Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #8

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As a parent of girls that has been around their "frenemies" I 150% agree with the above. Boys fight, punch each other and get it over with. Girls plot wicked scenarios upon each other and cause ongoing headaches by backstabbing, bickering and facebook stalking.

Nobull - love the "frenemies"!

And ITA with everything you said... I was a girl once! LOL! And I have 2 daughters...

And Grandma always said - you get more than 2 girls together and there's always going to be trouble brewing for one of them!
Ok, so I'm 'tinkering' around with the timeline so that I can put it all together in my mind...essentially making two different timelines with both DST and non DST. Anyway, if we take the later time that differs with statements by the friends....then that causes one big problem with the timeline. That would mean that Brittanee texted b/f at 9:15, he responded back at 9:16...she didn't text back....and 15 minutes later (according to several news reports) he contacts DD saying Brittanee is missing.
That was ok with the earlier timeline...because her 'friends' would have been waiting for her for an hour and 45 minutes...but with DST...that would mean only 45 minutes had passed and the friends are reporting Brittanee missing to the boyfriend already. If they weren't concerned enough to contact LE after 5 hours, why would they already assume she had gone missing after only 45 minutes...why would they go to the extreme of contacting people back home...especially since we know they were involved in some other 'emergency' and weren't even at the house (supposedly) nor looking for her. How would they have even known that BD wasn't back at the hotel? Are we certain that the b/f got the call at 9:30?
Maybe the friends knew who Brit was with and maybe the POI's called the friends and told them what happened to Brit because,it just seems like they would have search more before they jumped to the conclusion she was missing and not just hanging out with someone else that was from Roc, because there was other groups of them down there.
Hi Candi!!

I don't see a ransom demand. For starters, it doesn't seem like enough time--with either timeline--for a legitimate ransom. There's no way these kids could get ransom money in just a few hours...and, moreover, I think that if there were a legitimate kidnapping and ransom demand, they would have contacted LE or told LE while being interviewed. Ultimately, that would have IMMEDIATELY taken the focus off of them and placed it on someone else. I think they would have been more than happy to remove all focus from themselves.
Hi Candi!!

I don't see a ransom demand. For starters, it doesn't seem like enough time--with either timeline--for a legitimate ransom. There's no way these kids could get ransom money in just a few hours...and, moreover, I think that if there were a legitimate kidnapping and ransom demand, they would have contacted LE or told LE while being interviewed. Ultimately, that would have IMMEDIATELY taken the focus off of them and placed it on someone else. I think they would have been more than happy to remove all focus from themselves.

I removed that post I didn't think it was appropriate after i read it again. Sorry about that. You are probally right though that would have taken the attention off of them and they would have been happy with that. But as far as them knowing that she was missing so soon that still bothers me but, then again there is alot about this case that bothers me. lol
rd, I could totally see them coordinating efforts. Teenage girls can be nasty, nasty, nasty. Esp when there are boys involved. She was the young chick, maybe getting too much attention, or being a drag to them. I could totally see them setting up something, possibly thinking it was "innocent" just to piss BD off or to see her running back and forth just for the sake of it. Not to mention the nasty crap they were saying on FB when they got back. And PB not being a "babysitter" ? I mean everything we've seen, these are NOT nice kids, so I could totally see it.

We're talking conspiracy level coordination here, as I outlined in my post. All to skirt a way around Britt leaving as soon as she arrived based on a roommate demanding she return her shorts and Britt walking back to her hotel.

The not here to babysit her is the only thing I believe in what he said. The direct quote from him about an alleged discussion of him bringing her back and her declining have all the hallmarks of a bald-faced, self-serving lie. He stutters while he makes the crap up.

And yes, I totally agree, none of the behavior of these kids from either group following Brittanee's disappearance is nice.

