SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #11

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I'm not sure what to make of LE's tight lips.

~Quote shortened for space and reading~

IMO - Myrtle Beach, Horry County, and surrounding areas have a history of keeping crime out of the media. I worked as a Paralegal the past few years and had to search through the prior days bookings. If I had to guess, I would say that less than 1% is actually reported, and even less is actually followed up on. It gets swept under the rug.
My :twocents:

I have family members who are right handed but wear their watch on the right because it's easier for them to read timing when they are target shooting.

still catching up so sorry if this has been suggested already IMO she wore her watch on the other hand so it didn't cover her tattoo.
Well, we'll see who thought they could pull this off.

Maybe we will. Something like half of all murders in US go unsolved...I am getting to be such a cynic, I know. But she needs to be found, or we may not ever see an arrest.
I don't recall when her roomie left for Florida-maybe this person was aware of date and knew this would be the perfect opportunity to lie in wait and exact revenge-or maybe Heather was followed for a while??
I don't know if Heather stopped at her house to pick up mail regularly,but wonder if she thot she was being followed might head home to let perp think she LIVED there.
Maybe she told somebody to meet her at her house or maybe she was good at avoiding perp and they knew they'd find her there?
I also mentioned B4 placing her in a fishing bait type of container for moving her.Since she was a petite lady that might be fairly easy..:moo:

maybe they saw her work schedule at TK and saw the roomie was gone for a few days and HE was on a date with a co worker...
Slightly O/T, but before my fiancé took his life; his ex wife would stalk me (and we lived over an hour apart).. She tried to lure me to meet with her at her house "to talk if you ever need to".. And she would call and text me obsessively throughout the early mornings. When he passed; she laughed and said "well at least now we both don't have him. It's a shame though I won't be getting my alimony". She was absolutely loony. She went as far as to create different pages to see who I was on SM. All this and she had children. She risked a lot with her actions; IMO. Women can really run high off emotions and not even think of the consequences.
Maybe we will. Something like half of all murders in US go unsolved...I am getting to be such a cynic, I know. But she needs to be found, or we may not ever see an arrest.

I think this one will be solved. I'm so sad for her and her family that she still hasn't been found but I think whoever did this was smart enough to plan and complete the crime and avoid consequences thus far, but I don't think that gift will keep on giving.
It is a lot to give up. But, irrational people don't think like that.

~Quote shortened for space and reading~

IMO - Myrtle Beach, Horry County, and surrounding areas have a history of keeping crime out of the media. I worked as a Paralegal the past few years and had to search through the prior days bookings. If I had to guess, I would say that less than 1% is actually reported, and even less is actually followed up on. It gets swept under the rug.

I'd agree,except 1 thing sticks in my mind. Her dad TE said something like police were friends,etc...Therefore if the family was known, I'd think they'd want to pull all stops out to help. And to get justice.
If it were any other tourist/missing person/serial killer maybe not so much because concerned about tourist dollars/publicity.
It seems to me they're overwhelmed and could certainly use bigger budgets to combat all these peoblems. If I had the governors ear (or was the press) I'd certainly be calling her out on funding:moo:
I think this one will be solved. I'm so sad for her and her family that she still hasn't been found but I think whoever did this was smart enough to plan and complete the crime and avoid consequences thus far, but I don't think that gift will keep on giving.

But she does need to be found for an arrest, IMO. Look at how many people here think it is at least possible she ran off. I do not think this is a case that would go forward without a body. JMO
Slightly O/T, but before my fiancé took his life; his ex wife would stalk me (and we lived over an hour apart).. She tried to lure me to meet with her at her house "to talk if you ever need to".. And she would call and text me obsessively throughout the early mornings. When he passed; she laughed and said "well at least now we both don't have him. It's a shame though I won't be getting my alimony". She was absolutely loony. She went as far as to create different pages to see who I was on SM. All this and she had children. She risked a lot with her actions; IMO. Women can really run high off emotions and not even think of the consequences.

I also think you have to have some serious arrogance to go there.

Arrogant and narcissistic people are often risk takers. That's different than a 'snapped' kind of crazy. I don't think anyone snapped here.
But she does need to be found for an arrest, IMO. Look at how many people here think it is at least possible she ran off. I do not think this is a case that would go forward without a body. JMO

I think she'll be found. Could be wrong but I think this is far from over.
My apologies if this is a repeat. I don't think this is Heather, but hope it's one of the 28 missing in SC.

Bones Found In Wooded Area Off Groce Rd. In Greenville Co.

Posted: Jan 23, 2014 7:40 PM
Updated: Jan 24, 2014 5:06 AM

According to reports the sheriff’s office has not yet made a determination as to the cause of death, the identity of the remains or the period of time in which they were located in the area. Further testing will need to be done to in order to confirm such details. Authorities are also waiting on those same tests, to determine the gender.


That's the area that Robert McCraffrey drove to the night his wife Gayle disappeared.
I'd agree,except 1 thing sticks in my mind. Her dad TE said something like police were friends,etc...Therefore if the family was known, I'd think they'd want to pull all stops out to help. And to get justice.
If it were any other tourist/missing person/serial killer maybe not so much because concerned about tourist dollars/publicity.
It seems to me they're overwhelmed and could certainly use bigger budgets to combat all these peoblems. If I had the governors ear (or was the press) I'd certainly be calling her out on funding:moo:

I agree that funding is a huge issue! Having seen where and how the majority of fines, fees, etc are handed down and distributed, and where the money is actually going, if I had the ear of the Governor I would put it to good use.

