GUILTY SC - Five Jones children, ages 1-8, Lexington County, 28 Aug 2014 *Father Arrested*

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Jr do to list:

"melt bodies!"
"sand bones"
"MB. :) "
FBI agent: (are the autopsies going to back up what you say happened)?

Jr.: Yes. Well, you might find broken bones or something, but I didn't need to break their bones to get done what I needed done.

A part of me (thought what I did with their bodies is wrong), but they were already dead, so f-uck it.
Five babies. Hours to consider, reconsider, choose. Slowly tormenting to death . With bare hands. With belt on baby necks. I love you Daddy. With bare hands & with belt, watching them struggle & slowly die.
His mitigation is a grain of sand in a Sahara desert of aggravating circumstances.
It's possible Amber's testimony might cause some jurors to pause about giving jr the DP. If the babies' momma doesn't want him to die for the murders, shouldn't that count? Maybe count most of all?

But there's another possible reaction to her testimony I think more likely. Amber did NOT volunteer to testify for jr. She was ordered to do so, by attorneys representing the man who murdered her babies, and she obeyed.

Could Amber have provided a greater contrast between herself & jr? Her owning up to every iota of what could even remotely be considered her responsibility (and more)? Her empathy/compassion for jr's family? Her sheer grit & courage to separate from "all she knew, " even custody of her children, because she was afraid seeing a violent marriage was damaging the children?
Who she is makes jr seem more contemptible, not pitiful, at least imo.

The jury also heard that Amber is just now learning details about many crucial things, including about how her babies died; that Jr lied to her babies and told them she didn't love them; that jr was shacking up with a 16/17 year old all the while loudly accusing her of commiting adultery with a teenager. Who was really 24. Etc.

She can't have processed all that info so quickly, much less her feelings about it. She's clearly very conflicted already about him getting the DP. She doesn't believe in it, but she believes he deserves it. She's ok with the jury deciding on the DP, she just doesn't want to be responsible for making the decision herself.

She shouldn't be responsible for the decision & isn't, morally, legally, ethically, or any which way. Here's to the jury resolving her conflicted feelings by handing down the DP. And quickly .

And if I heard correctly she was subpoenaed yesterday! Sounds kinda heartless under the circumstances.
The defense was taking advantage of her being against the death penalty, but I think she did a good job of sorting out how she feels about what he did to her children and her feelings on the death penalty. The prosecution also pointed out that although she would not want to make that decision, she would respect whatever they decide.
At least it temporarily took the focus off of Jr and back onto the children.
Timothy Jones Penalty Phase Day 4 Social Worker Deborah Grey Part 1 06/11/19

Timothy Jones Penalty Phase Day 4 Social Worker Deborah Grey Part 2 06/11/19

I think Jones was very good at faking mental illness once he was apprehended. I'm not swayed by the testimony of either the forensic psychiatrist or the social worker. Nothing can convince me that he didn't know exactly what he was doing when he murdered each one of his five children.
And if I heard correctly she was subpoenaed yesterday! Sounds kinda heartless under the circumstances.
The defense was taking advantage of her being against the death penalty, but I think she did a good job of sorting out how she feels about what he did to her children and her feelings on the death penalty. The prosecution also pointed out that although she would not want to make that decision, she would respect whatever they decide.
At least it temporarily took the focus off of Jr and back onto the children.

(It was cruel to force her to testify.)

Amber said she wasn't testifying for herself, though, but for her babies, who loved their daddy.

Her babies were 8 years old and under. Of course they loved their daddy. Would any of them have loved him as adults had they survived a childhood of emotional and physical abuse? They weren't given the opportunity to survive his abuse and make the CHOICE to love him. Or not.


"Tim Jones Jr.’s family history was full of rape, prostitution, violence and alcohol and drug abuse.

That was what a licensed clinical social worker testified in court Tuesday in the death penalty phase of the Red Bank father’s trial....

