Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #8

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The way I read the above info is that the POI's live in the MB area and the tip was to do with items of interest that were known to have been in Georgetown County. Maybe her clothes , her phone, maybe even her.

These POI's have familiarity with Georgetown County.

Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to bash your theory, it is very plausible.

Here's a thought. Theory only! Let's take two of these POIs. Two ficticous drug dealers - Bob and Joe. both live in Georgetown county, near the county line. Bob sells cocaine. Bob is higher up on the food chain of drug dealers, Joe is a younger guy, fits in better with the hip-hop crowd. Joe travels to Myrtle Beach, knowing it is crowded with party kids, perhaps goes to Club K and hustles some coke... Makes contact with a member of the Chili-crowd, and sells him/her some cocaine.

NOW - go back to my previous theory, and it connects neatly. BD was sent to go pick up another bag of blow. Meeting Joe somewhere along the strip, she hops in the car with Joe, and Joe says he needs to go to Bob's house to get that bag of blow. That is when things went terribly wrong.

That is all speculation and some may feel it is far fetched. But isn't WS all about kicking around ideas, no matter how far fetched, and then brainstorming these ideas/theories?
OT but had to share with you all. A new search is happening in Haleigh Cummings case based on a tip received last night. Nadia Bloom was found alive today in Fl. Maybe today will be Brittanee's day too! Prayers go out to her family.
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to bash your theory, it is very plausible.

Here's a thought. Theory only! Let's take two of these POIs. Two ficticous drug dealers - Bob and Joe. both live in Georgetown county, near the county line. Bob sells cocaine. Bob is higher up on the food chain of drug dealers, Joe is a younger guy, fits in better with the hip-hop crowd. Joe travels to Myrtle Beach, knowing it is crowded with party kids, perhaps goes to Club K and hustles some coke... Makes contact with a member of the Chili-crowd, and sells him/her some cocaine.

NOW - go back to my previous theory, and it connects neatly. BD was sent to go pick up another bag of blow. Meeting Joe somewhere along the strip, she hops in the car with Joe, and Joe says he needs to go to Bob's house to get that bag of blow. That is when things went terribly wrong.

That is all speculation and some may feel it is far fetched. But isn't WS all about kicking around ideas, no matter how far fetched, and then brainstorming these ideas/theories?

I don't feel your idea is far fetched, it could very well be what went down, happens all the time. I was just emphasizing the reason for the emphasization on Georgetown County.

We know that Britt went to PB's room for something that only took a matter of minutes and the drug angle works well with this. The guys were going to a party later, maybe she was just to get in the car a ride around the block to make the deal and come back to the boys room. Unfortunately, the dealers had other plans could have been spur of the moment. Just some thoughts.
OT but had to share with you all. A new search is happening in Haleigh Cummings case based on a tip received last night. Nadia Bloom was found alive today in Fl. Maybe today will be Brittanee's day too! Prayers go out to her family.

I thought the same thing too!
MLatta, your timeline above only reiterates to me that the "breaking news" of last Friday had more to do with your FOIL request than anything else. I think LE is backtracking so as not to look like they've gotten nowhere. Now the "tip" from December has today turned into 20? Now its a "homicide"? Nice of them to let the family know. And yes, they absolutely should let the family reasons, no excuses. DD said last night that she was surprised to hear from LE last week cuz she hadn't heard from them in awhile. I don't buy them keeping quiet to ferret people out. The timing of all this is just to pat.

Bottom line to me is this: Brit is MISSING. She is a MISSING PERSON. Her, her family, and the case should be treated as such. Until there is proof to the contrary, that's how it should be treated, and everyone LE, PIs, Family, and private sleuthers like you all should be working together to find her.

Like I said yesterday, I can be cynical, but I truly believe the timing of all this and putting the focus on areas other than MB and drugs and the fact that she "indirectly" knew who she was with is only serving to protect the MB tourist season. I'm glad DD is going back down next week to focus people on looking for Brit....that's what matters. Keep remembering what CD said last night.....that he can only give his children hope. Wow.
I don't feel your idea is far fetched, it could very well be what went down, happens all the time. I was just emphasizing the reason for the emphasization on Georgetown County.

We know that Britt went to PB's room for something that only took a matter of minutes and the drug angle works well with this. The guys were going to a party later, maybe she was just to get in the car a ride around the block to make the deal and come back to the boys room. Unfortunately, the dealers had other plans could have been spur of the moment. Just some thoughts.