Unfortunatly, it's not the police that you need on your side around here when you want to get something out in the media/public. If you notice, the cases that make it to the papers and news around here usually have one name/office associated with those cases. That's the person/slush fund you want in your corner to get everything out there.
OT- Watching an old "Forensic files"...LE said people will kill for the most trivial of reasons...

Anyway...whether or not she is found, IMO, is not based on whether perp is smart or dumb...just lucky or unlucky. She hasn't been found in nearly six weeks. Random killers will often not waste a lot of time hiding a body, as they generally can't be connected to the victim. On he other hand, someone close to her is more likely, IMO, to try to hide the body, often so they can insinuate the victim "ran off". IMO she may or may not be found. If she is not, LE will be hard-pressed as to how to proceed.
I believe because of television and technology you have to have a pretty good case to convict someone in today's world. I still hear people say they think OJ, Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony were all innocent. Even with telephone pings and phone records, LE need to have much more physical evidence to move forward without a body. Every jury expects DNA (or close) to push the extreme limits on what is REASONABLE doubt. Reasonable should mean sensible and common sense should be used. If the circumstances make it impossible for anyone else to have committed a crime. They even place a very high value on eye witness testimony when it is one of the most unreliable of all, but do not like circumstantial. I wish they could obtain a SW on OM's living quarters but probably need more probable cause. I think LE are searching but also waiting for local and media pressure to get a response out of stress. This is a 20 year old girl. She is not going to go missing, there is no reason to. She likes her clothes, her makeup and her cell phone. She lives for her girl friends and her social media and taking a shower and going shopping. Be reasonable she didn't not leave of her own free will. OMM and OMW have lied to LE. People usually do not lie unless they are hiding something. It is difficult to continue questioning when people lawyer up. Appears there is family money involved, it might take LE some time on this one.IMO.
I also think you have to have some serious arrogance to go there.

Arrogant and narcissistic people are often risk takers. That's different than a 'snapped' kind of crazy. I don't think anyone snapped here.

Unfortunately I can relate there, too. I dated a narcissist after my fiancé... And wow. Did I ever learn a lot. It's scary what they'll do- when we normal people consider it to be bad- they don't see anything wrong with it. They lack empathy, guilt/shame, and have severe grandiose ideologies. He'd always say "I'm from another planet", and he was serious. I sure learned a lot, but he took a lot from me. Those people are psychic vampires. He got happy when people around him suffered- it was funny to him.
Stumbled over this during a research project for HIPAA compliance and text messaging (SMS is not HIPAA compliant in most cases, but I digress):


This image was released via a post that disclosed a secret LE memo regarding wireless carriers, and what is/isn't retained.

Here is a link to the PDF file to the U.S. DOJ memo:

I am still searching for the original post, but it is referenced here:

and here:
Secret memo reveals which telecoms store your data the longest
America's biggest wireless providers are holding on to sensitive data about …

by David Kravets, Sept 28 2011, 9:10am PDT


The single-page Department of Justice document, “Retention Periods of Major Cellular Service Providers,” (PDF) is a guide for law enforcement agencies looking to get information—like customer IP addresses, call logs, text messages and web surfing habits—out of US telecom companies, including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon.

Verizon, for example, keeps a list of everyone you’ve exchanged text messages with for the past year, according to the document. But T-Mobile stores the same data up to five years. It’s 18 months for Sprint, and seven years for AT&T.

That makes Verizon appear to have the most privacy-friendly policy. Except that Verizon is alone in retaining the actual contents of text messages. It allegedly stores the messages for five days, while T-Mobile, AT&T, and Sprint don’t store them at all.

The biggest difference in retention surrounds so-called cell-site data. That is information detailing a phone’s movement history via its connections to mobile phone towers while it's traveling.

“I don’t think there there is anything on this list the government would concede requires a warrant,” said Kevin Bankston, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation

More @ Link

This article references the original article - I will edit / post once I can find it. These are interesting points to consider, as LE undoubtedly has a lot to go on by just accessing Heather's phone records and analyzing them. Granted, if she was with Verizon, they would've had more (text messages).

I have no doubt they are actively using all cell phone data as an investigative tool to rule others in/out. All it takes is a phone number......

So, if I'm reading this correctly, and graphs and charts are not my forte so jump in please, if I'm not, this is good for personal freedom of T-Mobile subscribers, like myself, but not so good for HE, or other crime victims, as TM is not saving potentially useful info as Verizon and Sprint are (i.e. text content and ping information). Am I getting that right?
I wish we knew what evidence LE had, prints/dna in her car, detailed phone records and pings, camera pics of her car and the times, etc.

Also, with the shooting and car accident the morning of the 17th, that whole area was on lockdown. People with landlines were even receiving phone calls stating what roads were closed and for how long. I was at a friends house and she received a 2nd phone call (pre-recorded around 1 pm on the 17th) with an update of the closures at 707 and Brandymill subdivision. I know they made an immediate arrest, but the final suspect wasn't arrested until yesterday. I really wonder how Heather's car could have gotten to PTL (even if by way of 814) without passing a dash cam or two? I read in earlier heads the talks about cameras on the swing bridge and highway 31 - but what about dash cams? I'm sure that whole area was heavily patrolled for the next few days looking for these two.
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