SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #11

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I think it is on page 9? I may be wrong. The father said she was picked up at 7, they went to dinner, drove around for Christmas lights and then the driving and he received it at 10pm. But, please correct me if I am wrong.

TY hockeymom4,I will look on page 9. IMHO isn't it possible that they had to wait for a table and spent the time waiting for a driving lesson, the little devices that alert you to your table being ready have a decent range. Pure speculation on my part. Also, not saying that I am in anyway right as to the time, just sleuthing what we can and hoping to help.
TY hockeymom4,I will look on page 9. IMHO isn't it possible that they had to wait for a table and spent the time waiting for a driving lesson, the little devices that alert you to your table being ready have a decent range. Pure speculation on my part. Also, not saying that I am in anyway right as to the time, just sleuthing what we can and hoping to help.

I welcome any speculation and sleuthing. That is what we are here for right, since none of us know the answers. It is possible that they did wait at the restaurant. The only thing that would then change, is the timeline. If he picked her up at 7pm, they went to dinner, drove around at looked at lights and then did the lesson, it wouldn't add up. Unless the timeline was communicated wrong and they actually went while waiting for a table as you stated. It is possible that the date cleared this up after the fact.
Yes, I've never bought that this kind of news would make her "upset" and tearful. And I would think instead of back and forth phone calls into the wee hours, he would have come to her home and made the announcement personally.

And the story changed when LE showed up...

So I continue to believe that the 'I left my wife and want to be with you' claim was a theatrical lure.


I think you're on to something here...
Just throwing a thought out there....IMO I get the feeling this wasn't the first time OM strayed....what I wonder and am dying to know is if LE has been in contact with any other ladies, other than HE obviously, that may have had relationships with OM.....

I also wonder if OMW had any contact with the ladies. IMO this wasn't his first rodeo.

I've also had both of those thoughts. Which is why when someone asks about a SK, I honestly can't say. I wouldn't be surprised, even if it wasn't them, that there is one here. But I could also see Heather's case being in the middle, an escalation or even the start of one.
I'd really like to know more about the crying on the phone. I don't think OM saying he was leaving OMW would evoke that kind of crying. I wonder what ELSE was discussed that hasn't been made public?

Without too much deep pondering about it, here area few scenarios:

OM calls HE and tells her he wants to be with her instead of OMW. Heather not prepared for this and is upset because he is pushy and insists on meeting up with her right then and she doesn't know how to deal with this sudden information since she no longer has an interest in him.

OM phones HE and is angry bc he heard through the grapevine that Heather had a date. His jealousy and anger scares and upsets Heather.

OM calls HE and tells her he and his wife just had a big blow-up and it is definitely over. HE hears OMW ranting about her in the background. OM wants to meet with Heather, saying he is leaving his house for good. HE tells him she is scared but he convinces her to meet him, promising nothing will happen to her while he is with her.
I agree. I am 90/10 on the whole leaving on her own idea. I think it would be possible to leave and run off to another state & possibly not be seen that early in the morning BUT not likely. I don't believe anything 100% yet bc there is no physical evidence that has been released to us (the public) I just hope LE is on top of OMM as much as TV cops who go & search the house/car/phone records. I assume you need a warrant but the last known contact should be enough right? I mean if OMM didnt do it let's prove it & move on up the next possible scenario. *wishful thinking*

I would think there was a good deal more to the exchanges between Heather and OMM than we are hearing. I think things escalated during those exchanges, or led to direct contact where things escalated. But I would not be surprised to discover that the phone contacts were not just about the claim that he had left the wife and wanted to be with her. As per the news article re: the police report, she “seemed like she was crying and upset” due to receiving a call..., (seemed??) and if you read the remarks of the roommate, she confirmed that much, but told the press she could not say more. Obviously she knows more about why Heather felt upset, which means LE knows it too.