This is why I keep asking if LE believes that the boys from ROC know them but I cannot get an answer.
MLatta: keep us posted on your FOIL request. I'm very interested in how it is handled, especially after you got 2 conflicting responses. I think you are onto something and hit on something, possibly inadvertenly.
This is why I keep asking if LE believes that the boys from ROC know them but I cannot get an answer.
As for a definate answer, I wouldn't know, but the cops do; I would imagine.

I think there is a good possibility that they had some relation (for a lack of a better word) to the Roc boys, whether it be just that day or a few days or from years past. Something made the ROC boys leave this area quickly. It very well could be the ones that Britt left with were suppose to come back for said party and never did. I would think that they (PB and gang) were notified while at the party and then hottailed it to the hotel to gather their belongings and get back to NY.
**** Common Sense***
Theory on drug salers/buyers

Wouldnt one have know this saler? in 50 years of my life living in SC,to sale of coke/hash/c-myth,herione,,etc that there would had to been a connection from dealer/saler to Roc gang? so i cant or will not buy the stories that BD could just went done the buy,without this dealer knowing if shes real or a cop. so someone had to know (this if all of your thories are right) that this dealer would check out who bd was etc? Common sense here in SC the sled has been busting drug dealers for last year,just my thoughts that no dealer would of just sold to BD without knowing she was real,,so who had the connections with the dealer? come on ppl do you honesty feel you can walk out on street buy coke,etc get real,,,had to be someone else in that deal???? think about it,,mlatta,debbie m,few others yall from sc do you truly feel a coke dealer risk saling to someone they didnt no or her being young to talk if law caught up with her? then we know coke,etc harder drugs not cheap,(from bd on mom in news said bd didnt have much $ so who put up the $ for drugs??? think on tat

Prayers for BD and DD family,,

I don't want to come out and blatantly disagree but I have to on this. It happens all the time! Not just MB but Daytona, VA Beach, Ocean City etc. I have friends that go to these places and "hook up" and find whatever drug that they need. They don't know a soul in town and can still get whatever they want.

A few years ago when I went to MB, friends of mine (young pretty girls) wanted to get some marijuana. They just started talking to people along the strip. In a matter of 20 minutes they were able to purchase and get contact info for a dealer. Which they met again later in the week. It was easier than finding it in our own town, where they actually "know" dealers. Drug dealers know that naive kids come in to town and want to have a good time. Add the inhibitions of alcohol, and you have kids that may not be drug users, willing to try or purchase something. They make SOOO much money off tourists, I'd bet anything that YES they are willing to risk getting caught. Any drug transaction runs the risk of getting the dealer arrested. It's part of their "job" and they know the risks.

I could go on and on reciting similar stories in similar towns, but I think you get my point. I could go to any known vacation spot and find drugs. It's as simple as that. I've been there and have seen it and know from other friends, this is in NO way a rare occurrence.

Also just because BD didn't have money, that does not mean her friends didn't have money.
As for a definate answer, I wouldn't know, but the cops do; I would imagine.

I think there is a good possibility that they had some relation (for a lack of a better word) to the Roc boys, whether it be just that day or a few days or from years past. Something made the ROC boys leave this area quickly. It very well could be the ones that Britt left with were suppose to come back for said party and never did. I would think that they (PB and gang) were notified while at the party and then hottailed it to the hotel to gather their belongings and get back to NY.

Exactly what i'm trying to rule out.... was she working for him?
As for a definate answer, I wouldn't know, but the cops do; I would imagine.

I think there is a good possibility that they had some relation (for a lack of a better word) to the Roc boys, whether it be just that day or a few days or from years past. Something made the ROC boys leave this area quickly. It very well could be the ones that Britt left with were suppose to come back for said party and never did. I would think that they (PB and gang) were notified while at the party and then hottailed it to the hotel to gather their belongings and get back to NY.

ITA. Don't forget, PB works as a "club promoter" and I think the owner of Club K was also owner of club PB worked at here in Roc. I don't think PB has coughed up all he knows/knew, whether out of loyalty or fear, idk. And hiring Parinello sure didn't help people's perception of him.
I haven't posted on this case in a long time, but have followed it. Hats off to all of you have stayed and continued to sleuth. To get up to speed, I have read all of the articles posted relating to the most recent developments or statements made by LE. A few things have stood out to me, so I thought I would post.