So what if their behavior is "not nice"....from what LE is saying, they have 3 or maybe 4 "poi" and none of them seem to be from Chile NY

I hardly think there was some huge conspiracy here to "deliver" or set up Britanee, I don't think there is anything to indicate that these kids were involved
So what if their behavior is "not nice"....from what LE is saying, they have 3 or maybe 4 "poi" and none of them seem to be from Chile NY

I hardly think there was some huge conspiracy here to "deliver" or set up Britanee, I don't think there is anything to indicate that these kids were involved

I think wishful thinking on our (my) part--combined with LE's recent comments that the POI's did not 'directly' know Brittanee--have renewed some speculation about them.
I'm still quite positive that the POI's are M.B. or N. Georgetown residents....but I also think they knew or met the Rochester group and partied with them.
I think that one of Brittanee's 'friends' had lived nearby and one of PB's friends had also lived in M.B....and likely knew some of the people in the area. I think that the POI's were introduced to Brittanee....but that she only 'knew' them 'indirectly' through someone else.
I think LE is looking at young people based on some of their comments....older teens, young adults....people who would be in BD's peer group...people who could have been partying with her that week. I think she accepted a ride willingly. I don't know that SPECIFIC area, but I do know that there are enough people and places around that area that someone forcing her into a vehicle or hotel/home would absolutely have attracted some witnesses.
I don't think she got into a stranger's I think she kind of knew these guys through her 'friends'....and that she accepted a ride. And, somehow, I'm still secretly hoping that the friend's gave false statements or something that might involve them having to sit in a 4x4 cell all night and think about their complete lack of concern for Brittanee. I know it's unlikely...but a girl can dream!!
I have said before about Morgan and feel the same here...young people "know" people very quickly

dance in a bar....say hi....somebody a friend slightly knows..."say weren't you at xyz club?? weren't you at zyx party?"

any slight connection and they feel as if they "know" them

these people might be the other kids from NY...might be someone who is a bartender, a dj, a bouncer at the club....a regular at the clubs...a regular at the beach, at the nightlife...might be dealer/s who sold them drugs..who knows??

young people are very trusting...."oh you are so and so' friend..sure thanks for the ride"

as far as the kids from NY>>> I take a contrary view...I think that the internet forums and "protocol' places so much scrutiny on people that I am not surprised when they don't want to get out there and stick their faces in the media.

Look at the way people were speculating about the hero who found Nadia....there is just way too much speculation about people in all these cases

the fact of the matter is that there doesn't seem to be any real evidence that they did anything. Were they responsible for Britanee?? Not really...I think they were stupid to take her, she was younger...however it seems to be overlooked here that Britanee herself made this horrible choice to go on this vacation in defiance of her parents.

No one forced her to go. I don't think these kids plotted or set her up. I do think they have acted petty and foolish...but I guess they don't want their own bad behavior to be all over the net which it seems to be.

Did you ever find the article that stated that there was a ping from Britt's cell phone in Surfside?

The reason I ask is because I, personally don't remember Surfside being mentioned for the pings. I could have missed it with taking everything else in.
So what if their behavior is "not nice"....from what LE is saying, they have 3 or maybe 4 "poi" and none of them seem to be from Chile NY

I hardly think there was some huge conspiracy here to "deliver" or set up Britanee, I don't think there is anything to indicate that these kids were involved

Sorry Logical, but I respectfully disagree. A consipracy only needs 2. And we don't know if their involvement was innocent ar first, but then it got out of hand. Not all of the ROC groups necessarily involved, but I do believe some are, to what extent idk. There are too many unanswered questions concerning them and their behavior during and after the MB trip gives me pause for concern. I hope I'm wrong, I would hate to think "friends", and I use the term loosely, would be involved in another friends disappearance, but it remains to be seen.
The frenemies (borrowing nobull's word) - did not report BD missing to JG. JG came to the conclusion that something was wrong with BD when she did not answer his text - after they had been texting. She didn't answer in any way...

Supposedly JG goes into panic mode because he can't get a hold of her and begins calling JO/AL (one of them). Allegedly one of them tells JG that BD is not with them and are not sure where she is. Allegedly JO/AL (one of them) contacts PB and he says BD isn't with him and doesn't know where she is.

This info gets relayed back to JG who then tells DD.

According to a news article JO or AL state that they weren't worried and didn't think she was missing - they didn't become worried until it was about 2:30 AM and she hadn't returned to the hotel or contacted them.