I think any person who was the last known contact would be under LE's heavy watch unless the person is officially cleared, so I don't think LE has removed its gaze from OMM. Just my opinion.
regarding "burner phones" I do believe they show up asunknown number. My grandson got one of these and called me from it. It didn't show up on my caller id. I didn't answer my real phone so he tried my cell. It showed up as unknown there too. Finally he called from family phone & told me that was him calling & his new number. Don't know if the same for anyone else, but I wonder if there might be call from unknown number on her cell & don't know if LE can get further details??

That's why I posted that it was good she talked to the roommate. .. if the number doesn't show up, LE knows it was OM because of the time she spoke to her roommate. Plus, if he did call from a burner phone, it makes him look very guilty.
I would think that LE was able to check her phone records to see if she had any communicating apps on it and then be able to retrieve any info from them.
I would think that LE was able to check her phone records to see if she had any communicating apps on it and then be able to retrieve any info from them.

I dont believe that all IM app data is available. Some, once they are deleted off phone are untraceable. They are not stored on online servers or databanks

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
True, or on Snapchat, where texts and pics are automatically deleted in a short time after being received. Perfect for an unfaithful spouse on the go! Ugh.

While SnapChat photos disappear from the sending and receiving phones, they can be recovered from the company by LE. Their terms of use are very sketchy and a lot of moms I know have disallowed their children from using it.
I welcome any speculation and sleuthing. That is what we are here for right, since none of us know the answers. It is possible that they did wait at the restaurant. The only thing that would then change, is the timeline. If he picked her up at 7pm, they went to dinner, drove around at looked at lights and then did the lesson, it wouldn't add up. Unless the timeline was communicated wrong and they actually went while waiting for a table as you stated. It is possible that the date cleared this up after the fact.

I can picture picking her up at 7 and heading straight to dinner-know it was mexican but don't know where. Guessing maybe at restaurant in area. Over dinner catching up on all u missed,enjoying company.
by 9pm then figuring to head out & look at lights since dinner went well. As driving around Heather might have remarked I wish I could drive stick cuz my dad tried..
By 930pm he pulls over & sez I'll teach you. Having gr8 laughs over learning & bonding more.
Then at 10:05 PM (that's what watch looks like 2 me) pulling over & taking a shot to send to dad. Don't think she sent much info about any previos dates to dad so maybe a sign to dad that this one was a keeper
11pm both having such a good time & Heather doesn't want to go home. Maybe they pull over somewhere & just talk (PTL?) I've been known to talk for 4 hours IF I was having fun & didn't want to go home to an empty house. Maybe even necking or whatever (kids these days!)
Maybe while all this was going on they were being followed & whoever it was got jealous? Maybe Heather had another date AFTER this & decided to tell them never mind after she got home..
Then she calls up roomie/friend & gushes over date...maybe even tells someone else had a gr8 time causing them to be more jealous. Maybe then escalated further w/pleas/threats?? :moo:
While SnapChat photos disappear from the sending and receiving phones, they can be recovered from the company by LE. Their terms of use are very sketchy and a lot of moms I know have disallowed their children from using it.

Glad there is a way they can be retrieved. And happy to hear that the Moms are looking out!!
My thoughts on HE's disappearance:

Runaway: Probably not. I don't see her doing this without contacting her family by now.

Suicide: Possible, but not likely. Suicide victims usually kill themselves in a location that the body can be found.

Stranger Abduction: Possible, but no proof of it.

SS & BW involved: I don't think so. I feel that they have been totally cooperative with LE and the Elvis Family. Sadly, their lives are affected forever by this.