Deborah Grey told the jury both sides of the family exposed him to harmful experiences as he grew up...

Grey testified:....

Grey’s testimony continues Wednesday."

Tim Jones Jr.’s family lived a “rough” life

Killer dad's 'father was born of rape and his schizophrenic mom endured voodoo rituals' | Metro News
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I can't even. I definitely feel sympathy for Grandma and Mom in the Jones family! That's about where it ends though. The others didn't have it so bad.
JUNIOR: This is on Amber. None of this would have happened if she'd been home where she was supposed to be. Insanity has to have a catalyst, right? Mine was that I saw myself in my children. I saw N wanting to go to his mother, just like I did, and I didn't want him or them to feel that pain of their mother not being there, of not loving them. She would even cancel her visits with them without telling me; the kids would go, she wouldn't be there, and it broke their hearts.

CRYSTAL, the 17 year old babysitter & temp wife : He would tell the kids that their mother didn't love them, didn't want them, and that she'd run away with another man. He would punish them by cancelling their visits with their mom.

AMBER: My babies knew I loved them. I told them that every night : you are loved, you are wanted, you are important. I got my driver's licence and a management job and my HS to prove I was a good parent. It was never enough for Tim. It never was going to be.

For the most part he made the visits with my babies nearly impossible. I ALWAYS wanted those visits, and ALWAYS went. Except for maybe twice when it wasn't possible.

No, I didn't know he told my babies I didn't love them. I am just hearing that now, like y'all are. I didn't know they thought I didn't love them. It would kill me to know they died believing I didn't love them. (Cries).
Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 2h2 hours ago
Today is the fifth day of the sentencing phase of the Timothy Jones Jr. murder trial.
Yesterday, the ex-wife of Jones said she does not want him to receive the death penalty.
Social historian Deborah Grey back on the stand to lead things off.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 1h1 hour ago
The jury is back in the courtroom, and Deborah Grey is fielding questions from Solicitor Rick Hubbard.
We're hearing that today will be the last day of testimony. According to Judge Griffith, closing arguments and deliberations will start tomorrow.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 1h1 hour ago
We expect testimony to end today, with the defense resting. Watch here >>> @wis10

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 1h1 hour ago
The judge told the jury that testimony will wrap up today and they will hear closing arguments tomorrow morning then deliberate. @wachfox #TimothyJones

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 1h1 hour ago
Solicitor Hubbard is cross-examining the social historian, using his questions to remind the jury that Timothy Jones Jr used abandonment and his childhood as an excuse for his later behavior. @WLTX

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 1h1 hour ago
Hubbard is questioning Grey on how Jones used social isolation and abandonment as reasons for his later actions. Grey also says she spent around 500 hours gathering data and putting together the family tree. She says she never reviewed any of Jones's records after his arrest.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 1h1 hour ago
Based on her latest invoice, the social historian who continues cross-examination on the stand this morning has been paid more than $62,000 for her work for the defense. @wis10

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 1h1 hour ago
"He chose to inflict a lifetime a pain on his family," Solicitor Hubbard asks the historian. "Yes," she replies. "He chose to ignore calls for mercy from his children as he was strangling them. Clearly he chose to kill his five babies." @wis10

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 1h1 hour ago
Now Solicitor Hubbard is reminding the witness (and jury) that Jones’ mental issues, including the voices, and childhood issues were all self-reported after the crime. @WLTX

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 1h1 hour ago
Solicitor Hubbard highlights that Jones CHOSE to stay in high school, get a diploma, go to college, get a degree, get married, have children, stay sober, get counseling for his divorce, chose not to take meds for anxiety/depression and ultimately, kill his children. @wis10

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 1h1 hour ago
Defense attorney Casey Secor clearly agitated this morning. His objections during Hubbard’s cross examination were often loud and spirited, and on redirect, was just animatedly talking with Judge Griffith about a state objection. @WLTX

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 1h1 hour ago
Grey steps down from stand. Judge Griffith sends the jury out of the room for a break.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 56m56 minutes ago

Our live streamers have named the infamous clock in the courtroom “Hank,” which now bears a name tag courtesy of a courtroom deputy. You have to find some humor in what’s been an absolutely grueling seven weeks.@wis10


Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 1h1 hour ago
The reason Judge Griffith sent the jury out is that the defense is trying to enter a video interview with Jones's mother into evidence. Judge ruled against it in the first phase of the trial.

