GUILTY SC - Grace Carlson-SantaCruz, 5 mos, Myrtle Beach, 3 Nov 2015

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I will say that this type of small creek/drainage ditch, which overflows with a heavy rainfall, when it goes back down, most times any trash, debris, even leaves will be left on the banks. If the baby was/is in there, I think she will eventually be found. I hope so, anyway.
I watched a report about this on the Nancy Grace show last night. First of all, it was astounding how clueless Nancy seemed to be about the details of this case. She kept harping on the mother stating that she "dropped her baby" in the water..... why would a mother get her child close enough to the water to drop her ??, Nancy kept asking. She also appeared to have no clue that the mother has had upwards of twenty arrests in the last 5 years and is an admitted drug user.

The one useful thing I did notice, was that the water flowing through this creek didn't appear to be all that fast moving and "raging", as has been reported. The video showed guys in rubber rafts and jon boats slowly paddling around as if they were out on a summer day in a city park. I guess there may have been a current of sorts, but they certainly didn't appear to be "fighting it". The water appeared to be fairly motionless for the most part. Since Nancy's information appears to be outdated, I have to assume the video may be from a day or two ago as well.

One of her guest stated that this "creek" was really not anything more than a drainage ditch, and usually only had a foot or two of water in it, and was dried up many times. I guess the silver lining in this cloud, if there is one, is that this little girls body may still be somewhere in that creek, seeing how many times there is a good amount of debri built up in those drainage ditches between storms. I'm sure they plan on searching every square foot of it until something comes to light.

Although there is a lot of healthy skepticism that maybe the mother might have done something else with her child, I think the odds of her being found alive are pretty slim. With all the heat that has come down on the mother in the last couple of days, if she knew this kid was alive and healthy somewhere, she'd be coughing that information up lickity split.

<BBM for Focus>

Steelman, many of my facebook friends are CUE searchers that are on the scene in Horry County. They have been posting photos of the swamps and other types of terrain they're facing during the search for Baby Grace in Horry County, SC. They're reporting flood conditions still left over from the recent monsoon rains, extremely muddy water, and swift currents in the creek.
In some of the swampy areas they said that it went from ankle deep water to chest high in one unlucky step...
The conditions they have been describing are miserable at best.. But, I do know that CUE has some of the most determined searchers and will give 100% in their search for Baby Grace...
Great post Firefox. To add to the discussion of the creek/drainage ditch. I live in the same region as Myrtle Beach. Don't underestimate the strength of the current in the swamps and creeks around there. Some of the video images are misleading. There has been minor flooding throughout the region all week and it is expected to get worse between now and next Monday. We've had a lot of rain recently and the area is still recovering from major flooding last month. If the weather clears and it stops raining inland, the swamp/creek should start drying up around the end of next week.

Also much of the debris that typically accumulates in those drainage ditches throughout the year, was washed out to sea when the major flooding occurred. The ditches were flushed out by the rushing water and channels were cut deeper then they used to be. (Of course, the floods also caused downed trees that have blocked some waterways.) IMO, It is very likely that poor little baby Grace was washed into the Intracoastal Waterway that first day.

ETA: Saw a comment on FB that they did block off the mouth of the creek to prevent anything from floating into the Waterway. Not sure when they put that damn in place, though.
Sarah Lane Toney was denied bond on the charge for which she was arrested Wednesday: unlawful conduct toward a child. She will remain incarcerated at the J. Reuben Long Detention Center. During the hearing, Toney said she went into the water with the baby, and couldn't hold on to her when the current sucked her in. She said that she did not intentionally put Baby Grace in danger. She did not explain why she was in the creek in the first place.
Toney's criminal history, specifically a domestic violence charge, and her record from Washington state. Toney said she does not have any money, so she is not a flight risk. Bond was denied based on her criminal history, and the on-going investigation into the disappearance of Toney's child.

Have we checked her record with the State of Washington, too?


I think there was something posted the other day. Maybe under the name of Sarah Lane Carlson. She also goes by Sarah Carlson-SantaCruz.
bbm....because she was HIGH.

Sarah Lane Toney was denied bond on the charge for which she was arrested Wednesday: unlawful conduct toward a child. She will remain incarcerated at the J. Reuben Long Detention Center. During the hearing, Toney said she went into the water with the baby, and couldn't hold on to her when the current sucked her in. She said that she did not intentionally put Baby Grace in danger. She did not explain why she was in the creek in the first place.
Have we checked her record with the State of Washington, too?

I was able to search court case records for Washington State. The only thing I found was some sort of lanlord-tenant dispute in Whatcom County in 2001.
This is one of those times when I think LE should encourage every private citizen that is willing and able to get out and walk along the banks of the creeks and waterways. The more eyes the better. The more distance covered the better. Bring your binoculars and your spotting scopes, time is of the essence here.
The sentencing guidelines for the current charges are basically wide open (ranging from "a fine" to "not more than 10 years in prison"). Based on the fact that she was denied bond, most likely tested positive for drugs, her sordid past criminal history, and that her actions most likely killed her child, she could potentially get the max here. I certainly hope so. Yes, I know I'm jumping the gun here, but I am sick and tired of missing babies!!!!
Sarah Lane Toney was denied bond on the charge for which she was arrested Wednesday: unlawful conduct toward a child. She will remain incarcerated at the J. Reuben Long Detention Center. During the hearing, Toney said she went into the water with the baby, and couldn't hold on to her when the current sucked her in. She said that she did not intentionally put Baby Grace in danger. She did not explain why she was in the creek in the first place.

Let's compare stories....ya' want to ??

Around 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Toney, claiming to be the infant's mother, came out of the water, knocked on the door of a home on Shem Creek Circle, and told the person living there that she had thrown the infant girl into the creek behind a house on Simms Drive, according to Lt. Denis. When police arrived at Simms Drive to investigate, Toney was home and was taken into custody. Lt. Denis confirmed on Wednesday that Toney's 9-year-old daughter was released to her biological father.

During the hearing, Toney said she went into the water with the baby, and couldn't hold on to her when the current sucked her in. She said that she did not intentionally put Baby Grace in danger. She did not explain why she was in the creek in the first place.

I believe the first account.......back before the haze lifted and she got a couple nights of drug free sleep.

This mother here is from Columbia SC, played this game of the baby is here or there, I left him with someone, someone took him, and she ended up with 10 years in jail for it. That is what needs to happen. You are in charge of what happens to your infant or toddler, if you 'lose' them, you need to be held responsible!
Has there been any mention of when someone else besides the mom last saw Baby Grace? She was arrested in March for DV, is that person (bio-dad maybe??) still living at the residence or been heard from?
Baby Grace has the bio-dad's last name. I'm not seeing a name for the person she was charged with DV against in March. There was a FB comment that bio-dad left Sarah while she was pregnant, but no other details of that relationship were given.
Oh no... sweet angel baby, rest in peace.
So heartbroken, yet thankful she has been recovered. Rest in Peace Baby Grace.

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