Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #8

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So what if their behavior is "not nice"....from what LE is saying, they have 3 or maybe 4 "poi" and none of them seem to be from Chile NY

I hardly think there was some huge conspiracy here to "deliver" or set up Britanee, I don't think there is anything to indicate that these kids were involved

We don't know for sure where all these POIs are from? It's very possible that one of the Chili gang is a POI. There was something like 14 of them in MB at the time...

Their behavior is beyond "not nice" IMO that is why I think they know something. As I've said in the past, I am fairly certain they did not "set Brittanee up" nor do I think they are repsonsible for her disappearance.

I do however, believe they are holding some detail back. Perhaps a name of someone they met while on this trip - possibly someone at Club K, ro on the beach, or in the same hotel as them.

This is where my drug dealer theory fits nicely.

The fact that this person is a drug dealer might be enough reason enough to withold this detail... They're scared of him/her... They might not even know this person's name, but they are so self-centered, they do not want the world to know they were buying a bag of coke, or some pills.

That is my take on the Chili Gang... I still don't believe the "black shorts" story either, I don't know why but my gut tells me it's BS.

We don't know for sure where all these POIs are from? It's very possible that one of the Chili gang is a POI. There was something like 14 of them in MB at the time...

Their behavior is beyond "not nice" IMO that is why I think they know something. As I've said in the past, I am fairly certain they did not "set Brittanee up" nor do I think they are repsonsible for her disappearance.

I do however, believe they are holding some detail back. Perhaps a name of someone they met while on this trip - possibly someone at Club K, ro on the beach, or in the same hotel as them.

This is where my drug dealer theory fits nicely.

The fact that this person is a drug dealer might be enough reason enough to withold this detail... They're scared of him/her... They might not even know this person's name, but they are so self-centered, they do not want the world to know they were buying a bag of coke, or some pills.

That is my take on the Chili Gang... I still don't believe the "black shorts" story either, I don't know why but my gut tells me it's BS.


I'm pretty sure that LE made it clear that all of the POI's live in the North Santee area. I agree about the black shorts story, though. Sounds like a code word for drugs.
Was Britanee (or the other missing/tragic ending kids) watching out for the "friends'??


and they weren't watching out for her

when you want a babysitter, hire one

The internet has produced this magical thinking that young people shoulda, coulda woulda watch out for each other...well guess what they often do not

huge "conspiracy" theories build...and usually go nowhere

yes, there was one case I can think of , happened where I live, and it was so rare they made a book/movie about it..."Bully">> where a group of kids got together and decided to kill the much feared bully who tormented and ruled all of them

even when LE is clearly saying that they have some locals in mind people can't give up the idea that all of these n'er do well kids got together in some sort of conspiracy

I don't blame them for shutting up, lawyering up...the more I watch what goes I see why they did....

I just saw where "sleuthers" were "digging" into the myspace page of a young mom ....analyizing her friends, boyfriend, songs, posts, kids...only problem they had the wrong name
Krista......I'm pretty sure JG time is accurate because he was at work, and when he left work he went to DD house to tell her BD was in MB and missing.


I think his time is accurate as far as him contacting JO the first time concerning not being able to get Brittanee on the 9:30pm.

My question would be WHEN he actually contacted DD.
JG's time is accurate because he was at work, and when he left work he went to DD house to tell her BD was in MB and missing.
My point was that I don't believe that ALL of that happened at 9:30pm. BECAUSE he knew BD was secretly in myrtle beach against her mom's wishes, he wouldn't (IMHO) contact DD just 15 minutes after he couldn't get BD on the phone. I was saying that maybe his contact at 9:30 was to JO and only the initial call that set the other calls into motion, finally leading up to JG contacting DD later in the evening.
Again, the ONLY reason I can't see him calling DD at 9:30 like he said, is that the timeline would suggest that at 9:30, BD would have only been on the road from the other hotel for 17 minutes. It would have been VERY possible that Brittanee was still walking home at that point. I can totally see him calling JO, Alana, etc...but not tipping off DD until he KNEW it had taken her far too long to walk a mile back to the hotel.
The alternative is that both the 'friends' AND JG's timeline are correct, BD had been missing for an hour and 15 minutes by 9:30pm, and JG would have obviously been worried at that point. But, if the 'friend's' timeline is correct, and she left the BWR at 8:13, then the 7 minute window of time for the abduction (per LE) means that she was texting her boyfriend after being with her abductors for roughly an hour.
That just doesn't seem likely to me...IMHO.
The WCMF audio files - a radio station in ROC - In one of the first interviews DD states that JG told her at 9:30 on Sat. night that Brittanee was at the beach and that she couldn't be found.