I believe that HE's disappearance was not a spontaneous act or the result of "things getting out of hand." It was a premeditated and planned dastardly act. It very well may have been two perps involved. She was contacted by the perp by text or phone either before or while she was talking with the room mate. The perp demanded a face-to-face meeting. HE may have not wanted the perp to know where she lived and agreed to meet him at the PTL since they probably met there before. The perp may not have wanted to meet her at her home also because (1) didn't want to chance being seen by anyone such as a neighbor, (2) didn't want to leave fingerprints or DNA in her apartment and (3) didn't want HE to have a chance to scream where someone could hear her. HE probably arrived at the PTL at around 3:30-3:40 am first and parked her car in a manner she could talk driver door to driver door not thinking she would be getting out of her car. The perp arrives with another perp either hiding in the backseat or possibly dropped off just before he arrived at the PTL. The appearance of the 2nd perp would have alerted HE that something evil was about to happen. Perp 1 pulls in and blocks HE's escape and after a brief chat either subdues HE or convinces her to leave with him. Perp 2 appears and HE is taken to their planned destination and dropped off-probably somewhere a few miles away from Myrtle Beach. The Perps now have HE's phone and around 6:00 am in an attempt to establish an alibi and throw off LE use her phone to call one of their phones. They may have even gone as far as to take HE's phone to PTL and make the call.

This is my HOO
I would think there was a good deal more to the exchanges between Heather and OMM than we are hearing. I think things escalated during those exchanges, or led to direct contact where things escalated. But I would not be surprised to discover that the phone contacts were not just about the claim that he had left the wife and wanted to be with her. As per the news article re: the police report, she “seemed like she was crying and upset” due to receiving a call..., (seemed??) and if you read the remarks of the roommate, she confirmed that much, but told the press she could not say more. Obviously she knows more about why Heather felt upset, which means LE knows it too.

I think any person who was the last known contact would be under LE's heavy watch unless the person is officially cleared, so I don't think LE has removed its gaze from OMM. Just my opinion.

BBM- I agree, there is much more to the exchanges between them.

One thought on why she may have been upset when he called. Could HE have been pregnant at some point during the relationship, and it was terminated. I don't want to go into explicit details, I think we could imagine under those circumstances, how hearing from him again could elicit certain raw emotions.

It could also explain the outlandish behavior of a certain someone, whom I shall not name.
We can't completely rule out the "hostage" or being held against her will scenario. I highly doubt it especially because of all of the horrible thoughts that cross your mind in those situations, but Elizabeth Smart and the women in Cleveland - those cases lasted for years :(

yes, but I think A Person desired her to be gone more than Another Person desired her as a sex slave.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Stumbled over this during a research project for HIPAA compliance and text messaging (SMS is not HIPAA compliant in most cases, but I digress):


This image was released via a post that disclosed a secret LE memo regarding wireless carriers, and what is/isn't retained.

Here is a link to the PDF file to the U.S. DOJ memo:

I am still searching for the original post, but it is referenced here:

and here:
Secret memo reveals which telecoms store your data the longest
America's biggest wireless providers are holding on to sensitive data about …

by David Kravets, Sept 28 2011, 9:10am PDT


The single-page Department of Justice document, “Retention Periods of Major Cellular Service Providers,” (PDF) is a guide for law enforcement agencies looking to get information—like customer IP addresses, call logs, text messages and web surfing habits—out of US telecom companies, including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon.

Verizon, for example, keeps a list of everyone you’ve exchanged text messages with for the past year, according to the document. But T-Mobile stores the same data up to five years. It’s 18 months for Sprint, and seven years for AT&T.

That makes Verizon appear to have the most privacy-friendly policy. Except that Verizon is alone in retaining the actual contents of text messages. It allegedly stores the messages for five days, while T-Mobile, AT&T, and Sprint don’t store them at all.

The biggest difference in retention surrounds so-called cell-site data. That is information detailing a phone’s movement history via its connections to mobile phone towers while it's traveling.

“I don’t think there there is anything on this list the government would concede requires a warrant,” said Kevin Bankston, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation

More @ Link

This article references the original article - I will edit / post once I can find it. These are interesting points to consider, as LE undoubtedly has a lot to go on by just accessing Heather's phone records and analyzing them. Granted, if she was with Verizon, they would've had more (text messages).

I have no doubt they are actively using all cell phone data as an investigative tool to rule others in/out. All it takes is a phone number......
My thoughts on HE's disappearance:

Runaway: Probably not. I don't see her doing this without contacting her family by now.

