SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #11

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I'm sorry and I understand that careless behavior doesn't justify death by the hand of somebody else.

Heather's tweet from February 4, 2013, has been bothering me all along but I hesitated to bring it up and figured other people read it as well.
Heather tweeted, "Long live chocolate, heroin and vodka".

This tweet seriously concerns me. People will probably say oh that's just what young people say these days but I disagree. I don't think all young people think that message is funny or cool. And if Heather really did use heroin, an overdose is all too common. Most of us are probably aware how deadly heroin can be.
Yesterday's dose may be completely different tomorrow - the drug is so fickle batch to batch.

The drug scenario has been on my list of choices as to what may have happened if not a murder. Someone is covering up if true though.

I agree with you. Young people shouldn't be saying this. If we as a society say this is okay and funny, we are making it acceptable. Young and older feel this is okay, because I have read comments on here to support this. I found some to be so disturbing. This one is concerning. How about the one where it is teaching you how to do something? That is funny?! I feel if it is not something you can discuss at the table at dinner, it shouldn't be on SM, a public one at that. I saw several comments about drugs that concerned me.

I am so conflicted on what to think happen at this point. I do know that if something happen to her, it wasn't her fault.
OT just watched a show on ID channel, case of Kiplyn Davis, in Utah...very depressing. Fifteen when she vanished, her father suspected a trio of boys from school but nothing could be proved. After fifteen years and some grand jury sessions, perjury charges against some of them , of them agreed to confess to manslaughter but said he is not the one who killed her so he does not know where her body is and has never told which of his friends did it. He got 15 years. No one else is saying a word. Disgusting and depressing. They are pretty sure the one who confessed is telling the truth, so whoever murdered her is just carrying in with their life. And she has never been found.

We're watching the same TV tonight. :(
I thought there were TWO suspects they were searching for?? Did I miss that somehow??Then that means 1 is still "missing"??

You are correct…sorry I thought they had caught the second one sometime in between dec 17-now. Missing suspect #3 is still on the lose according to todays newspaper….and his priors are disgusting, why he was even on the streets IDK! A father of 3 children was killed in the crash.

IMO - RSO's - one bullet, one cure!:tantrum:
Given the phone records and pings and the lie that was told, I have to think LE knows a lot about what's up here.

I hope the pressure is enough to motivate a betrayal by someone with knowledge of the crime, or who assisted in the crime, to give up information.
I interrupt your regularly scheduled thread for this brief message:

RE: HE scent not found outside HE's car.

I am now reporting back that while I am certain I read that there was no scent of HE found near her car at PTL on a linked article from here back at the beginning, I can no longer find any article, report, etc, that says such a thing. This may have been deleted, the article might have been updated, or the rays from outer space are destroying my brain.

But for now, unless someone has a link somewhere that says different, there is nothing official about tracking dogs or cadaver dogs NOT finding HE's scent around and/or going away from her car at PTL.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled thread.

I concur. There was definitely an article about LE having dogs at the car, but no scent at all was picked up.

It didn't specify what kind of dogs they used.
Even if Le gets married guy to admit he met Heather that night...he is bound to say he drove away first, she was fine, fiddling with phone or whatever. How can they prove otherwise? They probably have had his ping info for weeks now, possibly searched based on it. But even if he lied (again) about where he went after leaving her, for instance, not much LE can do with that either, unless they want to charge him with obstruction. People lie to police all the time. They can suspect him, but unless they find Heather and can tie him to the location or to her via forensics, they are in a bit of a bind. All IMO
I concur. There was definitely an article about LE having dogs at the car, but no scent at all was picked up.

It didn't specify what kind of dogs they used.

I read that scents can stick around for quite a bit in cooler temps and it doesn't take much to leave one. Since this wasn't long after the morning she went missing I can't imagine why the dogs didn't pick anything up unless the car was planted there.