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Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 40m40 minutes ago
Jury coming back into the room. Judge ruled against showing them the videos of Jones's mother.

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 38m38 minutes ago
Jury is called back, there will be no tape of Jones mother played. @WLTX

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 38m38 minutes ago
Up next for the defense: Julie Jones, the current wife of Timothy Jones Sr. She says she met her current husband 15 years ago on an online dating site.

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 39m39 minutes ago
Julie Jones, the Step Mother, of Timothy Jones Junior is on the stand. She tells the court she met Jones Senior through online dating and that Jones Junior had set up the profile for his father. @wachfox

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 37m37 minutes ago
Timothy Jones Junior is smiling in court as his step mother testifies he used to babysit her children. @wachfox

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 34m34 minutes ago
While Julie Jones is talking about when the defendant babysat her children, Jones Jr. cracks a smile.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 37m37 minutes ago
Tim Jones Jr. cracks a smile underneath his hand as his step-mother recounts a "funny" story of Jones babysitting her children while she was at work almost 20 years ago. @wis10

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 34m34 minutes ago
Jones is recounting early memories of interacting with Jones Jr, like when he babysat his future step siblings, and jokes about his intelligence and computer skills. @WLTX

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 32m32 minutes ago
Defense shows pictures of Julie Jones with Tim Jr.'s children when they were younger. She says she was there when Merah and Elias were born.

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 35m35 minutes ago
Jones is looking at a picture of her and Merah, says she and Jones Sr “decked out” her nursery. @WLTX

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 35m35 minutes ago
Jones starting to get more emotional as she looks at photos of Elias and Nahtahn with her. @WLTX

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 29m29 minutes ago
Defense now shows a picture of Jones Jr. and Amber shortly after Nahtahn was born. Merah and Elias were also in the picture. Julie calls it their "first family photo."

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 28m28 minutes ago
Defense showing a home video of the Jones children walking around the backyard during a family gathering (a "joint birthday party" for the three kids).
Also appearing in the video: Jones Sr., Amber Julie says Merah, Elias, and Nahtahn each got a bicycle that day

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 33m33 minutes ago
Jones says she felt like a grandmother and mother because Amber’s family wasn’t present and Jones Jr’s mother wasn’t around either. @WLTX

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 30m30 minutes ago
Julie Jones says because Amber Kyzer didn't have any family, she was there for the young mother and helped her after she had given birth #TimothyJones @wachfox

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 28m28 minutes ago
The court is watching videos and looking at pictures of the three oldest Jones children spending time with their grandparents in Mississippi. That’s a young Nahtahn. @wachfox

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 26m26 minutes ago
Julie says "her life changed on a dime" when Tim Sr. answered the phone and found out that the Smith County (Miss.) Sheriff's Dept. had Tim in their custody, but they did not have the children.

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 25m25 minutes ago
Julie Jones recalls the night her and her husband found out police had Timothy Jones but did not have the children. Jones says she fell to the ground. Also says she went through pictures of the children with SGT Creech @wachfox

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 23m23 minutes ago
Julie Jones says she's grateful to all law enforcement involved because they brought the babies home. #TimothyJones @wachfox

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 28m28 minutes ago
Now emotional, Jones recounts the call the night Jones Jr was arrested. She says she hit her knees and said “Oh God” when she heard authorities had Jr, but none of the children. @WLTX

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 26m26 minutes ago
Now she’s talking about how she looked through pictures with law enforcement while they questioned Jones Jr. Other Jones family members are emotional in the row in front of me. @WLTX

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 23m23 minutes ago
She says she went through pictures with Sgt. Creach (Lexington County Sheriff's Dept) of the five children. As she talks about each of them, Jones Jr. starts to wipe his eyes with a red handkerchief.