DD asked JG for the cell phone #'s of who BD was with and she called RPD

JG finished his shift at work and went to DD's house (I believe this was somewhere around 11 PM)

ETA: Krista I know what you're saying - this was one of the first things I thought of also...why so quickly was everyone in such an uproar... I think the ball got rolling at 9:30 and things went from there because JG was so insistant about BD not answering her phone when before she had done so and had since she was in MB.
As far as JG getting in touch with them and not DD....well, JG knew BD was in MB, DD did not. I figure JG knew at least a couple of the people she was with. I believe they all went to MCC, as did JG. So it doesn't surpriose me that JG could get in touch with them. IIRC, they wouldn't talk to DD. They wouldn't answer when she called, but would answer JG. was a rhetorical question....sorry.

Here's the problem. I understand that none of the kids wanted to talk to DD and get in trouble or whatever (even though they supposedly had 'no idea' Brittanee didn't tell her mom about the trip). I get that. I understand that they were FAR more likely to talk to JG than to DD since he knew already that they were with Brittanee, he's their age, etc.

The problem isn't that they refused to answer DD's calls...but that they DID answer JG's calls. They were supposedly involved in some sort of emergency that prevented them from answering the phone or returning a call. In other words, I think the emergency is a complete lie.
I think the ball got rolling at 9:30 and things went from there because JG was so insistant about BD not answering her phone when before she had done so and had since she was in MB.

So, to clarify, you believe JG was insistant that BD was missing at 17 minutes into her mile and a half walk back to the hotel? I don't know why that bothers just seems like a huge overreaction..but they are teens!??!
For some reason, it just makes me go back and rethink about the timeline....that maybe it was an hour earlier. Which would make JG's frantic calls completely reasonable and understandable. MOO.
So, to clarify, you believe JG was insistant that BD was missing at 17 minutes into her mile and a half walk back to the hotel? I don't know why that bothers just seems like a huge overreaction..but they are teens!??!
For some reason, it just makes me go back and rethink about the timeline....that maybe it was an hour earlier. Which would make JG's frantic calls completely reasonable and understandable. MOO.

I agree - but this is what was said on the WCMF interview by DD
Was Britanee (or the other missing/tragic ending kids) watching out for the "friends'??


and they weren't watching out for her

when you want a babysitter, hire one

The internet has produced this magical thinking that young people shoulda, coulda woulda watch out for each other...well guess what they often do not

huge "conspiracy" theories build...and usually go nowhere

yes, there was one case I can think of , happened where I live, and it was so rare they made a book/movie about it..."Bully">> where a group of kids got together and decided to kill the much feared bully who tormented and ruled all of them

even when LE is clearly saying that they have some locals in mind people can't give up the idea that all of these n'er do well kids got together in some sort of conspiracy

I don't blame them for shutting up, lawyering up...the more I watch what goes I see why they did....

I just saw where "sleuthers" were "digging" into the myspace page of a young mom ....analyizing her friends, boyfriend, songs, posts, kids...only problem they had the wrong name

OK. Can we just agree to disagree and stop beating this dead horse? and I will say FOR THE LAST TIME a conspiracy does NOT have to be HUGE. I don't believe the word conspiracy has even been used! (Although I must say I do enjoy a little Alex Jones now and then!) I have NOT been saying anything about a HUGE conspiracy. It seems like you are not even reading the replies, only repeating over and over and over.

And to make another point, how do u know Britannee wasn't watching out for her friends? I don't know why, IMO, but you seem very angry about this case and very quick to rule people out and to me seem to be somehwat attacking BD, ala MC. Can we stop this nonsense and focus on a MISSING girl....please?
The WCMF audio files - a radio station in ROC - In one of the first interviews DD states that JG told her at 9:30 on Sat. night that Brittanee was at the beach and that she couldn't be found.