Suicide: Possible, but not likely. Suicide victims usually kill themselves in a location that the body can be found.

Stranger Abduction: Possible, but no proof of it.

SS & BW involved: I don't think so. I feel that they have been totally cooperative with LE and the Elvis Family. Sadly, their lives are affected forever by this.

I believe that HE's disappearance was not a spontaneous act or the result of "things getting out of hand." It was a premeditated and planned dastardly act. It very well may have been two perps involved. She was contacted by the perp by text or phone either before or while she was talking with the room mate. The perp demanded a face-to-face meeting. HE may have not wanted the perp to know where she lived and agreed to meet him at the PTL since they probably met there before. The perp may not have wanted to meet her at her home also because (1) didn't want to chance being seen by anyone such as a neighbor, (2) didn't want to leave fingerprints or DNA in her apartment and (3) didn't want HE to have a chance to scream where someone could hear her. HE probably arrived at the PTL at around 3:30-3:40 am first and parked her car in a manner she could talk driver door to driver door not thinking she would be getting out of her car. The perp arrives with another perp either hiding in the backseat or possibly dropped off just before he arrived at the PTL. The appearance of the 2nd perp would have alerted HE that something evil was about to happen. Perp 1 pulls in and blocks HE's escape and after a brief chat either subdues HE or convinces her to leave with him. Perp 2 appears and HE is taken to their planned destination and dropped off-probably somewhere a few miles away from Myrtle Beach. The Perps now have HE's phone and around 6:00 am in an attempt to establish an alibi and throw off LE use her phone to call one of their phones. They may have even gone as far as to take HE's phone to PTL and make the call.

This is my HOO

Luring someone, which is what I believe happened, would = the premeditated part of the equation. But I think something escalated as in I don't think Heather was easily brought on board with the contrived plan of the perpetrator.

The next question is what's the motive? I know it might seem obvious, but seriously, what is to be gained by killing her and why the willingness to risk such monumental consequences? Someone was extremely fearful or extremely angry.
My thoughts on HE's disappearance:

Runaway: Probably not. I don't see her doing this without contacting her family by now.

Suicide: Possible, but not likely. Suicide victims usually kill themselves in a location that the body can be found.

Stranger Abduction: Possible, but no proof of it.

SS & BW involved: I don't think so. I feel that they have been totally cooperative with LE and the Elvis Family. Sadly, their lives are affected forever by this.

I believe that HE's disappearance was not a spontaneous act or the result of "things getting out of hand." It was a premeditated and planned dastardly act. It very well may have been two perps involved. She was contacted by the perp by text or phone either before or while she was talking with the room mate. The perp demanded a face-to-face meeting. HE may have not wanted the perp to know where she lived and agreed to meet him at the PTL since they probably met there before. The perp may not have wanted to meet her at her home also because (1) didn't want to chance being seen by anyone such as a neighbor, (2) didn't want to leave fingerprints or DNA in her apartment and (3) didn't want HE to have a chance to scream where someone could hear her. HE probably arrived at the PTL at around 3:30-3:40 am first and parked her car in a manner she could talk driver door to driver door not thinking she would be getting out of her car. The perp arrives with another perp either hiding in the backseat or possibly dropped off just before he arrived at the PTL. The appearance of the 2nd perp would have alerted HE that something evil was about to happen. Perp 1 pulls in and blocks HE's escape and after a brief chat either subdues HE or convinces her to leave with him. Perp 2 appears and HE is taken to their planned destination and dropped off-probably somewhere a few miles away from Myrtle Beach. The Perps now have HE's phone and around 6:00 am in an attempt to establish an alibi and throw off LE use her phone to call one of their phones. They may have even gone as far as to take HE's phone to PTL and make the call.

This is my HOO

Interesting theory and certainly possible.

Anyone consider the possibility of an abduction from her home? I read previously that the dogs did not pick up any scent outside the car. Is it crazy to suggest the car was planted?

Not sure how search dogs work at all. What leaves behind a scent for a dog and how long does it stick around for?
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