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 21m21 minutes ago
More testimony from a broken heart. There’s really not much else to say, as Jones recounts how she grieved and what they kept from the kids. Heartbreaking. @WLTX

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 19m19 minutes ago
Julie Jones asks for mercy on Timothy Jones. Says he can pay a debt to society by educating other inmates. She cries, "he has a lot to give... I love him." Explains how he helped tutor other family members @wachfox

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 19m19 minutes ago
Now she’s really crying, pleading for mercy, says Jones can give back to society by helping other inmates receive an education. @WLTX

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 20m20 minutes ago
Julie says she loves Tim Jr. like he's her son, and she calls for the jury to give him mercy. "He can pay a debt to society...he still has a lot to give."

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 19m19 minutes ago
Julie Jones tells the jury her stepson can help other inmates in prison obtain education, thanks to his intelligence. She testifies Jones has made the family closer. ⁦@wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 18m18 minutes ago
Julie says Tim Jr. could educate inmates while he's in custody and help them earn their GED's.
Deputy Solicitor Shawn Graham begins his cross-examination.
Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 5m5 minutes ago
Julie Jones steps down from the stand.
Next up: Tyler Jones, a half-brother of Timothy Jones Jr.

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 7m7 minutes ago
Tyler Jones, the half brother of Timothy Jones, takes the stand @wachfox


Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 6m6 minutes ago
Here is Timothy Jones (middle) with his half-brothers, Tyler and Travis. @wachfox


Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 5m5 minutes ago
Tyler Jones is testifying and close to emotion, his brother Travis, and his mom, sitting close together in the courtroom watching intently. @WLTX

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 5m5 minutes ago
Tyler Jones, Jones Jr.'s stepbrother, testifies Jr. always encouraged him to do better. They've been in each others lives since they were kids. @wis10

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 6m6 minutes ago
Tyler Jones starts to tear up as he tells the court how Timothy Jones was a talented skateboarder. @wachfox

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 3m3 minutes ago
Tyler calls his half-brother "the smartest person in the world" who encouraged him to be better and go to school for vocational architecture.

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 5m5 minutes ago
Here is a photo of Timothy Jones Senior and Junior with Tyler, Travis, and Carolyn @wachfox


Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 2m2 minutes ago
Tyler Jones says he moved back to Mississippi to be with Jones Sr after the family said dad needed help and support. @WLTX

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 3m3 minutes ago
Tyler Jones testifies he was hooked on spice for two years—which he admits hurt his family greatly. Remembers talking on the phone to Jones Jr., who admitted he was doing spice, too. ⁦@wis10


Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 5m5 minutes ago
Tyler is telling the court about his two-year struggle with the drug spice, the same drug his half-brother Timothy Jones was doing around the time he killed his children. @wachfox

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 6m6 minutes ago
Tyler says he's "been stuck in Mississippi" for the last three years helping his dad cope with what happened. He says "Jones Jr. took away five of his family members" but he wants the jury to spare his life.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 2m2 minutes ago
"I know what he did was horrible, he took five of our family members, don’t take one more from us. This family can’t take it," Tyler Jones said. @wis10

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 2m2 minutes ago
Both Jones family members have said they do not want Jones Jr put to death. @WLTX

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 6m6 minutes ago
Tyler steps down from the stand. Judge Griffith calls for a break.

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 2m2 minutes ago
As the jury was leaving, Jones Jr had to step out. His half-brother is also very upset back in his seat in the courtroom. @WLTX
Amber, yesterday: I pray for Tim's family all the time. I don't want them to feel the pain I felt losing my babies. There's been enough pain.

