SC SC - Dail Dinwiddie, 23, Columbia, 24 Sep 1992

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I find the bouncer angle a little odd. Here's why....

I would think that you would only talk to a bouncer for 15 minutes if you already knew him. I can see exchanging pleasantries with a stranger if he was nice-looking, instigated a conversation, but to talk for 15 minutes??

So, if she knew him and he knew her, why didn't he get her a safe ride home?

If she didn't know him, what did they talk about for 15 minutes?

And, wonder what time he left the bar?

Wonder if LE has checked on him lately?

Anyone have an idea of a name?

Where did the friends end up after leaving this bar? Straight home, to another bar...? What do they have to say? I've done my share of partying and we never left a member of our party without finding out what was going on or if they had another ride...

All excellent questions! Was there anyone to corroborate the bouncer's story?
Dinwiddie was missed at 6:15 a.m. when her father saw that the lights and radio were on in her room and her bed had not been slept in.
who leaves the lights and radio on in their room before going to a concert?
doesn't this sound weird?
did she actually make it all the way home, then something happened?
who leaves the lights and radio on in their room before going to a concert?
doesn't this sound weird?
did she actually make it all the way home, then something happened?

I don't find this odd at all.

IMO she left the light on when she left that night (I assume the light was a light by here bed), her alarm clock went off in the morning by way of radio to wake her for school or a job.

When I lived at home at that age I did that whenever I went out.
i understand now, i read it to mean the lights were on and the radio was/had been blaring as if someone was listening to it. i didnt know it was a clock radio.
thanx for the clarification- it helped.
I was checking into the Doe Network recently, and found this possiblity of a match:

The height is a little off, but not by much--and it sounds like they only found part of the skeleton anyway so I'm not sure how they could make a precise measurement. It's hard to tell from the photos if the nose is the same, but you know, it kind of looks like it to me. Any thoughts?

Edited to add: I know it looks like it's probably a much older woman but it may have something to do with that hairstyle depicted on the UID.
I think that Dail's eyes are wider set than the sculpture. Also, her mouth is much larger.
They have dentals on Dail, it would be fairly easy to check. I would call it in. I have to agree that Dail's eyes appear to be further apart, but this is a reconsruction and often, they are not exact. I think there is similarity along the jaw line and in the chin. Time frame is about right.

Aphra - I'd call it in and see if they can't just run the dentals. Good Find!

I've never called anything like this in before. I'm sort of chicken! How do you do that? If someone else wants to call it in, that's okay--actually I'd prefer it--and you can have full credit.
Aphra - I emailed the contact (Emily) the information on Dail, but did not take credit for the discovery. I will let everyone know if I hear anything back.

Dail's case was what first drew me to websleuths. She disappeared a couple of weeks before I visited USC during my senior year of high school. Her case has become so personal to me. I saw her face everywhere - on billboards, in the bookstore, on telephone poles and in the newspaper. I became so haunted by Dail and wonder about her often.
Thanks, masterj, for calling it in. (You and I must be around the same age; I was also a senior in high school when Dail went missing.)

If it is her (probably about a .001% chance!), then it's even more mysterious. How on earth would she have ended up in Kentucky?
Masterj - thank you for helping with this! :blowkiss:

With reconstructions, about the only thing, in my opinion, you can try to match up are bone lines, so often the reconstruction can be very different from what the person actually looked like.

Aphra - it would not be impossible for Dail to have gotten to Kentucky. How it happened, I have no idea, but she has not been found locally, so extending the area where she may be would be logical, I think.

I think sometimes we forget just how mobile our society is, and while generally our lost are found close to home, that is not always the case. Recently a California missing woman was located in Illonios (sp?).

I wonder if any of the suspects had ties to Kentucky? I am not real up to date on this case. What do you think Masterj - any chance the suspect(s) has Kentucky ties? or is there a military base close by?


Salem, as far I know, there aren't any suspects, except for that Rivera guy, and I think that lead's been tapped out.

As far as a military base--did you mean is there one close to Columbia or where the Jane Doe was found? Because Fort Jackson is just a few miles away from Five Points. Don't know about KY.
I meant close to where the Doe was found. I think I am mixing this case up with another one where the missing young lady had a boyfriend in the military. I'll have to go back through the threads and refresh my memory.

Sorry for the confusion,

It is said on every site that she has a disabled finger on each hand. Did she have polydactaly, meaning that she had an extra digit on her hands? If not, what was wrong with her hands and was it something that was visible to the naked eye?

I am asking because the KY Jane Doe has post- crime info that indicates her hands were either used defensively, were cut, or maybe ( my thoughts) were mutilated. If Dail had a distinctive SOMETHING to do with her hands, and if this is her, it could make sense.

I want her crime solved. BTW, the questioning of how her body could be found in KY bothers me.. Not aimed at any specific poster, OK? But I think we are short-sighted if we eliminate ANY possibility based on location alone.

I can see how any missing person could end up dead far from their last known sighting. Killers have dumping grounds, maybe they prefer to prowl for victims in an area where they used to live or visit and are comfortable, maybe they are a long-distance trucker or biker. There are as many reasons why Dail's body could be found far from SC as there are unsolved murders.
If we are going to help solve one murder, we have to keep all options open until they are eliminated.
Thank you,
it's ok, Seeking Jana, I shouldn't have said that about how she would have ended up in Kentucky. I totally see how it's a possibility. And the match possibility has been called in to the ME, so we'll see what happens. I bet she may have already been ruled out as the KY Jane Doe, personally. (Although Doe was found in 2005 and Dail's DNA wasn't submitted to the database until 2006, according to those articles someone posted maybe they missed it.) I'm not sure what's up with her hands, though.

At any rate, I truly hope for a resolution to this case. Her family deserves answers.
bumping for Dail. Masterj, have you heard anything back from the ME?
There never were any suspects in Dails case except Rivera and he hasn't claimed this one. It truly is as if Dail vanished that night. Remember U2 was in down for a concert at USC and 5 points was really hopping afterwards. Very possible that someone not from SC (trucker, salesperson) was in Cola on business, abducted Dail after the concert and dumped her body miles or states away.
bumping for Dail. Masterj, have you heard anything back from the ME?

I never heard anything back at all. I wonder if the contact info for the ME's office is up to date. I think someone should follow up with a call.
I wonder if we might have more luck working on this from the other side--ie, submitting the info to the Columbia police. They would be more likely to respond either way, I'd think.
I wonder if we might have more luck working on this from the other side--ie, submitting the info to the Columbia police. They would be more likely to respond either way, I'd think.

That is a very good point.

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