait and soon they will reveal the identity.
rochestergirl, i posted that on the forensic astrology thread to see their take on the find. who knows....
Originally posted by Autumndreams in thread #5

Bolded by me.

I am figuring less then 30 mins was the time she was thought to be missing.

This would be my understanding..........
BD's boyfriend JG got a call from the girls while he was at work that BD was missing. He then texted BD at 9:16pm and got no reply from her. He left work and arrived at DD's home at 9:30pm and told her that she was in MB and is missing.
DD called PB and got 3 different stories from him about seeing her. She also called JO and AL 4 times and they would not answer her calls they would only answer PB's calls.
DD also called 911 and the Sheriffs came to her house. PB gave sheriffs 3 different stories. Sometime during all this DD had called JH who is in NC to drive down to MB and see whats going on and file an official missing persons report with MBPD.

So, by the time JH gets to MB and she's that she is in fact missing and makes a report it is well after 2am.. I think it was closer to 4-5am.

Also some news report state the BD had texted someone at 9:15 saying she was going to another friends hotel.

This is what sets off my hinky meter.....
1) Why did the girls jump so quickly that BD who is 17yo was missing if it had only been at most 30 mins??

hmmm.. that is weird. i had been thinking all along that it was the NEXT day, or 24 hours +30 minutes later they called to say she was missing, esp. since they had moved to a new hotel room?

i am convinced all of the other people on that trip are hiding something.
if none of the people with her are involved its almost like brittanee might have said something to them about a previous incident. like someone following her or someone making threats. then when she went missing they right away thought the threat could have come true. and maybe they know or think they know who it is but are afraid to say.
about the call/text to the BF... possibly the girls were trying to get BD in trouble with him... tell him she is not answering - he contacts her - "where are you" she then has to admit to being with Peter?

It is definitely a high school girl drama I could see them playing out.
I am making my first post so hope I do this correctly. I've been following the Brittanee case from day one and was glad when I discovered Websleuths. I also did some searching on the Google Maps and one thing that struck me and I know it may be unrealistic but just a thought. I pulled up the aforementioned Blue Water Hotel and mapped it to Watergate, as I at first could not find a "Haige" Drive. As I was following along I discovered at the corner of Watergate and Macklen Roads, there is what appears to be a carwash. I just thought, if this did turn out to be little Brittanee (which I also pray it is not and hope it was not really a human) most carwashes have webcams and perhaps they could look through the webcam and find the date and time Brittanee walked away and see if a car that is familiar to any of the "friends" shows up there. I apologize if I am not doing this correctly. I am nervous about posting but wanted to say how much I admire you all and let you know I am praying along with you that this comes to a conclusion that is much needed for this poor family.

This is all my own opinion. Thanks

This article posted July 5th sounds like they don't have any leads..... uughhhh!
This makes me think that the remains that were found (if in fact there WERE remains found) aren't Brittanee. There are a couple of people missing near where I live, and the local news media hasn't hesitated to speculate about the remains being one of those people whenever anything suspicious has been found.
<<This is what sets off my hinky meter.....
1) Why did the girls jump so quickly that BD who is 17yo was missing if it had only been at most 30 mins??>>

respectfully snipped

IIRC, wasn't there some mention that the girls called Brittanee to come back to the hotel because she was wearing someone else's shorts? I guess my point is, these girls didn't really seem too friendly with each other.
I am making my first post so hope I do this correctly. I've been following the Brittanee case from day one and was glad when I discovered Websleuths. I also did some searching on the Google Maps and one thing that struck me and I know it may be unrealistic but just a thought. I pulled up the aforementioned Blue Water Hotel and mapped it to Watergate, as I at first could not find a "Haige" Drive. As I was following along I discovered at the corner of Watergate and Macklen Roads, there is what appears to be a carwash. I just thought, if this did turn out to be little Brittanee (which I also pray it is not and hope it was not really a human) most carwashes have webcams and perhaps they could look through the webcam and find the date and time Brittanee walked away and see if a car that is familiar to any of the "friends" shows up there. I apologize if I am not doing this correctly. I am nervous about posting but wanted to say how much I admire you all and let you know I am praying along with you that this comes to a conclusion that is much needed for this poor family.