#1 -
Myrtle Beach police get break in Brittanee Drexel case
Missing teen's mom: Persons of interest found
Saturday, Apr. 10, 2010
Myrtle Beach police could not be reached for comment Friday night. But an investigator for the department said last year that the disappearance has circumstances that were different from any other case he had worked on. He would not give details.


The above bold "circumstances different from any other case he worked on" makes me think, we need to look more "outside the box" for what occured. This is not just gonna be a drug deal gone wrong or a date rape incident. After reading the articles and listening to many of your posts. I do believe we are looking for high school students or at least kids under 21. I think the two people that were given lie detector tests have stated exactly what happened from meeting up with her, where they went, to how she was murdered, with what and where or near she was disposed. Which is why LE is pretty adamant that they are now working a homicide investigation.


Police have persons of interest in missing teen case
(Snipped for content)

The investigators, while confident in their persons of interest, say they still need the final clue to establish that a crime occurred.
"We could use that one person -- or that one piece of evidence -- that comes forward and ties everything together to make a solid arrest which leads to a solid conviction," Dorio, the Myrtle Beach detective said.


I have read a few of your comments on the "key" idea. However, almost every article you read is worded differently, so I am not no sure "key" means as much as we think. It might just be one writers "word of the day" to add emphasis. Although I could be totally wrong.

What I found interesting in the above article which I have not seen in other articles (so not sure if it means anything, kind of like the "key" thing) is the Detective stating "we could use that one person...."

This part makes me think they are hoping for an actual person to confess or at least provide more information if they don't find the body or murder weapon before hand.

#3 -

Another article I read (which I can't find at the moment) stated "location of interest." This leads me to think the location of the crime is different from where the body was disposed of. Maybe they know where the crime occured, but need to be able to tie the POI's to it. This may be another reason why they are so sure it is a homicide.

#4 -

Ok my last thought. LE may be tight lipped, but it doesn't sound like others were (at least in thebeginning). LE stated in an article that 20 people have provided them with information leading up to these 3-4 POI's. So, someone was out there talking.

Just my two cents, sorry for rambling. Based on everything I have read so far, I believe the police know exactly who is responsible for the crime, how and where it happened and the area of where she is/was. Now they just need an actual confession, a body, or the murder weapon to tie it all together.
thank you as it says we all have our on thoughts!!!!

I agree, I just wanted to point out my life experience as proof that this does happen. Maybe because I'm in a younger age demographic, I see this happen more frequently. And for those that don't know this going on, it should be told so parents are aware.

Those boys may have sent Brittanee in, because to a dealer she may seem less risky. If the drug angle is even there. Which, I don't know enough about the case to say that it is. I just want to say it could be completely possible.

I hope you didn't take any offense to my post! :truce:
I may be revealing more than I should, but here goes...

**** Common Sense***
Theory on drug salers/buyers

Wouldnt one have know this saler? in 50 years of my life living in SC,to sale of coke/hash/c-myth,herione,,etc that there would had to been a connection from dealer/saler to Roc gang? so i cant or will not buy the stories that BD could just went done the buy,without this dealer knowing if shes real or a cop. so someone had to know (this if all of your thories are right) that this dealer would check out who bd was etc? Common sense here in SC the sled has been busting drug dealers for last year,just my thoughts that no dealer would of just sold to BD without knowing she was real,,so who had the connections with the dealer? come on ppl do you honesty feel you can walk out on street buy coke,etc get real,,,had to be someone else in that deal???? think about it,,mlatta,debbie m,few others yall from sc do you truly feel a coke dealer risk saling to someone they didnt no or her being young to talk if law caught up with her? then we know coke,etc harder drugs not cheap,(from bd on mom in news said bd didnt have much $ so who put up the $ for drugs??? think on tat

Prayers for BD and DD family,,

I think the drug dealer connection could have been made there while at Myrtle Beach, could have been Club K, could have been someone staying in one of the hotels..

Certain drug dealers get labeled as "street dealers" for a reason. They sell out on the streets. They don't walk around saying "coke for sale", but they have a certain look, and there are certain hand gestures that can easily indicate hey I have got drugs for sale... I've even heard that having one pant leg rolled up to your knee meant you were hustling dope. This drug dealer would be the younger kid, Joe, in my previous post. Joe deals in $20 bags (1/4 - 1/2 gram), gram bags ($50) and 8-balls (3.5 grams - $150) ...

