GUILTY SC - Gabrielle Swainson, 15, Columbia, 18 Aug 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Any news yet on a "ping" from her cell? I've been following closely but have yet to hear this information. I know that Mom called Gabbiee's phone when she got home around 7:30. The phone company should be able to triangulate the location at that time. Also, any info on tracking dogs used? So many questions.
When I take off work on Friday, I will often think Sat is Sunday. If you're not in school yet & mom is off on Friday, it may feel like Saturday. Or should could have just slipped the alarm accidentally. My teenagers' alarms will sometimes go off on the weekends. Having raised 3 teenagers, I don't find it odd at all.

So close to school starting up...I would think there would be Saturday plans, shopping etc...and that she would be counting every day. This would have been one of her last Saturdays of the summer.
I have been thinking that it might have been someone Gabbiee was acquainted with...that person might have taken her phone so there wouldn't be evidence of a call that night or text messages from him. Of course, they can eventually get the call record, so I will be interested to hear the activity on the phone.
Been jumping back and forth between several cases lately. Has it been mentioned yet about if LE has taken any computers, etc., from the home? I know it is far fetched, but did anyone else not show up for school on the first day of classes? Did she have any rivals in school? Not that I think it is likely, but stranger things have happened; i.e., Texas cheerleader mom. Also, she was involved in things like guitar lessons. Wonder if any of her fellow students have quit coming for lessons. Hoping LE or the PI have checked all of those possibilities by now.
So quiet this weekend on GS's disappearance. Sure hope some of the national news channels cover it on Monday. This needs to get more MSM attention than it has so far. IMO.
Just wondering out loud. If somebody came in the home and took her against her will...why would they take her cell phone?

My kids, both teenaged girls, and one is 15.....would grunt at me if I tried to wake them up to tell them something. I could promise them an unlimited shopping spree and they wouldn't move. I know both my kids set their alarms on their cell phones.

Then I thought maybe she was sneaking out, but that wouldn't make any sense bc she didn't put on street clothes. Who would sneak out to met a boy wearing pjs?

Poor girl. I am worried about her.
Just wondering out loud. If somebody came in the home and took her against her will...why would they take her cell phone?

Could her PJ's have a pocket where she slipped her phone? Maybe it wasn't visible.
Could her PJ's have a pocket where she slipped her phone? Maybe it wasn't visible.

I'd get creative and put that phone anywhere it would fit if I was being abducted and the perp didn't see I still had it! :what:

Hoping Gabbiee is found safe, and soon :please:
Refresh my memory?

Shortly after his latest parole, Eggers(perp) met McFarland(mother) at a math class while working toward a high school equivalency diploma.

McFarland, who had a history of helping needy people, gave Eggers odd jobs to do around her house. Nobody at the Tacoma Community House, where the classes were held, or the Lincoln Park Work Release Center, where Eggers was staying during his parole, told McFarland about Eggers’s history. Both facilities have been named in the suit.

As time went on, Eggers became more and more a part of McFarland’s family, with her two daughters, Meeka and Shonta, calling him “Uncle Johnny.”

In 1994, while McFarland was visiting relatives in Indiana, Eggers invited Willingham, who had been away at cheerleading camp, over to McFarland’s house to watch television. The two watched movies and drank some wine. Later that night, Eggers stabbed the girl to death.

Her body was found drenched in blood, wearing only a T-shirt and underwear. Investigators said she had numerous defensive stab wounds on her arms from trying to ward off the attack.

After the murder, Eggers fled the house, but subsequently called police to direct them to the house and confess to the slaying.

He later told the judge that Willingham had put him under a demonic trance, and that he was just “following orders.”

Eggers was watching the house while the mother was away. Gabbie reminds me of Meeka. . .two beautiful young girls who seemed to have everything going for them. Both mothers have a friend who helps around the house, etc. . .idk, it just struck me as similar. I hope I'm wrong for Gabbie's sake. :(
Does anyone know if mom has taken a poly?

hope this doesnt offend anyone, but yep re above as I find it all a bit too coincidental, also have the LE confirmed that mum was at work (cameras?) when she says she was.

If mum didnt do something then I'd be looking into handyman friend!!
I live a couple miles from where Gabbiee lives. Her home address is on the many fliers circulating online and in the area. It's funny....I was looking at buying a house one street over from this family, but too freaked out to consider it now.

Unfortunately, this area has been seeing a rise in gang activity, largely thanks to the Section 8 housing in The Summit (a huge development with lots of neighborhoods). My brother is the president of his HOA in The Summit and keeps us abreast of things like gang activity and crimes.

I honestly don't know what to think of this case. One minute I believe she ran away, the next I think someone took her...but the one thing that keeps nagging me, is that I feel that this has to do with someone she knows.

I hope Gabbiee is found soon.
Just wondering out loud. If somebody came in the home and took her against her will...why would they take her cell phone?

My kids, both teenaged girls, and one is 15.....would grunt at me if I tried to wake them up to tell them something. I could promise them an unlimited shopping spree and they wouldn't move. I know both my kids set their alarms on their cell phones.

Then I thought maybe she was sneaking out, but that wouldn't make any sense bc she didn't put on street clothes. Who would sneak out to met a boy wearing pjs?

Poor girl. I am worried about her.

I'm a heavy sleeper still, but I would walk and talk in my sleep at that age though. You could tell me I'd won the lottery and I'd say great then roll over. :D
It's hard for me to imagine a teenager purposefully getting up that time of day unless she had a really good reason

No one in my family would recognize if I had thrown clothes on over my pj's though and she was wearing pajama set with shorts, if I understood mom's interview... They wouldn't have missed my shoes either unless a new fav pair were gone. Teenage girls traditionally have a lot of clothes...