Apparently this link no longer works - (I have so many news articles - and have abbreviated the text of the articles to save space and make a quicker read - no words have been left out - just abbreviated)

But this was once a news item titled: Monroe deputies join hunt for missing teen - dated 4/29/2009

Friends of BD weren't immediately concerned that the 17-yr-old didn't return to their MB hotel Sat night. The group had gone their separate ways for much of their stay last week in SC.

Later, around 2 or 2:30 am Sun after she didn't return phone calls or text messages, her friends grew concerned, said JO, 20, of Chili, who traveled to SC w/BD last week.

"We're now thinking that the worst happened to her," she said.

No one is saying there is some big conspiracy theory to have done whatever to Brittanee. No one believes BD was taken to MB for any nefarious activities of selling her or offing her for any reason. No one believes that was anyone's intent with the people there that she knew.

But it seems that it is quite possible that 1 or 2 or even more or all of the so called friends may know something about what happened to her - This doesn't mean that they participated in BD's disappearance.

Did you ever find the article that stated that there was a ping from Britt's cell phone in Surfside?

The reason I ask is because I, personally don't remember Surfside being mentioned for the pings. I could have missed it with taking everything else in.

Hi Debbie,

I remember from either a news article or interview that Surfside was mentioned - something to do with the ping.

Seems to me it was an early article and as I remember it was laying out the pings as her phone traveled down the coast - It also said her phone pings went inland for a bit then came back towards the coast and stopped.

I wish I could find that article...there's at least one other on here who remembers it as well... I will go back to digging through my saved info again today to see if I can find it.

Does anyone know how to bring up cached info on the Internet?
According to a news article JO or AL state that they weren't worried and didn't think she was missing - they didn't become worried until it was about 2:30 AM and she hadn't returned to the hotel or contacted them.

Friends of BD weren't immediately concerned that the 17-yr-old didn't return to their MB hotel Sat night. The group had gone their separate ways for much of their stay last week in SC.

Later, around 2 or 2:30 am Sun after she didn't return phone calls or text messages, her friends grew concerned, said JO, 20, of Chili, who traveled to SC w/BD last week.

Maybe the friends weren't concerned at first because they were angry. They thought BD had gotten PO'ed about returning the shorts and had taken off and stopped returning their calls deliberately. That would explain why they weren't worried until hours later. Get a bunch of young girls together at the beach, some drinking and everything gets blown out of proportion. They didn't know at the time that she would never show up - they were probably calling her every name in the book. Just a theory.
I agree...those friends that she came with probably weren't too worried in the beginning - and why really would they have been. It had only been a few minutes in the grand scheme of things that BD was supposedly missing.

But I do believe they should have been at least somewhat worried well before 2 or 2:30 AM - since BD was supposed to be returning a pair of JO's shorts...and for the simple fact that as time went on no one was hearing from BD or seeing her.
Why would anyone on a party trip be immediately concerned when one of them doesn't return "on time"?? My guess is there was plenty of drunken fun, hookups, stay out and party going on

Hindsight is great....the same magical thinking is used in cases like Morgan Harrington and Natalee if the "friends" should all have been there like babysitters/nannys/watchdogs for the missing person

fact is that in all these cases maybe said "friends" were drunk, high, got "lucky" and hooked up with someone....their role and position is not to watch over someone else
The missing/dead girls in question were not watching out for their friends and vice versa
Just think ....friends who call in LE and families when a college roommate stays out all night soon won't have friends...they will be a "rat" or a "tattletale" troublemaker

if anything is to be learned here it would be that woman's lib be dammed, females are vulnerable...don't stray from the pack, don't go off on your own, don't take foolish risks, don't expect or think that your "friends" will be responsible for you

I don't see some huge conspiracy here...for all we know, maybe the "friends" on the trip have verified to LE that the 3 or 4 suspects are guys they did meet up with or knew from the club...or even bought drugs from or whatever
Why would anyone on a party trip be immediately concerned when one of them doesn't return "on time"?? My guess is there was plenty of drunken fun, hookups, stay out and party going on