DD asked JG for the cell phone #'s of who BD was with and she called RPD

JG finished his shift at work and went to DD's house (I believe this was somewhere around 11 PM)
ETA: Krista I know what you're saying - this was one of the first things I thought of also...why so quickly was everyone in such an uproar... I think the ball got rolling at 9:30 and things went from there because JG was so insistant about BD not answering her phone when before she had done so and had since she was in MB.

Yes, 11/11:30 I believe. I believe he was trying to get in touch with her from the last text until he got out of work and at the point knew something was wrong.
So, to clarify, you believe JG was insistant that BD was missing at 17 minutes into her mile and a half walk back to the hotel? I don't know why that bothers just seems like a huge overreaction..but they are teens!??!
For some reason, it just makes me go back and rethink about the timeline....that maybe it was an hour earlier. Which would make JG's frantic calls completely reasonable and understandable. MOO.

idk, I could see that if u were in the middle of a conversation, knew the other person was alone, not to mention texting/walking, and suddenly there is silence, I would be worried, esp after talking to the others and they couldn't get ahold of her either.
Yes, 11/11:30 I believe. I believe he was trying to get in touch with her from the last text until he got out of work and at the point knew something was wrong.

Ahhhh...that's what I've been looking for!!

He didn't leave work until later....then went to DD's house and told her that Brittanee was missing!?!? That makes complete sense...I just didn't see him contacting DD until the absolute last as not to break Brittanee's trust if she were just out of signal range or something minor. If he didn't tell her until after work, around 11ish, then OF COURSE he would be frantic by that a minimum, 2 hours and 15 minutes since anyone had seen or heard from her when she was only supposed to be walking a mile or so...alone.
So, DD said he told her at 9:30? But JG says that he told her when he went to her home around 11:30?
Sorry to belabor this point....I obviously am not trying to suggest anything negative about either DD or JG, just trying to get a legitimate timeline to see who was doing what when.
I think JG could have possibly told DD that quickly because he may have been a really jealous boyfriend. A lot are at that age. A couple unreturned phone calls or texts could have lead him to being like, 'f--- that'. If she's not returning my texts, then I'm just gonna tell her mom. From what I understand from earlier readings was that JG and BD were not exclusive anymore. JG probably was thinking about other guys with her and he just got mad and said, 'I'll call her mom then." He could then just tell BD he was worried about her, although he really was jealous of the thought of her down there with other guys, ignoring him.
Just my thoughts. I remember being a young boyfriend and constantly calling my girlfriend and then getting upset if she didn't call back right away.
Ahhhh...that's what I've been looking for!!

He didn't leave work until later....then went to DD's house and told her that Brittanee was missing!?!? That makes complete sense...I just didn't see him contacting DD until the absolute last as not to break Brittanee's trust if she were just out of signal range or something minor. If he didn't tell her until after work, around 11ish, then OF COURSE he would be frantic by that a minimum, 2 hours and 15 minutes since anyone had seen or heard from her when she was only supposed to be walking a mile or so...alone.
So, DD said he told her at 9:30? But JG says that he told her when he went to her home around 11:30?
Sorry to belabor this point....I obviously am not trying to suggest anything negative about either DD or JG, just trying to get a legitimate timeline to see who was doing what when.

That's how I understood it to be. Although I think this whole timeline has had various times reported differntly depending on what news source it was. It seems to me that happened quite a bit in the beginning, and the camera times are still a point of confusion.

I also think the 11/11:30 time is correct because DD contacted JH to drive to MB since he was closer than JG & DD were in ROC. I think JH went to the girls hotel first, then reported BD missing to LE, which was 5/5:30 AM IIRC?
I think JG could have possibly told DD that quickly because he may have been a really jealous boyfriend. A lot are at that age. A couple unreturned phone calls or texts could have lead him to being like, 'f--- that'. If she's not returning my texts, then I'm just gonna tell her mom. From what I understand from earlier readings was that JG and BD were not exclusive anymore. JG probably was thinking about other guys with her and he just got mad and said, 'I'll call her mom then." He could then just tell BD he was worried about her, although he really was jealous of the thought of her down there with other guys, ignoring him.
Just my thoughts. I remember being a young boyfriend and constantly calling my girlfriend and then getting upset if she didn't call back right away.