Someone said they have evidence she drove the car there but wasn't able to back that claim I don't know. Odd.
I guess if she drove and got out into a car that was waiting for her (OM) there would only be that tiny bit of ground and no trail to follow her elsewhere?
Was re-reading HE Twitter. She makes a reference to OMM " building" things at her work place and her attraction to him. Forward to later that month, she is telling a friend that she is working at HOB that night but will definitely be stopping by after work to get something to eat because OMM will be there. Checking HOB schedules,that makes it a Friday or Sat NIGHT.

When was the last time that you know of a remodel company/ builder doing work after hours unless it was a call out for an emergency??? This Twitter post was days in advance, so in my mind not a call out for an emergency. But she knew OMM would be there. Was OMM there socially? I don't know many married men who's wives would find it just fine to be out on a weekend night alone until late hours.

Long live chocolate, heroin and vodka is a song.
@LisaE_Fan When you're totally rotten that nobody wants to be your friend.
Whether you live alone or in a withered couple
that your job is ******.


This poor kid. She's just reposting things, or retweeting them, it doesn't mean anything. Lyrics to songs, or random thoughts, not necessarily her own. I find her actual admissions of partying to be rare, a few times in what, a year? I think that's very normal for a girl her age. I see a very bright, hardworking, and funny kid.
Even if Le gets married guy to admit he met Heather that night...he is bound to say he drove away first, she was fine, fiddling with phone or whatever. How can they prove otherwise? They probably have had his ping info for weeks now, possibly searched based on it. But even if he lied (again) about where he went after leaving her, for instance, not much LE can do with that either, unless they want to charge him with obstruction. People lie to police all the time. They can suspect him, but unless they find Heather and can tie him to the location or to her via forensics, they are in a bit of a bind. All IMO

Yes, true, but I think this is a very messy relationship dynamic that has people having to cover tracks. If OM lied to the police early on and got caught in his own web already, let's hope he and others continue to make mistakes, or their arrogance makes them so confident they screw up, thinking they're covered.
Yes, true, but I think this is a very messy relationship dynamic that has people having to cover tracks. If OM lied to the police early on and got caught in his own web already, let's hope he and others continue to make mistakes, or their arrogance makes them so confident they screw up, thinking they're covered.

Yes these cases often take bits and pieces at a time. My hope is that the reason LE has been silent on this is because they are slowly building towards something.
Just a question as I do not know how the laws work in America. Say they don't have a body to go off of; or anything linking OM to her disappearance; what is the likelihood LE could attain a search warrant based on OM being the last to speak to HE? I'm just confused by that. I mean, hypothetically- what if she is inside OMs house? And a body never to be found? *scratches head*

Just a question as I do not know how the laws work in America. Say they don't have a body to go off of; or anything linking OM to her disappearance; what is the likelihood LE could attain a search warrant based on OM being the last to speak to HE? I'm just confused by that. I mean, hypothetically- what if she is inside OMs house? And a body never to be found? *scratches head*


The police need probable cause to search a house. What constitutes probable cause can vary from case to case but can be established through circumstantial evidence.
She may have just watched the movie and had it stuck in her head, people do it all the time.
God I would love to get my hands on Amber Bergiglia's (sp?) police report. Both working at TK (even at different times) may have run into the same group of people.
I read that scents can stick around for quite a bit in cooler temps and it doesn't take much to leave one. Since this wasn't long after the morning she went missing I can't imagine why the dogs didn't pick anything up unless the car was planted there.

Someone said they have evidence she drove the car there but wasn't able to back that claim I don't know. Odd.

I also read someone else stating there are different kinds of scent dogs,body dogs,tracking dogs,etc. If that certain type is used they only detect that certain type of scent to which they were trained.
Hopefully LE knows this and maybe they put out that story to throw any perps "off the scent",so to speak :moo:
If he spoke to her 6am, then lied about it...I think they have probably searched his house and vehicles by now. I would think that is probable cause, since no one spoke to her later. I know there were rumors of his property being searched. I can't imagine it wasn't. But I guess no one is releasing or digging up warrants. Maybe not allowed in SC.
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