Hindsight is great....the same magical thinking is used in cases like Morgan Harrington and Natalee if the "friends" should all have been there like babysitters/nannys/watchdogs for the missing person

fact is that in all these cases maybe said "friends" were drunk, high, got "lucky" and hooked up with someone....their role and position is not to watch over someone else
The missing/dead girls in question were not watching out for their friends and vice versa
Just think ....friends who call in LE and families when a college roommate stays out all night soon won't have friends...they will be a "rat" or a "tattletale" troublemaker

if anything is to be learned here it would be that woman's lib be dammed, females are vulnerable...don't stray from the pack, don't go off on your own, don't take foolish risks, don't expect or think that your "friends" will be responsible for you

I don't see some huge conspiracy here...for all we know, maybe the "friends" on the trip have verified to LE that the 3 or 4 suspects are guys they did meet up with or knew from the club...or even bought drugs from or whatever

Women's Lib be damned??? lol What in the hell does that have to do with any of this? Men, and teenagers of either sex take foolish risks! Its part of growing think u r invinccible, u don't "notice" things around you. Of course hindsight is 20/20, you learn from pst experiences and mistakes and mistakes of others. Thats how we evolve as humans, or at least hope to.

And again, I respectfully disagree with you....I've gone on spring break, to MB in fact, as well as in FL, and I went off on my own as well as friends, but we ALWAYS checked in. This was before texting & cell phones which make checking in so much easier nowdays. It's not about being a babysitter, its called respect, and watching out for those around you. What happened to plain old common courtesy? It was not just for safety, but out of respect for the people we were with. Even when we were hooking up, we let someone know where we were and who with. So yes, if the girls and JG couldn't get ahold of BD, especially with her constant texting, and the fact that she said she was on her way back (if this stmt is true or not idk), then yes, if she didn't arrive in a certain amount of time, I'd think something was up.

And to clarify, no one is talking about a "huge" conspiracy here. And we are not privy to what the Roc groups did or did not say to LE. Maybe they were the tipsters in Dec? Maybe not. Maybe 1 of them, maybe all of them? That's the point here...this is ALL speculation. Isn't that what we are here for? To speculate, form ideas, theories, opinions? The only thing we do know for sure is that BD is MISSING and there are a lot of people who love and miss her and are trying to help find her. In the grand scheme of things, this is the only thing that matters at this point.
I'm paraphrasing the article I can't find right now:

"JG told DD that BD was missing at 9:30. He told DD that BD is missing, no one has seen her, they aren't even looking for her. DD sent JH down to file a police report.''

The timeline is so screwy.....I think--at 9:30--this would be an overreaction on JG's part. He had JUST texted with had only been 15 minutes since he'd heard from her....only 17 minutes since she's left the BWR hotel.
That's why I keep wondering if the kid's timeline is correct....ONLY because of JG's comments. Is there a possibility that he DIDN'T say and do all of these things at 9:30, and just made a phone call to JO? Is there a possibility that ALL of these calls took place AFTER 9:30....that JG called JO at 9:30ish....then she said 'dunno' essentially...then he called back after several minutes....she asked around, then called PB...then called him back later with no word on Brittanee still?
A. I'm thinking that either the kids timeline is correct...that at 9:30, it had been an hour and 15 minutes that Brittanee hadn't been seen/heard from...or that the media timeline is correct and JG didn't contact DD until later in the evening...after giving Brittanee enough time to actually walk the mile to the hotel.

B. On a different but related subject, why is it that JG was able to get in touch with all of the people in this group, but DD wasn't? And, does ANYONE have info that JO or Alana told JG about their huge 'emergency'? I'm wondering why the emergency would prohibit them from answering only certain calls.
Krista......I'm pretty sure JG time is accurate because he was at work, and when he left work he went to DD house to tell her BD was in MB and missing.

As far as JG getting in touch with them and not DD....well, JG knew BD was in MB, DD did not. I figure JG knew at least a couple of the people she was with. I believe they all went to MCC, as did JG. So it doesn't surpriose me that JG could get in touch with them. IIRC, they wouldn't talk to DD. They wouldn't answer when she called, but would answer JG.
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