This exact scenario came to my mind as I was re-reading some of the recent posts. He may have wanted to let her mom know because he believed that would certainly get her back to ROC pronto when her mom found out. Also, the content of her text messaging to him may have thrown up a red flag to JG too. We probably will never know what those text messages were about, but she may have had time to let him know suddenly she felt she was in danger. I do not do much texting myself...guess it is an age thing...but I do know teens in particular can text a lot in a very short amount of time. She may have been cut off in the middle of a "conversation" they had ongoing via texting.
A couple unreturned phone calls or texts could have lead him to being like, 'f--- that'. If she's not returning my texts, then I'm just gonna tell her mom.

Dude, I think your brought up a very valid point.... Most of these kids, or young adults for you PC crowd, IMO were a bunch of Drama-Llama's... They thrive on jealousy, drama, trash-talking, etc. as to most typical teenagers...

JG, in the interviews I've seen him in, seemed like a bit of a hot head. And I don't mean that in an offensive way, just as a character trait. I am the opposite - cool calm and collective even in a serious situation. Some often think I am a cold person because I don't wear my emotions and my concerns on my sleeve.

It does seem quite odd that JG when into "panic mode" so quickly. Maybe their texting habits are different than mine... but one of the good things about a text (versus a phone call) is that you do not need to immediately respond. If we have a conversation via text, and I get a phone call and get wrapped up in a conversation for a while, you can bet I am not going to text you back right away. Also - same scenario, we're conversing via text, and then I start chatting with someone, even if it is a casual chat between two strangers, about, say the weather. Again, I am not going to text you back for a while.

Last but not least, I would think dead battery before I jumped to a foul play conclusion....

The stranger abduction does not seem likely to me. We have possible evidence that she continued to text for some time (more than 7 minutes) after leaving BW. Regardless of that fact, it would be very brazen for a perp to attempt to overpower BD in public like that... I bet she can scream crazy loud (most teenage girls can) and it has been stated that she was fiesty, and would have certainly fought back, or tried a tuck-and-roll onto the street at a red light...

We all have our own theories, and we are welcome to share them on here, that is what it is all about... Let's try to open our minds and consider EVERYONE's thoughts equally. It's this type of brainstorming that we need here... WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM!!!
Details limited on Drexel investigation to protect case

Posted: Apr 15, 2010 12:50 PM EDT Updated: Apr 15, 2010 12:50 PM EDT



MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) - Investigators on the Brittanee Drexel case are defending their actions after the girl's mother went on national television, critical of recent developments in the investigation.
Dawn Drexel made an appearance on CNN earlier this week saying investigators should not have said the Rochester, NY teen was likely dead, and that investigators are not giving her enough information about the case.
Georgetown County Sgt. Neil Johnson said Thursday he understands that she's a mother in distress about her daughter's year-long disappearance, but that she is not aware of the details of the case, which cannot be released at this time because it would compromise the case and possible arrests.
Both the Myrtle Beach Police and the Georgetown County Sheriff's Office have full-time investigators working only on the Brittanee Drexel case, according to authorities, and Johnson said that law enforcement officials are hoping the details they have released will lead to a break in the case.
Johnson said that since news broke Friday on the persons of interest, investigators have been flooded with tips.
Johnson confirmed Monday investigators have pinpointed three or four people of interest in the case of Brittanee Drexel, who was 17 at the time of her disappearance. Johnson said all persons of interest have been previously questioned by authorities, but could not confirm an exact time frame in which they were questioned.
Two of the suspects, according to Johnson, have been subjected to lie detector tests. Johnson, however, has refrained from commenting on the results of those tests.
"At this time, there is no reason to believe these people [the persons of interest] know Drexel directly," Johnson said.
Myrtle Beach Police Det. Vincent Dorio said the recent advancements in the case developed from a tip, and detectives are confident the information is leading them in the right direction to finding who might be responsible for her disappearance.
Drexel disappeared after she was last seen in the area of 11th Avenue South and 20th Avenue South in Myrtle Beach. Drexel was in the area against the will of her mother.
Contact was lost between Drexel and her family in New York on April 25, 2009, the same night authorities say she disappeared. The last signal from her cell phone came the next night near the South Santee River.
Since she went missing, multiple search efforts for the teen have been executed from Horry County to Charleston County. While investigators have searched throughout three counties, each search effort has left police empty handed.
CrimeStoppers of the Lowcountry continues to offer a reward for any information on Drexel's whereabouts. Anyone with information regarding the disappearance of Drexel is urged to contact the agency at 1-888-CRIME-SC.
Copyright 2010 WMBF News. All rights reserved. WCSC contributed to this report.
Details limited on Drexel investigation to protect case