I'm worried too, no matter how she left the house :please:
Any registered sex offenders in the surrounding area? I know. Probably a stupid question considering there always are but just wondering how close to the home. Does anyone know how to check? I'm most interested in her neighbours.

I usually just check on the state sex offender websites (put in her address, and then select within a 1 mile radius or so) because I haven't had much luck with accuracy with Family Watchdog.

Anyway, I did a search for RSO's near their home and there are 6 RSO's within a 1 mile radius and 1 is just a few houses away. He was charged with 2nd degree sexual assault of a child in March of 2011. The child was 15.
Just seems too coincidental to be off at work at an unusual time; Gabbiee has her first "date" the night before, possibly not at all related, but still, there it is. A short time frame where she could have gone missing/been abducted. Only thing known to be missing is her phone.

But-since I assume that LE has her phone records by now, and are treating this as a kidnapping, that she probably did not call anyone. But did she answer the door, let someone inside, get caught off guard right at the door with phone in hand? I guess there were no signs of trouble when Mom came home, until she saw she was gone and heard the alarm. Was door still locked, same lights on, etc?
I usually just check on the state sex offender websites (put in her address, and then select within a 1 mile radius or so) because I haven't had much luck with accuracy with Family Watchdog.

Anyway, I did a search for RSO's near their home and there are 6 RSO's within a 1 mile radius and 1 is just a few houses away. He was charged with 2nd degree sexual assault of a child in March of 2011. The child was 15.

That's frightening! He could have been watching her and the house for some time. . . finally was given an opportunity and took it.
Ok... I'm in a neighboring state but it speaks to how some criminals are not acting by the "standard text book" these days.

I posted on Friday night about home invasions in my area... I neglected to say I'm in a suburban area that is primarily upper middle class & affluent sidewalk type neighborhoods. Yesterday morning around 11:30am a k9 unit from a neighboring agency showed up to my front door & asked me to put my GSD inside so they could search the woods in my back yard.

A guy was in a neighborhood behind mine on a Saturday morning in broad daylight, when folks are usually home... going up to the front door & turning the knobs to see if the doors were unlocked. No joke.

I don't think it would be all that far fetched for someone to be driving by see the mom leave at 4am, assume no one is home & think they are scotfree only to find the daughter was there & panic.

I also don't see a guilty mom panicking as much as she has, hiring a PI right away (they are not cheap) and a PI would have access to every minute detail of her life - guilty people do not want other people or LE nosing around in their business.
I've not read all of the linked articles, but a few trying to get caught up, so sorry if my questions have already been addressed, but I didn't see them. i'm curious how large the business is where mom works? Large enough for security guards or small park out front and let yourself in? Have any other employees where she works been burgled?

Just a question, but why give the phone to Gabbiee, why not put on nightstand, kitchen table, bathroom sink? Or does everyone sleep with their smart phones in their hands? :what: I haven'tjumped on the smart phone bandwagon yet...

To me, too coincidental for her to disappear the very first time mom went to work in the middle ofthe night? I work with people that do this on a regular basis, so that's not what I find odd. Someone had to know, by prior knowledge, or it was a phenomenol stroke of luck for the perp considering the time...

All the above, just random questions that come to mind... MHOO :moo:
Where are you Gabbiee?

Eta meaning mom discussed the possibility of going in early, at work, at the grocery store .......

Re: Her going missing first time mom went to work in the early morning and left her home alone (can't bold on phone). I keep thinking that is to much of a coincidence too but Ethan Patz was kidnapped and killed the first time he was allowed to walk to bus stop alone, same with Derrik Robie when he was allowed to walk to baseball practice alone for the first time and with Leiby Kletzky when he was allowed to walk home from school. Sadly predators seem to have an almost 'spider sense' about these opportunities.

I'm not ruling out mom, her "friend" or even a runaway situation but I also won't rule out an abduction just because it would be too coincidental.


ETA: What bothers me about Mom is that early morning wake up. I have a 16 year old boy and if I had to take his phone at night (and with averaging 36K texts a month I prob should) and wanted to return it to him before I left in the middle of the night I would simply turn the phone on, in case I may need to call him, and either send him a text or leave a note next to the phone on his bathroom sink. Leaving the phone and note laying on my pillow or the kitchen counter would also work. Waking him would be useless. He would never remember it when he woke up.

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I believe Elvia said she went into work as a last-minute type of decision because she was worried about being behind on a project. She thought she'd go in while Gabbiee was sleeping and that way the two could spend time together during the day.

I'm wondering if this relationship could have been a bit suffocating for a 15 year old girl? When I was that age, I'd want to be out with my friends on the weekend, not spending all day with my mum, especially if I'd done a late night session with her already. I'd be needing my own space after that.

Also, with Gabby having her phone taken off her at 8.30pm each night, she obviously got to have no contact with friends during the night time, so hard to arrange to meet up/go out etc. And mum seems to have monopolised a lot of her time - 7am church visits etc.

I'm wondering if getting her mobile at 3.30am, Gabby might have used the chance to phone/text someone to arrange to meet up - not necessarily at 3.30am, but when she was a bit more awake - maybe when the alarm went off. Perhaps she used the rare opportunity of mum not being around to get a bit of freedom, which sadly could have gone very wrong. JMO.
The strictness of mom was concerning to me too, but seeing how she was going to be a cheerleader makes me think she would not miss school and run away. Unless the mom had pushed her into trying out for cheerleading and it was not really something she was wanting for herself. I was a hands on mom too when my daughter (my only child) was in school and even college, but I knew I had to trust her to make some decisions like that on her own and then supported her in them. Feels like there could be something going on here with GS and her mom that we are not hearing about "yet". Hope she is safe and comes home soon. My other thought about how strict her mom is with things like her phone, etc., was that GS has given her mom a reason to need to be strict. Just don't know though.

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