This is all my own opinion. Thanks

WELCOME Strawberry Fields! Glad you've joined in the discussions. LE/law enforcement surely will be checking out surveillance cameras in the area. Some cameras loop and tape over previous days so I think it's unlikely they would still have surveillance from back when Brittanee first went missing. BUT, cameras could be helpful in determining who this is or who was at the location recently if this turns out the be human remains.
Thank you for the welcome. I just think you all are amazing for all you are doing, not just in this case. I have been a medical transcriptionist for quite a few years and we use abbreviations so much. I have been too embarrassed to ask anyone what "LE" stood for. Thanks for clearing that up for me!! Sure hope we hear something soon.

One thought that had gone through my mind so much throughout all of this is that the girls could have had it planned with the guys to have Brittanee walk to the hotel and then text her at a certain time so she would be back on the street where she could be nabbed by whoever. The guys could have even tipped someone off exactly when she started walking out of the hotel and in which direction she would be walking.

All my own thoughts/opinion.
Still no official news report of the remains? Isn't that weird?

I definitely agree, Brittanee needs her own forum. I feel that this case warrants some in-depth sleuthing that is impossible with one general thread.
The human remains were confirmed in the police report - states that "Remains were found, county PD on scene", something to that effect. So all we know is that human remains were found in MB behind a Super 8 motel - we don't know the race, gender or anything.

I wonder... if these remains are Britt's, is it possible that they were moved from the original location by the perp? Perhaps he saw the reports about police coming down to Georgetown and McClellanville to search, so he panicked and brought the remains back up to a seedier part of MB (where, I'm guessing, moving things around in the shadows wouldn't be totally out of the ordinary). I can't imagine that Britt would have been abducted and killed right in Myrtle Beach. She would have to have been somewhere more secluded. With the kind of nightlife that MB has, I suspect it'd be bustling from 9 pm to dawn.
hmmm.. that is weird. i had been thinking all along that it was the NEXT day, or 24 hours +30 minutes later they called to say she was missing, esp. since they had moved to a new hotel room?

i am convinced all of the other people on that trip are hiding something.

Yes, that is what I thought, too. I thought the girls didn't realize she was missing until 1-2 am when they all met to go to another party - seems like the more likely option, but it does not fit with the timeline.

Maybe the 9:15 pm text "going to another friends hotel" set the girls off, esp. when she didn't reply to JG's text moments later. Perhaps Brittanee had a certain texting "style" that this text didn't match up to. Perhaps Brittanee didn't have any other friends in MB. Perhaps Brittanee never made spur of the moment plans.

A lot of people have said that that text was sent by the abductor, which I agree with. Maybe the abductor was someone Britt met at the seedy clubs she visited, and he offered her a ride, then took her elsewhere against her will. He knew of Brittanee's friends from briefly meeting them, and knew he needed to buy some time by sending off a text. Maybe this person had previously tried to harm Brittanee and threatened B's friends if they ratted him out. So JO, PB, etc. reported her missing as soon as possible because they knew she was endangered, but could not do anything else because they feared for their own lives.

Hmm. I have long thought that PB, AS & co. were involved, but now I am really leaning towards someone Britt met in MB. And I keep thinking about the man in a Mercedes who offered someone a ride and then threatened to kill her.
I know this may be a shot in the dark, but has anyone here entertained the thought of that SC Serial Killer being involved in Brittanee's disappearance? He seemed to have a penchant for teenagers.

Just a thought.

Myrtle Beach is approximately 4 and a half hours away from Gaffney. (where the 5 victims of the serial killer were)

LE has caught and killed the serial killer this morning.
rochestergirl, i posted that on the forensic astrology thread to see their take on the find. who knows....

Thanks now with MB LE saying no new leads??? I'm confused:confused:

R they keeping quiet until they no for sure who the remains are???
tuba did respond about the find. it appears it could be a young person. of course we still don't know for sure it was human remains nor if they were male or female so....

"It's been close to 10 weeks now," said Carol. "It seems like an eternity, but I know Brittanee's out there and I hope she hears that Grandma and Grandpa are still waiting for her."

The family says they are exhausting all resources to find Drexel, even saying that Drexel's mother has gone to a psychic to try and find clues about where her daughter might be.
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