Posted: Apr 15, 2010 12:50 PM EDT Updated: Apr 15, 2010 12:50 PM EDT



MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) - Investigators on the Brittanee Drexel case are defending their actions after the girl's mother went on national television, critical of recent developments in the investigation.
Dawn Drexel made an appearance on CNN earlier this week saying investigators should not have said the Rochester, NY teen was likely dead, and that investigators are not giving her enough information about the case.
Georgetown County Sgt. Neil Johnson said Thursday he understands that she's a mother in distress about her daughter's year-long disappearance, but that she is not aware of the details of the case, which cannot be released at this time because it would compromise the case and possible arrests.
Both the Myrtle Beach Police and the Georgetown County Sheriff's Office have full-time investigators working only on the Brittanee Drexel case, according to authorities, and Johnson said that law enforcement officials are hoping the details they have released will lead to a break in the case.
Johnson said that since news broke Friday on the persons of interest, investigators have been flooded with tips.
Johnson confirmed Monday investigators have pinpointed three or four people of interest in the case of Brittanee Drexel, who was 17 at the time of her disappearance. Johnson said all persons of interest have been previously questioned by authorities, but could not confirm an exact time frame in which they were questioned.
Two of the suspects, according to Johnson, have been subjected to lie detector tests. Johnson, however, has refrained from commenting on the results of those tests.
"At this time, there is no reason to believe these people [the persons of interest] know Drexel directly," Johnson said.
Myrtle Beach Police Det. Vincent Dorio said the recent advancements in the case developed from a tip, and detectives are confident the information is leading them in the right direction to finding who might be responsible for her disappearance.
Drexel disappeared after she was last seen in the area of 11th Avenue South and 20th Avenue South in Myrtle Beach. Drexel was in the area against the will of her mother.
Contact was lost between Drexel and her family in New York on April 25, 2009, the same night authorities say she disappeared. The last signal from her cell phone came the next night near the South Santee River.
Since she went missing, multiple search efforts for the teen have been executed from Horry County to Charleston County. While investigators have searched throughout three counties, each search effort has left police empty handed.
CrimeStoppers of the Lowcountry continues to offer a reward for any information on Drexel's whereabouts. Anyone with information regarding the disappearance of Drexel is urged to contact the agency at 1-888-CRIME-SC.
Copyright 2010 WMBF News. All rights reserved. WCSC contributed to this report.

Thanks for the article Debbie,

I suspected the police were at a stalemate with the guys and went to the public for the finishing pieces. This sounds like exactly what they are doing. They need that one person to come forward. We must remember there are 3-4 guys involved. I am sure they all have a lot of friends. If they can get that one person to come forward and say something and agree to testify it will probably wrap this up.
Johnson said all persons of interest have been previously questioned by authorities, but could not confirm an exact time frame in which they were questioned.

For the most part, I didn't read any new info. The bolded part above has me a little worried that these guys are going to book it the hell out of dodge...

I wonder WHEN these people were previously questioned? We only know, FOR SURE, that LE questioned (At least some members of) The Chili gang, and they stopped by Georgetown HS, once, breifly a while back, in relation to this case.

This may be a case where the perp has already left town, and LE picks him up when he/she re-surfaces YEARS later... I hope not...
For the most part, I didn't read any new info. The bolded part above has me a little worried that these guys are going to book it the hell out of dodge...

I wonder WHEN these people were previously questioned? We only know, FOR SURE, that LE questioned (At least some members of) The Chili gang, and they stopped by Georgetown HS, once, breifly a while back, in relation to this case.

This may be a case where the perp has already left town, and LE picks him up when he/she re-surfaces YEARS later... I hope not...

Oh God, I hope not either!
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