Senior's wife, today. The summer of 2012 was the best ever. We had so much fun. (The summer when the babies were kidnapped from Amber, when Amber had her mother drive her to Mississippi to get them, only to be told- you're not going to get them loose).

We had all the oldest 3, because Amber was leaving them alone at night. Tom was going to let her have Gabriel, until he found out she was leaving him alone at night too. And you have to remember Amber was pregnant at the time. And we didn't even know who the father was.
Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 2m2 minutes ago
Up next for the defense: Travis Jones, the other half-brother of Timothy Jones Jr.. He says he's always been around his "big brother", even visiting him in prison at one point.

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 13m13 minutes ago
Travis Jones is on the stand now he says he calls Timothy Jones his brother not half brother because he’s always been in his life. @wachfox


Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 11m11 minutes ago
Travis Jones is starting to get emotional as he looks at a picture of his baptism with his brother, Timothy Jones, in the background with his hands raised. @wachfox

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 2m2 minutes ago
Travis Jones, also emotional on the stand, recounts how Jones Jr was like a second father, good older brother while they were growing up. @WLTX

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 9m9 minutes ago
Travis says Jones almost acted like a father figure to him once his parents were divorced, saying he inspired him to be the best man he could be.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 7m7 minutes ago
Travis starts to tear up on the stand, saying that he and his "big brother" would do everything together, even naming each other after characters in the Cartoon Network show "Ed, Edd, and Eddy."

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 9m9 minutes ago
Travis Jones says to his brother, Timothy Jones, "You're not all there anymore brother.. Sorry you had to go through this, too," as he starts crying @wachfox

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 6m6 minutes ago
Travis talks directly to Tim Jr., saying "he's not all there right now" and it's tough to see him go through all of this. Defense shows a picture of Travis with Merah shortly after she was born.

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 7m7 minutes ago
Travis Jones says the two weeks he spent with the kids at Sr’s house in the summer of 2012 are the best two weeks of his life. @WLTX

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 4m4 minutes ago
Jones Jr is wiping his eyes repeatedly, but I’m sitting behind him. Jones Sr is also now in the courtroom for the first time. @WLTX

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 3m3 minutes ago
“You’re not all there anymore,” Travis Jones says directly to Jones Jr. Travis is the most emotional family member that’s testified so far today. @WLTX

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 4m4 minutes ago
Travis Jones mouths "I love you," to his stepbrother, Tim Jones Jr., who is crying in the courtroom. Another family member destroyed by Jones Jr.'s actions. @wis10

Courtney King‏ @CourtReportKing 34m34 minutes ago
Tyler Jones says to the jury, " What he did was horrible. He took five of our family members, don’t take one more.. This family can’t take it." #TimothyJones @wachfox

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 2m2 minutes ago
"Please, please don’t do that to me. Don’t make my family endure this," Travis Jones pleads with the jury not to sentence his stepbrother to death. @wis10

Jacob Reynolds‏Verified account @JRFromTheSouth 6m6 minutes ago
“Please don’t do that to me,” Travis Jones said about Jones being put to death. @WLTX
The time spent with the babies in summer 2012 being so fondly remembered, in one of the longest speeches on the stand I've ever seen in any trial other than in some expert testimony, is time that belonged to Amber.

Not one of Jones' family members seems capable of even indirectly acknowledging Amber's loss, much less of reciprocating her compassion for them.
The sister testified that she never saw Tim Jr. drink. Never saw him smoke a cigarette.

Well, the Tim Jr. she fondly remembers and reveres to this day -- that was the old Tim -- ancient history. He became someone else that she never got to know because they had severed ties with each other.

I guess they are now on lunch break.

11:23 AM CDT -- No. I was wrong. They are done for the day! Will resume tomorrow morning. Off to the golf course?
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