Yes, I think Joe would sell to just about anyone who asked him... And if 1 member of the group previously bought drugs, you can bet anyone else in that group can then make a purchase.

Bob on the other hand, deals with Spoons (ounce - 28 grams), 1/2 spoons, etc.. This drug dealer would be hesitant to sell to anyone unknown to him. That is why he has Joe.

Cocaine is still considered by many to be a recreational party drug, a "soft drug" along the same lines as Ecstasty (MDMA) though it is regarded as significantly "harder" than say marijuana. Marijuana being the "softest" of all illicit drugs ...

In a town like MB during Spring Break, one should be able to find cocaine and marijuana, and possibly X (Ecstasy) with relative ease, Whereas drugs such as Crystal Meth, Heroin, Crack (Freebased cocaine), PCP are "hardest" of drugs... you're not typically going to be able to find those in a club, or by street dealers that are trying to hustle to party kids....

In a group, especially a younger group, if one does not have $$ to "throw in" on a bag, delegating this person to make the run, serves as their share...

Again - I'm not throwing rocks at anyone, just some thoughts to ponder...
The whole "circumstances we've never seen" or such quote has always lead me to human trafficking. That is still my theory. The whole club scene, PB, the fact that NO ONE from ROC spoke up about anything, etc. Also the fact that when the PI from the missing person group that took on the case in Jan (I think), it was also mentioned then.

OT but I think it's interesting how each of us gets something different from each article or quote. The whole key discussion was intriguing to me!
MLatta, your timeline above only reiterates to me that the "breaking news" of last Friday had more to do with your FOIL request than anything else. I think LE is backtracking so as not to look like they've gotten nowhere. Now the "tip" from December has today turned into 20? Now its a "homicide"? Nice of them to let the family know. And yes, they absolutely should let the family reasons, no excuses. DD said last night that she was surprised to hear from LE last week cuz she hadn't heard from them in awhile. I don't buy them keeping quiet to ferret people out. The timing of all this is just to pat.

From my understanding from newspaper that CUE and DD family knew this news ,or leads,and CUE says they still searching for BD (in fact did search last week) CUE not ruling out that BD was trafficing?? heres CUE on quotes said this news wasnt new to them!!

(The search for Drexel will continue, said Monica Caison, director of the Community United Effort Center for Missing Persons in Wilmington, N.C., which conductssearches nationwide for missing people.

No large-scale searches have been conducted since December, but Caison said she and a few others have combed several areas, including a search conducted a week ago. Those searches have been concentrated in an area around U.S. 17 Bypass and the South Santee River in Georgetown County, where Drexel's cell phone gave off its last known signal on April 26.)

The news of police looking at potential suspects also was not new information to Caison or Drexel's family, she said.
"In Brittanee's case you have her disappearing and no one reported any kind of struggle or ... crime scene," Caison said. "I'm not going to ignore a miracle here, that she could have been trafficked.

Read more:

Sorry, I should have been clearer. DD & CD had a conference call with MBLE on Friday, I believe. It was then that they were told that there were 3-4 POI and that 2 lie detector tests were given, but they would not tell the results. The family was not told that the investigation was now a homicide investigation....they, and their other children, heard this from the media Friday night.
Exactly what i'm trying to rule out.... was she working for him?

This is a interesting thought/possibility that I had never even considered. It's probably a longshot, but is realistic. Could PB be part of something bigger? She could have been working for him just down there, or there could have been something going on. This could possibly give a reason/motive for BD bolting to Myrtle Beach despite her mom denying her permission.
Again, a longshot.
"We could use that one person -- or that one piece of evidence -- that comes forward and ties everything together to make a solid arrest which leads to a solid conviction," Dorio, the Myrtle Beach detective said.

This, along with the two polygraphs, MAY mean they now have two statements that are pointing to someone, and they need some physical evidence, or AT LEAST another coroborrating statement, before a judge or solicitor will sign an arrest warrant.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. DD & CD had a conference call with MBLE on Friday, I believe. It was then that they were told that there were 3-4 POI and that 2 lie detector tests were given, but they would not tell the results. The family was not told that the investigation was now a homicide investigation....they, and their other children, heard this from the media Friday night.

Something has struck me (not right) about this. Why would the police claim a homicide to the media and general public without first telling the family of it first? That just doesn't seem procedural for me. Hmmm. Or the family is playing like they didn't know for unknown reasons. I know that in some cases "information" is put out there for reasons only known by LE.

Like shaking apples off of trees.
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